#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; BEGIN { $| = 1; $^W = 1; } use Test::More tests => 21; use t::lib::Test; # 1-4. Connect & create tables my $dbh = connect_ok(dbfile => 'foo'); ok $dbh->do('CREATE TABLE meta1 (f1 INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, f2 CHAR(1))'), 'Create table meta1'; ok $dbh->do('CREATE TABLE meta2 (f1 VARCHAR(2), f2 CHAR(1), PRIMARY KEY (f1))'), 'Create table meta2'; ok $dbh->do('CREATE TABLE meta3 (f2 CHAR(1), f1 VARCHAR(2) PRIMARY KEY)'), 'Create table meta3'; $dbh->trace(0); $DBI::neat_maxlen = 4000; # 5-10. Get & check primary_key_info for my $table (qw(meta1 meta2 meta3)) { ok my $sth = $dbh->primary_key_info(undef, undef, $table), "Get primary_key_info for $table"; my $pki = $sth->fetchall_arrayref([3,4]); #use Data::Dumper; print Dumper($pki); is_deeply $pki, [['f1', 1]], "Correct primary_key_info returned for $table"; } # 11-14. Multi column primary key ok $dbh->do('CREATE TABLE meta4 (f1 VARCHAR(2), f2 CHAR(1), PRIMARY KEY (f1,f2))'), 'Create table meta4'; ok my $sth = $dbh->primary_key_info(undef, undef, 'meta4'), 'Get primary_key_info for meta4'; my $pki = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({COLUMN_NAME => 1, KEY_SEQ => 1}); #use Data::Dumper; print Dumper($pki); is @$pki, 2, 'Primary key contains 2 columns'; is_deeply $pki, [{COLUMN_NAME => 'f1', KEY_SEQ => 1},{COLUMN_NAME => 'f2', KEY_SEQ => 2}], 'Correct primary_key_info returned for meta4'; # 15,16. Test primary_key ok my @pk = $dbh->primary_key(undef, undef, 'meta4'), 'Get primary_key for meta4'; is_deeply \@pk, [qw(f1 f2)], 'Correct primary_key returned for meta4'; # 17-21. I'm not sure what this is testing $dbh->do("INSERT INTO meta4 VALUES ('xyz', 'b')"); $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT * FROM meta4'); $sth->execute; $sth->fetch; my $types = $sth->{TYPE}; my $names = $sth->{NAME}; # diag "Types: @$types\nNames: @$names"; is scalar @$types, scalar @$names, '$sth->{TYPE} array is same length as $sth->{NAME} array'; # FIXME: This is wrong! $sth->{TYPE} should return an array of integers see: rt #46873 TODO: { local $TODO = '$sth->{TYPE} should return an array of integers.'; isnt $types->[0], 'VARCHAR(2)', '$sth->{TYPE}[0] doesn\'t return a string'; isnt $types->[1], 'CHAR(1)', '$sth->{TYPE}[1] doesn\'t return a string'; like $types->[0], qr/^-?\d+$/, '$sth->{TYPE}[0] returns an integer'; like $types->[1], qr/^-?\d+$/, '$sth->{TYPE}[1] returns an integer'; }