#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; BEGIN { $| = 1; $^W = 1; } use t::lib::Test qw/connect_ok dies @CALL_FUNCS/; use Test::More; BEGIN { my $COLLATION_TESTS = 10; my $WRITE_ONCE_TESTS = 4; if ( $] >= 5.008005 ) { plan( tests => $COLLATION_TESTS * @CALL_FUNCS + $WRITE_ONCE_TESTS + 1); } else { plan( skip_all => 'Unicode is not supported before 5.8.5' ); } } use Test::NoWarnings; use Encode qw/decode/; use DBD::SQLite; BEGIN { # Sadly perl for windows (and probably sqlite, too) may hang # if the system locale doesn't support european languages. # en-us should be a safe default. if it doesn't work, use 'C'. if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32') { use POSIX 'locale_h'; setlocale(LC_COLLATE, 'en-us'); } } # ad hoc collation functions sub no_accents ($$) { my ( $a, $b ) = map lc, @_; tr[àâáäåãçðèêéëìîíïñòôóöõøùûúüý] [aaaaaacdeeeeiiiinoooooouuuuy] for $a, $b; $a cmp $b; } sub by_length ($$) { length($_[0]) <=> length($_[1]) } sub by_num ($$) { $_[0] <=> $_[1]; } sub by_num_desc ($$) { $_[1] <=> $_[0]; } # collation 'no_accents' will be automatically loaded on demand $DBD::SQLite::COLLATION{no_accents} = \&no_accents; $" = ", "; # to embed arrays into message strings my $sql = "SELECT txt from collate_test ORDER BY txt"; # test interaction with the global COLLATION hash ("WriteOnce") dies (sub {$DBD::SQLite::COLLATION{perl} = sub {}}, qr/already registered/, "can't override builtin perl collation"); dies (sub {delete $DBD::SQLite::COLLATION{perl}}, qr/deletion .* is forbidden/, "can't delete builtin perl collation"); # once a collation is registered, we can't override it ... unless by # digging into the tied object $DBD::SQLite::COLLATION{foo} = \&by_num; dies (sub {$DBD::SQLite::COLLATION{foo} = \&by_num_desc}, qr/already registered/, "can't override registered collation"); my $tied = tied %DBD::SQLite::COLLATION; delete $tied->{foo}; $DBD::SQLite::COLLATION{foo} = \&by_num_desc; # override, no longer dies is($DBD::SQLite::COLLATION{foo}, \&by_num_desc, "overridden collation"); # now really test the collation functions foreach my $call_func (@CALL_FUNCS) { for my $use_unicode (0, 1) { # connect my $dbh = connect_ok( RaiseError => 1, sqlite_unicode => $use_unicode ); # populate test data my @words = qw{ berger Bergèòe bergèòe Bergere HOT hôôe héôéòoclite héôaïòe hêôre héòaut HAT hâôer féôu fêôe fèöe ferme }; if ($use_unicode) { utf8::upgrade($_) foreach @words; } $dbh->do( 'CREATE TEMP TABLE collate_test ( txt )' ); $dbh->do( "INSERT INTO collate_test VALUES ( '$_' )" ) foreach @words; # test builtin collation "perl" my @sorted = sort @words; my $db_sorted = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("$sql COLLATE perl"); is_deeply(\@sorted, $db_sorted, "collate perl (@sorted // @$db_sorted)"); SCOPE: { use locale; @sorted = sort @words; } # test builtin collation "perllocale" $db_sorted = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("$sql COLLATE perllocale"); is_deeply(\@sorted, $db_sorted, "collate perllocale (@sorted // @$db_sorted)"); # test additional collation "no_accents" @sorted = sort no_accents @words; $db_sorted = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("$sql COLLATE no_accents"); is_deeply(\@sorted, $db_sorted, "collate no_accents (@sorted // @$db_sorted)"); # manual addition of a collation for this dbh $dbh->$call_func(by_length => \&by_length, "create_collation"); @sorted = sort by_length @words; $db_sorted = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("$sql COLLATE by_length"); is_deeply(\@sorted, $db_sorted, "collate by_length (@sorted // @$db_sorted)"); } }