# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # Copyright (c) 2012 NTT DOCOMO, INC. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Baremetal IPMI power manager. """ import os import stat import tempfile from oslo.config import cfg from nova import exception from nova.i18n import _ from nova.openstack.common import log as logging from nova.openstack.common import loopingcall from nova import paths from nova import utils from nova.virt.baremetal import baremetal_states from nova.virt.baremetal import base from nova.virt.baremetal import utils as bm_utils opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('terminal', default='shellinaboxd', help='Path to baremetal terminal program'), cfg.StrOpt('terminal_cert_dir', help='Path to baremetal terminal SSL cert(PEM)'), cfg.StrOpt('terminal_pid_dir', default=paths.state_path_def('baremetal/console'), help='Path to directory stores pidfiles of baremetal_terminal'), cfg.IntOpt('ipmi_power_retry', default=10, help='Maximal number of retries for IPMI operations'), ] baremetal_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='baremetal', title='Baremetal Options') CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_group(baremetal_group) CONF.register_opts(opts, baremetal_group) LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _make_password_file(password): fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp() os.fchmod(fd, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR) with os.fdopen(fd, "w") as f: # NOTE(r-mibu): Since ipmitool hangs with an empty password file, # we have to write '\0' if password was empty. # see https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1237802 for more details f.write(password or b"\0") return path def _get_console_pid_path(node_id): name = "%s.pid" % node_id path = os.path.join(CONF.baremetal.terminal_pid_dir, name) return path def _get_console_pid(node_id): pid_path = _get_console_pid_path(node_id) if os.path.exists(pid_path): with open(pid_path, 'r') as f: pid_str = f.read() try: return int(pid_str) except ValueError: LOG.warn(_("pid file %s does not contain any pid"), pid_path) return None class IPMI(base.PowerManager): """IPMI Power Driver for Baremetal Nova Compute This PowerManager class provides mechanism for controlling the power state of physical hardware via IPMI calls. It also provides serial console access where available. """ def __init__(self, node, **kwargs): self.state = None self.retries = None self.node_id = node['id'] self.address = node['pm_address'] self.user = node['pm_user'] self.password = node['pm_password'] self.port = node['terminal_port'] if self.node_id is None: raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_("Node id not supplied " "to IPMI")) if self.address is None: raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_("Address not supplied " "to IPMI")) if self.user is None: raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_("User not supplied " "to IPMI")) if self.password is None: raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_("Password not supplied " "to IPMI")) def _exec_ipmitool(self, command): args = ['ipmitool', '-I', 'lanplus', '-H', self.address, '-U', self.user, '-f'] pwfile = _make_password_file(self.password) try: args.append(pwfile) args.extend(command.split(" ")) out, err = utils.execute(*args, attempts=3) LOG.debug("ipmitool stdout: '%(out)s', stderr: '%(err)s'", {'out': out, 'err': err}) return out, err finally: bm_utils.unlink_without_raise(pwfile) def _power_on(self): """Turn the power to this node ON.""" def _wait_for_power_on(): """Called at an interval until the node's power is on.""" if self.is_power_on(): self.state = baremetal_states.ACTIVE raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone() if self.retries > CONF.baremetal.ipmi_power_retry: LOG.error(_("IPMI power on failed after %d tries") % ( CONF.baremetal.ipmi_power_retry)) self.state = baremetal_states.ERROR raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone() try: self.retries += 1 if not self.power_on_called: self._exec_ipmitool("power on") self.power_on_called = True except Exception: LOG.exception(_("IPMI power on failed")) self.retries = 0 self.power_on_called = False timer = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall(_wait_for_power_on) timer.start(interval=1.0).wait() def _power_off(self): """Turn the power to this node OFF.""" def _wait_for_power_off(): """Called at an interval until the node's power is off.""" if self.is_power_on() is False: self.state = baremetal_states.DELETED raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone() if self.retries > CONF.baremetal.ipmi_power_retry: LOG.error(_("IPMI power off failed after %d tries") % ( CONF.baremetal.ipmi_power_retry)) self.state = baremetal_states.ERROR raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone() try: self.retries += 1 if not self.power_off_called: self._exec_ipmitool("power off") self.power_off_called = True except Exception: LOG.exception(_("IPMI power off failed")) self.retries = 0 self.power_off_called = False timer = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall(_wait_for_power_off) timer.start(interval=1.0).wait() def _set_pxe_for_next_boot(self): try: self._exec_ipmitool("chassis bootdev pxe options=persistent") except Exception: LOG.exception(_("IPMI set next bootdev failed")) def activate_node(self): """Turns the power to node ON. Sets node next-boot to PXE and turns the power on, waiting up to ipmi_power_retry/2 seconds for confirmation that the power is on. :returns: One of baremetal_states.py, representing the new state. """ if self.is_power_on() and self.state == baremetal_states.ACTIVE: LOG.warning(_("Activate node called, but node %s " "is already active") % self.address) self._set_pxe_for_next_boot() self._power_on() return self.state def reboot_node(self): """Cycles the power to a node. Turns the power off, sets next-boot to PXE, and turns the power on. Each action waits up to ipmi_power_retry/2 seconds for confirmation that the power state has changed. :returns: One of baremetal_states.py, representing the new state. """ self._power_off() self._set_pxe_for_next_boot() self._power_on() return self.state def deactivate_node(self): """Turns the power to node OFF. Turns the power off, and waits up to ipmi_power_retry/2 seconds for confirmation that the power is off. :returns: One of baremetal_states.py, representing the new state. """ self._power_off() return self.state def is_power_on(self): """Check if the power is currently on. :returns: True if on; False if off; None if unable to determine. """ # NOTE(deva): string matching based on # http://ipmitool.cvs.sourceforge.net/ # viewvc/ipmitool/ipmitool/lib/ipmi_chassis.c res = self._exec_ipmitool("power status")[0] if res == ("Chassis Power is on\n"): return True elif res == ("Chassis Power is off\n"): return False return None def start_console(self): if not self.port: return args = [] args.append(CONF.baremetal.terminal) if CONF.baremetal.terminal_cert_dir: args.append("-c") args.append(CONF.baremetal.terminal_cert_dir) else: args.append("-t") args.append("-p") args.append(str(self.port)) args.append("--background=%s" % _get_console_pid_path(self.node_id)) args.append("-s") try: pwfile = _make_password_file(self.password) ipmi_args = "/:%(uid)s:%(gid)s:HOME:ipmitool -H %(address)s" \ " -I lanplus -U %(user)s -f %(pwfile)s sol activate" \ % {'uid': os.getuid(), 'gid': os.getgid(), 'address': self.address, 'user': self.user, 'pwfile': pwfile, } args.append(ipmi_args) # Run shellinaboxd without pipes. Otherwise utils.execute() waits # infinitely since shellinaboxd does not close passed fds. x = ["'" + arg.replace("'", "'\\''") + "'" for arg in args] x.append('/dev/null') x.append('2>&1') utils.execute(' '.join(x), shell=True) finally: bm_utils.unlink_without_raise(pwfile) def stop_console(self): console_pid = _get_console_pid(self.node_id) if console_pid: # Allow exitcode 99 (RC_UNAUTHORIZED) utils.execute('kill', '-TERM', str(console_pid), run_as_root=True, check_exit_code=[0, 99]) bm_utils.unlink_without_raise(_get_console_pid_path(self.node_id))