#!./perl # $Id: lock.t,v 2001/01/03 09:41:00 ram Exp $ # # @COPYRIGHT@ # # $Log: lock.t,v $ # Revision 2001/01/03 09:41:00 ram # patch7: use new CAN_FLOCK routine to determine whether to run tests # # Revision 2000/10/26 17:11:27 ram # patch5: just check $^O, there's no need for the whole Config # # Revision 2000/10/23 18:03:07 ram # patch4: protected calls to flock() for dos platform # # Revision 2000/09/28 21:44:06 ram # patch2: created. # # sub BEGIN { chdir('t') if -d 't'; @INC = '.'; push @INC, '../lib'; require Config; import Config; if ($Config{'extensions'} !~ /\bStorable\b/) { print "1..0 # Skip: Storable was not built\n"; exit 0; } require 'lib/st-dump.pl'; } sub ok; use Storable qw(lock_store lock_retrieve); unless (&Storable::CAN_FLOCK) { print "1..0 # Skip: fcntl/flock emulation broken on this platform\n"; exit 0; } print "1..5\n"; @a = ('first', undef, 3, -4, -3.14159, 456, 4.5); # # We're just ensuring things work, we're not validating locking. # ok 1, defined lock_store(\@a, 'store'); ok 2, $dumped = &dump(\@a); $root = lock_retrieve('store'); ok 3, ref $root eq 'ARRAY'; ok 4, @a == @$root; ok 5, &dump($root) eq $dumped; unlink 't/store';