# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import collections import logging from unittest import mock import fixtures from oslotest import base import six from testtools import compat from testtools import matchers from testtools import testcase from taskflow import exceptions from taskflow.tests import utils from taskflow.utils import misc class GreaterThanEqual(object): """Matches if the item is geq than the matchers reference object.""" def __init__(self, source): self.source = source def match(self, other): if other >= self.source: return None return matchers.Mismatch("%s was not >= %s" % (other, self.source)) class FailureRegexpMatcher(object): """Matches if the failure was caused by the given exception and message. This will match if a given failure contains and exception of the given class type and if its string message matches to the given regular expression pattern. """ def __init__(self, exc_class, pattern): self.exc_class = exc_class self.pattern = pattern def match(self, failure): for cause in failure: if cause.check(self.exc_class) is not None: return matchers.MatchesRegex( self.pattern).match(cause.exception_str) return matchers.Mismatch("The `%s` wasn't caused by the `%s`" % (failure, self.exc_class)) class ItemsEqual(object): """Matches the items in two sequences. This matcher will validate that the provided sequence has the same elements as a reference sequence, regardless of the order. """ def __init__(self, seq): self._seq = seq self._list = list(seq) def match(self, other): other_list = list(other) extra = misc.sequence_minus(other_list, self._list) missing = misc.sequence_minus(self._list, other_list) if extra or missing: msg = ("Sequences %s and %s do not have same items." % (self._seq, other)) if missing: msg += " Extra items in first sequence: %s." % missing if extra: msg += " Extra items in second sequence: %s." % extra return matchers.Mismatch(msg) return None class TestCase(base.BaseTestCase): """Test case base class for all taskflow unit tests.""" def makeTmpDir(self): t_dir = self.useFixture(fixtures.TempDir()) return t_dir.path def assertDictEqual(self, expected, check): self.assertIsInstance(expected, dict, 'First argument is not a dictionary') self.assertIsInstance(check, dict, 'Second argument is not a dictionary') # Testtools seems to want equals objects instead of just keys? compare_dict = {} for k in list(six.iterkeys(expected)): if not isinstance(expected[k], matchers.Equals): compare_dict[k] = matchers.Equals(expected[k]) else: compare_dict[k] = expected[k] self.assertThat(matchee=check, matcher=matchers.MatchesDict(compare_dict)) def assertRaisesAttrAccess(self, exc_class, obj, attr_name): def access_func(): getattr(obj, attr_name) self.assertRaises(exc_class, access_func) def assertRaisesRegex(self, exc_class, pattern, callable_obj, *args, **kwargs): # TODO(harlowja): submit a pull/review request to testtools to add # this method to there codebase instead of having it exist in ours # since it really doesn't belong here. class ReRaiseOtherTypes(object): def match(self, matchee): if not issubclass(matchee[0], exc_class): compat.reraise(*matchee) class CaptureMatchee(object): def match(self, matchee): self.matchee = matchee[1] capture = CaptureMatchee() matcher = matchers.Raises(matchers.MatchesAll(ReRaiseOtherTypes(), matchers.MatchesException(exc_class, pattern), capture)) our_callable = testcase.Nullary(callable_obj, *args, **kwargs) self.assertThat(our_callable, matcher) return capture.matchee def assertGreater(self, first, second): matcher = matchers.GreaterThan(first) self.assertThat(second, matcher) def assertGreaterEqual(self, first, second): matcher = GreaterThanEqual(first) self.assertThat(second, matcher) def assertRegexpMatches(self, text, pattern): matcher = matchers.MatchesRegex(pattern) self.assertThat(text, matcher) def assertIsSuperAndSubsequence(self, super_seq, sub_seq, msg=None): super_seq = list(super_seq) sub_seq = list(sub_seq) current_tail = super_seq for sub_elem in sub_seq: try: super_index = current_tail.index(sub_elem) except ValueError: # element not found if msg is None: msg = ("%r is not subsequence of %r: " "element %r not found in tail %r" % (sub_seq, super_seq, sub_elem, current_tail)) self.fail(msg) else: current_tail = current_tail[super_index + 1:] def assertFailuresRegexp(self, exc_class, pattern, callable_obj, *args, **kwargs): """Asserts the callable failed with the given exception and message.""" try: with utils.wrap_all_failures(): callable_obj(*args, **kwargs) except exceptions.WrappedFailure as e: self.assertThat(e, FailureRegexpMatcher(exc_class, pattern)) def assertCountEqual(self, seq1, seq2, msg=None): matcher = ItemsEqual(seq1) self.assertThat(seq2, matcher) class MockTestCase(TestCase): def setUp(self): super(MockTestCase, self).setUp() self.master_mock = mock.Mock(name='master_mock') def patch(self, target, autospec=True, **kwargs): """Patch target and attach it to the master mock.""" f = self.useFixture(fixtures.MockPatch(target, autospec=autospec, **kwargs)) mocked = f.mock attach_as = kwargs.pop('attach_as', None) if attach_as is not None: self.master_mock.attach_mock(mocked, attach_as) return mocked def patchClass(self, module, name, autospec=True, attach_as=None): """Patches a modules class. This will create a class instance mock (using the provided name to find the class in the module) and attach a mock class the master mock to be cleaned up on test exit. """ if autospec: instance_mock = mock.Mock(spec_set=getattr(module, name)) else: instance_mock = mock.Mock() f = self.useFixture(fixtures.MockPatchObject(module, name, autospec=autospec)) class_mock = f.mock class_mock.return_value = instance_mock if attach_as is None: attach_class_as = name attach_instance_as = name.lower() else: attach_class_as = attach_as + '_class' attach_instance_as = attach_as self.master_mock.attach_mock(class_mock, attach_class_as) self.master_mock.attach_mock(instance_mock, attach_instance_as) return class_mock, instance_mock def resetMasterMock(self): self.master_mock.reset_mock() class CapturingLoggingHandler(logging.Handler): """A handler that saves record contents for post-test analysis.""" def __init__(self, level=logging.DEBUG): # It seems needed to use the old style of base class calling, we # can remove this old style when we only support py3.x logging.Handler.__init__(self, level=level) self._records = [] @property def counts(self): """Returns a dictionary with the number of records at each level.""" self.acquire() try: captured = collections.defaultdict(int) for r in self._records: captured[r.levelno] += 1 return captured finally: self.release() @property def messages(self): """Returns a dictionary with list of record messages at each level.""" self.acquire() try: captured = collections.defaultdict(list) for r in self._records: captured[r.levelno].append(r.getMessage()) return captured finally: self.release() @property def exc_infos(self): """Returns a list of all the record exc_info tuples captured.""" self.acquire() try: captured = [] for r in self._records: if r.exc_info: captured.append(r.exc_info) return captured finally: self.release() def emit(self, record): self.acquire() try: self._records.append(record) finally: self.release() def reset(self): """Resets *all* internally captured state.""" self.acquire() try: self._records = [] finally: self.release() def close(self): logging.Handler.close(self) self.reset()