#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; } use warnings; use vars qw{ @warnings }; BEGIN { # ...and save 'em for later $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { push @warnings, @_ } } END { print @warnings } ######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure. BEGIN { $| = 1; print "1..82\n"; } END {print "not ok 1\n" unless $loaded;} use constant 1.01; $loaded = 1; #print "# Version: $constant::VERSION\n"; print "ok 1\n"; ######################### End of black magic. use strict; sub test ($$;$) { my($num, $bool, $diag) = @_; if ($bool) { print "ok $num\n"; return; } print "not ok $num\n"; return unless defined $diag; $diag =~ s/\Z\n?/\n/; # unchomp print map "# $num : $_", split m/^/m, $diag; } use constant PI => 4 * atan2 1, 1; test 2, substr(PI, 0, 7) eq '3.14159'; test 3, defined PI; sub deg2rad { PI * $_[0] / 180 } my $ninety = deg2rad 90; test 4, $ninety > 1.5707; test 5, $ninety < 1.5708; use constant UNDEF1 => undef; # the right way use constant UNDEF2 => ; # the weird way use constant 'UNDEF3' ; # the 'short' way use constant EMPTY => ( ) ; # the right way for lists test 6, not defined UNDEF1; test 7, not defined UNDEF2; test 8, not defined UNDEF3; my @undef = UNDEF1; test 9, @undef == 1; test 10, not defined $undef[0]; @undef = UNDEF2; test 11, @undef == 0; @undef = UNDEF3; test 12, @undef == 0; @undef = EMPTY; test 13, @undef == 0; use constant COUNTDOWN => scalar reverse 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; use constant COUNTLIST => reverse 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; use constant COUNTLAST => (COUNTLIST)[-1]; test 14, COUNTDOWN eq '54321'; my @cl = COUNTLIST; test 15, @cl == 5; test 16, COUNTDOWN eq join '', @cl; test 17, COUNTLAST == 1; test 18, (COUNTLIST)[1] == 4; use constant ABC => 'ABC'; test 19, "abc${\( ABC )}abc" eq "abcABCabc"; use constant DEF => 'D', 'E', chr ord 'F'; test 20, "d e f @{[ DEF ]} d e f" eq "d e f D E F d e f"; use constant SINGLE => "'"; use constant DOUBLE => '"'; use constant BACK => '\\'; my $tt = BACK . SINGLE . DOUBLE ; test 21, $tt eq q(\\'"); use constant MESS => q('"'\\"'"\\); test 22, MESS eq q('"'\\"'"\\); test 23, length(MESS) == 8; use constant TRAILING => '12 cats'; { no warnings 'numeric'; test 24, TRAILING == 12; } test 25, TRAILING eq '12 cats'; use constant LEADING => " \t1234"; test 26, LEADING == 1234; test 27, LEADING eq " \t1234"; use constant ZERO1 => 0; use constant ZERO2 => 0.0; use constant ZERO3 => '0.0'; test 28, ZERO1 eq '0'; test 29, ZERO2 eq '0'; test 30, ZERO3 eq '0.0'; { package Other; use constant PI => 3.141; } test 31, (PI > 3.1415 and PI < 3.1416); test 32, Other::PI == 3.141; use constant E2BIG => $! = 7; test 33, E2BIG == 7; # This is something like "Arg list too long", but the actual message # text may vary, so we can't test much better than this. test 34, length(E2BIG) > 6; test 35, index(E2BIG, " ") > 0; test 36, @warnings == 0, join "\n", "unexpected warning", @warnings; @warnings = (); # just in case undef &PI; test 37, @warnings && ($warnings[0] =~ /Constant sub.* undefined/), shift @warnings; test 38, @warnings == 0, "unexpected warning"; test 39, 1; use constant CSCALAR => \"ok 40\n"; use constant CHASH => { foo => "ok 41\n" }; use constant CARRAY => [ undef, "ok 42\n" ]; use constant CPHASH => [ { foo => 1 }, "ok 43\n" ]; use constant CCODE => sub { "ok $_[0]\n" }; print ${+CSCALAR}; print CHASH->{foo}; print CARRAY->[1]; print CPHASH->{foo}; eval q{ CPHASH->{bar} }; test 44, scalar($@ =~ /^No such pseudo-hash field/); print CCODE->(45); eval q{ CCODE->{foo} }; test 46, scalar($@ =~ /^Constant is not a HASH/); # Allow leading underscore use constant _PRIVATE => 47; test 47, _PRIVATE == 47; # Disallow doubled leading underscore eval q{ use constant __DISALLOWED => "Oops"; }; test 48, $@ =~ /begins with '__'/; # Check on declared() and %declared. This sub should be EXACTLY the # same as the one quoted in the docs! sub declared ($) { use constant 1.01; # don't omit this! my $name = shift; $name =~ s/^::/main::/; my $pkg = caller; my $full_name = $name =~ /::/ ? $name : "${pkg}::$name"; $constant::declared{$full_name}; } test 49, declared 'PI'; test 50, $constant::declared{'main::PI'}; test 51, !declared 'PIE'; test 52, !$constant::declared{'main::PIE'}; { package Other; use constant IN_OTHER_PACK => 42; ::test 53, ::declared 'IN_OTHER_PACK'; ::test 54, $constant::declared{'Other::IN_OTHER_PACK'}; ::test 55, ::declared 'main::PI'; ::test 56, $constant::declared{'main::PI'}; } test 57, declared 'Other::IN_OTHER_PACK'; test 58, $constant::declared{'Other::IN_OTHER_PACK'}; @warnings = (); eval q{ no warnings; use warnings 'constant'; use constant 'BEGIN' => 1 ; use constant 'INIT' => 1 ; use constant 'CHECK' => 1 ; use constant 'END' => 1 ; use constant 'DESTROY' => 1 ; use constant 'AUTOLOAD' => 1 ; use constant 'STDIN' => 1 ; use constant 'STDOUT' => 1 ; use constant 'STDERR' => 1 ; use constant 'ARGV' => 1 ; use constant 'ARGVOUT' => 1 ; use constant 'ENV' => 1 ; use constant 'INC' => 1 ; use constant 'SIG' => 1 ; }; test 59, @warnings == 15 ; test 60, (shift @warnings) =~ /^Constant name 'BEGIN' is a Perl keyword at/; shift @warnings; #Constant subroutine BEGIN redefined at test 61, (shift @warnings) =~ /^Constant name 'INIT' is a Perl keyword at/; test 62, (shift @warnings) =~ /^Constant name 'CHECK' is a Perl keyword at/; test 63, (shift @warnings) =~ /^Constant name 'END' is a Perl keyword at/; test 64, (shift @warnings) =~ /^Constant name 'DESTROY' is a Perl keyword at/; test 65, (shift @warnings) =~ /^Constant name 'AUTOLOAD' is a Perl keyword at/; test 66, (shift @warnings) =~ /^Constant name 'STDIN' is forced into package main:: a/; test 67, (shift @warnings) =~ /^Constant name 'STDOUT' is forced into package main:: at/; test 68, (shift @warnings) =~ /^Constant name 'STDERR' is forced into package main:: at/; test 69, (shift @warnings) =~ /^Constant name 'ARGV' is forced into package main:: at/; test 70, (shift @warnings) =~ /^Constant name 'ARGVOUT' is forced into package main:: at/; test 71, (shift @warnings) =~ /^Constant name 'ENV' is forced into package main:: at/; test 72, (shift @warnings) =~ /^Constant name 'INC' is forced into package main:: at/; test 73, (shift @warnings) =~ /^Constant name 'SIG' is forced into package main:: at/; @warnings = (); use constant { THREE => 3, FAMILY => [ qw( John Jane Sally ) ], AGES => { John => 33, Jane => 28, Sally => 3 }, RFAM => [ [ qw( John Jane Sally ) ] ], SPIT => sub { shift }, PHFAM => [ { John => 1, Jane => 2, Sally => 3 }, 33, 28, 3 ], }; test 74, @{+FAMILY} == THREE; test 75, @{+FAMILY} == @{RFAM->[0]}; test 76, FAMILY->[2] eq RFAM->[0]->[2]; test 77, AGES->{FAMILY->[1]} == 28; test 78, PHFAM->{John} == AGES->{John}; test 79, PHFAM->[3] == AGES->{FAMILY->[2]}; test 80, @{+PHFAM} == SPIT->(THREE+1); test 81, THREE**3 eq SPIT->(@{+FAMILY}**3); test 82, AGES->{FAMILY->[THREE-1]} == PHFAM->[THREE];