#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = qw(../lib); } BEGIN { require "./test.pl"; } plan( tests => 54 ); # Used to segfault (bug #15479) fresh_perl_like( 'delete $::{STDERR}; my %a = ""', qr/Odd number of elements in hash assignment at - line 1\./, { switches => [ '-w' ] }, 'delete $::{STDERR} and print a warning', ); # Used to segfault fresh_perl_is( 'BEGIN { $::{"X::"} = 2 }', '', { switches => [ '-w' ] }, q(Insert a non-GV in a stash, under warnings 'once'), ); # Used to segfault, too SKIP: { skip_if_miniperl('requires XS'); fresh_perl_like( 'sub foo::bar{}; $mro::{get_mro}=*foo::bar; undef %foo::; require mro', qr/^Subroutine mro::get_mro redefined at /, { switches => [ '-w' ] }, q(Defining an XSUB over an existing sub with no stash under warnings), ); } # Used to warn # Unbalanced string table refcount: (1) for "A::" during global destruction. # for ithreads. { local $ENV{PERL_DESTRUCT_LEVEL} = 2; fresh_perl_is( 'package A::B; sub a { // }; %A::=""', '', {}, ); # Variant of the above which creates an object that persists until global # destruction, and triggers an assertion failure prior to change # a420522db95b7762 fresh_perl_is( 'use Exporter; package A; sub a { // }; delete $::{$_} for keys %::', '', {}, ); } # now tests with strictures { use strict; ok( !exists $pig::{bodine}, q(referencing a non-existent stash element doesn't produce stricture errors) ); } SKIP: { eval { require B; 1 } or skip "no B", 29; *b = \&B::svref_2object; my $CVf_ANON = B::CVf_ANON(); my $sub = do { package one; \&{"one"}; }; delete $one::{one}; my $gv = b($sub)->GV; object_ok( $gv, "B::GV", "deleted stash entry leaves CV with valid GV"); is( b($sub)->CvFLAGS & $CVf_ANON, $CVf_ANON, "...and CVf_ANON set"); is( eval { $gv->NAME }, "__ANON__", "...and an __ANON__ name"); is( eval { $gv->STASH->NAME }, "one", "...but leaves stash intact"); $sub = do { package two; \&{"two"}; }; %two:: = (); $gv = b($sub)->GV; object_ok( $gv, "B::GV", "cleared stash leaves CV with valid GV"); is( b($sub)->CvFLAGS & $CVf_ANON, $CVf_ANON, "...and CVf_ANON set"); is( eval { $gv->NAME }, "__ANON__", "...and an __ANON__ name"); is( eval { $gv->STASH->NAME }, "two", "...but leaves stash intact"); $sub = do { package three; \&{"three"}; }; undef %three::; $gv = b($sub)->GV; object_ok( $gv, "B::GV", "undefed stash leaves CV with valid GV"); is( b($sub)->CvFLAGS & $CVf_ANON, $CVf_ANON, "...and CVf_ANON set"); is( eval { $gv->NAME }, "__ANON__", "...and an __ANON__ name"); is( eval { $gv->STASH->NAME }, "__ANON__", "...and an __ANON__ stash"); my $sub = do { package four; sub { 1 }; }; %four:: = (); my $gv = B::svref_2object($sub)->GV; ok($gv->isa(q/B::GV/), "cleared stash leaves anon CV with valid GV"); my $st = eval { $gv->STASH->NAME }; is($st, q/four/, "...but leaves the stash intact"); my $sub = do { package five; sub { 1 }; }; undef %five::; $gv = B::svref_2object($sub)->GV; ok($gv->isa(q/B::GV/), "undefed stash leaves anon CV with valid GV"); $st = eval { $gv->STASH->NAME }; { local $TODO = 'STASHES not anonymized'; is($st, q/__ANON__/, "...and an __ANON__ stash"); } my $sub = do { package six; \&{"six"} }; my $stash_glob = delete $::{"six::"}; # Now free the GV while the stash still exists (though detached) delete $$stash_glob{"six"}; $gv = B::svref_2object($sub)->GV; ok($gv->isa(q/B::GV/), 'anonymised CV whose stash is detached still has a GV'); is $gv->STASH->NAME, '__ANON__', 'CV anonymised when its stash is detached becomes __ANON__::__ANON__'; # CvSTASH should be null on a named sub if the stash has been deleted { package FOO; sub foo {} my $rfoo = \&foo; package main; delete $::{'FOO::'}; my $cv = B::svref_2object($rfoo); # (is there a better way of testing for NULL ?) my $stash = $cv->STASH; like($stash, qr/B::SPECIAL/, "NULL CvSTASH on named sub"); } # on glob reassignment, orphaned CV should have anon CvGV { my $r; eval q[ package FOO2; sub f{}; $r = \&f; *f = sub {}; ]; delete $FOO2::{f}; my $cv = B::svref_2object($r); my $gv = $cv->GV; ok($gv->isa(q/B::GV/), "orphaned CV has valid GV"); is($gv->NAME, '__ANON__', "orphaned CV has anon GV"); } # deleting __ANON__ glob shouldn't break things { package FOO3; sub named {}; my $anon = sub {}; my $named = eval q[\&named]; package main; delete $FOO3::{named}; # make named anonymous delete $FOO3::{__ANON__}; # whoops! my ($cv,$gv); $cv = B::svref_2object($named); $gv = $cv->GV; ok($gv->isa(q/B::GV/), "ex-named CV has valid GV"); is($gv->NAME, '__ANON__', "ex-named CV has anon GV"); $cv = B::svref_2object($anon); $gv = $cv->GV; ok($gv->isa(q/B::GV/), "anon CV has valid GV"); is($gv->NAME, '__ANON__', "anon CV has anon GV"); } { my $r; { package bloop; BEGIN { $r = \&main::whack; } } my $br = B::svref_2object($r); is ($br->STASH->NAME, 'bloop', 'stub records the package it was compiled in'); # Arguably this shouldn't quite be here, but it's easy to add it # here, and tricky to figure out a different good place for it. like ($br->FILE, qr/stash/i, 'stub records the file it was compiled in'); # We need to take this reference "late", after the subroutine is # defined. $br = B::svref_2object(eval 'sub whack {}; \&whack'); die $@ if $@; is ($br->STASH->NAME, 'main', 'definition overrides the package it was compiled in'); like ($br->FILE, qr/eval/, 'definition overrides the file it was compiled in'); } } # [perl #58530] fresh_perl_is( 'sub foo { 1 }; use overload q/""/ => \&foo;' . 'delete $main::{foo}; bless []', "", {}, "no segfault with overload/deleted stash entry [#58530]", ); # make sure having a sub called __ANON__ doesn't confuse perl. { my $c; sub __ANON__ { $c = (caller(0))[3]; } __ANON__(); is ($c, 'main::__ANON__', '__ANON__ sub called ok'); } # Stashes that are effectively renamed { package rile; use Config; my $obj = bless []; my $globref = \*tat; # effectively rename a stash *slin:: = *rile::; *rile:: = *zor::; ::is *$globref, "*rile::tat", 'globs stringify the same way when stashes are moved'; ::is ref $obj, "rile", 'ref() returns the same thing when an object\'s stash is moved'; ::like "$obj", qr "^rile=ARRAY\(0x[\da-f]+\)\z", 'objects stringify the same way when their stashes are moved'; ::is eval '__PACKAGE__', 'rile', '__PACKAGE__ returns the same when the current stash is moved'; # Now detach it completely from the symtab, making it effect- # ively anonymous my $life_raft = \%slin::; *slin:: = *zor::; ::is *$globref, "*rile::tat", 'globs stringify the same way when stashes are detached'; ::is ref $obj, "rile", 'ref() returns the same thing when an object\'s stash is detached'; ::like "$obj", qr "^rile=ARRAY\(0x[\da-f]+\)\z", 'objects stringify the same way when their stashes are detached'; ::is eval '__PACKAGE__', 'rile', '__PACKAGE__ returns the same when the current stash is detached'; } # Setting the name during undef %stash:: should have no effect. { my $glob = \*Phoo::glob; sub o::DESTROY { eval '++$Phoo::bar' } no strict 'refs'; ${"Phoo::thing1"} = bless [], "o"; undef %Phoo::; is "$$glob", "*__ANON__::glob", "setting stash name during undef has no effect"; } # [perl #88134] incorrect package structure { package Bear::; sub baz{1} package main; ok eval { Bear::::baz() }, 'packages ending with :: are self-consistent'; } # [perl #88138] ' not equivalent to :: before a null ${"a'\0b"} = "c"; is ${"a::\0b"}, "c", "' is equivalent to :: before a null"; # [perl #101486] Clobbering the current package ok eval ' package Do; BEGIN { *Do:: = *Re:: } sub foo{}; 1 ', 'no crashing or errors when clobbering the current package'; # Bareword lookup should not vivify stashes is runperl( prog => 'sub foo { print shift, qq-\n- } SUPER::foo bar if 0; foo SUPER', stderr => 1, ), "SUPER\n", 'bareword lookup does not vivify stashes'; is runperl( prog => '%0; *bar::=*foo::=0; print qq|ok\n|', stderr => 1, ), "ok\n", '[perl #123847] no crash from *foo::=*bar::=*glob_with_hash'; is runperl( prog => '%h; *::::::=*h; delete $::{q|::|}; print qq|ok\n|', stderr => 1, ), "ok\n", '[perl #128086] no crash from assigning hash to *:::::: & deleting it'; is runperl( prog => 'BEGIN { %: = 0; $^W=1}; print qq|ok\n|', stderr => 1, ), "ok\n", "[perl #128238] don't treat %: as a stash (needs 2 colons)"; is runperl( prog => 'BEGIN { $::{q|foo::|}=*ENV; $^W=1}; print qq|ok\n|', stderr => 1, ), "ok\n", "[perl #128238] non-stashes in stashes";