# Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Pluggable Back-ends for Container Server """ import os from uuid import uuid4 import time import six import six.moves.cPickle as pickle from six.moves import range import sqlite3 from swift.common.utils import Timestamp, encode_timestamps, decode_timestamps, \ extract_swift_bytes from swift.common.db import DatabaseBroker, utf8encode SQLITE_ARG_LIMIT = 999 DATADIR = 'containers' POLICY_STAT_TABLE_CREATE = ''' CREATE TABLE policy_stat ( storage_policy_index INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, object_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0, bytes_used INTEGER DEFAULT 0 ); ''' POLICY_STAT_TRIGGER_SCRIPT = ''' CREATE TRIGGER object_insert_policy_stat AFTER INSERT ON object BEGIN UPDATE policy_stat SET object_count = object_count + (1 - new.deleted), bytes_used = bytes_used + new.size WHERE storage_policy_index = new.storage_policy_index; INSERT INTO policy_stat ( storage_policy_index, object_count, bytes_used) SELECT new.storage_policy_index, (1 - new.deleted), new.size WHERE NOT EXISTS( SELECT changes() as change FROM policy_stat WHERE change <> 0 ); UPDATE container_info SET hash = chexor(hash, new.name, new.created_at); END; CREATE TRIGGER object_delete_policy_stat AFTER DELETE ON object BEGIN UPDATE policy_stat SET object_count = object_count - (1 - old.deleted), bytes_used = bytes_used - old.size WHERE storage_policy_index = old.storage_policy_index; UPDATE container_info SET hash = chexor(hash, old.name, old.created_at); END; ''' CONTAINER_INFO_TABLE_SCRIPT = ''' CREATE TABLE container_info ( account TEXT, container TEXT, created_at TEXT, put_timestamp TEXT DEFAULT '0', delete_timestamp TEXT DEFAULT '0', reported_put_timestamp TEXT DEFAULT '0', reported_delete_timestamp TEXT DEFAULT '0', reported_object_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0, reported_bytes_used INTEGER DEFAULT 0, hash TEXT default '00000000000000000000000000000000', id TEXT, status TEXT DEFAULT '', status_changed_at TEXT DEFAULT '0', metadata TEXT DEFAULT '', x_container_sync_point1 INTEGER DEFAULT -1, x_container_sync_point2 INTEGER DEFAULT -1, storage_policy_index INTEGER DEFAULT 0, reconciler_sync_point INTEGER DEFAULT -1 ); ''' CONTAINER_STAT_VIEW_SCRIPT = ''' CREATE VIEW container_stat AS SELECT ci.account, ci.container, ci.created_at, ci.put_timestamp, ci.delete_timestamp, ci.reported_put_timestamp, ci.reported_delete_timestamp, ci.reported_object_count, ci.reported_bytes_used, ci.hash, ci.id, ci.status, ci.status_changed_at, ci.metadata, ci.x_container_sync_point1, ci.x_container_sync_point2, ci.reconciler_sync_point, ci.storage_policy_index, coalesce(ps.object_count, 0) AS object_count, coalesce(ps.bytes_used, 0) AS bytes_used FROM container_info ci LEFT JOIN policy_stat ps ON ci.storage_policy_index = ps.storage_policy_index; CREATE TRIGGER container_stat_update INSTEAD OF UPDATE ON container_stat BEGIN UPDATE container_info SET account = NEW.account, container = NEW.container, created_at = NEW.created_at, put_timestamp = NEW.put_timestamp, delete_timestamp = NEW.delete_timestamp, reported_put_timestamp = NEW.reported_put_timestamp, reported_delete_timestamp = NEW.reported_delete_timestamp, reported_object_count = NEW.reported_object_count, reported_bytes_used = NEW.reported_bytes_used, hash = NEW.hash, id = NEW.id, status = NEW.status, status_changed_at = NEW.status_changed_at, metadata = NEW.metadata, x_container_sync_point1 = NEW.x_container_sync_point1, x_container_sync_point2 = NEW.x_container_sync_point2, storage_policy_index = NEW.storage_policy_index, reconciler_sync_point = NEW.reconciler_sync_point; END; ''' def update_new_item_from_existing(new_item, existing): """ Compare the data and meta related timestamps of a new object item with the timestamps of an existing object record, and update the new item with data and/or meta related attributes from the existing record if their timestamps are newer. The multiple timestamps are encoded into a single string for storing in the 'created_at' column of the objects db table. :param new_item: A dict of object update attributes :param existing: A dict of existing object attributes :return: True if any attributes of the new item dict were found to be newer than the existing and therefore not updated, otherwise False implying that the updated item is equal to the existing. """ # item[created_at] may be updated so keep a copy of the original # value in case we process this item again new_item.setdefault('data_timestamp', new_item['created_at']) # content-type and metadata timestamps may be encoded in # item[created_at], or may be set explicitly. item_ts_data, item_ts_ctype, item_ts_meta = decode_timestamps( new_item['data_timestamp']) if new_item.get('ctype_timestamp'): item_ts_ctype = Timestamp(new_item.get('ctype_timestamp')) item_ts_meta = item_ts_ctype if new_item.get('meta_timestamp'): item_ts_meta = Timestamp(new_item.get('meta_timestamp')) if not existing: # encode new_item timestamps into one string for db record new_item['created_at'] = encode_timestamps( item_ts_data, item_ts_ctype, item_ts_meta) return True # decode existing timestamp into separate data, content-type and # metadata timestamps rec_ts_data, rec_ts_ctype, rec_ts_meta = decode_timestamps( existing['created_at']) # Extract any swift_bytes values from the content_type values. This is # necessary because the swift_bytes value to persist should be that at the # most recent data timestamp whereas the content-type value to persist is # that at the most recent content-type timestamp. The two values happen to # be stored in the same database column for historical reasons. for item in (new_item, existing): content_type, swift_bytes = extract_swift_bytes(item['content_type']) item['content_type'] = content_type item['swift_bytes'] = swift_bytes newer_than_existing = [True, True, True] if rec_ts_data >= item_ts_data: # apply data attributes from existing record new_item.update([(k, existing[k]) for k in ('size', 'etag', 'deleted', 'swift_bytes')]) item_ts_data = rec_ts_data newer_than_existing[0] = False if rec_ts_ctype >= item_ts_ctype: # apply content-type attribute from existing record new_item['content_type'] = existing['content_type'] item_ts_ctype = rec_ts_ctype newer_than_existing[1] = False if rec_ts_meta >= item_ts_meta: # apply metadata timestamp from existing record item_ts_meta = rec_ts_meta newer_than_existing[2] = False # encode updated timestamps into one string for db record new_item['created_at'] = encode_timestamps( item_ts_data, item_ts_ctype, item_ts_meta) # append the most recent swift_bytes onto the most recent content_type in # new_item and restore existing to its original state for item in (new_item, existing): if item['swift_bytes']: item['content_type'] += ';swift_bytes=%s' % item['swift_bytes'] del item['swift_bytes'] return any(newer_than_existing) class ContainerBroker(DatabaseBroker): """Encapsulates working with a container database.""" db_type = 'container' db_contains_type = 'object' db_reclaim_timestamp = 'created_at' @property def storage_policy_index(self): if not hasattr(self, '_storage_policy_index'): self._storage_policy_index = \ self.get_info()['storage_policy_index'] return self._storage_policy_index def _initialize(self, conn, put_timestamp, storage_policy_index): """ Create a brand new container database (tables, indices, triggers, etc.) """ if not self.account: raise ValueError( 'Attempting to create a new database with no account set') if not self.container: raise ValueError( 'Attempting to create a new database with no container set') if storage_policy_index is None: storage_policy_index = 0 self.create_object_table(conn) self.create_policy_stat_table(conn, storage_policy_index) self.create_container_info_table(conn, put_timestamp, storage_policy_index) def create_object_table(self, conn): """ Create the object table which is specific to the container DB. Not a part of Pluggable Back-ends, internal to the baseline code. :param conn: DB connection object """ conn.executescript(""" CREATE TABLE object ( ROWID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT, created_at TEXT, size INTEGER, content_type TEXT, etag TEXT, deleted INTEGER DEFAULT 0, storage_policy_index INTEGER DEFAULT 0 ); CREATE INDEX ix_object_deleted_name ON object (deleted, name); CREATE TRIGGER object_update BEFORE UPDATE ON object BEGIN SELECT RAISE(FAIL, 'UPDATE not allowed; DELETE and INSERT'); END; """ + POLICY_STAT_TRIGGER_SCRIPT) def create_container_info_table(self, conn, put_timestamp, storage_policy_index): """ Create the container_info table which is specific to the container DB. Not a part of Pluggable Back-ends, internal to the baseline code. Also creates the container_stat view. :param conn: DB connection object :param put_timestamp: put timestamp :param storage_policy_index: storage policy index """ if put_timestamp is None: put_timestamp = Timestamp(0).internal # The container_stat view is for compatibility; old versions of Swift # expected a container_stat table with columns "object_count" and # "bytes_used", but when that stuff became per-storage-policy and # moved to the policy_stat table, we stopped creating those columns in # container_stat. # # To retain compatibility, we create the container_stat view with some # triggers to make it behave like the old container_stat table. This # way, if an old version of Swift encounters a database with the new # schema, it can still work. # # Note that this can occur during a rolling Swift upgrade if a DB gets # rsynced from an old node to a new, so it's necessary for # availability during upgrades. The fact that it enables downgrades is # a nice bonus. conn.executescript(CONTAINER_INFO_TABLE_SCRIPT + CONTAINER_STAT_VIEW_SCRIPT) conn.execute(""" INSERT INTO container_info (account, container, created_at, id, put_timestamp, status_changed_at, storage_policy_index) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?); """, (self.account, self.container, Timestamp(time.time()).internal, str(uuid4()), put_timestamp, put_timestamp, storage_policy_index)) def create_policy_stat_table(self, conn, storage_policy_index=0): """ Create policy_stat table. :param conn: DB connection object :param storage_policy_index: the policy_index the container is being created with """ conn.executescript(POLICY_STAT_TABLE_CREATE) conn.execute(""" INSERT INTO policy_stat (storage_policy_index) VALUES (?) """, (storage_policy_index,)) def get_db_version(self, conn): if self._db_version == -1: self._db_version = 0 for row in conn.execute(''' SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE name = 'ix_object_deleted_name' '''): self._db_version = 1 return self._db_version def _newid(self, conn): conn.execute(''' UPDATE container_stat SET reported_put_timestamp = 0, reported_delete_timestamp = 0, reported_object_count = 0, reported_bytes_used = 0''') def _delete_db(self, conn, timestamp): """ Mark the DB as deleted :param conn: DB connection object :param timestamp: timestamp to mark as deleted """ conn.execute(""" UPDATE container_stat SET delete_timestamp = ?, status = 'DELETED', status_changed_at = ? WHERE delete_timestamp < ? """, (timestamp, timestamp, timestamp)) def _commit_puts_load(self, item_list, entry): """See :func:`swift.common.db.DatabaseBroker._commit_puts_load`""" data = pickle.loads(entry.decode('base64')) (name, timestamp, size, content_type, etag, deleted) = data[:6] if len(data) > 6: storage_policy_index = data[6] else: storage_policy_index = 0 content_type_timestamp = meta_timestamp = None if len(data) > 7: content_type_timestamp = data[7] if len(data) > 8: meta_timestamp = data[8] item_list.append({'name': name, 'created_at': timestamp, 'size': size, 'content_type': content_type, 'etag': etag, 'deleted': deleted, 'storage_policy_index': storage_policy_index, 'ctype_timestamp': content_type_timestamp, 'meta_timestamp': meta_timestamp}) def empty(self): """ Check if container DB is empty. :returns: True if the database has no active objects, False otherwise """ self._commit_puts_stale_ok() with self.get() as conn: try: row = conn.execute( 'SELECT max(object_count) from policy_stat').fetchone() except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: if not any(msg in str(err) for msg in ( "no such column: storage_policy_index", "no such table: policy_stat")): raise row = conn.execute( 'SELECT object_count from container_stat').fetchone() return (row[0] == 0) def delete_object(self, name, timestamp, storage_policy_index=0): """ Mark an object deleted. :param name: object name to be deleted :param timestamp: timestamp when the object was marked as deleted :param storage_policy_index: the storage policy index for the object """ self.put_object(name, timestamp, 0, 'application/deleted', 'noetag', deleted=1, storage_policy_index=storage_policy_index) def make_tuple_for_pickle(self, record): return (record['name'], record['created_at'], record['size'], record['content_type'], record['etag'], record['deleted'], record['storage_policy_index'], record['ctype_timestamp'], record['meta_timestamp']) def put_object(self, name, timestamp, size, content_type, etag, deleted=0, storage_policy_index=0, ctype_timestamp=None, meta_timestamp=None): """ Creates an object in the DB with its metadata. :param name: object name to be created :param timestamp: timestamp of when the object was created :param size: object size :param content_type: object content-type :param etag: object etag :param deleted: if True, marks the object as deleted and sets the deleted_at timestamp to timestamp :param storage_policy_index: the storage policy index for the object :param ctype_timestamp: timestamp of when content_type was last updated :param meta_timestamp: timestamp of when metadata was last updated """ record = {'name': name, 'created_at': timestamp, 'size': size, 'content_type': content_type, 'etag': etag, 'deleted': deleted, 'storage_policy_index': storage_policy_index, 'ctype_timestamp': ctype_timestamp, 'meta_timestamp': meta_timestamp} self.put_record(record) def _is_deleted_info(self, object_count, put_timestamp, delete_timestamp, **kwargs): """ Apply delete logic to database info. :returns: True if the DB is considered to be deleted, False otherwise """ # The container is considered deleted if the delete_timestamp # value is greater than the put_timestamp, and there are no # objects in the container. return (object_count in (None, '', 0, '0')) and ( Timestamp(delete_timestamp) > Timestamp(put_timestamp)) def _is_deleted(self, conn): """ Check container_stat view and evaluate info. :param conn: database conn :returns: True if the DB is considered to be deleted, False otherwise """ info = conn.execute(''' SELECT put_timestamp, delete_timestamp, object_count FROM container_stat''').fetchone() return self._is_deleted_info(**info) def get_info_is_deleted(self): """ Get the is_deleted status and info for the container. :returns: a tuple, in the form (info, is_deleted) info is a dict as returned by get_info and is_deleted is a boolean. """ if self.db_file != ':memory:' and not os.path.exists(self.db_file): return {}, True info = self.get_info() return info, self._is_deleted_info(**info) def get_info(self): """ Get global data for the container. :returns: dict with keys: account, container, created_at, put_timestamp, delete_timestamp, status_changed_at, object_count, bytes_used, reported_put_timestamp, reported_delete_timestamp, reported_object_count, reported_bytes_used, hash, id, x_container_sync_point1, x_container_sync_point2, and storage_policy_index. """ self._commit_puts_stale_ok() with self.get() as conn: data = None trailing_sync = 'x_container_sync_point1, x_container_sync_point2' trailing_pol = 'storage_policy_index' errors = set() while not data: try: data = conn.execute((''' SELECT account, container, created_at, put_timestamp, delete_timestamp, status_changed_at, object_count, bytes_used, reported_put_timestamp, reported_delete_timestamp, reported_object_count, reported_bytes_used, hash, id, %s, %s FROM container_stat ''') % (trailing_sync, trailing_pol)).fetchone() except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: err_msg = str(err) if err_msg in errors: # only attempt migration once raise errors.add(err_msg) if 'no such column: storage_policy_index' in err_msg: trailing_pol = '0 AS storage_policy_index' elif 'no such column: x_container_sync_point' in err_msg: trailing_sync = '-1 AS x_container_sync_point1, ' \ '-1 AS x_container_sync_point2' else: raise data = dict(data) # populate instance cache self._storage_policy_index = data['storage_policy_index'] self.account = data['account'] self.container = data['container'] return data def set_x_container_sync_points(self, sync_point1, sync_point2): with self.get() as conn: try: self._set_x_container_sync_points(conn, sync_point1, sync_point2) except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: if 'no such column: x_container_sync_point' not in \ str(err): raise self._migrate_add_container_sync_points(conn) self._set_x_container_sync_points(conn, sync_point1, sync_point2) conn.commit() def _set_x_container_sync_points(self, conn, sync_point1, sync_point2): if sync_point1 is not None and sync_point2 is not None: conn.execute(''' UPDATE container_stat SET x_container_sync_point1 = ?, x_container_sync_point2 = ? ''', (sync_point1, sync_point2)) elif sync_point1 is not None: conn.execute(''' UPDATE container_stat SET x_container_sync_point1 = ? ''', (sync_point1,)) elif sync_point2 is not None: conn.execute(''' UPDATE container_stat SET x_container_sync_point2 = ? ''', (sync_point2,)) def get_policy_stats(self): with self.get() as conn: try: info = conn.execute(''' SELECT storage_policy_index, object_count, bytes_used FROM policy_stat ''').fetchall() except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: if not any(msg in str(err) for msg in ( "no such column: storage_policy_index", "no such table: policy_stat")): raise info = conn.execute(''' SELECT 0 as storage_policy_index, object_count, bytes_used FROM container_stat ''').fetchall() policy_stats = {} for row in info: stats = dict(row) key = stats.pop('storage_policy_index') policy_stats[key] = stats return policy_stats def has_multiple_policies(self): with self.get() as conn: try: curs = conn.execute(''' SELECT count(storage_policy_index) FROM policy_stat ''').fetchone() except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: if 'no such table: policy_stat' not in str(err): raise # no policy_stat row return False if curs and curs[0] > 1: return True # only one policy_stat row return False def set_storage_policy_index(self, policy_index, timestamp=None): """ Update the container_stat policy_index and status_changed_at. """ if timestamp is None: timestamp = Timestamp(time.time()).internal def _setit(conn): conn.execute(''' INSERT OR IGNORE INTO policy_stat (storage_policy_index) VALUES (?) ''', (policy_index,)) conn.execute(''' UPDATE container_stat SET storage_policy_index = ?, status_changed_at = MAX(?, status_changed_at) WHERE storage_policy_index <> ? ''', (policy_index, timestamp, policy_index)) conn.commit() with self.get() as conn: try: _setit(conn) except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: if not any(msg in str(err) for msg in ( "no such column: storage_policy_index", "no such table: policy_stat")): raise self._migrate_add_storage_policy(conn) _setit(conn) self._storage_policy_index = policy_index def reported(self, put_timestamp, delete_timestamp, object_count, bytes_used): """ Update reported stats, available with container's `get_info`. :param put_timestamp: put_timestamp to update :param delete_timestamp: delete_timestamp to update :param object_count: object_count to update :param bytes_used: bytes_used to update """ with self.get() as conn: conn.execute(''' UPDATE container_stat SET reported_put_timestamp = ?, reported_delete_timestamp = ?, reported_object_count = ?, reported_bytes_used = ? ''', (put_timestamp, delete_timestamp, object_count, bytes_used)) conn.commit() def list_objects_iter(self, limit, marker, end_marker, prefix, delimiter, path=None, storage_policy_index=0, reverse=False): """ Get a list of objects sorted by name starting at marker onward, up to limit entries. Entries will begin with the prefix and will not have the delimiter after the prefix. :param limit: maximum number of entries to get :param marker: marker query :param end_marker: end marker query :param prefix: prefix query :param delimiter: delimiter for query :param path: if defined, will set the prefix and delimiter based on the path :param storage_policy_index: storage policy index for query :param reverse: reverse the result order. :returns: list of tuples of (name, created_at, size, content_type, etag) """ delim_force_gte = False (marker, end_marker, prefix, delimiter, path) = utf8encode( marker, end_marker, prefix, delimiter, path) self._commit_puts_stale_ok() if reverse: # Reverse the markers if we are reversing the listing. marker, end_marker = end_marker, marker if path is not None: prefix = path if path: prefix = path = path.rstrip('/') + '/' delimiter = '/' elif delimiter and not prefix: prefix = '' if prefix: end_prefix = prefix[:-1] + chr(ord(prefix[-1]) + 1) orig_marker = marker with self.get() as conn: results = [] while len(results) < limit: query = '''SELECT name, created_at, size, content_type, etag FROM object WHERE''' query_args = [] if end_marker and (not prefix or end_marker < end_prefix): query += ' name < ? AND' query_args.append(end_marker) elif prefix: query += ' name < ? AND' query_args.append(end_prefix) if delim_force_gte: query += ' name >= ? AND' query_args.append(marker) # Always set back to False delim_force_gte = False elif marker and marker >= prefix: query += ' name > ? AND' query_args.append(marker) elif prefix: query += ' name >= ? AND' query_args.append(prefix) if self.get_db_version(conn) < 1: query += ' +deleted = 0' else: query += ' deleted = 0' orig_tail_query = ''' ORDER BY name %s LIMIT ? ''' % ('DESC' if reverse else '') orig_tail_args = [limit - len(results)] # storage policy filter policy_tail_query = ''' AND storage_policy_index = ? ''' + orig_tail_query policy_tail_args = [storage_policy_index] + orig_tail_args tail_query, tail_args = \ policy_tail_query, policy_tail_args try: curs = conn.execute(query + tail_query, tuple(query_args + tail_args)) except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: if 'no such column: storage_policy_index' not in str(err): raise tail_query, tail_args = \ orig_tail_query, orig_tail_args curs = conn.execute(query + tail_query, tuple(query_args + tail_args)) curs.row_factory = None # Delimiters without a prefix is ignored, further if there # is no delimiter then we can simply return the result as # prefixes are now handled in the SQL statement. if prefix is None or not delimiter: return [self._transform_record(r) for r in curs] # We have a delimiter and a prefix (possibly empty string) to # handle rowcount = 0 for row in curs: rowcount += 1 name = row[0] if reverse: end_marker = name else: marker = name if len(results) >= limit: curs.close() return results end = name.find(delimiter, len(prefix)) if path is not None: if name == path: continue if end >= 0 and len(name) > end + len(delimiter): if reverse: end_marker = name[:end + 1] else: marker = name[:end] + chr(ord(delimiter) + 1) curs.close() break elif end >= 0: if reverse: end_marker = name[:end + 1] else: marker = name[:end] + chr(ord(delimiter) + 1) # we want result to be inclusive of delim+1 delim_force_gte = True dir_name = name[:end + 1] if dir_name != orig_marker: results.append([dir_name, '0', 0, None, '']) curs.close() break results.append(self._transform_record(row)) if not rowcount: break return results def _transform_record(self, record): """ Decode the created_at timestamp into separate data, content-type and meta timestamps and replace the created_at timestamp with the metadata timestamp i.e. the last-modified time. """ t_data, t_ctype, t_meta = decode_timestamps(record[1]) return (record[0], t_meta.internal) + record[2:] def _record_to_dict(self, rec): if rec: keys = ('name', 'created_at', 'size', 'content_type', 'etag', 'deleted', 'storage_policy_index') return dict(zip(keys, rec)) return None def merge_items(self, item_list, source=None): """ Merge items into the object table. :param item_list: list of dictionaries of {'name', 'created_at', 'size', 'content_type', 'etag', 'deleted', 'storage_policy_index', 'ctype_timestamp', 'meta_timestamp'} :param source: if defined, update incoming_sync with the source """ for item in item_list: if isinstance(item['name'], six.text_type): item['name'] = item['name'].encode('utf-8') def _really_merge_items(conn): curs = conn.cursor() if self.get_db_version(conn) >= 1: query_mod = ' deleted IN (0, 1) AND ' else: query_mod = '' curs.execute('BEGIN IMMEDIATE') # Get sqlite records for objects in item_list that already exist. # We must chunk it up to avoid sqlite's limit of 999 args. records = {} for offset in range(0, len(item_list), SQLITE_ARG_LIMIT): chunk = [rec['name'] for rec in item_list[offset:offset + SQLITE_ARG_LIMIT]] records.update( ((rec[0], rec[6]), rec) for rec in curs.execute( 'SELECT name, created_at, size, content_type,' 'etag, deleted, storage_policy_index ' 'FROM object WHERE ' + query_mod + ' name IN (%s)' % ','.join('?' * len(chunk)), chunk)) # Sort item_list into things that need adding and deleting, based # on results of created_at query. to_delete = {} to_add = {} for item in item_list: item.setdefault('storage_policy_index', 0) # legacy item_ident = (item['name'], item['storage_policy_index']) existing = self._record_to_dict(records.get(item_ident)) if update_new_item_from_existing(item, existing): if item_ident in records: # exists with older timestamp to_delete[item_ident] = item if item_ident in to_add: # duplicate entries in item_list update_new_item_from_existing(item, to_add[item_ident]) to_add[item_ident] = item if to_delete: curs.executemany( 'DELETE FROM object WHERE ' + query_mod + 'name=? AND storage_policy_index=?', ((rec['name'], rec['storage_policy_index']) for rec in to_delete.itervalues())) if to_add: curs.executemany( 'INSERT INTO object (name, created_at, size, content_type,' 'etag, deleted, storage_policy_index)' 'VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', ((rec['name'], rec['created_at'], rec['size'], rec['content_type'], rec['etag'], rec['deleted'], rec['storage_policy_index']) for rec in to_add.itervalues())) if source: # for replication we rely on the remote end sending merges in # order with no gaps to increment sync_points sync_point = item_list[-1]['ROWID'] curs.execute(''' UPDATE incoming_sync SET sync_point=max(?, sync_point) WHERE remote_id=? ''', (sync_point, source)) if curs.rowcount < 1: curs.execute(''' INSERT INTO incoming_sync (sync_point, remote_id) VALUES (?, ?) ''', (sync_point, source)) conn.commit() with self.get() as conn: try: return _really_merge_items(conn) except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: if 'no such column: storage_policy_index' not in str(err): raise self._migrate_add_storage_policy(conn) return _really_merge_items(conn) def get_reconciler_sync(self): with self.get() as conn: try: return conn.execute(''' SELECT reconciler_sync_point FROM container_stat ''').fetchone()[0] except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: if "no such column: reconciler_sync_point" not in str(err): raise return -1 def update_reconciler_sync(self, point): query = ''' UPDATE container_stat SET reconciler_sync_point = ? ''' with self.get() as conn: try: conn.execute(query, (point,)) except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: if "no such column: reconciler_sync_point" not in str(err): raise self._migrate_add_storage_policy(conn) conn.execute(query, (point,)) conn.commit() def get_misplaced_since(self, start, count): """ Get a list of objects which are in a storage policy different from the container's storage policy. :param start: last reconciler sync point :param count: maximum number of entries to get :returns: list of dicts with keys: name, created_at, size, content_type, etag, storage_policy_index """ qry = ''' SELECT ROWID, name, created_at, size, content_type, etag, deleted, storage_policy_index FROM object WHERE ROWID > ? AND storage_policy_index != ( SELECT storage_policy_index FROM container_stat LIMIT 1) ORDER BY ROWID ASC LIMIT ? ''' self._commit_puts_stale_ok() with self.get() as conn: try: cur = conn.execute(qry, (start, count)) except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: if "no such column: storage_policy_index" not in str(err): raise return [] return list(dict(row) for row in cur.fetchall()) def _migrate_add_container_sync_points(self, conn): """ Add the x_container_sync_point columns to the 'container_stat' table. """ conn.executescript(''' BEGIN; ALTER TABLE container_stat ADD COLUMN x_container_sync_point1 INTEGER DEFAULT -1; ALTER TABLE container_stat ADD COLUMN x_container_sync_point2 INTEGER DEFAULT -1; COMMIT; ''') def _migrate_add_storage_policy(self, conn): """ Migrate the container schema to support tracking objects from multiple storage policies. If the container_stat table has any pending migrations, they are applied now before copying into container_info. * create the 'policy_stat' table. * copy the current 'object_count' and 'bytes_used' columns to a row in the 'policy_stat' table. * add the storage_policy_index column to the 'object' table. * drop the 'object_insert' and 'object_delete' triggers. * add the 'object_insert_policy_stat' and 'object_delete_policy_stat' triggers. * create container_info table for non-policy container info * insert values from container_stat into container_info * drop container_stat table * create container_stat view """ # I tried just getting the list of column names in the current # container_stat table with a pragma table_info, but could never get # it inside the same transaction as the DDL (non-DML) statements: # https://docs.python.org/2/library/sqlite3.html # #controlling-transactions # So we just apply all pending migrations to container_stat and copy a # static known list of column names into container_info. try: self._migrate_add_container_sync_points(conn) except sqlite3.OperationalError as e: if 'duplicate column' in str(e): conn.execute('ROLLBACK;') else: raise try: conn.executescript(""" ALTER TABLE container_stat ADD COLUMN metadata TEXT DEFAULT ''; """) except sqlite3.OperationalError as e: if 'duplicate column' not in str(e): raise column_names = ', '.join(( 'account', 'container', 'created_at', 'put_timestamp', 'delete_timestamp', 'reported_put_timestamp', 'reported_object_count', 'reported_bytes_used', 'hash', 'id', 'status', 'status_changed_at', 'metadata', 'x_container_sync_point1', 'x_container_sync_point2')) conn.executescript( 'BEGIN;' + POLICY_STAT_TABLE_CREATE + ''' INSERT INTO policy_stat ( storage_policy_index, object_count, bytes_used) SELECT 0, object_count, bytes_used FROM container_stat; ALTER TABLE object ADD COLUMN storage_policy_index INTEGER DEFAULT 0; DROP TRIGGER object_insert; DROP TRIGGER object_delete; ''' + POLICY_STAT_TRIGGER_SCRIPT + CONTAINER_INFO_TABLE_SCRIPT + ''' INSERT INTO container_info (%s) SELECT %s FROM container_stat; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS container_stat; ''' % (column_names, column_names) + CONTAINER_STAT_VIEW_SCRIPT + 'COMMIT;')