#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; require './test.pl'; set_up_inc('../lib'); } plan tests => 32; # [perl #19566]: sv_gets writes directly to its argument via # TARG. Test that we respect SvREADONLY. use constant roref => \2; eval { for (roref) { $_ = } }; like($@, qr/Modification of a read-only value attempted/, '[perl #19566]'); # [perl #21628] { my $file = tempfile(); open A,'+>',$file; $a = 3; is($a .= , 3, '#21628 - $a .= , A eof'); close A; $a = 4; is($a .= , 4, '#21628 - $a .= , A closed'); } # [perl #21614]: 82 is chosen to exceed the length for sv_grow in # do_readline (80) foreach my $k (1, 82) { my $result = runperl (stdin => '', stderr => 1, prog => "\$x = q(k) x $k; \$a{\$x} = qw(v); \$_ = <> foreach keys %a; print qw(end)", ); $result =~ s/\n\z// if $^O eq 'VMS'; is ($result, "end", '[perl #21614] for length ' . length('k' x $k)); } foreach my $k (1, 21) { my $result = runperl (stdin => ' rules', stderr => 1, prog => "\$x = q(perl) x $k; \$a{\$x} = q(v); foreach (keys %a) {\$_ .= <>; print}", ); $result =~ s/\n\z// if $^O eq 'VMS'; is ($result, ('perl' x $k) . " rules", 'rcatline to shared sv for length ' . length('perl' x $k)); } foreach my $l (1, 82) { my $k = $l; $k = 'k' x $k; my $copy = $k; $k = ; is ($k, "moo\n", 'catline to COW sv for length ' . length $copy); } foreach my $l (1, 21) { my $k = $l; $k = 'perl' x $k; my $perl = $k; $k .= ; is ($k, "$perl rules\n", 'rcatline to COW sv for length ' . length $perl); } use strict; open F, '.' and binmode F and sysread F, $_, 1; my $err = $! + 0; close F; SKIP: { skip "you can read directories as plain files", 2 unless( $err ); $!=0; open F, '.' and $_=; ok( $!==$err && !defined($_) => 'readline( DIRECTORY )' ); close F; $!=0; { local $/; open F, '.' and $_=; ok( $!==$err && !defined($_) => 'readline( DIRECTORY ) slurp mode' ); close F; } } fresh_perl_is('BEGIN{<>}', '', { switches => ['-w'], stdin => '', stderr => 1 }, 'No ARGVOUT used only once warning'); fresh_perl_is('print readline', 'foo', { switches => ['-w'], stdin => 'foo', stderr => 1 }, 'readline() defaults to *ARGV'); # [perl #72720] Test that sv_gets clears any variables that should be # empty so if the read() aborts with EINTER, the TARG is actually # cleared. sub test_eintr_readline { my ( $fh, $timeout ) = @_; # This variable, the TARG for the readline is the core of this # test. The test is to see that after a my() and a failure in # readline() has the variable revived old, "dead" values from the # past or is it still undef like expected. my $line; # Do a readline into $line. if ( $timeout ) { # Do a SIGALARM aborted readline(). The underlying sv_gets() # from sv.c will use the syscall read() while will exit early # and return something like EINTR or ERESTARTSYS. my $timed_out; my $errno; eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { $timed_out = 1; die 'abort this timeout'; }; alarm $timeout; undef $!; $line = readline $fh; $errno = $!; alarm 0; }; # The code should have timed out. if ( ! $timed_out ) { warn $@ ? "$@: $errno\n" : "Interrupted readline() test couldn't get interrupted: $errno"; } } else { $line = readline $fh; } return $line; } SKIP: { # Connect two handles together. my ( $in, $out ); my $piped; eval { pipe $in, $out; $piped = 1; }; if ( ! $piped ) { skip( 2, 'The pipe function is unimplemented' ); } binmode $out; binmode $in; # Make the pipe autoflushing { my $old_fh = select $out; $| = 1; select $old_fh; } # Only one line is loaded into the pipe. It's written unbuffered # so I'm confident it'll not be buffered. syswrite $out, "once\n"; # Buggy perls will return the last thing successfully # returned. Buggy perls will return "once\n" a second (and # "infinitely" if we desired) as long as the internal read() # syscall fails. In our case, it fails because the inner my($line) # retains all its allocated space and buggy perl sets SvPOK to # make the value valid but before it starts read(). my $once = test_eintr_readline( $in, 0 ); is( $once, "once\n", "readline read first line ok" ); my $twice; TODO: { todo_skip( 'alarm() on Windows does not interrupt system calls' ) if $^O eq 'MSWin32'; todo_skip( 'readline not interrupted by alarm on VMS -- why?' ) if $^O eq 'VMS'; $twice = test_eintr_readline( $in, 1 ); isnt( $twice, "once\n", "readline didn't re-return things when interrupted" ); } TODO: { todo_skip( 'alarm() on Windows does not interrupt system calls' ) if $^O eq 'MSWin32'; todo_skip( 'readline not interrupted by alarm on VMS -- why?' ) if $^O eq 'VMS'; local our $TODO = "bad readline returns '', not undef"; is( $twice, undef, "readline returned undef when interrupted" ); } } { my $line = 'ascii'; my ( $in, $out ); pipe $in, $out; binmode $in; binmode $out; syswrite $out, "...\n"; $line .= readline $in; is( $line, "ascii...\n", 'Appending from ascii to ascii' ); } { my $line = "\x{2080} utf8"; my ( $in, $out ); pipe $in, $out; binmode $out; binmode $in; syswrite $out, "...\n"; $line .= readline $in; is( $line, "\x{2080} utf8...\n", 'Appending from ascii to utf8' ); } { my $line = 'ascii'; my ( $in, $out ); pipe $in, $out; binmode $out; binmode $in, ':utf8'; syswrite $out, "...\n"; $line .= readline $in; is( $line, "ascii...\n", 'Appending from utf8 to ascii' ); } { my $line = "\x{2080} utf8";; my ( $in, $out ); pipe $in, $out; binmode $out; binmode $in, ':utf8'; my $outdata = "\x{2080}...\n"; utf8::encode($outdata); syswrite $out, $outdata; $line .= readline $in; is( $line, "\x{2080} utf8\x{2080}...\n", 'appending from utf to utf8' ); } my $obj = bless []; $obj .= ; like($obj, qr/main=ARRAY.*world/, 'rcatline and refs'); # bug #38631 require Tie::Scalar; tie our $one, 'Tie::StdScalar', "A: "; tie our $two, 'Tie::StdScalar', "B: "; my $junk = $one; $one .= ; $two .= ; is( $one, "A: One\n", "rcatline works with tied scalars" ); is( $two, "B: Two\n", "rcatline works with tied scalars" ); # mentioned in bug #97482 # <$foo> versus readline($foo) should not affect vivification. my $yunk = "brumbo"; if (exists $::{$yunk}) { die "Name $yunk already used. Please adjust this test." } <$yunk>; ok !defined *$yunk, '<> does not autovivify'; readline($yunk); ok !defined *$yunk, "readline does not autovivify"; # [perl #97988] PL_last_in_gv could end up pointing to junk. # Now glob copies set PL_last_in_gv to null when unglobbed. open *foom,'test.pl'; my %f; $f{g} = *foom; readline $f{g}; $f{g} = 3; # PL_last_in_gv should be cleared now is tell, -1, 'tell returns -1 after last gv is unglobbed'; $f{g} = *foom; # since PL_last_in_gv is null, this should have no effect is tell, -1, 'unglobbery of last gv nullifies PL_last_in_gv'; readline *{$f{g}}; is tell, tell *foom, 'readline *$glob_copy sets PL_last_in_gv'; # PL_last_in_gv should not point to &PL_sv_undef, either. # This used to fail an assertion or return a scalar ref. readline undef; is ${^LAST_FH}, undef, '${^LAST_FH} after readline undef'; { my $w; local($SIG{__WARN__},$^W) = (sub { $w .= shift }, 1); *x=; like $w, qr/^readline\(\) on unopened filehandle y at .*\n(?x: )Undefined value assigned to typeglob at .*\n\z/, '[perl #123790] *x= used to fail an assertion'; } __DATA__ moo moo rules rules world One Two