#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; BEGIN { $| = 1; $^W = 1; } use t::lib::Test; use Test::More tests => 18; use Test::NoWarnings; my @schema_info = ( [undef, 'main', undef, undef, undef], [undef, 'temp', undef, undef, undef] ); my @systable_info = ( [undef, 'main', 'sqlite_master', 'SYSTEM TABLE', undef, undef], [undef, 'temp', 'sqlite_temp_master', 'SYSTEM TABLE', undef, undef] ); # Create a database my $dbh = connect_ok(); # Check avalable schemas my $sth = $dbh->table_info('', '%', ''); ok $sth, 'We can get table/schema information'; my $info = $sth->fetchall_arrayref; is_deeply $info, \@schema_info, 'Correct table/schema information'; # Create a table ok( $dbh->do(<<'END_SQL'), 'CREATE TABLE one' ); CREATE TABLE one ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, name CHAR (64) NOT NULL ) END_SQL my $table1_info = [undef, 'main', 'one', 'TABLE', undef, 'CREATE TABLE one ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, name CHAR (64) NOT NULL )']; # Create a temporary table ok( $dbh->do(<<'END_SQL'), 'CREATE TEMP TABLE two' ); CREATE TEMP TABLE two ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, name CHAR (64) NOT NULL ) END_SQL my $table2_info = [undef, 'temp', 'two', 'LOCAL TEMPORARY', undef, 'CREATE TABLE two ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, name CHAR (64) NOT NULL )']; # Attach a memory database ok( $dbh->do('ATTACH DATABASE ":memory:" AS db3'), 'ATTACH DATABASE ":memory:" AS db3' ); # Create a table on the attached database ok( $dbh->do(<<'END_SQL'), 'CREATE TABLE db3.three' ); CREATE TABLE db3.three ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, name CHAR (64) NOT NULL ) END_SQL my $table3_info = [undef, 'db3', 'three', 'TABLE', undef, 'CREATE TABLE three ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, name CHAR (64) NOT NULL )']; # Get table_info for "one" $info = $dbh->table_info(undef, undef, 'one')->fetchall_arrayref; is_deeply $info, [$table1_info], 'Correct table_info for "one"'; # Get table_info for "main"."one" $info = $dbh->table_info(undef, 'main', 'one')->fetchall_arrayref; is_deeply $info, [$table1_info], 'Correct table_info for "main"."one"'; # Get table_info for "two" $info = $dbh->table_info(undef, undef, 'two')->fetchall_arrayref; is_deeply $info, [$table2_info], 'Correct table_info for "two"'; # Get table_info for "temp"."two" $info = $dbh->table_info(undef, 'temp', 'two')->fetchall_arrayref; is_deeply $info, [$table2_info], 'Correct table_info for "temp"."two"'; # Get table_info for "three" $info = $dbh->table_info(undef, undef, 'three')->fetchall_arrayref; is_deeply $info, [$table3_info], 'Correct table_info for "three"'; # Get table_info for "db3"."three" $info = $dbh->table_info(undef, 'db3', 'three')->fetchall_arrayref; is_deeply $info, [$table3_info], 'Correct table_info for "db3"."three"'; # Create another table "one" on the attached database ok( $dbh->do(<<'END_SQL'), 'CREATE TABLE db3.one' ); CREATE TABLE db3.one ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, name CHAR (64) NOT NULL ) END_SQL my $table4_info = [undef, 'db3', 'one', 'TABLE', undef, 'CREATE TABLE one ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, name CHAR (64) NOT NULL )']; # Get table_info for both tables named "one" $info = $dbh->table_info(undef, undef, 'one')->fetchall_arrayref; is_deeply $info, [$table4_info, $table1_info], 'Correct table_info for both tables named "one"'; # Get table_info for the system tables $info = $dbh->table_info(undef, undef, undef, 'SYSTEM TABLE')->fetchall_arrayref; is_deeply $info, \@systable_info, 'Correct table_info for the system tables'; # Get table_info for all tables $info = $dbh->table_info()->fetchall_arrayref; is_deeply $info, [$table2_info, @systable_info, $table4_info, $table3_info, $table1_info], 'Correct table_info for all tables'; #use Data::Dumper; #warn 'Catalog Names', substr Dumper($dbh->table_info('%', '', '')->fetchall_arrayref), 5; #warn 'Schema Names', substr Dumper($dbh->table_info('', '%', '')->fetchall_arrayref), 5; #warn 'Table Types', substr Dumper($dbh->table_info('', '', '', '%')->fetchall_arrayref), 5; #warn 'table_info', substr Dumper($info), 5;