#!/usr/bin/perl -w # This is a test of the fake YAML dumper implemented by EUMM: # ExtUtils::MM_Any::metafile_file BEGIN { unshift @INC, 't/lib'; } use strict; use Test::More tests => 16; require ExtUtils::MM_Any; my $mm = bless {}, 'ExtUtils::MM_Any'; { my @meta = ( a => 1, b => 2 ); my $expected = <metafile_file(@meta), $expected, "dump for flat hashes works ok"); } { my @meta = ( k1 => 'some key and value', k2 => undef, k3 => 1 ); my $expected = <metafile_file(@meta), $expected, "dumping strings and undefs is ok"); } { my @meta = ( a => 1, b => 2, h => { hh => 1 } ); my $expected = <metafile_file(@meta), $expected, "dump for nested hashes works ok"); } { my @meta = ( a => 1, b => 2, h => { h1 => 'x', h2 => 'z' } ); my $expected = <metafile_file(@meta), $expected, "nested hashes sort ascii-betically"); # to tell the truth, they sort case-insensitively # that's hard to test for Perl with unstable sort's } { my @meta = ( a => 1, b => 2, h => { hh => { hhh => 1 } } ); my $expected = <metafile_file(@meta), $expected, "dump for hashes (with more nesting) works ok"); } { my @meta = ( a => 1, k => [ qw(w y z) ] ); my $expected = <metafile_file(@meta), $expected, "array of strings are handled ok"); } is($mm->metafile_file( a => {}, b => [], c => undef ), <<'YAML', 'empty hashes and arrays'); --- #YAML:1.0 a: {} b: [] c: ~ YAML { my @meta = ( name => 'My-Module', version => '0.1', version_from => 'lib/My/Module.pm', installdirs => 'site', abstract => 'A does-it-all module', license => 'perl', generated_by => 'myself', author => 'John Doe ', distribution_type => 'module', requires => { 'My::Module::Helper' => 0, 'Your::Module' => '1.5', }, 'meta-spec' => { version => '1.1', url => 'http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-new.html', }, ); my $expected = <<'YAML'; --- #YAML:1.0 name: My-Module version: 0.1 version_from: lib/My/Module.pm installdirs: site abstract: A does-it-all module license: perl generated_by: myself author: John Doe distribution_type: module requires: My::Module::Helper: 0 Your::Module: 1.5 meta-spec: url: http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-new.html version: 1.1 YAML is($mm->metafile_file(@meta), $expected, "dump for something like META.yml works"); } { my @meta = ( name => 'My-Module', version => '0.1', version_from => 'lib/My/Module.pm', installdirs => 'site', abstract => 'A does-it-all module', license => 'perl', generated_by => 'myself', author => 'John Doe ', distribution_type => 'module', requires => { 'My::Module::Helper' => 0, 'Your::Module' => '1.5', }, recommends => { 'Test::More' => 0, 'Test::Pod' => 1.18, 'Test::Pod::Coverage' => 1 }, 'meta-spec' => { version => '1.1', url => 'http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-new.html', }, ); my $expected = <<'YAML'; --- #YAML:1.0 name: My-Module version: 0.1 version_from: lib/My/Module.pm installdirs: site abstract: A does-it-all module license: perl generated_by: myself author: John Doe distribution_type: module requires: My::Module::Helper: 0 Your::Module: 1.5 recommends: Test::More: 0 Test::Pod: 1.18 Test::Pod::Coverage: 1 meta-spec: url: http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-new.html version: 1.1 YAML is($mm->metafile_file(@meta), $expected, "META.yml with extra 'recommends' works"); } { my @meta = ( name => 'My-Module', version => '0.1', version_from => 'lib/My/Module.pm', installdirs => 'site', abstract => 'A does-it-all module', license => 'perl', generated_by => 'myself', author => 'John Doe ', distribution_type => 'module', requires => { 'My::Module::Helper' => 0, 'Your::Module' => '1.5', }, recommends => { 'Test::More' => 0, 'Test::Pod' => 1.18, 'Test::Pod::Coverage' => 1 }, no_index => { dir => [ qw(inc) ], file => [ qw(TODO NOTES) ], }, 'meta-spec' => { version => '1.1', url => 'http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-new.html', }, ); my $expected = <<'YAML'; --- #YAML:1.0 name: My-Module version: 0.1 version_from: lib/My/Module.pm installdirs: site abstract: A does-it-all module license: perl generated_by: myself author: John Doe distribution_type: module requires: My::Module::Helper: 0 Your::Module: 1.5 recommends: Test::More: 0 Test::Pod: 1.18 Test::Pod::Coverage: 1 no_index: dir: - inc file: - TODO - NOTES meta-spec: url: http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-new.html version: 1.1 YAML is($mm->metafile_file(@meta), $expected, "META.yml with extra 'no_index' works"); # Make sure YAML.pm can ready our output SKIP: { skip "Need YAML.pm to test if it can load META.yml", 1 unless eval { require YAML }; my $yaml_load = YAML::Load($mm->metafile_file(@meta)); is_deeply( $yaml_load, {@meta}, "META.yml can be read by YAML.pm" ); } SKIP: { # Load() behaves diffrently in versions prior to 1.06 skip "Need YAML::Tiny to test if it can load META.yml", 2 unless eval { require YAML::Tiny } and $YAML::Tiny::VERSION >= 1.06; my @yaml_load = YAML::Tiny::Load($mm->metafile_file(@meta)); is @yaml_load, 1, "YAML::Tiny saw one document in META.yml"; is_deeply( $yaml_load[0], {@meta}, "META.yml can be read by YAML::Tiny" ); } } { my @meta = ( k => 'a : b', 'x : y' => 1 ); my $expected = <metafile_file(@meta), $expected, "no quoting is done"); } { my @meta = ( k => \*STDOUT ); eval { $mm->metafile_file(@meta) }; like($@, qr/^only nested hashes, arrays and objects are supported/, "we don't like but hash/array refs"); } { my @meta = ( k => [ [] ] ); eval { $mm->metafile_file(@meta) }; like($@, qr/^only nested arrays of non-refs are supported/, "we also don't like but array of strings"); } # recursive data structures: don't even think about it - endless recursion