package CPANPLUS::Config; use strict; use warnings; use base 'Object::Accessor'; use base 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Utils'; use Config; use File::Spec; use Module::Load; use CPANPLUS; use CPANPLUS::Error; use CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants; use File::Basename qw[dirname]; use IPC::Cmd qw[can_run]; use Locale::Maketext::Simple Class => 'CPANPLUS', Style => 'gettext'; use Module::Load::Conditional qw[check_install]; my $Conf = { '_fetch' => { 'blacklist' => [ 'ftp' ], }, 'conf' => { ### default host list 'hosts' => [ { 'scheme' => 'ftp', 'path' => '/pub/CPAN/', 'host' => '' }, { 'scheme' => 'http', 'path' => '/', 'host' => '' }, { 'scheme' => 'ftp', 'path' => '/pub/CPAN/', 'host' => '' }, { 'scheme' => 'ftp', 'path' => '/pub/CPAN/', 'host' => '' }, { 'scheme' => 'ftp', 'path' => '/pub/languages/perl/CPAN/', 'host' => '' } ], 'allow_build_interactivity' => 1, 'base' => File::Spec->catdir( __PACKAGE__->_home_dir, DOT_CPANPLUS ), 'buildflags' => '', 'cpantest' => 0, 'cpantest_mx' => '', 'debug' => 0, 'dist_type' => '', 'email' => DEFAULT_EMAIL, 'extractdir' => '', 'fetchdir' => '', 'flush' => 1, 'force' => 0, 'lib' => [], 'makeflags' => '', 'makemakerflags' => '', 'md5' => ( check_install( module => 'Digest::MD5' ) ? 1 : 0 ), 'no_update' => 0, 'passive' => 1, ### if we dont have c::zlib, we'll need to use /bin/tar or we ### can not extract any files. Good time to change the default 'prefer_bin' => (eval {require Compress::Zlib; 1}?0:1), 'prefer_makefile' => 1, 'prereqs' => PREREQ_ASK, 'shell' => 'CPANPLUS::Shell::Default', 'show_startup_tip' => 1, 'signature' => ( (can_run( 'gpg' ) || check_install( module => 'Crypt::OpenPGP' ))?1:0 ), 'skiptest' => 0, 'storable' => ( check_install( module => 'Storable' ) ? 1 : 0 ), 'timeout' => 300, 'verbose' => $ENV{PERL5_CPANPLUS_VERBOSE} || 0, 'write_install_logs' => 1, }, ### Paths get stripped of whitespace on win32 in the constructor ### sudo gets emptied if there's no need for it in the constructor 'program' => { 'editor' => ( $ENV{'EDITOR'} || $ENV{'VISUAL'} || can_run('vi') || can_run('pico') ), 'make' => ( can_run($Config{'make'}) || can_run('make') ), 'pager' => ( $ENV{'PAGER'} || can_run('less') || can_run('more') ), ### no one uses this feature anyway, and it's only working for EU::MM ### and not for module::build #'perl' => '', 'shell' => ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? $ENV{COMSPEC} : $ENV{SHELL} ), 'sudo' => ( $> # check for all install dirs! # installsiteman3dir is a 5.8'ism.. don't check # it on 5.6.x... ? ( -w $Config{'installsitelib'} && ( defined $Config{'installsiteman3dir'} && -w $Config{'installsiteman3dir'} ) && -w $Config{'installsitebin'} ? undef : can_run('sudo') ) : can_run('sudo') ), ### perlwrapper that allows us to turn on autoflushing 'perlwrapper' => sub{ my $name = 'cpanp-run-perl'; my @bins = do{ require Config; my $ver = $Config::Config{version}; ### if we are running with 'versiononly' enabled, ### all binaries will have the perlversion appended ### ie, cpanp will become cpanp5.9.5 ### so prefer the versioned binary in that case $Config::Config{versiononly} ? ($name.$ver, $name) : ($name, $name.$ver); }; my $path; BIN: for my $bin (@bins) { ### parallel to your cpanp/cpanp-boxed my $maybe = File::Spec->rel2abs( File::Spec->catdir( dirname($0), $bin ) ); $path = $maybe and last BIN if -f $maybe; ### parallel to your ### $INC{cpanplus}/../bin/cpanp-run-perl $maybe = File::Spec->rel2abs( File::Spec->catdir( dirname($INC{''}), '..', # lib dir 'bin', # bin dir $bin, # script ) ); $path = $maybe and last BIN if -f $maybe; ### you installed CPANPLUS in a custom prefix, ### so go paralel to /that/. PREFIX=/tmp/cp ### would put cpanp-run-perl in /tmp/cp/bin and ### in ### /tmp/cp/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8 $maybe = File::Spec->rel2abs( File::Spec->catdir( dirname( $INC{''} ), '..', '..', '..', '..', # 4x updir 'bin', # bin dir $bin, # script ) ); $path = $maybe and last BIN if -f $maybe; ### in your path -- take this one last, the ### previous two assume extracted tarballs ### or user installs ### note that we don't use 'can_run' as it's ### not an executable, just a wrapper... for my $dir (split(/\Q$Config::Config{path_sep}\E/, $ENV{PATH}), File::Spec->curdir ) { $maybe = File::Spec->catfile( $dir, $bin ); $path = $maybe and last BIN if -f $maybe; } } ### we should have a $path by now ideally, if so return it return $path if defined $path; ### if not, warn about it and give sensible default. ### XXX try to be a no-op instead then.. ### cross your fingers... ### pass '-P' to perl: "run program through C ### preprocessor before compilation" error(loc( "Could not find the '%1' in your path". "--this may be a problem.\n". "Please locate this program and set ". "your '%1' config entry to its path.\n". "Attempting to provide a reasonable ". "fallback...", $name, 'perlwrapper' )); return '-P' }->(), }, ### _source, _build and _mirror are supposed to be static ### no changes should be needed unless pause/cpan changes '_source' => { 'hosts' => 'MIRRORED.BY', 'auth' => '01mailrc.txt.gz', 'stored' => 'sourcefiles', 'dslip' => '', 'update' => '86400', 'mod' => '02packages.details.txt.gz' }, '_build' => { 'plugins' => 'plugins', 'moddir' => 'build', 'startdir' => '', 'distdir' => 'dist', 'autobundle' => 'autobundle', 'autobundle_prefix' => 'Snapshot', 'autdir' => 'authors', 'install_log_dir' => 'install-logs', 'sanity_check' => 1, }, '_mirror' => { 'base' => 'authors/id/', 'auth' => 'authors/01mailrc.txt.gz', 'dslip' => 'modules/', 'mod' => 'modules/02packages.details.txt.gz' }, }; sub new { my $class = shift; my $obj = $class->SUPER::new; $obj->mk_accessors( keys %$Conf ); for my $acc ( keys %$Conf ) { my $subobj = Object::Accessor->new; $subobj->mk_accessors( keys %{$Conf->{$acc}} ); ### read in all the settings from the sub accessors; for my $subacc ( $subobj->ls_accessors ) { $subobj->$subacc( $Conf->{$acc}->{$subacc} ); } ### now store it in the parent object $obj->$acc( $subobj ); } $obj->_clean_up_paths; ### shut up IPC::Cmd warning about not findin IPC::Run on win32 $IPC::Cmd::WARN = 0; return $obj; } sub _clean_up_paths { my $self = shift; ### clean up paths if we are on win32 if( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) { for my $pgm ( $self->program->ls_accessors ) { $self->program->$pgm( Win32::GetShortPathName( $self->program->$pgm ) ) if $self->program->$pgm =~ /\s+/; } } return 1; } 1;