#!perl use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; require './test.pl'; } plan(tests => 10); { no warnings 'deprecated'; print <<; # Yow! ok 1 # previous line intentionally left blank. my $yow = "ok 2"; print <<; # Yow! $yow # previous line intentionally left blank. } curr_test(3); { my %foo = (aap => "monkey"); my $foo = ''; is("@{[$foo{'aap'}]}", 'monkey', 'interpolation of hash lookup with space between lexical variable and subscript'); is("@{[$foo {'aap'}]}", 'monkey', 'interpolation of hash lookup with space between lexical variable and subscript - test for [perl #70091]'); # Original bug report [perl #70091] # #!perl # use warnings; # my %foo; # my $foo = ''; # (my $tmp = $foo) =~ s/^/$foo {$0}/e; # __END__ # # This program causes a segfault with 5.10.0 and 5.10.1. # # The space between '$foo' and '{' is essential, which is why piping # it through perl -MO=Deparse "fixes" it. # } { delete local $ENV{PERL_UNICODE}; fresh_perl_is( 'BEGIN{ ++$_ for @INC{"charnames.pm","_charnames.pm"} } "\N{a}"', 'Constant(\N{a}) unknown at - line 1, within string' . "\n" ."Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors.\n", { stderr => 1 }, 'correct output (and no crash) when charnames cannot load for \N{...}' ); } fresh_perl_is( 'BEGIN{ ++$_ for @INC{"charnames.pm","_charnames.pm"}; $^H{charnames} = "foo" } "\N{a}"', "Undefined subroutine &main::foo called at - line 2.\n" ."Propagated at - line 2, within string\n" ."Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors.\n", { stderr => 1 }, 'no crash when charnames cannot load and %^H holds string' ); fresh_perl_is( 'BEGIN{ ++$_ for @INC{"charnames.pm","_charnames.pm"}; $^H{charnames} = \"foo" } "\N{a}"', "Not a CODE reference at - line 2.\n" ."Propagated at - line 2, within string\n" ."Execution of - aborted due to compilation errors.\n", { stderr => 1 }, 'no crash when charnames cannot load and %^H holds string reference' ); # not fresh_perl_is, as it seems to hide the error is runperl( nolib => 1, # -Ilib may also hide the error progs => [ '*{', ' XS::APItest::gv_fetchmeth_type()', '}' ], stderr => 1, ), "Undefined subroutine &XS::APItest::gv_fetchmeth_type called at -e line " ."2.\n", 'no buffer corruption with multiline *{...expr...}' ; $_ = "rhubarb"; is ${no strict; \$_}, "rhubarb", '${no strict; ...}'; is join("", map{no strict; "rhu$_" } "barb"), 'rhubarb', 'map{no strict;...}';