========== oslotest ========== OpenStack test framework and test fixtures * Free software: Apache license * Documentation: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/oslotest Cross-testing With Other Projects ================================= The oslotest package is cross-tested against its consuming projects to ensure that no changes to the library break the tests in those other projects. In the Gate ----------- To add your project to the list for cross-testing, update ``modules/openstack_project/files/jenkins_job_builder/config/projects.yaml`` in the openstack-infra/config git repository and add sections like: :: - '{pipeline}-oslo.test-dsvm-{name}{branch-designator}': pipeline: check node: 'devstack-precise || devstack-precise-check' branch-designator: '' branch-override: default - '{pipeline}-oslo.test-dsvm-{name}{branch-designator}': pipeline: gate node: devstack-precise branch-designator: '' branch-override: default to the ``jobs`` list for your project. Refer to https://review.openstack.org/#/c/76381 for an example. Then update ``modules/openstack_project/files/zuul/layout.yaml`` by adding the new check test to the global list of jobs (to make it non-voting to start), and then to your project and to oslo.test. :: - name: check-oslo.test-dsvm-oslo.messaging voting: false :: - name: openstack/oslo.messaging ... check: ... - check-oslo.test-dsvm-oslo.messaging ... :: - name: openstack/oslo.test ... check: ... - check-oslo.test-dsvm-oslo.messaging ... Locally ------- To run the cross-tests locally, invoke the script directly, passing the path to the other source repository and the tox environment name to use: :: $ cd oslo.test $ ./tools/run_cross_tests.sh ~/repos/openstack/oslo.config py27