# A template for Makefile.PL. # - Set the $PACKAGE variable to the name of your module. # - Set $LAST_API_CHANGE to reflect the last version you changed the API # of your module. # - Fill in your dependencies in PREREQ_PM # Alternatively, you can say the hell with this and use h2xs. use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; eval 'use ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Coverage'; $PACKAGE = 'XSLoader'; ($PACKAGE_FILE = $PACKAGE) =~ s|::|/|g; $LAST_API_CHANGE = 0; eval "require $PACKAGE"; unless ($@) { # Make sure we did find the module. print <<"CHANGE_WARN" if ${$PACKAGE.'::VERSION'} < $LAST_API_CHANGE; NOTE: There have been API changes between this version and any older than version $LAST_API_CHANGE! Please read the Changes file if you are upgrading from a version older than $LAST_API_CHANGE. CHANGE_WARN } # In case the empty lib/ directory was not created. mkdir 'lib', 0755 unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; # starting with Perl 5.11, "site" and "vendor" directories finally are # before "perl" (core) in @INC, thus allowing dual-life modules to be # updated without the need to overwrite the old version my $installdirs = $] < 5.011 ? "perl" : "site"; WriteMakefile( NAME => $PACKAGE, LICENSE => 'perl', AUTHOR => 'Sebastien Aperghis-Tramoni ', VERSION_FROM => 'XSLoader_pm.PL', ABSTRACT_FROM => 'XSLoader_pm.PL', INSTALLDIRS => $installdirs, PL_FILES => { 'XSLoader_pm.PL' => 'XSLoader.pm' }, PM => { 'XSLoader.pm' => '$(INST_ARCHLIB)/XSLoader.pm' }, PREREQ_PM => { 'Test::More' => '0.47', }, META_MERGE => { resources => { repository => 'git://perl5.git.perl.org/perl.git', license => 'http://dev.perl.org/licenses/', homepage => 'https://metacpan.org/module/XSLoader', irc => 'irc://irc.perl.org/#p5p', mailinglist => 'http://lists.perl.org/list/perl5-porters.html', bugtracker => "https://rt.perl.org/rt3/Search/Results.html?Query=Queue='perl5' AND Content LIKE 'module=XSLoader' AND (Status='open' OR Status='new' OR Status='stalled')", }, }, dist => { COMPRESS => 'gzip -9f', SUFFIX => 'gz', }, clean => { FILES => 'XSLoader-* XSLoader.pm' }, ); # Unlink the .pm file included with the distribution 1 while unlink "XSLoader.pm"; { package MY; sub test_via_harness { my($self, $orig_perl, $tests) = @_; my @perls = ($orig_perl); push @perls, qw(bleadperl perl5.6.1 perl5.6.0 perl5.005_03 perl5.004_05 perl5.004_04 perl5.004) if $ENV{PERL_TEST_ALL}; my $out; foreach my $perl (@perls) { $out .= $self->SUPER::test_via_harness($perl, $tests); } return $out; } }