#!perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; require './test.pl'; set_up_inc( qw(../lib) ); } use strict; use warnings; plan(tests => 54); my $nonfile = tempfile(); # The tests for ' ' and '.h' never did fail, but previously the error reporting # code would read memory before the start of the SV's buffer for my $file ($nonfile, ' ') { eval { require $file; }; like $@, qr/^Can't locate $file in \@INC \(\@INC contains: @INC\) at/, "correct error message for require '$file'"; } # Check that the "(you may need to install..) hint is included in the # error message where (and only where) appropriate. # # Basically the hint should be issued for any filename where converting # back from Foo/Bar.pm to Foo::Bar gives you a legal bare word which could # follow "require" in source code. { # may be any letter of an identifier my $I = "\x{393}"; # "\N{GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA}" # Continuation char: may only be 2nd+ letter of an identifier my $C = "\x{387}"; # "\N{GREEK ANO TELEIA}" for my $test_data ( # thing to require pathname in err mesg err includes hint? [ "No::Such::Module1", "No/Such/Module1.pm", 1 ], [ "'No/Such/Module1.pm'", "No/Such/Module1.pm", 1 ], [ "_No::Such::Module1", "_No/Such/Module1.pm", 1 ], [ "'_No/Such/Module1.pm'", "_No/Such/Module1.pm", 1 ], [ "'No/Such./Module.pm'", "No/Such./Module.pm", 0 ], [ "No::1Such::Module", "No/1Such/Module.pm", 1 ], [ "'No/1Such/Module.pm'", "No/1Such/Module.pm", 1 ], [ "1No::Such::Module", undef, 0 ], [ "'1No/Such/Module.pm'", "1No/Such/Module.pm", 0 ], # utf8 variants [ "No::Such${I}::Module1", "No/Such${I}/Module1.pm", 1 ], [ "'No/Such${I}/Module1.pm'", "No/Such${I}/Module1.pm", 1 ], [ "_No::Such${I}::Module1", "_No/Such${I}/Module1.pm", 1 ], [ "'_No/Such${I}/Module1.pm'", "_No/Such${I}/Module1.pm", 1 ], [ "'No/Such${I}./Module.pm'", "No/Such${I}./Module.pm", 0 ], [ "No::1Such${I}::Module", "No/1Such${I}/Module.pm", 1 ], [ "'No/1Such${I}/Module.pm'", "No/1Such${I}/Module.pm", 1 ], [ "1No::Such${I}::Module", undef, 0 ], [ "'1No/Such${I}/Module.pm'", "1No/Such${I}/Module.pm", 0 ], # utf8 with continuation char in 1st position [ "No::${C}Such::Module1", undef, 0 ], [ "'No/${C}Such/Module1.pm'", "No/${C}Such/Module1.pm", 0 ], [ "_No::${C}Such::Module1", undef, 0 ], [ "'_No/${C}Such/Module1.pm'", "_No/${C}Such/Module1.pm", 0 ], [ "'No/${C}Such./Module.pm'", "No/${C}Such./Module.pm", 0 ], [ "No::${C}1Such::Module", undef, 0 ], [ "'No/${C}1Such/Module.pm'", "No/${C}1Such/Module.pm", 0 ], [ "1No::${C}Such::Module", undef, 0 ], [ "'1No/${C}Such/Module.pm'", "1No/${C}Such/Module.pm", 0 ], ) { my ($require_arg, $err_path, $has_hint) = @$test_data; my $exp; if (defined $err_path) { $exp = "Can't locate $err_path in \@INC"; if ($has_hint) { my $hint = $err_path; $hint =~ s{/}{::}g; $hint =~ s/\.pm$//; $exp .= " (you may need to install the $hint module)"; } $exp .= " (\@INC contains: @INC) at"; } else { # undef implies a require which doesn't compile, # rather than one which triggers a run-time error. # We'll set exp to a suitable value later; $exp = ""; } my $err; { no warnings qw(syntax utf8); if ($require_arg =~ /[^\x00-\xff]/) { eval "require $require_arg"; $err = $@; utf8::decode($err); } else { eval "require $require_arg"; $err = $@; } } for ($err, $exp, $require_arg) { s/([^\x00-\xff])/sprintf"\\x{%x}",ord($1)/ge; } if (length $exp) { $exp = qr/^\Q$exp\E/; } else { $exp = qr/syntax error at|Unrecognized character/; } like $err, $exp, "err for require $require_arg"; } } eval "require ::$nonfile"; like $@, qr/^Bareword in require must not start with a double-colon:/, "correct error message for require ::$nonfile"; eval { require "$nonfile.ph"; }; like $@, qr/^Can't locate $nonfile\.ph in \@INC \(did you run h2ph\?\) \(\@INC contains: @INC\) at/; for my $file ("$nonfile.h", ".h") { eval { require $file }; like $@, qr/^Can't locate \Q$file\E in \@INC \(change \.h to \.ph maybe\?\) \(did you run h2ph\?\) \(\@INC contains: @INC\) at/, "correct error message for require '$file'"; } for my $file ("$nonfile.ph", ".ph") { eval { require $file }; like $@, qr/^Can't locate \Q$file\E in \@INC \(did you run h2ph\?\) \(\@INC contains: @INC\) at/, "correct error message for require '$file'"; } eval 'require '; like $@, qr/^<> at require-statement should be quotes at /, 'require <> error'; my $module = tempfile(); my $mod_file = "$module.pm"; open my $module_fh, ">", $mod_file or die $!; print { $module_fh } "print 1; 1;\n"; close $module_fh; chmod 0333, $mod_file; SKIP: { skip_if_miniperl("these modules may not be available to miniperl", 2); push @INC, '../lib'; require Cwd; require File::Spec::Functions; if ($^O eq 'cygwin') { require Win32; } # Going to try to switch away from root. Might not work. # (stolen from t/op/stat.t) my $olduid = $>; eval { $> = 1; }; skip "Can't test permissions meaningfully if you're superuser", 2 if ($^O eq 'cygwin' ? Win32::IsAdminUser() : $> == 0); local @INC = "."; eval "use $module"; like $@, qr<^\QCan't locate $mod_file:>, "special error message if the file exists but can't be opened"; SKIP: { skip "Can't make the path absolute", 1 if !defined(Cwd::getcwd()); my $file = File::Spec::Functions::catfile(Cwd::getcwd(), $mod_file); eval { require($file); }; like $@, qr<^\QCan't locate $file:>, "...even if we use a full path"; } # switch uid back (may not be implemented) eval { $> = $olduid; }; } 1 while unlink $mod_file; # I can't see how to test the EMFILE case # I can't see how to test the case of not displaying @INC in the message. # (and does that only happen on VMS?) # fail and print the full filename eval { no warnings 'syscalls'; require "strict.pm\0invalid"; }; like $@, qr/^Can't locate strict\.pm\\0invalid: /, 'require nul check [perl #117265]'; { my $WARN; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $WARN = shift }; { my $ret = do "strict.pm\0invalid"; my $exc = $@; my $err = $!; is $ret, undef, 'do nulstring returns undef'; is $exc, '', 'do nulstring clears $@'; $! = $err; ok $!{ENOENT}, 'do nulstring fails with ENOENT'; like $WARN, qr{^Invalid \\0 character in pathname for do: strict\.pm\\0invalid at }, 'do nulstring warning'; } $WARN = ''; eval { require "strict.pm\0invalid"; }; like $WARN, qr{^Invalid \\0 character in pathname for require: strict\.pm\\0invalid at }, 'nul warning'; like $@, qr{^Can't locate strict\.pm\\0invalid: }, 'nul error'; $WARN = ''; local @INC = @INC; set_up_inc( "lib\0invalid" ); eval { require "unknown.pm" }; like $WARN, qr{^Invalid \\0 character in \@INC entry for require: lib\\0invalid at }, 'nul warning'; } eval "require strict\0::invalid;"; like $@, qr/^syntax error at \(eval \d+\) line 1/, 'parse error with \0 in barewords module names'; # Refs and globs that stringify with embedded nulls # These crashed from 5.20 to 5.24 [perl #128182]. eval { no warnings 'syscalls'; require eval "qr/\0/" }; like $@, qr/^Can't locate \(\?\^:\\0\):/, 'require ref that stringifies with embedded null'; eval { no strict; no warnings 'syscalls'; require *{"\0a"} }; like $@, qr/^Can't locate \*main::\\0a:/, 'require ref that stringifies with embedded null'; eval { require undef }; like $@, qr/^Missing or undefined argument to require /; eval { do undef }; like $@, qr/^Missing or undefined argument to do /; eval { require "" }; like $@, qr/^Missing or undefined argument to require /; eval { do "" }; like $@, qr/^Missing or undefined argument to do /; # non-searchable pathnames shouldn't mention @INC in the error my $nonsearch = "./no_such_file.pm"; eval "require \"$nonsearch\""; like $@, qr/^Can't locate \Q$nonsearch\E at/, "correct error message for require $nonsearch";