#!perl -w # We assume that TestInit has been used. BEGIN { require './test.pl'; } use strict; use Config; plan tests => 26; watchdog(15); $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "Alarm!\n"; }; pass('before the first loop'); alarm 2; eval { 1 while 1; }; is($@, "Alarm!\n", 'after the first loop'); pass('before the second loop'); alarm 2; eval { while (1) { } }; is($@, "Alarm!\n", 'after the second loop'); SKIP: { skip('We can\'t test blocking without sigprocmask', 17) if is_miniperl() || !$Config{d_sigprocmask}; skip('This doesn\'t work on $^O threaded builds RT#88814', 17) if $^O =~ /openbsd|cygwin/ && $Config{useithreads}; require POSIX; my $pending = POSIX::SigSet->new(); is POSIX::sigpending($pending), '0 but true', 'sigpending'; is $pending->ismember(&POSIX::SIGUSR1), 0, 'SIGUSR1 is not pending'; my $new = POSIX::SigSet->new(&POSIX::SIGUSR1); POSIX::sigprocmask(&POSIX::SIG_BLOCK, $new); my $gotit = 0; $SIG{USR1} = sub { $gotit++ }; kill 'SIGUSR1', $$; is $gotit, 0, 'Haven\'t received third signal yet'; diag "2nd sigpending crashes on cygwin" if $^O eq 'cygwin'; is POSIX::sigpending($pending), '0 but true', 'sigpending'; is $pending->ismember(&POSIX::SIGUSR1), 1, 'SIGUSR1 is pending'; my $old = POSIX::SigSet->new(); POSIX::sigsuspend($old); is $gotit, 1, 'Received third signal'; is POSIX::sigpending($pending), '0 but true', 'sigpending'; is $pending->ismember(&POSIX::SIGUSR1), 0, 'SIGUSR1 is no longer pending'; { kill 'SIGUSR1', $$; local $SIG{USR1} = sub { die "FAIL\n" }; POSIX::sigprocmask(&POSIX::SIG_BLOCK, undef, $old); ok $old->ismember(&POSIX::SIGUSR1), 'SIGUSR1 is blocked'; eval { POSIX::sigsuspend(POSIX::SigSet->new) }; is $@, "FAIL\n", 'Exception is thrown, so received fourth signal'; POSIX::sigprocmask(&POSIX::SIG_BLOCK, undef, $old); TODO: { local $::TODO = "Needs investigation" if $^O eq 'VMS'; ok $old->ismember(&POSIX::SIGUSR1), 'SIGUSR1 is still blocked'; } } POSIX::sigprocmask(&POSIX::SIG_BLOCK, $new); kill 'SIGUSR1', $$; is $gotit, 1, 'Haven\'t received fifth signal yet'; POSIX::sigprocmask(&POSIX::SIG_UNBLOCK, $new, $old); ok $old->ismember(&POSIX::SIGUSR1), 'SIGUSR1 was still blocked'; is $gotit, 2, 'Received fifth signal'; # test unsafe signal handlers in combination with exceptions my $action = POSIX::SigAction->new(sub { $gotit--, die }, POSIX::SigSet->new, 0); POSIX::sigaction(&POSIX::SIGALRM, $action); eval { alarm 1; my $set = POSIX::SigSet->new; POSIX::sigprocmask(&POSIX::SIG_BLOCK, undef, $set); is $set->ismember(&POSIX::SIGALRM), 0, "SIGALRM is not blocked on attempt $_"; POSIX::sigsuspend($set); } for 1..2; is $gotit, 0, 'Received both signals'; } SKIP: { skip("alarm cannot interrupt blocking system calls on $^O", 2) if $^O =~ /MSWin32|cygwin|VMS/; # RT #88774 # make sure the signal handler's called in an eval block *before* # the eval is popped $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { die "HANDLER CALLED\n" }; eval { alarm(2); select(undef,undef,undef,10); }; alarm(0); is($@, "HANDLER CALLED\n", 'block eval'); eval q{ alarm(2); select(undef,undef,undef,10); }; alarm(0); is($@, "HANDLER CALLED\n", 'string eval'); } eval { $SIG{"__WARN__\0"} = sub { 1 } }; like $@, qr/No such hook: __WARN__\\0 at/, q!Fetching %SIG hooks with an extra trailing nul is nul-clean!; eval { $SIG{"__DIE__\0whoops"} = sub { 1 } }; like $@, qr/No such hook: __DIE__\\0whoops at/; { use warnings; my $w; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w = shift }; $SIG{"KILL\0"} = sub { 1 }; like $w, qr/No such signal: SIGKILL\\0 at/, 'Arbitrary signal lookup through %SIG is clean'; }