#!/usr/bin/perl use lib '..'; use Memoize; if (-e '.fast') { print "1..0\n"; exit 0; } $| = 1; # If we don't say anything, maybe nobody will notice. # print STDERR "\nWarning: I'm testing the speedup. This might take up to thirty seconds.\n "; my $COARSE_TIME = 1; sub times_to_time { my ($u) = times; $u; } if ($^O eq 'riscos') { eval {require Time::HiRes; *my_time = \&Time::HiRes::time }; if ($@) { *my_time = sub { time }; $COARSE_TIME = 1 } } else { *my_time = \×_to_time; } print "1..6\n"; # This next test finds an example that takes a long time to run, then # checks to make sure that the run is actually speeded up by memoization. # In some sense, this is the most essential correctness test in the package. # # We do this by running the fib() function with successfily larger # arguments until we find one that tales at least $LONG_RUN seconds # to execute. Then we memoize fib() and run the same call cagain. If # it doesn't produce the same test in less than one-tenth the time, # something is seriously wrong. # # $LONG_RUN is the number of seconds that the function call must last # in order for the call to be considered sufficiently long. sub fib { my $n = shift; $COUNT++; return $n if $n < 2; fib($n-1) + fib($n-2); } sub max { $_[0] > $_[1] ? $_[0] : $_[1] } $N = 1; $ELAPSED = 0; my $LONG_RUN = 10; while (1) { my $start = time; $COUNT=0; $RESULT = fib($N); $ELAPSED = time - $start; last if $ELAPSED >= $LONG_RUN; if ($ELAPSED > 1) { print "# fib($N) took $ELAPSED seconds.\n" if $N % 1 == 0; # we'd expect that fib(n+1) takes about 1.618 times as long as fib(n) # so now that we have a longish run, let's estimate the value of $N # that will get us a sufficiently long run. $N += 1 + int(log($LONG_RUN/$ELAPSED)/log(1.618)); print "# OK, N=$N ought to do it.\n"; # It's important not to overshoot here because the running time # is exponential in $N. If we increase $N too aggressively, # the user will be forced to wait a very long time. } else { $N++; } } print "# OK, fib($N) was slow enough; it took $ELAPSED seconds.\n"; print "# Total calls: $COUNT.\n"; &memoize('fib'); $COUNT=0; $start = time; $RESULT2 = fib($N); $ELAPSED2 = time - $start + .001; # prevent division by 0 errors print (($RESULT == $RESULT2) ? "ok 1\n" : "not ok 1\n"); # If it's not ten times as fast, something is seriously wrong. print (($ELAPSED/$ELAPSED2 > 10) ? "ok 2\n" : "not ok 2\n"); # If it called the function more than $N times, it wasn't memoized properly print (($COUNT > $N) ? "ok 3\n" : "not ok 3\n"); # Do it again. Should be even faster this time. $COUNT = 0; $start = time; $RESULT2 = fib($N); $ELAPSED2 = time - $start + .001; # prevent division by 0 errors print (($RESULT == $RESULT2) ? "ok 4\n" : "not ok 4\n"); print (($ELAPSED/$ELAPSED2 > 10) ? "ok 5\n" : "not ok 5\n"); # This time it shouldn't have called the function at all. print ($COUNT == 0 ? "ok 6\n" : "not ok 6\n");