#!./perl # Simple tests for the basic math functions. BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require './test.pl'; } use Config; plan tests => 31; # compile time evaluation eval { $s = sqrt(-1) }; # Kind of compile time. like($@, qr/sqrt of -1/, 'compile time sqrt(-1) fails'); $s = sqrt(0); is($s, 0, 'compile time sqrt(0)'); $s = sqrt(1); is($s, 1, 'compile time sqrt(1)'); $s = sqrt(2); is(substr($s,0,5), '1.414', 'compile time sqrt(2) == 1.414'); $s = exp(0); is($s, 1, 'compile time exp(0) == 1'); $s = exp(1); is(substr($s,0,7), '2.71828', 'compile time exp(1) == e'); eval { $s = log(0) }; # Kind of compile time. like($@, qr/log of 0/, 'compile time log(0) fails'); $s = log(1); is($s, 0, 'compile time log(1) == 0'); $s = log(2); is(substr($s,0,5), '0.693', 'compile time log(2)'); cmp_ok(exp(log(1)), '==', 1, 'compile time exp(log(1)) == 1'); cmp_ok(round(atan2(1, 2)), '==', '0.463647609', "atan2(1, 2)"); # run time evaluation $x0 = 0; $x1 = 1; $x2 = 2; eval { $s = sqrt(-$x1) }; like($@, qr/sqrt of -1/, 'run time sqrt(-1) fails'); $s = sqrt($x0); is($s, 0, 'run time sqrt(0)'); $s = sqrt($x1); is($s, 1, 'run time sqrt(1)'); $s = sqrt($x2); is(substr($s,0,5), '1.414', 'run time sqrt(2) == 1.414'); $s = exp($x0); is($s, 1, 'run time exp(0) = 1'); $s = exp($x1); is(substr($s,0,7), '2.71828', 'run time exp(1) = e'); eval { $s = log($x0) }; like($@, qr/log of 0/, 'run time log(0) fails'); $s = log($x1); is($s, 0, 'compile time log(1) == 0'); $s = log($x2); is(substr($s,0,5), '0.693', 'run time log(2)'); cmp_ok(exp(log($x1)), '==', 1, 'run time exp(log(1)) == 1'); # NOTE: do NOT test the trigonometric functions at [+-]Pi # and expect to get exact results like 0, 1, -1, because # you may not be able to feed them exactly [+-]Pi given # all the variations of different long doubles. my $pi_2 = 1.5707963267949; sub round { my $result = shift; return sprintf("%.9f", $result); } # sin() tests cmp_ok(sin(0), '==', 0.0, 'sin(0) == 0'); cmp_ok(abs(sin($pi_2) - 1), '<', 1e-9, 'sin(pi/2) == 1'); cmp_ok(abs(sin(-1 * $pi_2) - -1), '<', 1e-9, 'sin(-pi/2) == -1'); cmp_ok(round(sin($x1)), '==', '0.841470985', "sin(1)"); # cos() tests cmp_ok(cos(0), '==', 1.0, 'cos(0) == 1'); cmp_ok(abs(cos($pi_2)), '<', 1e-9, 'cos(pi/2) == 0'); cmp_ok(abs(cos(-1 * $pi_2)), '<', 1e-9, 'cos(-pi/2) == 0'); cmp_ok(round(cos($x1)), '==', '0.540302306', "cos(1)"); cmp_ok(round(atan2($x1, $x2)), '==', '0.463647609', "atan2($x1, $x2)"); # atan2() tests testing with -0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1.0 were removed due to # differing results from calls to atan2() on various OS's and # architectures. See perlport.pod for more information. SKIP: { unless ($Config{usequadmath}) { skip "need usequadmath", 1; } # For quadmath we have a known precision. is(sqrt(2), '1.4142135623730950488016887242097', "quadmath sqrt"); }