#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # This needs to be able to run from a clean checkout, hence assume only system # perl, which may be too old to have autodie require 'Porting/pod_lib.pl'; my $state = get_pod_metadata(1); my (undef, $old_major, $old_minor) = @{$state->{delta_version}}; # For now, hard code it for the simple ones... my $new_major = $old_major; my $new_minor = $old_minor + 1; # These two are just for "If you are upgrading from earlier releases..." in # the perldelta template. my $was_major = $old_major; my $was_minor = $old_minor - 1; # I may have missed some corner cases here: if ($was_minor < 0) { $was_minor = 0; --$was_major; } my $newdelta_filename = "perl5$new_major${new_minor}delta.pod"; { # For now, just tell the user what to add, as it's safer. my %add; sub git_add_new { push @{$add{new}}, shift; } sub git_add_modified { push @{$add{modified}}, shift; } sub notify_success { return unless %add; print "Please run:\n"; foreach (qw(new modified)) { print " git add @{$add{$_}}\n" if $add{$_}; } print "\nBefore committing please check that the build works and make test_porting passes\n"; } } my $filename = 'pod/.gitignore'; my $gitignore = slurp_or_die($filename); $gitignore =~ s{^/$state->{delta_target}$} {/$newdelta_filename}m or die "Can't find /$state->{delta_target} in $filename"; write_or_die($filename, $gitignore); git_add_modified($filename); my $olddelta = slurp_or_die('pod/perldelta.pod'); $olddelta =~ s{^(perl)(delta - what is new for perl v5.$old_major.$old_minor)$} {$1 . "5$old_major$old_minor" . $2}me or die "Can't find expected NAME contents in $olddelta"; my $olddeltaname = "pod/perl5$old_major${old_minor}delta.pod"; # in a built tree, $olddeltaname is a symlink to perldelta.pod, make sure # we don't write through it unlink($olddeltaname); write_or_die($olddeltaname, $olddelta); git_add_new($olddeltaname); $filename = 'Porting/perldelta_template.pod'; my $newdelta = slurp_or_die($filename); foreach([rXXX => $was_major], [sXXX => $old_major], [tXXX => $new_major], [aXXX => $was_minor], [bXXX => $old_minor], [cXXX => $new_minor], ['5XXX' => 5 . $old_major . $old_minor]) { my ($token, $value) = @$_; $newdelta =~ s/$token/$value/g or die "Can't find '$token' in $filename"; } write_or_die('pod/perldelta.pod', $newdelta); git_add_modified('pod/perldelta.pod'); $filename = 'pod/perl.pod'; my $pod_master = slurp_or_die($filename); $pod_master =~ s{^(\s*perl5)($was_major$was_minor)(delta\s+Perl changes in version )(5\.\d+\.\d+)(.*)} {$1 . $old_major . $old_minor .$3 . "5.$old_major.$old_minor" . $5 . "\n" . "$1$2$3$4$5"}me or warn "Couldn't find perldelta line (for perl5$was_major${was_minor}delta) in $filename"; write_or_die($filename, $pod_master); git_add_modified($filename); my $command = "$^X Porting/pod_rules.pl"; system $command and die "Could not run '$command', \$? = $?"; git_add_modified(map {chomp $_; $_} `$^X Porting/pod_rules.pl --showfiles`); notify_success(); # ex: set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 et: