#!./perl my $has_perlio; BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require './test.pl'; unless ($has_perlio = find PerlIO::Layer 'perlio') { print <' in ASCII, ' ' in EBCDIC # 173 is not punctuation in either ASCII or EBCDIC my (@char); foreach (60, 173, 257, 65532) { my $char = chr $_; utf8::encode($char); # I don't want to use map {ord} and I've no need to hardcode the UTF # version my $charsubst = $char; $charsubst =~ s/(.)/ord ($1) . ','/ge; chop $charsubst; # Not testing this one against map {ord} my $char_as_ord = join " . ", map {sprintf 'chr (%d)', ord $_} split //, $char; push @char, [$_, $char, $charsubst, $char_as_ord]; } # Now we've done all the UTF8 munching hopefully we're safe my @tests = ( ['check our detection program works', 'my @a = ("'.chr(60).'\x2A", ""); $b = show @a', qr/^>60,42<><$/], ['check literal 8 bit input', '$a = "' . chr (173) . '"; $b = show $a', qr/^>173<$/], ['check no utf8; makes no change', 'no utf8; $a = "' . chr (173) . '"; $b = show $a', qr/^>173<$/], # Now we do the real byte sequences that are valid UTF8 (map { ["the utf8 sequence for chr $_->[0]", qq{\$a = "$_->[1]"; \$b = show \$a}, qr/^>$_->[2]<$/], ["no utf8; for the utf8 sequence for chr $_->[0]", qq(no utf8; \$a = "$_->[1]"; \$b = show \$a), qr/^>$_->[2]<$/], ["use utf8; for the utf8 sequence for chr $_->[0]", qq(use utf8; \$a = "$_->[1]"; \$b = show \$a), qr/^>$_->[0]<$/], } @char), # Interpolation of hex characters needs to take place now, as we're # testing feeding malformed utf8 into perl. Bug now fixed was an # "out of memory" error. We really need the "" [rather than qq() # or q()] to get the best explosion. ["!Feed malformed utf8 into perl.", <<"BANG", use utf8; %a = ("\xE1\xA0"=>"sterling"); print 'start'; printf '%x,', ord \$_ foreach keys %a; print "end\n"; BANG qr/^Malformed UTF-8 character \(\d bytes?, need \d, .+\).*start\d+,end$/sm ], ); foreach (@tests) { my ($why, $prog, $expect) = @$_; open P, ">$progfile" or die "Can't open '$progfile': $!"; binmode(P, ":bytes") if $has_perlio; print P $show, $prog, '; print $b' or die "Print to 'progfile' failed: $!"; close P or die "Can't close '$progfile': $!"; if ($why =~ s/^!//) { print "# Possible delay...\n"; } else { print "# $prog\n"; } my $result = runperl ( stderr => 1, progfile => $progfile ); like ($result, $expect, $why); } print "# Again! Again! [but this time as eval, and not the explosive one]\n"; # and now we've safely done them all as separate files, check that the # evals do the same thing. Hopefully doing it later successfully decouples # the previous tests from anything messy that may go wrong with the evals. foreach (@tests) { my ($why, $prog, $expect) = @$_; next if $why =~ m/^!/; # Goes bang. my $result = eval $prog; if ($@) { print "# prog is $prog\n"; print "# \$\@=", _qq($@), "\n"; } like ($result, $expect, $why); } # See what the tokeniser does with hash keys. print "# What does the tokeniser do with utf8 hash keys?\n"; @tests = (map { # This is the control - I don't expect it to fail ["assign utf8 for chr $_->[0] to a hash", qq(my \$a = "$_->[1]"; my %h; \$h{\$a} = 1; my \$b = show keys %h; \$b .= 'F' unless \$h{$_->[3]}; \$b), qr/^>$_->[2]<$/], ["no utf8; assign utf8 for chr $_->[0] to a hash", qq(no utf8; my \$a = "$_->[1]"; my %h; \$h{\$a} = 1; my \$b = show keys %h; \$b .= 'F' unless \$h{$_->[3]}; \$b), qr/^>$_->[2]<$/], ["use utf8; assign utf8 for chr $_->[0] to a hash", qq(use utf8; my \$a = "$_->[1]"; my %h; \$h{\$a} = 1; my \$b = show keys %h; \$b .= 'F' unless \$h{chr $_->[0]}; \$b), qr/^>$_->[0]<$/], # Now check literal $h{"x"} constructions. ["\$h{\"x\"} construction, where x is utf8 for chr $_->[0]", qq(my \$a = "$_->[1]"; my %h; \$h{"$_->[1]"} = 1; my \$b = show keys %h; \$b .= 'F' unless \$h{$_->[3]}; \$b), qr/^>$_->[2]<$/], ["no utf8; \$h{\"x\"} construction, where x is utf8 for chr $_->[0]", qq(no utf8; my \$a = "$_->[1]"; my %h; \$h{"$_->[1]"} = 1; my \$b = show keys %h; \$b .= 'F' unless \$h{$_->[3]}; \$b), qr/^>$_->[2]<$/], ["use utf8; \$h{\"x\"} construction, where x is utf8 for chr $_->[0]", qq(use utf8; my \$a = "$_->[1]"; my %h; \$h{"$_->[1]"} = 1; my \$b = show keys %h; \$b .= 'F' unless \$h{chr $_->[0]}; \$b), qr/^>$_->[0]<$/], # Now check "x" => constructions. ["assign \"x\"=>1 to a hash, where x is utf8 for chr $_->[0]", qq(my \$a = "$_->[1]"; my %h; %h = ("$_->[1]" => 1); my \$b = show keys %h; \$b .= 'F' unless \$h{$_->[3]}; \$b), qr/^>$_->[2]<$/], ["no utf8; assign \"x\"=>1 to a hash, where x is utf8 for chr $_->[0]", qq(no utf8; my \$a = "$_->[1]"; my %h; %h = ("$_->[1]" => 1); my \$b = show keys %h; \$b .= 'F' unless \$h{$_->[3]}; \$b), qr/^>$_->[2]<$/], ["use utf8; assign \"x\"=>1 to a hash, where x is utf8 for chr $_->[0]", qq(use utf8; my \$a = "$_->[1]"; my %h; %h = ("$_->[1]" => 1); my \$b = show keys %h; \$b .= 'F' unless \$h{chr $_->[0]}; \$b), qr/^>$_->[0]<$/], # Check copies of hashes made from literal utf8 keys ["assign utf8 for chr $_->[0] to a hash, then copy it", qq(my \$a = "$_->[1]"; my %i; \$i{\$a} = 1; my %h = %i; my \$b = show keys %h; \$b .= 'F' unless \$h{$_->[3]}; \$b), qr/^>$_->[2]<$/], ["no utf8; assign utf8 for chr $_->[0] to a hash, then copy it", qq(no utf8; my \$a = "$_->[1]"; my %i; \$i{\$a} = 1;; my %h = %i; my \$b = show keys %h; \$b .= 'F' unless \$h{$_->[3]}; \$b), qr/^>$_->[2]<$/], ["use utf8; assign utf8 for chr $_->[0] to a hash, then copy it", qq(use utf8; my \$a = "$_->[1]"; my %i; \$i{\$a} = 1; my %h = %i; my \$b = show keys %h; \$b .= 'F' unless \$h{chr $_->[0]}; \$b), qr/^>$_->[0]<$/], } @char); foreach (@tests) { my ($why, $prog, $expect) = @$_; # print "# $prog\n"; my $result = eval $prog; like ($result, $expect, $why); } } # # bug fixed by change #17928 # separate perl used because we rely on 'strict' not yet loaded; # before the patch, the eval died with an error like: # "my" variable $strict::VERSION can't be in a package # SKIP: { skip("Embedded UTF-8 does not work in EBCDIC", 1) if ord("A") == 193; ok('' eq runperl(prog => <<'CODE'), "change #17928"); my $code = qq{ my \$\xe3\x83\x95\xe3\x83\xbc = 5; }; { use utf8; eval $code; print $@ if $@; } CODE } { use utf8; $a = <<'END'; 0 ....... 1 ....... 2 ....... 3 ....... 4 ....... 5 ....... 6 ....... 7 ....... END my (@i, $s); @i = (); push @i, $s = index($a, '6'); # 60 push @i, $s = index($a, '.', $s); # next . after 60 is 62 push @i, $s = index($a, '5'); # 50 push @i, $s = index($a, '.', $s); # next . after 52 is 52 push @i, $s = index($a, '7'); # 70 push @i, $s = index($a, '.', $s); # next . after 70 is 72 push @i, $s = index($a, '4'); # 40 push @i, $s = index($a, '.', $s); # next . after 40 is 42 is("@i", "60 62 50 52 70 72 40 42", "utf8 heredoc index"); @i = (); push @i, $s = rindex($a, '6'); # 60 push @i, $s = rindex($a, '.', $s); # previous . before 60 is 58 push @i, $s = rindex($a, '5'); # 50 push @i, $s = rindex($a, '.', $s); # previous . before 52 is 48 push @i, $s = rindex($a, '7'); # 70 push @i, $s = rindex($a, '.', $s); # previous . before 70 is 68 push @i, $s = rindex($a, '4'); # 40 push @i, $s = rindex($a, '.', $s); # previous . before 40 is 38 is("@i", "60 58 50 48 70 68 40 38", "utf8 heredoc rindex"); @i = (); push @i, $s = index($a, '6'); # 60 push @i, index($a, '.', $s); # next . after 60 is 62 push @i, rindex($a, '.', $s); # previous . before 60 is 58 push @i, $s = rindex($a, '5'); # 60 push @i, index($a, '.', $s); # next . after 50 is 52 push @i, rindex($a, '.', $s); # previous . before 50 is 48 push @i, $s = index($a, '7', $s); # 70 push @i, index($a, '.', $s); # next . after 70 is 72 push @i, rindex($a, '.', $s); # previous . before 70 is 68 is("@i", "60 62 58 50 52 48 70 72 68", "utf8 heredoc index and rindex"); } SKIP: { skip("Embedded UTF-8 does not work in EBCDIC", 1) if ord("A") == 193; use utf8; is eval qq{q \xc3\xbc test \xc3\xbc . qq\xc2\xb7 test \xc2\xb7}, ' test test ', "utf8 quote delimiters [perl #16823]"; } # Test the "internals". { my $a = "A"; my $b = chr(0x0FF); my $c = chr(0x100); ok( utf8::valid($a), "utf8::valid basic"); ok( utf8::valid($b), "utf8::valid beyond"); ok( utf8::valid($c), "utf8::valid unicode"); ok(!utf8::is_utf8($a), "!utf8::is_utf8 basic"); ok(!utf8::is_utf8($b), "!utf8::is_utf8 beyond"); ok( utf8::is_utf8($c), "utf8::is_utf8 unicode"); is(utf8::upgrade($a), 1, "utf8::upgrade basic"); if (ord('A') == 193) { # EBCDIC. is(utf8::upgrade($b), 1, "utf8::upgrade beyond"); } else { is(utf8::upgrade($b), 2, "utf8::upgrade beyond"); } is(utf8::upgrade($c), 2, "utf8::upgrade unicode"); is($a, "A", "basic"); is($b, "\xFF", "beyond"); is($c, "\x{100}", "unicode"); ok( utf8::valid($a), "utf8::valid basic"); ok( utf8::valid($b), "utf8::valid beyond"); ok( utf8::valid($c), "utf8::valid unicode"); ok( utf8::is_utf8($a), "utf8::is_utf8 basic"); ok( utf8::is_utf8($b), "utf8::is_utf8 beyond"); ok( utf8::is_utf8($c), "utf8::is_utf8 unicode"); is(utf8::downgrade($a), 1, "utf8::downgrade basic"); is(utf8::downgrade($b), 1, "utf8::downgrade beyond"); is($a, "A", "basic"); is($b, "\xFF", "beyond"); ok( utf8::valid($a), "utf8::valid basic"); ok( utf8::valid($b), "utf8::valid beyond"); ok(!utf8::is_utf8($a), "!utf8::is_utf8 basic"); ok(!utf8::is_utf8($b), "!utf8::is_utf8 beyond"); utf8::encode($a); utf8::encode($b); utf8::encode($c); is($a, "A", "basic"); if (ord('A') == 193) { # EBCDIC. is(length($b), 1, "beyond length"); } else { is(length($b), 2, "beyond length"); } is(length($c), 2, "unicode length"); ok(utf8::valid($a), "utf8::valid basic"); ok(utf8::valid($b), "utf8::valid beyond"); ok(utf8::valid($c), "utf8::valid unicode"); # encode() clears the UTF-8 flag (unlike upgrade()). ok(!utf8::is_utf8($a), "!utf8::is_utf8 basic"); ok(!utf8::is_utf8($b), "!utf8::is_utf8 beyond"); ok(!utf8::is_utf8($c), "!utf8::is_utf8 unicode"); utf8::decode($a); utf8::decode($b); utf8::decode($c); is($a, "A", "basic"); is($b, "\xFF", "beyond"); is($c, "\x{100}", "unicode"); ok(utf8::valid($a), "!utf8::valid basic"); ok(utf8::valid($b), "!utf8::valid beyond"); ok(utf8::valid($c), " utf8::valid unicode"); ok(!utf8::is_utf8($a), "!utf8::is_utf8 basic"); if (ord('A') == 193) { # EBCDIC. ok( utf8::is_utf8(pack('U',0x0ff)), " utf8::is_utf8 beyond"); } else { ok( utf8::is_utf8($b), " utf8::is_utf8 beyond"); # $b stays in UTF-8. } ok( utf8::is_utf8($c), " utf8::is_utf8 unicode"); } { eval {utf8::encode("£")}; like($@, qr/^Modification of a read-only value attempted/, "utf8::encode should refuse to touch read-only values"); } { # Make sure utf8::decode respects copy-on-write [perl #91834]. # Hash keys are the easiest way to test this. my $name = "\x{c3}\x{b3}"; my ($k1) = keys %{ { $name=>undef } }; my $k2 = $name; utf8::decode($k1); utf8::decode($k2); my $h = { $k1 => 1, $k2 => 2 }; is join('', keys %$h), $k2, 'utf8::decode respects copy-on-write'; } { # Make sure utf8::decode does not modify read-only scalars # [perl #91850]. my $name = "\x{c3}\x{b3}"; Internals::SvREADONLY($name, 1); eval { utf8::decode($name) }; like $@, qr/^Modification of a read-only/, 'utf8::decode respects readonliness'; } { # utf8::decode should stringify refs [perl #91852]. package eieifg { use overload '""' => sub { "\x{c3}\x{b3}" }, fallback => 1 } my $name = bless[], eieifg::; utf8::decode($name); is $name, "\xf3", 'utf8::decode flattens references'; } { my $a = "456\xb6"; utf8::upgrade($a); my $b = "123456\xb6"; $b =~ s/^...//; utf8::upgrade($b); is($b, $a, "utf8::upgrade OffsetOK"); } { fresh_perl_like ('use utf8; utf8::moo()', qr/Undefined subroutine utf8::moo/, {stderr=>1}, "Check Carp is loaded for AUTOLOADing errors") } { # failure of is_utf8_char() without NATIVE_TO_UTF on EBCDIC (0260..027F) ok(utf8::valid(chr(0x250)), "0x250"); ok(utf8::valid(chr(0x260)), "0x260"); ok(utf8::valid(chr(0x270)), "0x270"); ok(utf8::valid(chr(0x280)), "0x280"); } { use utf8; ok( !utf8::is_utf8( "asd" ), "Wasteful format - qq{}" ); ok( !utf8::is_utf8( 'asd' ), "Wasteful format - q{}" ); ok( !utf8::is_utf8( qw(asd) ), "Wasteful format - qw{}" ); ok( !utf8::is_utf8( (asd => 1)[0] ), "Wasteful format - =>" ); ok( !utf8::is_utf8( -asd ), "Wasteful format - -word" ); no warnings 'bareword'; ok( !utf8::is_utf8( asd:: ), "Wasteful format - word::" ); no warnings 'reserved'; no strict 'subs'; ok( !utf8::is_utf8( asd ), "Wasteful format - bareword" ); } { my @highest = (undef, 0x7F, 0x7FF, 0xFFFF, 0x1FFFFF, 0x3FFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF); my @step = (undef, undef, 0x40, 0x1000, 0x40000, 0x1000000, 0x40000000); foreach my $length (6, 5, 4, 3, 2) { my $high = $highest[$length]; while ($high > $highest[$length - 1]) { my $low = $high - $step[$length] + 1; $low = $highest[$length - 1] + 1 if $low <= $highest[$length - 1]; ok(utf8::valid(do {no warnings 'utf8'; chr $low}), sprintf "chr %x, length $length is valid", $low); ok(utf8::valid(do {no warnings 'utf8'; chr $high}), sprintf "chr %x, length $length is valid", $high); $high -= $step[$length]; } } } # #80190 update pos, and cached length/position-mapping after # utf8 upgrade/downgrade, encode/decode for my $pos (0..5) { my $p; my $s = "A\xc8\x81\xe8\xab\x86\x{100}"; chop($s); pos($s) = $pos; # also sets cache is(length($s), 6, "(pos $pos) len before utf8::downgrade"); is(pos($s), $pos, "(pos $pos) pos before utf8::downgrade"); utf8::downgrade($s); is(length($s), 6, "(pos $pos) len after utf8::downgrade"); is(pos($s), $pos, "(pos $pos) pos after utf8::downgrade"); is($s, "A\xc8\x81\xe8\xab\x86","(pos $pos) str after utf8::downgrade"); utf8::decode($s); is(length($s), 3, "(pos $pos) len after D; utf8::decode"); is(pos($s), undef, "(pos $pos) pos after D; utf8::decode"); is($s, "A\x{201}\x{8ac6}", "(pos $pos) str after D; utf8::decode"); utf8::encode($s); is(length($s), 6, "(pos $pos) len after D; utf8::encode"); is(pos($s), undef, "(pos $pos) pos after D; utf8::encode"); is($s, "A\xc8\x81\xe8\xab\x86","(pos $pos) str after D; utf8::encode"); $s = "A\xc8\x81\xe8\xab\x86"; pos($s) = $pos; is(length($s), 6, "(pos $pos) len before utf8::upgrade"); is(pos($s), $pos, "(pos $pos) pos before utf8::upgrade"); utf8::upgrade($s); is(length($s), 6, "(pos $pos) len after utf8::upgrade"); is(pos($s), $pos, "(pos $pos) pos after utf8::upgrade"); is($s, "A\xc8\x81\xe8\xab\x86","(pos $pos) str after utf8::upgrade"); utf8::decode($s); is(length($s), 3, "(pos $pos) len after U; utf8::decode"); is(pos($s), undef, "(pos $pos) pos after U; utf8::decode"); is($s, "A\x{201}\x{8ac6}", "(pos $pos) str after U; utf8::decode"); utf8::encode($s); is(length($s), 6, "(pos $pos) len after U; utf8::encode"); is(pos($s), undef, "(pos $pos) pos after U; utf8::encode"); is($s, "A\xc8\x81\xe8\xab\x86","(pos $pos) str after U; utf8::encode"); } # [perl #119043] utf8::upgrade should not croak on read-only COWs for(__PACKAGE__) { eval { utf8::upgrade($_) }; is $@, "", 'no error with utf8::upgrade on read-only COW'; } # This one croaks, but not because the scalar is read-only eval "package \x{100};\n" . <<'END' for(__PACKAGE__) { eval { utf8::downgrade($_) }; ::like $@, qr/^Wide character/, 'right error with utf8::downgrade on read-only COW'; } 1 END or die $@; done_testing();