#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = qw(. ../lib); $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { warn $_[0] if $DOWARN }; require "./test.pl"; require "./charset_tools.pl"; } $DOWARN = 1; # enable run-time warnings now use Config; plan( tests => 58 ); eval 'use v5.5.640'; is( $@, '', "use v5.5.640; $@"); require_ok('v5.5.640'); # printing characters should work if ($::IS_ASCII) { # ASCII is('ok ',v111.107.32,'ASCII printing characters'); # hash keys too $h{v111.107} = "ok"; is('ok',$h{v111.107},'ASCII hash keys'); } else { # EBCDIC is('ok ',v150.146.64,'EBCDIC printing characters'); # hash keys too $h{v150.146} = "ok"; is('ok',$h{v150.146},'EBCDIC hash keys'); } # poetry optimization should also sub v77 { "ok" } $x = v77; is('ok',$x,'poetry optimization'); # but not when dots are involved if ($::IS_ASCII) { # ASCII $x = v77.78.79; } else { $x = v212.213.214; } is($x, 'MNO','poetry optimization with dots'); is(v1.20.300.4000, "\x{1}\x{14}\x{12c}\x{fa0}",'compare embedded \x{} string'); # # now do the same without the "v" eval 'use 5.5.640'; is( $@, '', "use 5.5.640; $@"); require_ok('5.5.640'); # hash keys too if ($::IS_ASCII) { # ASCII $h{111.107.32} = "ok"; } else { $h{150.146.64} = "ok"; } is('ok',$h{ok },'hash keys w/o v'); if ($::IS_ASCII) { # ASCII $x = 77.78.79; } else { $x = 212.213.214; } is($x, 'MNO','poetry optimization with dots w/o v'); is(1.20.300.4000, "\x{1}\x{14}\x{12c}\x{fa0}",'compare embedded \x{} string w/o v'); # test sprintf("%vd"...) etc if ($::IS_ASCII) { # ASCII is(sprintf("%vd", "Perl"), '', 'ASCII sprintf("%vd", "Perl")'); } else { is(sprintf("%vd", "Perl"), '', 'EBCDIC sprintf("%vd", "Perl")'); } is(sprintf("%vd", v1.22.333.4444), '1.22.333.4444', 'sprintf("%vd", v1.22.333.4444)'); if ($::IS_ASCII) { # ASCII is(sprintf("%vx", "Perl"), '', 'ASCII sprintf("%vx", "Perl")'); } else { is(sprintf("%vx", "Perl"), 'd7.85.99.93', 'EBCDIC sprintf("%vx", "Perl")'); } is(sprintf("%vX", 1.22.333.4444), '1.16.14D.115C','ASCII sprintf("%vX", 1.22.333.4444)'); if ($::IS_ASCII) { # ASCII is(sprintf("%#*vo", ":", "Perl"), '0120:0145:0162:0154', 'ASCII sprintf("%vo", "Perl")'); } else { is(sprintf("%#*vo", ":", "Perl"), '0327:0205:0231:0223', 'EBCDIC sprintf("%vo", "Perl")'); } is(sprintf("%*vb", "##", v1.22.333.4444), '1##10110##101001101##1000101011100', 'sprintf("%vb", 1.22.333.4444)'); is(sprintf("%vd", join("", map { chr } unpack 'U*', pack('U*',2001,2002,2003))), '2001.2002.2003','unpack/pack U*'); { use bytes; if ($::IS_ASCII) { # ASCII is(sprintf("%vd", "Perl"), '', 'ASCII sprintf("%vd", "Perl") w/use bytes'); } else { is(sprintf("%vd", "Perl"), '', 'EBCDIC sprintf("%vd", "Perl") w/use bytes'); } if ($::IS_ASCII) { # ASCII is(sprintf("%vd", 1.22.333.4444), '', 'ASCII sprintf("%vd", v1.22.333.4444 w/use bytes'); } else { is(sprintf("%vd", 1.22.333.4444), '', 'EBCDIC sprintf("%vd", v1.22.333.4444 w/use bytes'); } if ($::IS_ASCII) { # ASCII is(sprintf("%vx", "Perl"), '', 'ASCII sprintf("%vx", "Perl")'); } else { is(sprintf("%vx", "Perl"), 'd7.85.99.93', 'EBCDIC sprintf("%vx", "Perl")'); } if ($::IS_ASCII) { # ASCII is(sprintf("%vX", v1.22.333.4444), '1.16.C5.8D.E1.85.9C', 'ASCII sprintf("%vX", v1.22.333.4444)'); } else { is(sprintf("%vX", v1.22.333.4444), '1.16.8E.54.BB.51.70', 'EBCDIC sprintf("%vX", v1.22.333.4444)'); } if ($::IS_ASCII) { # ASCII is(sprintf("%#*vo", ":", "Perl"), '0120:0145:0162:0154', 'ASCII sprintf("%#*vo", ":", "Perl")'); } else { is(sprintf("%#*vo", ":", "Perl"), '0327:0205:0231:0223', 'EBCDIC sprintf("%#*vo", ":", "Perl")'); } if ($::IS_ASCII) { # ASCII is(sprintf("%*vb", "##", v1.22.333.4444), '1##10110##11000101##10001101##11100001##10000101##10011100', 'ASCII sprintf("%*vb", "##", v1.22.333.4444)'); } else { is(sprintf("%*vb", "##", v1.22.333.4444), '1##10110##10001110##1010100##10111011##1010001##1110000', 'EBCDIC sprintf("%*vb", "##", v1.22.333.4444)'); } } { # bug id 20000323.056 is( "\x{41}", +v65, 'bug id 20000323.056'); is( "\x41", +v65, 'bug id 20000323.056'); is( "\x{c8}", +v200, 'bug id 20000323.056'); is( "\xc8", +v200, 'bug id 20000323.056'); is( "\x{221b}", +v8731, 'bug id 20000323.056'); } # See if the things Camel-III says are true: 29..33 # Chapter 2 pp67/68 my $vs = v1.20.300.4000; is($vs,"\x{1}\x{14}\x{12c}\x{fa0}","v-string ne \\x{}"); is($vs,chr(1).chr(20).chr(300).chr(4000),"v-string ne chr()"); is('foo',($::IS_EBCDIC ? v134.150.150 : v102.111.111),"v-string ne ''"); # Chapter 15, pp403 # See if sane addr and gethostbyaddr() work eval { require Socket; gethostbyaddr(v127.0.0.1, &Socket::AF_INET) }; if ($@) { # No - so do not test insane fails. $@ =~ s/\n/\n# /g; } SKIP: { skip("No Socket::AF_INET # $@") if $@; my $ip = v2004.148.0.1; my $host; eval { $host = gethostbyaddr($ip,&Socket::AF_INET) }; like($@, qr/Wide character/, "Non-bytes leak to gethostbyaddr"); } # Chapter 28, pp671 ok(v5.6.0 lt v5.7.0, "v5.6.0 lt v5.7.0"); # part of 20000323.059 is(v200, chr(200), "v200 eq chr(200)" ); is(v200, +v200, "v200 eq +v200" ); is(v200, eval( "v200"), 'v200 eq "v200"' ); is(v200, eval("+v200"), 'v200 eq eval("+v200")' ); # Tests for string/numeric value of $] itself my ($revision,$version,$subversion) = split /\./, sprintf("%vd",$^V); # $^V always displays the leading 'v' but we don't want that here $revision =~ s/^v//; print "# revision = '$revision'\n"; print "# version = '$version'\n"; print "# subversion = '$subversion'\n"; my $v = sprintf("%d.%.3d%.3d",$revision,$version,$subversion); print "# v = '$v'\n"; print "# ] = '$]'\n"; is( $v, "$]", qq{\$^V eq "\$]"}); $v = $revision + $version/1000 + $subversion/1000000; ok( abs($v - $]) < 10**-8 , "\$^V == \$] (numeric)" ); { no warnings 'deprecated'; # These are above IV_MAX on 32 bit machines # [ID 20010902.001] check if v-strings handle full UV range or not if ( $Config{'uvsize'} >= 4 ) { is( sprintf("%vd", eval 'v2147483647.2147483648'), '2147483647.2147483648', 'v-string > IV_MAX[32-bit]' ); is( sprintf("%vd", eval 'v3141592653'), '3141592653', 'IV_MAX < v-string < UV_MAX[32-bit]'); is( sprintf("%vd", eval 'v4294967295'), '4294967295', 'v-string == UV_MAX[32-bit] - 1'); } SKIP: { skip("No quads", 3) if $Config{uvsize} < 8; if ( $Config{'uvsize'} >= 8 ) { is( sprintf("%vd", eval 'v9223372036854775807.9223372036854775808'), '9223372036854775807.9223372036854775808', 'v-string > IV_MAX[64-bit]' ); is( sprintf("%vd", eval 'v17446744073709551615'), '17446744073709551615', 'IV_MAX < v-string < UV_MAX[64-bit]'); is( sprintf("%vd", eval 'v18446744073709551615'), '18446744073709551615', 'v-string == UV_MAX[64-bit] - 1'); } } } # Tests for magic v-strings $v = 1.2.3; is( ref(\$v), 'VSTRING', 'v-string objects' ); $v = v1.2_3; is( ref(\$v), 'VSTRING', 'v-string objects with v' ); is( sprintf("%vd", $v), '1.23', 'v-string ignores underscores' ); # [perl #16010] %h = (v65 => 42); ok( exists $h{v65}, "v-stringness is not engaged for vX" ); %h = (v65.66 => 42); ok( exists $h{chr(65).chr(66)}, "v-stringness is engaged for vX.Y" ); %h = (65.66.67 => 42); ok( exists $h{chr(65).chr(66).chr(67)}, "v-stringness is engaged for X.Y.Z" ); { local $|; $| = v0; $| = 1; --$|; --$|; is $|, 1, 'clobbering vstrings does not clobber all magic'; } $a = $::IS_EBCDIC ? v134 : v102; $a =~ s/f/f/; is ref \$a, 'SCALAR', 's/// flattens vstrings even when the subst results in the same value'; $a = $::IS_EBCDIC ? v134 : v102; $a =~ y/f/g/; is ref \$a, 'SCALAR', 'y/// flattens vstrings'; sub { $_[0] = v3; is ref \$h{nonexistent}, 'VSTRING', 'defelems can pass vstrings' } ->($h{nonexistent}); # The following tests whether v-strings are correctly # interpreted by the tokeniser when it's in a XTERMORDORDOR # state (fittingly, the only tokeniser state to contain the # word MORDOR). *{"\3"} = *DATA; is( (readline v3), "This is what we expect to see!\n", "v-strings even work in Mordor" ); __DATA__ This is what we expect to see!