#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; BEGIN { $| = 1; $^W = 1; } use t::lib::Test qw/connect_ok @CALL_FUNCS/; use Test::More; use Test::NoWarnings; plan tests => 21 * @CALL_FUNCS + 1; # Create the aggregate test packages SCOPE: { package count_aggr; sub new { bless { count => 0 }, shift; } sub step { $_[0]{count}++; return; } sub finalize { my $c = $_[0]{count}; $_[0]{count} = undef; return $c; } package obj_aggregate; sub new { bless { count => 0 }, shift; } sub step { $_[0]{count}++ if defined $_[1]; } sub finalize { my $c = $_[0]{count}; $_[0]{count} = undef; return $c; } package fail_aggregate; sub new { my $class = shift; if ( ref $class ) { die "new() failed on request" if $class->{'fail'} eq 'new'; return undef if $class->{'fail'} eq 'undef'; return bless { %$class }, ref $class; } else { return bless { 'fail' => $_[0] }, $class; } } sub step { die "step() failed on request" if $_[0]{fail} eq 'step'; } sub finalize { die "finalize() failed on request" if $_[0]{fail} eq 'finalize'; } } foreach my $call_func (@CALL_FUNCS) { my $dbh = connect_ok( PrintError => 0 ); $dbh->do( "CREATE TABLE aggr_test ( field )" ); foreach my $val ( qw/NULL 1 'test'/ ) { $dbh->do( "INSERT INTO aggr_test VALUES ( $val )" ); } ok($dbh->$call_func( "newcount", 0, "count_aggr", "create_aggregate" )); my $result = $dbh->selectrow_arrayref( "SELECT newcount() FROM aggr_test" ); ok( $result && $result->[0] == 3 ); # Make sure that the init() function is called correctly $result = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "SELECT newcount() FROM aggr_test GROUP BY field" ); ok( @$result == 3 && $result->[0][0] == 1 && $result->[1][0] == 1 ); # Test aggregate on empty table $dbh->do( "DROP TABLE aggr_empty_test;" ); $dbh->do( "CREATE TABLE aggr_empty_test ( field )" ); $result = $dbh->selectrow_arrayref( "SELECT newcount() FROM aggr_empty_test" ); ok( $result && !$result->[0] ); # Make sure that the init() function is called correctly $result = $dbh->selectrow_arrayref( "SELECT newcount() FROM aggr_empty_test" ); ok( $result && !$result->[0] ); ok($dbh->$call_func( "defined", 1, 'obj_aggregate', "create_aggregate" )); $result = $dbh->selectrow_arrayref( "SELECT defined(field) FROM aggr_test" ); ok( $result && $result->[0] == 2 ); $result = $dbh->selectrow_arrayref( "SELECT defined(field) FROM aggr_test" ); ok( $result && $result->[0] == 2 ); $result = $dbh->selectrow_arrayref( "SELECT defined(field) FROM aggr_empty_test" ); ok( $result && !$result->[0] ); $result = $dbh->selectrow_arrayref( "SELECT defined(field) FROM aggr_empty_test" ); ok( $result && !$result->[0] ); my $last_warn; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $last_warn = join "", @_ }; foreach my $fail ( qw/ new step finalize/ ) { $last_warn = ''; my $aggr = fail_aggregate->new( $fail ); ok($dbh->$call_func( "fail_$fail", -1, $aggr, 'create_aggregate' )); $result = $dbh->selectrow_arrayref( "SELECT fail_$fail() FROM aggr_test" ); # ok( !$result && $DBI::errstr =~ /$fail\(\) failed on request/ ); ok( !defined $result->[0] && $last_warn =~ /$fail\(\) failed on request/ ); # No need to check this one, since step() will never be called # on an empty table next if $fail eq 'step'; $result = $dbh->selectrow_arrayref( "SELECT fail_$fail() FROM aggr_empty_test" ); # ok( !$result && $DBI::errstr =~ /$fail\(\) failed on request/ ); ok( !defined $result->[0] && $last_warn =~ /$fail\(\) failed on request/ ); } my $aggr = fail_aggregate->new( 'undef' ); $last_warn = ''; ok($dbh->$call_func( "fail_undef", -1, $aggr, 'create_aggregate' )); $result = $dbh->selectrow_arrayref( "SELECT fail_undef() FROM aggr_test" ); # ok( !$result && $DBI::errstr =~ /new\(\) should return a blessed reference/ ); ok( !defined $result->[0] && $last_warn =~ /new\(\) should return a blessed reference/ ); $dbh->disconnect; }