# Injected by Nova on instance boot # # This file describes the network interfaces available on your system # and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5). # The loopback network interface auto lo iface lo inet loopback {% for ifc in interfaces %} auto {{ ifc.name }} iface {{ ifc.name }} inet static address {{ ifc.address }} netmask {{ ifc.netmask }} broadcast {{ ifc.broadcast }} {% if ifc.gateway %} gateway {{ ifc.gateway }} {% endif %} {% if ifc.dns %} dns-nameservers {{ ifc.dns }} {% endif %} {% for route in ifc.routes %} post-up ip route add {{ route.cidr }} via {{ route.gateway }} dev {{ ifc.name }} pre-down ip route del {{ route.cidr }} via {{ route.gateway }} dev {{ ifc.name }} {% endfor %} {% if use_ipv6 %} {% if libvirt_virt_type == 'lxc' %} {% if ifc.address_v6 %} post-up ip -6 addr add {{ ifc.address_v6 }}/{{ifc.netmask_v6 }} dev ${IFACE} {% endif %} {% if ifc.gateway_v6 %} post-up ip -6 route add default via {{ ifc.gateway_v6 }} dev ${IFACE} {% endif %} {% else %} iface {{ ifc.name }} inet6 static address {{ ifc.address_v6 }} netmask {{ ifc.netmask_v6 }} {% if ifc.gateway_v6 %} gateway {{ ifc.gateway_v6 }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}