/* mro.c * * Copyright (c) 2007 Brandon L Black * * You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public * License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file. * */ /* * "Which order shall we go in?" said Frodo. "Eldest first, or quickest first? * You'll be last either way, Master Peregrin." */ /* =head1 MRO Functions These functions are related to the method resolution order of perl classes =cut */ #include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" struct mro_meta* Perl_mro_meta_init(pTHX_ HV* stash) { struct mro_meta* newmeta; assert(stash); assert(HvAUX(stash)); assert(!(HvAUX(stash)->xhv_mro_meta)); Newxz(newmeta, 1, struct mro_meta); HvAUX(stash)->xhv_mro_meta = newmeta; newmeta->cache_gen = 1; return newmeta; } #if defined(USE_ITHREADS) /* for sv_dup on new threads */ struct mro_meta* Perl_mro_meta_dup(pTHX_ struct mro_meta* smeta, CLONE_PARAMS* param) { struct mro_meta* newmeta; assert(smeta); Newx(newmeta, 1, struct mro_meta); Copy(smeta, newmeta, 1, struct mro_meta); if (newmeta->mro_linear_dfs) newmeta->mro_linear_dfs = (AV*) SvREFCNT_inc(sv_dup((SV*)newmeta->mro_linear_dfs, param)); if (newmeta->mro_linear_c3) newmeta->mro_linear_c3 = (AV*) SvREFCNT_inc(sv_dup((SV*)newmeta->mro_linear_c3, param)); if (newmeta->mro_nextmethod) newmeta->mro_nextmethod = (HV*) SvREFCNT_inc(sv_dup((SV*)newmeta->mro_nextmethod, param)); return newmeta; } #endif /* USE_ITHREADS */ /* =for apidoc mro_get_linear_isa_dfs Returns the Depth-First Search linearization of @ISA the given stash. The return value is a read-only AV*. C should be 0 (it is used internally in this function's recursion). You are responsible for C on the return value if you plan to store it anywhere semi-permanently (otherwise it might be deleted out from under you the next time the cache is invalidated). =cut */ AV* Perl_mro_get_linear_isa_dfs(pTHX_ HV *stash, I32 level) { AV* retval; GV** gvp; GV* gv; AV* av; const char* stashname; struct mro_meta* meta; assert(stash); assert(HvAUX(stash)); stashname = HvNAME_get(stash); if (!stashname) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Can't linearize anonymous symbol table"); if (level > 100) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Recursive inheritance detected in package '%s'", stashname); meta = HvMROMETA(stash); /* return cache if valid */ if((retval = meta->mro_linear_dfs)) { return retval; } /* not in cache, make a new one */ retval = newAV(); av_push(retval, newSVpv(stashname, 0)); /* add ourselves at the top */ /* fetch our @ISA */ gvp = (GV**)hv_fetchs(stash, "ISA", FALSE); av = (gvp && (gv = *gvp) && isGV_with_GP(gv)) ? GvAV(gv) : NULL; if(av && AvFILLp(av) >= 0) { /* "stored" is used to keep track of all of the classnames we have added to the MRO so far, so we can do a quick exists check and avoid adding duplicate classnames to the MRO as we go. */ HV* const stored = (HV*)sv_2mortal((SV*)newHV()); SV **svp = AvARRAY(av); I32 items = AvFILLp(av) + 1; /* foreach(@ISA) */ while (items--) { SV* const sv = *svp++; HV* const basestash = gv_stashsv(sv, 0); SV *const *subrv_p; I32 subrv_items; if (!basestash) { /* if no stash exists for this @ISA member, simply add it to the MRO and move on */ subrv_p = &sv; subrv_items = 1; } else { /* otherwise, recurse into ourselves for the MRO of this @ISA member, and append their MRO to ours */ const AV *const subrv = mro_get_linear_isa_dfs(basestash, level + 1); subrv_p = AvARRAY(subrv); subrv_items = AvFILLp(subrv) + 1; } while(subrv_items--) { SV *const subsv = *subrv_p++; if(!hv_exists_ent(stored, subsv, 0)) { hv_store_ent(stored, subsv, &PL_sv_undef, 0); av_push(retval, newSVsv(subsv)); } } } } /* we don't want anyone modifying the cache entry but us, and we do so by replacing it completely */ SvREADONLY_on(retval); meta->mro_linear_dfs = retval; return retval; } /* =for apidoc mro_get_linear_isa_c3 Returns the C3 linearization of @ISA the given stash. The return value is a read-only AV*. C should be 0 (it is used internally in this function's recursion). You are responsible for C on the return value if you plan to store it anywhere semi-permanently (otherwise it might be deleted out from under you the next time the cache is invalidated). =cut */ AV* Perl_mro_get_linear_isa_c3(pTHX_ HV* stash, I32 level) { AV* retval; GV** gvp; GV* gv; AV* isa; const char* stashname; STRLEN stashname_len; struct mro_meta* meta; assert(stash); assert(HvAUX(stash)); stashname = HvNAME_get(stash); stashname_len = HvNAMELEN_get(stash); if (!stashname) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Can't linearize anonymous symbol table"); if (level > 100) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Recursive inheritance detected in package '%s'", stashname); meta = HvMROMETA(stash); /* return cache if valid */ if((retval = meta->mro_linear_c3)) { return retval; } /* not in cache, make a new one */ gvp = (GV**)hv_fetchs(stash, "ISA", FALSE); isa = (gvp && (gv = *gvp) && isGV_with_GP(gv)) ? GvAV(gv) : NULL; /* For a better idea how the rest of this works, see the much clearer pure perl version in Algorithm::C3 0.01: http://search.cpan.org/src/STEVAN/Algorithm-C3-0.01/lib/Algorithm/C3.pm (later versions go about it differently than this code for speed reasons) */ if(isa && AvFILLp(isa) >= 0) { SV** seqs_ptr; I32 seqs_items; HV* const tails = (HV*)sv_2mortal((SV*)newHV()); AV* const seqs = (AV*)sv_2mortal((SV*)newAV()); I32* heads; /* This builds @seqs, which is an array of arrays. The members of @seqs are the MROs of the members of @ISA, followed by @ISA itself. */ I32 items = AvFILLp(isa) + 1; SV** isa_ptr = AvARRAY(isa); while(items--) { AV* isa_lin; SV* const isa_item = *isa_ptr++; HV* const isa_item_stash = gv_stashsv(isa_item, 0); if(!isa_item_stash) { /* if no stash, make a temporary fake MRO containing just itself */ isa_lin = (AV*)sv_2mortal((SV*)newAV()); av_push(isa_lin, newSVsv(isa_item)); } else { isa_lin = mro_get_linear_isa_c3(isa_item_stash, level + 1); /* recursion */ } av_push(seqs, SvREFCNT_inc_simple_NN((SV*)isa_lin)); } av_push(seqs, SvREFCNT_inc_simple_NN((SV*)isa)); /* This builds "heads", which as an array of integer array indices, one per seq, which point at the virtual "head" of the seq (initially zero) */ Newxz(heads, AvFILLp(seqs)+1, I32); /* This builds %tails, which has one key for every class mentioned in the tail of any sequence in @seqs (tail meaning everything after the first class, the "head"). The value is how many times this key appears in the tails of @seqs. */ seqs_ptr = AvARRAY(seqs); seqs_items = AvFILLp(seqs) + 1; while(seqs_items--) { AV* const seq = (AV*)*seqs_ptr++; I32 seq_items = AvFILLp(seq); if(seq_items > 0) { SV** seq_ptr = AvARRAY(seq) + 1; while(seq_items--) { SV* const seqitem = *seq_ptr++; HE* const he = hv_fetch_ent(tails, seqitem, 0, 0); if(!he) { hv_store_ent(tails, seqitem, newSViv(1), 0); } else { SV* const val = HeVAL(he); sv_inc(val); } } } } /* Initialize retval to build the return value in */ retval = newAV(); av_push(retval, newSVpvn(stashname, stashname_len)); /* us first */ /* This loop won't terminate until we either finish building the MRO, or get an exception. */ while(1) { SV* cand = NULL; SV* winner = NULL; int s; /* "foreach $seq (@seqs)" */ SV** const avptr = AvARRAY(seqs); for(s = 0; s <= AvFILLp(seqs); s++) { SV** svp; AV * const seq = (AV*)(avptr[s]); SV* seqhead; if(!seq) continue; /* skip empty seqs */ svp = av_fetch(seq, heads[s], 0); seqhead = *svp; /* seqhead = head of this seq */ if(!winner) { HE* tail_entry; SV* val; /* if we haven't found a winner for this round yet, and this seqhead is not in tails (or the count for it in tails has dropped to zero), then this seqhead is our new winner, and is added to the final MRO immediately */ cand = seqhead; if((tail_entry = hv_fetch_ent(tails, cand, 0, 0)) && (val = HeVAL(tail_entry)) && (SvIVX(val) > 0)) continue; winner = newSVsv(cand); av_push(retval, winner); /* note however that even when we find a winner, we continue looping over @seqs to do housekeeping */ } if(!sv_cmp(seqhead, winner)) { /* Once we have a winner (including the iteration where we first found him), inc the head ptr for any seq which had the winner as a head, NULL out any seq which is now empty, and adjust tails for consistency */ const int new_head = ++heads[s]; if(new_head > AvFILLp(seq)) { SvREFCNT_dec(avptr[s]); avptr[s] = NULL; } else { HE* tail_entry; SV* val; /* Because we know this new seqhead used to be a tail, we can assume it is in tails and has a positive value, which we need to dec */ svp = av_fetch(seq, new_head, 0); seqhead = *svp; tail_entry = hv_fetch_ent(tails, seqhead, 0, 0); val = HeVAL(tail_entry); sv_dec(val); } } } /* if we found no candidates, we are done building the MRO. !cand means no seqs have any entries left to check */ if(!cand) { Safefree(heads); break; } /* If we had candidates, but nobody won, then the @ISA hierarchy is not C3-incompatible */ if(!winner) { /* we have to do some cleanup before we croak */ SvREFCNT_dec(retval); Safefree(heads); Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Inconsistent hierarchy during C3 merge of class '%s': " "merging failed on parent '%"SVf"'", stashname, SVfARG(cand)); } } } else { /* @ISA was undefined or empty */ /* build a retval containing only ourselves */ retval = newAV(); av_push(retval, newSVpvn(stashname, stashname_len)); } /* we don't want anyone modifying the cache entry but us, and we do so by replacing it completely */ SvREADONLY_on(retval); meta->mro_linear_c3 = retval; return retval; } /* =for apidoc mro_get_linear_isa Returns either C or C for the given stash, dependant upon which MRO is in effect for that stash. The return value is a read-only AV*. You are responsible for C on the return value if you plan to store it anywhere semi-permanently (otherwise it might be deleted out from under you the next time the cache is invalidated). =cut */ AV* Perl_mro_get_linear_isa(pTHX_ HV *stash) { struct mro_meta* meta; assert(stash); assert(HvAUX(stash)); meta = HvMROMETA(stash); if(meta->mro_which == MRO_DFS) { return mro_get_linear_isa_dfs(stash, 0); } else if(meta->mro_which == MRO_C3) { return mro_get_linear_isa_c3(stash, 0); } else { Perl_croak(aTHX_ "panic: invalid MRO!"); } return NULL; /* NOT REACHED */ } /* =for apidoc mro_isa_changed_in Takes the necessary steps (cache invalidations, mostly) when the @ISA of the given package has changed. Invoked by the C magic, should not need to invoke directly. =cut */ void Perl_mro_isa_changed_in(pTHX_ HV* stash) { dVAR; HV* isarev; AV* linear_mro; HE* iter; SV** svp; I32 items; bool is_universal; const char * const stashname = HvNAME_get(stash); const STRLEN stashname_len = HvNAMELEN_get(stash); /* wipe out the cached linearizations for this stash */ struct mro_meta * const meta = HvMROMETA(stash); SvREFCNT_dec((SV*)meta->mro_linear_dfs); SvREFCNT_dec((SV*)meta->mro_linear_c3); meta->mro_linear_dfs = NULL; meta->mro_linear_c3 = NULL; /* Wipe the global method cache if this package is UNIVERSAL or one of its parents */ svp = hv_fetch(PL_isarev, stashname, stashname_len, 0); isarev = svp ? (HV*)*svp : NULL; if((stashname_len == 9 && strEQ(stashname, "UNIVERSAL")) || (isarev && hv_exists(isarev, "UNIVERSAL", 9))) { PL_sub_generation++; is_universal = TRUE; } else { /* Wipe the local method cache otherwise */ meta->cache_gen++; is_universal = FALSE; } /* wipe next::method cache too */ if(meta->mro_nextmethod) hv_clear(meta->mro_nextmethod); /* Iterate the isarev (classes that are our children), wiping out their linearization and method caches */ if(isarev) { hv_iterinit(isarev); while((iter = hv_iternext(isarev))) { SV* const revkey = hv_iterkeysv(iter); HV* revstash = gv_stashsv(revkey, 0); struct mro_meta* revmeta; if(!revstash) continue; revmeta = HvMROMETA(revstash); SvREFCNT_dec((SV*)revmeta->mro_linear_dfs); SvREFCNT_dec((SV*)revmeta->mro_linear_c3); revmeta->mro_linear_dfs = NULL; revmeta->mro_linear_c3 = NULL; if(!is_universal) revmeta->cache_gen++; if(revmeta->mro_nextmethod) hv_clear(revmeta->mro_nextmethod); } } /* Now iterate our MRO (parents), and do a few things: 1) instantiate with the "fake" flag if they don't exist 2) flag them as universal if we are universal 3) Add everything from our isarev to their isarev */ /* We're starting at the 2nd element, skipping ourselves here */ linear_mro = mro_get_linear_isa(stash); svp = AvARRAY(linear_mro) + 1; items = AvFILLp(linear_mro); while (items--) { SV* const sv = *svp++; HV* mroisarev; HE *he = hv_fetch_ent(PL_isarev, sv, 0, 0); if(!he) { he = hv_store_ent(PL_isarev, sv, (SV*)newHV(), 0); } mroisarev = (HV*)HeVAL(he); /* This hash only ever contains PL_sv_yes. Storing it over itself is almost as cheap as calling hv_exists, so on aggregate we expect to save time by not making two calls to the common HV code for the case where it doesn't exist. */ hv_store(mroisarev, stashname, stashname_len, &PL_sv_yes, 0); if(isarev) { hv_iterinit(isarev); while((iter = hv_iternext(isarev))) { I32 revkeylen; char* const revkey = hv_iterkey(iter, &revkeylen); hv_store(mroisarev, revkey, revkeylen, &PL_sv_yes, 0); } } } } /* =for apidoc mro_method_changed_in Invalidates method caching on any child classes of the given stash, so that they might notice the changes in this one. Ideally, all instances of C in perl source outside of C should be replaced by calls to this. Perl automatically handles most of the common ways a method might be redefined. However, there are a few ways you could change a method in a stash without the cache code noticing, in which case you need to call this method afterwards: 1) Directly manipulating the stash HV entries from XS code. 2) Assigning a reference to a readonly scalar constant into a stash entry in order to create a constant subroutine (like constant.pm does). This same method is available from pure perl via, C. =cut */ void Perl_mro_method_changed_in(pTHX_ HV *stash) { const char * const stashname = HvNAME_get(stash); const STRLEN stashname_len = HvNAMELEN_get(stash); SV ** const svp = hv_fetch(PL_isarev, stashname, stashname_len, 0); HV * const isarev = svp ? (HV*)*svp : NULL; /* If stash is UNIVERSAL, or one of UNIVERSAL's parents, invalidate all method caches globally */ if((stashname_len == 9 && strEQ(stashname, "UNIVERSAL")) || (isarev && hv_exists(isarev, "UNIVERSAL", 9))) { PL_sub_generation++; return; } /* else, invalidate the method caches of all child classes, but not itself */ if(isarev) { HE* iter; hv_iterinit(isarev); while((iter = hv_iternext(isarev))) { SV* const revkey = hv_iterkeysv(iter); HV* const revstash = gv_stashsv(revkey, 0); struct mro_meta* mrometa; if(!revstash) continue; mrometa = HvMROMETA(revstash); mrometa->cache_gen++; if(mrometa->mro_nextmethod) hv_clear(mrometa->mro_nextmethod); } } } /* These two are static helpers for next::method and friends, and re-implement a bunch of the code from pp_caller() in a more efficient manner for this particular usage. */ STATIC I32 __dopoptosub_at(const PERL_CONTEXT *cxstk, I32 startingblock) { I32 i; for (i = startingblock; i >= 0; i--) { if(CxTYPE((PERL_CONTEXT*)(&cxstk[i])) == CXt_SUB) return i; } return i; } STATIC SV* __nextcan(pTHX_ SV* self, I32 throw_nomethod) { register I32 cxix; register const PERL_CONTEXT *ccstack = cxstack; const PERL_SI *top_si = PL_curstackinfo; HV* selfstash; SV *stashname; const char *fq_subname; const char *subname; STRLEN stashname_len; STRLEN subname_len; SV* sv; GV** gvp; AV* linear_av; SV** linear_svp; const char *hvname; I32 items; struct mro_meta* selfmeta; HV* nmcache; if(sv_isobject(self)) selfstash = SvSTASH(SvRV(self)); else selfstash = gv_stashsv(self, 0); assert(selfstash); hvname = HvNAME_get(selfstash); if (!hvname) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Can't use anonymous symbol table for method lookup"); cxix = __dopoptosub_at(cxstack, cxstack_ix); /* This block finds the contextually-enclosing fully-qualified subname, much like looking at (caller($i))[3] until you find a real sub that isn't ANON, etc */ for (;;) { GV* cvgv; STRLEN fq_subname_len; /* we may be in a higher stacklevel, so dig down deeper */ while (cxix < 0) { if(top_si->si_type == PERLSI_MAIN) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "next::method/next::can/maybe::next::method must be used in method context"); top_si = top_si->si_prev; ccstack = top_si->si_cxstack; cxix = __dopoptosub_at(ccstack, top_si->si_cxix); } if(CxTYPE((PERL_CONTEXT*)(&ccstack[cxix])) != CXt_SUB || (PL_DBsub && GvCV(PL_DBsub) && ccstack[cxix].blk_sub.cv == GvCV(PL_DBsub))) { cxix = __dopoptosub_at(ccstack, cxix - 1); continue; } { const I32 dbcxix = __dopoptosub_at(ccstack, cxix - 1); if (PL_DBsub && GvCV(PL_DBsub) && dbcxix >= 0 && ccstack[dbcxix].blk_sub.cv == GvCV(PL_DBsub)) { if(CxTYPE((PERL_CONTEXT*)(&ccstack[dbcxix])) != CXt_SUB) { cxix = dbcxix; continue; } } } cvgv = CvGV(ccstack[cxix].blk_sub.cv); if(!isGV(cvgv)) { cxix = __dopoptosub_at(ccstack, cxix - 1); continue; } /* we found a real sub here */ sv = sv_2mortal(newSV(0)); gv_efullname3(sv, cvgv, NULL); fq_subname = SvPVX(sv); fq_subname_len = SvCUR(sv); subname = strrchr(fq_subname, ':'); if(!subname) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "next::method/next::can/maybe::next::method cannot find enclosing method"); subname++; subname_len = fq_subname_len - (subname - fq_subname); if(subname_len == 8 && strEQ(subname, "__ANON__")) { cxix = __dopoptosub_at(ccstack, cxix - 1); continue; } break; } /* If we made it to here, we found our context */ /* Initialize the next::method cache for this stash if necessary */ selfmeta = HvMROMETA(selfstash); if(!(nmcache = selfmeta->mro_nextmethod)) { nmcache = selfmeta->mro_nextmethod = newHV(); } else { /* Use the cached coderef if it exists */ HE* cache_entry = hv_fetch_ent(nmcache, sv, 0, 0); if (cache_entry) { SV* const val = HeVAL(cache_entry); if(val == &PL_sv_undef) { if(throw_nomethod) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "No next::method '%s' found for %s", subname, hvname); } return val; } } /* beyond here is just for cache misses, so perf isn't as critical */ stashname_len = subname - fq_subname - 2; stashname = sv_2mortal(newSVpvn(fq_subname, stashname_len)); linear_av = mro_get_linear_isa_c3(selfstash, 0); /* has ourselves at the top of the list */ linear_svp = AvARRAY(linear_av); items = AvFILLp(linear_av) + 1; /* Walk down our MRO, skipping everything up to the contextually enclosing class */ while (items--) { SV * const linear_sv = *linear_svp++; assert(linear_sv); if(sv_eq(linear_sv, stashname)) break; } /* Now search the remainder of the MRO for the same method name as the contextually enclosing method */ if(items > 0) { while (items--) { SV * const linear_sv = *linear_svp++; HV* curstash; GV* candidate; CV* cand_cv; assert(linear_sv); curstash = gv_stashsv(linear_sv, FALSE); if (!curstash) { if (ckWARN(WARN_SYNTAX)) Perl_warner(aTHX_ packWARN(WARN_SYNTAX), "Can't locate package %"SVf" for @%s::ISA", (void*)linear_sv, hvname); continue; } assert(curstash); gvp = (GV**)hv_fetch(curstash, subname, subname_len, 0); if (!gvp) continue; candidate = *gvp; assert(candidate); if (SvTYPE(candidate) != SVt_PVGV) gv_init(candidate, curstash, subname, subname_len, TRUE); /* Notably, we only look for real entries, not method cache entries, because in C3 the method cache of a parent is not valid for the child */ if (SvTYPE(candidate) == SVt_PVGV && (cand_cv = GvCV(candidate)) && !GvCVGEN(candidate)) { SvREFCNT_inc_simple_void_NN((SV*)cand_cv); hv_store_ent(nmcache, newSVsv(sv), (SV*)cand_cv, 0); return (SV*)cand_cv; } } } hv_store_ent(nmcache, newSVsv(sv), &PL_sv_undef, 0); if(throw_nomethod) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "No next::method '%s' found for %s", subname, hvname); return &PL_sv_undef; } #include "XSUB.h" XS(XS_mro_get_linear_isa); XS(XS_mro_set_mro); XS(XS_mro_get_mro); XS(XS_mro_get_isarev); XS(XS_mro_is_universal); XS(XS_mro_invalidate_method_caches); XS(XS_mro_method_changed_in); XS(XS_next_can); XS(XS_next_method); XS(XS_maybe_next_method); void Perl_boot_core_mro(pTHX) { dVAR; static const char file[] = __FILE__; newXSproto("mro::get_linear_isa", XS_mro_get_linear_isa, file, "$;$"); newXSproto("mro::set_mro", XS_mro_set_mro, file, "$$"); newXSproto("mro::get_mro", XS_mro_get_mro, file, "$"); newXSproto("mro::get_isarev", XS_mro_get_isarev, file, "$"); newXSproto("mro::is_universal", XS_mro_is_universal, file, "$"); newXSproto("mro::invalidate_all_method_caches", XS_mro_invalidate_method_caches, file, ""); newXSproto("mro::method_changed_in", XS_mro_method_changed_in, file, "$"); newXS("next::can", XS_next_can, file); newXS("next::method", XS_next_method, file); newXS("maybe::next::method", XS_maybe_next_method, file); } XS(XS_mro_get_linear_isa) { dVAR; dXSARGS; AV* RETVAL; HV* class_stash; SV* classname; PERL_UNUSED_ARG(cv); if(items < 1 || items > 2) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: mro::get_linear_isa(classname [, type ])"); classname = ST(0); class_stash = gv_stashsv(classname, 0); if(!class_stash) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "No such class: '%"SVf"'!", SVfARG(classname)); if(items > 1) { const char* const which = SvPV_nolen(ST(1)); if(strEQ(which, "dfs")) RETVAL = mro_get_linear_isa_dfs(class_stash, 0); else if(strEQ(which, "c3")) RETVAL = mro_get_linear_isa_c3(class_stash, 0); else Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Invalid mro name: '%s'", which); } else { RETVAL = mro_get_linear_isa(class_stash); } ST(0) = newRV_inc((SV*)RETVAL); sv_2mortal(ST(0)); XSRETURN(1); } XS(XS_mro_set_mro) { dVAR; dXSARGS; SV* classname; char* whichstr; mro_alg which; HV* class_stash; struct mro_meta* meta; PERL_UNUSED_ARG(cv); if (items != 2) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: mro::set_mro(classname, type)"); classname = ST(0); whichstr = SvPV_nolen(ST(1)); class_stash = gv_stashsv(classname, GV_ADD); if(!class_stash) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Cannot create class: '%"SVf"'!", SVfARG(classname)); meta = HvMROMETA(class_stash); if(strEQ(whichstr, "dfs")) which = MRO_DFS; else if(strEQ(whichstr, "c3")) which = MRO_C3; else Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Invalid mro name: '%s'", whichstr); if(meta->mro_which != which) { meta->mro_which = which; /* Only affects local method cache, not even child classes */ meta->cache_gen++; if(meta->mro_nextmethod) hv_clear(meta->mro_nextmethod); } XSRETURN_EMPTY; } XS(XS_mro_get_mro) { dVAR; dXSARGS; SV* classname; HV* class_stash; struct mro_meta* meta; PERL_UNUSED_ARG(cv); if (items != 1) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: mro::get_mro(classname)"); classname = ST(0); class_stash = gv_stashsv(classname, 0); if(!class_stash) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "No such class: '%"SVf"'!", SVfARG(classname)); meta = HvMROMETA(class_stash); if(meta->mro_which == MRO_DFS) ST(0) = sv_2mortal(newSVpvn("dfs", 3)); else ST(0) = sv_2mortal(newSVpvn("c3", 2)); XSRETURN(1); } XS(XS_mro_get_isarev) { dVAR; dXSARGS; SV* classname; HV* class_stash; SV** svp; HV* isarev; char* stashname; STRLEN stashname_len; PERL_UNUSED_ARG(cv); if (items != 1) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: mro::get_isarev(classname)"); classname = ST(0); class_stash = gv_stashsv(classname, 0); if(!class_stash) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "No such class: '%"SVf"'!", SVfARG(classname)); SP -= items; stashname = HvNAME_get(class_stash); stashname_len = HvNAMELEN_get(class_stash); svp = hv_fetch(PL_isarev, stashname, stashname_len, 0); isarev = svp ? (HV*)*svp : NULL; if(isarev) { HE* iter; hv_iterinit(isarev); while((iter = hv_iternext(isarev))) XPUSHs(hv_iterkeysv(iter)); } PUTBACK; return; } XS(XS_mro_is_universal) { dVAR; dXSARGS; SV* classname; HV* class_stash; HV* isarev; char* stashname; STRLEN stashname_len; SV** svp; PERL_UNUSED_ARG(cv); if (items != 1) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: mro::is_universal(classname)"); classname = ST(0); class_stash = gv_stashsv(classname, 0); if(!class_stash) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "No such class: '%"SVf"'!", SVfARG(classname)); stashname = HvNAME_get(class_stash); stashname_len = HvNAMELEN_get(class_stash); svp = hv_fetch(PL_isarev, stashname, stashname_len, 0); isarev = svp ? (HV*)*svp : NULL; if((stashname_len == 9 && strEQ(stashname, "UNIVERSAL")) || (isarev && hv_exists(isarev, "UNIVERSAL", 9))) XSRETURN_YES; else XSRETURN_NO; } XS(XS_mro_invalidate_method_caches) { dVAR; dXSARGS; PERL_UNUSED_ARG(cv); if (items != 0) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: mro::invalidate_all_method_caches()"); PL_sub_generation++; XSRETURN_EMPTY; } XS(XS_mro_method_changed_in) { dVAR; dXSARGS; SV* classname; HV* class_stash; PERL_UNUSED_ARG(cv); if(items != 1) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: mro::method_changed_in(classname)"); classname = ST(0); class_stash = gv_stashsv(classname, 0); if(!class_stash) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "No such class: '%"SVf"'!", SVfARG(classname)); mro_method_changed_in(class_stash); XSRETURN_EMPTY; } XS(XS_next_can) { dVAR; dXSARGS; SV* const self = ST(0); SV* const methcv = __nextcan(aTHX_ self, 0); PERL_UNUSED_ARG(cv); PERL_UNUSED_VAR(items); if(methcv == &PL_sv_undef) { ST(0) = &PL_sv_undef; } else { ST(0) = sv_2mortal(newRV_inc(methcv)); } XSRETURN(1); } XS(XS_next_method) { dMARK; dAX; SV* const self = ST(0); SV* const methcv = __nextcan(aTHX_ self, 1); PERL_UNUSED_ARG(cv); PL_markstack_ptr++; call_sv(methcv, GIMME_V); } XS(XS_maybe_next_method) { dMARK; dAX; SV* const self = ST(0); SV* const methcv = __nextcan(aTHX_ self, 0); PERL_UNUSED_ARG(cv); if(methcv == &PL_sv_undef) { ST(0) = &PL_sv_undef; XSRETURN(1); } PL_markstack_ptr++; call_sv(methcv, GIMME_V); } /* * Local variables: * c-indentation-style: bsd * c-basic-offset: 4 * indent-tabs-mode: t * End: * * ex: set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 noet: */