#!/usr/bin/perl -w # This is a test checking various aspects of the optional argument # MIN_PERL_VERSION to WriteMakefile. BEGIN { if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = ('../lib', 'lib'); } else { unshift @INC, 't/lib'; } } use strict; use Test::More tests => 33; use TieOut; use MakeMaker::Test::Utils; use MakeMaker::Test::Setup::MPV; use File::Path; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; # avoid environment variables interfering with our make runs delete @ENV{qw(LIB MAKEFLAGS)}; my $perl = which_perl(); my $make = make_run(); my $makefile = makefile_name(); chdir 't'; perl_lib(); ok( setup_recurs(), 'setup' ); END { ok( chdir(File::Spec->updir), 'leaving dir' ); ok( teardown_recurs(), 'teardown' ); } ok( chdir 'Min-PerlVers', 'entering dir Min-PerlVers' ) || diag("chdir failed: $!"); { # ----- argument verification ----- my $stdout = tie *STDOUT, 'TieOut'; ok( $stdout, 'capturing stdout' ); my $warnings = ''; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warnings .= join '', @_; }; eval { WriteMakefile( NAME => 'Min::PerlVers', MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5', ); }; is( $warnings, '', 'MIN_PERL_VERSION=5 does not trigger a warning' ); is( $@, '', ' nor a hard failure' ); $warnings = ''; eval { WriteMakefile( NAME => 'Min::PerlVers', MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.4.4', ); }; is( $warnings, '', 'MIN_PERL_VERSION=X.Y.Z does not trigger a warning' ); is( $@, '', ' nor a hard failure' ); $warnings = ''; eval { WriteMakefile( NAME => 'Min::PerlVers', MIN_PERL_VERSION => '999999', ); }; ok( '' ne $warnings, 'MIN_PERL_VERSION=999999 triggers a warning' ); is( $warnings, "Warning: Perl version 999999 or higher required. We run $].\n", ' with expected message text' ); is( $@, '', ' and without a hard failure' ); $warnings = ''; eval { WriteMakefile( NAME => 'Min::PerlVers', MIN_PERL_VERSION => '999999', PREREQ_FATAL => 1, ); }; is( $warnings, '', 'MIN_PERL_VERSION=999999 and PREREQ_FATAL: no warning' ); is( $@, <<"END", ' correct exception' ); MakeMaker FATAL: perl version too low for this distribution. Required is 999999. We run $]. END $warnings = ''; eval { WriteMakefile( NAME => 'Min::PerlVers', MIN_PERL_VERSION => 'foobar', ); }; ok( '' ne $warnings, 'MIN_PERL_VERSION=foobar triggers a warning' ); is( $warnings, <<'END', ' with expected message text' ); Warning: MIN_PERL_VERSION is not in a recognized format. Recommended is a quoted numerical value like '5.005' or '5.008001'. END is( $@, '', ' and without a hard failure' ); } # ----- PREREQ_PRINT output ----- { my $prereq_out = run(qq{$perl Makefile.PL "PREREQ_PRINT=1"}); is( $?, 0, 'PREREQ_PRINT exiting normally' ); my $prereq_out_sane = $prereq_out =~ /^\s*\$PREREQ_PM\s*=/; ok( $prereq_out_sane, ' and talking like we expect' ) || diag($prereq_out); SKIP: { skip 'not going to evaluate rubbish', 3 if !$prereq_out_sane; package _Prereq::Print::WithMPV; ## no critic our($PREREQ_PM, $BUILD_REQUIRES, $MIN_PERL_VERSION, $ERR); $ERR = ''; eval { eval $prereq_out; ## no critic $ERR = $@; }; ::is( $@ . $ERR, '', 'prereqs evaluable' ); ::is_deeply( $PREREQ_PM, { strict => 0 }, ' and looking correct' ); ::is( $MIN_PERL_VERSION, '5.005', 'min version also correct' ); } } # ----- PRINT_PREREQ output ----- { my $prereq_out = run(qq{$perl Makefile.PL "PRINT_PREREQ=1"}); is( $?, 0, 'PRINT_PREREQ exiting normally' ); ok( $prereq_out !~ /^warning/i, ' and not complaining loudly' ); like( $prereq_out, qr/^perl\(perl\) \s* >= 5\.005 \s+ perl\(strict\) \s* >= \s* 0 \s*$/x, 'dump has prereqs and perl version' ); } # ----- generated files verification ----- { unlink $makefile; my @mpl_out = run(qq{$perl Makefile.PL}); END { unlink $makefile, makefile_backup() } cmp_ok( $?, '==', 0, 'Makefile.PL exiting normally' ) || diag(@mpl_out); ok( -e $makefile, 'Makefile present' ); } # ----- ppd output ----- { my $ppd_file = 'Min-PerlVers.ppd'; my @make_out = run(qq{$make ppd}); END { unlink $ppd_file } cmp_ok( $?, '==', 0, 'Make ppd exiting normally' ) || diag(@make_out); my $ppd_html = slurp($ppd_file); ok( defined($ppd_html), ' .ppd file present' ); like( $ppd_html, qr{^\s*}m, ' .ppd file content good' ); } # ----- META.yml output ----- { my $distdir = 'Min-PerlVers-0.05'; $distdir =~ s{\.}{_}g if $Is_VMS; my $meta_yml = "$distdir/META.yml"; my @make_out = run(qq{$make metafile}); END { rmtree $distdir } cmp_ok( $?, '==', 0, 'Make metafile exiting normally' ) || diag(@make_out); my $meta = slurp($meta_yml); ok( defined($meta), ' META.yml present' ); like( $meta, qr{\nrequires:[^\S\n]*\n\s+perl:\s+5\.005\n\s+strict:\s+0\n}, ' META.yml content good'); } __END__