# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the # Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Network Hosts are responsible for allocating ips and setting up network. There are multiple backend drivers that handle specific types of networking topologies. All of the network commands are issued to a subclass of :class:`NetworkManager`. **Related Flags** :network_driver: Driver to use for network creation :flat_network_bridge: Bridge device for simple network instances :flat_interface: FlatDhcp will bridge into this interface if set :flat_network_dns: Dns for simple network :vlan_start: First VLAN for private networks :vpn_ip: Public IP for the cloudpipe VPN servers :vpn_start: First Vpn port for private networks :cnt_vpn_clients: Number of addresses reserved for vpn clients :network_size: Number of addresses in each private subnet :floating_range: Floating IP address block :fixed_range: Fixed IP address block :date_dhcp_on_disassociate: Whether to update dhcp when fixed_ip is disassociated :fixed_ip_disassociate_timeout: Seconds after which a deallocated ip is disassociated :create_unique_mac_address_attempts: Number of times to attempt creating a unique mac address """ import datetime import math import netaddr import socket from eventlet import greenpool from nova import context from nova import db from nova import exception from nova import flags from nova import ipv6 from nova import log as logging from nova import manager from nova import quota from nova import utils from nova import rpc from nova.network import api as network_api import random LOG = logging.getLogger("nova.network.manager") FLAGS = flags.FLAGS flags.DEFINE_string('flat_network_bridge', 'br100', 'Bridge for simple network instances') flags.DEFINE_string('flat_network_dns', '', 'Dns for simple network') flags.DEFINE_bool('flat_injected', True, 'Whether to attempt to inject network setup into guest') flags.DEFINE_string('flat_interface', None, 'FlatDhcp will bridge into this interface if set') flags.DEFINE_integer('vlan_start', 100, 'First VLAN for private networks') flags.DEFINE_string('vlan_interface', None, 'vlans will bridge into this interface if set') flags.DEFINE_integer('num_networks', 1, 'Number of networks to support') flags.DEFINE_string('vpn_ip', '$my_ip', 'Public IP for the cloudpipe VPN servers') flags.DEFINE_integer('vpn_start', 1000, 'First Vpn port for private networks') flags.DEFINE_bool('multi_host', False, 'Default value for multi_host in networks') flags.DEFINE_integer('network_size', 256, 'Number of addresses in each private subnet') flags.DEFINE_string('floating_range', '', 'Floating IP address block') flags.DEFINE_string('fixed_range', '', 'Fixed IP address block') flags.DEFINE_string('fixed_range_v6', 'fd00::/48', 'Fixed IPv6 address block') flags.DEFINE_string('gateway_v6', None, 'Default IPv6 gateway') flags.DEFINE_integer('cnt_vpn_clients', 0, 'Number of addresses reserved for vpn clients') flags.DEFINE_string('network_driver', 'nova.network.linux_net', 'Driver to use for network creation') flags.DEFINE_bool('update_dhcp_on_disassociate', False, 'Whether to update dhcp when fixed_ip is disassociated') flags.DEFINE_integer('fixed_ip_disassociate_timeout', 600, 'Seconds after which a deallocated ip is disassociated') flags.DEFINE_integer('create_unique_mac_address_attempts', 5, 'Number of attempts to create unique mac address') flags.DEFINE_bool('auto_assign_floating_ip', False, 'Autoassigning floating ip to VM') flags.DEFINE_bool('use_ipv6', False, 'use the ipv6') flags.DEFINE_string('network_host', socket.gethostname(), 'Network host to use for ip allocation in flat modes') flags.DEFINE_bool('fake_call', False, 'If True, skip using the queue and make local calls') class AddressAlreadyAllocated(exception.Error): """Address was already allocated.""" pass class RPCAllocateFixedIP(object): """Mixin class originally for FlatDCHP and VLAN network managers. used since they share code to RPC.call allocate_fixed_ip on the correct network host to configure dnsmasq """ def _allocate_fixed_ips(self, context, instance_id, host, networks, **kwargs): """Calls allocate_fixed_ip once for each network.""" green_pool = greenpool.GreenPool() vpn = kwargs.pop('vpn') for network in networks: # NOTE(vish): if we are not multi_host pass to the network host if not network['multi_host']: host = network['host'] # NOTE(vish): if there is no network host, set one if host == None: host = rpc.call(context, FLAGS.network_topic, {'method': 'set_network_host', 'args': {'network_ref': network}}) if host != self.host: # need to call allocate_fixed_ip to correct network host topic = self.db.queue_get_for(context, FLAGS.network_topic, host) args = {} args['instance_id'] = instance_id args['network_id'] = network['id'] args['vpn'] = vpn green_pool.spawn_n(rpc.call, context, topic, {'method': '_rpc_allocate_fixed_ip', 'args': args}) else: # i am the correct host, run here self.allocate_fixed_ip(context, instance_id, network, vpn=vpn) # wait for all of the allocates (if any) to finish green_pool.waitall() def _rpc_allocate_fixed_ip(self, context, instance_id, network_id, **kwargs): """Sits in between _allocate_fixed_ips and allocate_fixed_ip to perform network lookup on the far side of rpc. """ network = self.db.network_get(context, network_id) self.allocate_fixed_ip(context, instance_id, network, **kwargs) class FloatingIP(object): """Mixin class for adding floating IP functionality to a manager.""" def init_host_floating_ips(self): """Configures floating ips owned by host.""" admin_context = context.get_admin_context() try: floating_ips = self.db.floating_ip_get_all_by_host(admin_context, self.host) except exception.NotFound: return for floating_ip in floating_ips: if floating_ip.get('fixed_ip', None): fixed_address = floating_ip['fixed_ip']['address'] # NOTE(vish): The False here is because we ignore the case # that the ip is already bound. self.driver.bind_floating_ip(floating_ip['address'], False) self.driver.ensure_floating_forward(floating_ip['address'], fixed_address) def allocate_for_instance(self, context, **kwargs): """Handles allocating the floating IP resources for an instance. calls super class allocate_for_instance() as well rpc.called by network_api """ instance_id = kwargs.get('instance_id') project_id = kwargs.get('project_id') LOG.debug(_("floating IP allocation for instance |%s|"), instance_id, context=context) # call the next inherited class's allocate_for_instance() # which is currently the NetworkManager version # do this first so fixed ip is already allocated ips = super(FloatingIP, self).allocate_for_instance(context, **kwargs) if FLAGS.auto_assign_floating_ip: # allocate a floating ip (public_ip is just the address string) public_ip = self.allocate_floating_ip(context, project_id) # set auto_assigned column to true for the floating ip self.db.floating_ip_set_auto_assigned(context, public_ip) # get the floating ip object from public_ip string floating_ip = self.db.floating_ip_get_by_address(context, public_ip) # get the first fixed_ip belonging to the instance fixed_ips = self.db.fixed_ip_get_by_instance(context, instance_id) fixed_ip = fixed_ips[0] if fixed_ips else None # call to correct network host to associate the floating ip self.network_api.associate_floating_ip(context, floating_ip, fixed_ip, affect_auto_assigned=True) return ips def deallocate_for_instance(self, context, **kwargs): """Handles deallocating floating IP resources for an instance. calls super class deallocate_for_instance() as well. rpc.called by network_api """ instance_id = kwargs.get('instance_id') LOG.debug(_("floating IP deallocation for instance |%s|"), instance_id, context=context) fixed_ips = self.db.fixed_ip_get_by_instance(context, instance_id) # add to kwargs so we can pass to super to save a db lookup there kwargs['fixed_ips'] = fixed_ips for fixed_ip in fixed_ips: # disassociate floating ips related to fixed_ip for floating_ip in fixed_ip.floating_ips: address = floating_ip['address'] self.network_api.disassociate_floating_ip(context, address) # deallocate if auto_assigned if floating_ip['auto_assigned']: self.network_api.release_floating_ip(context, address, True) # call the next inherited class's deallocate_for_instance() # which is currently the NetworkManager version # call this after so floating IPs are handled first super(FloatingIP, self).deallocate_for_instance(context, **kwargs) def allocate_floating_ip(self, context, project_id): """Gets an floating ip from the pool.""" # NOTE(tr3buchet): all networks hosts in zone now use the same pool LOG.debug("QUOTA: %s" % quota.allowed_floating_ips(context, 1)) if quota.allowed_floating_ips(context, 1) < 1: LOG.warn(_('Quota exceeded for %s, tried to allocate ' 'address'), context.project_id) raise quota.QuotaError(_('Address quota exceeded. You cannot ' 'allocate any more addresses')) # TODO(vish): add floating ips through manage command return self.db.floating_ip_allocate_address(context, project_id) def associate_floating_ip(self, context, floating_address, fixed_address): """Associates an floating ip to a fixed ip.""" self.db.floating_ip_fixed_ip_associate(context, floating_address, fixed_address) self.driver.bind_floating_ip(floating_address) self.driver.ensure_floating_forward(floating_address, fixed_address) def disassociate_floating_ip(self, context, floating_address): """Disassociates a floating ip.""" fixed_address = self.db.floating_ip_disassociate(context, floating_address) self.driver.unbind_floating_ip(floating_address) self.driver.remove_floating_forward(floating_address, fixed_address) def deallocate_floating_ip(self, context, floating_address): """Returns an floating ip to the pool.""" self.db.floating_ip_deallocate(context, floating_address) class NetworkManager(manager.SchedulerDependentManager): """Implements common network manager functionality. This class must be subclassed to support specific topologies. host management: hosts configure themselves for networks they are assigned to in the table upon startup. If there are networks in the table which do not have hosts, those will be filled in and have hosts configured as the hosts pick them up one at time during their periodic task. The one at a time part is to flatten the layout to help scale """ # If True, this manager requires VIF to create a bridge. SHOULD_CREATE_BRIDGE = False # If True, this manager requires VIF to create VLAN tag. SHOULD_CREATE_VLAN = False timeout_fixed_ips = True def __init__(self, network_driver=None, *args, **kwargs): if not network_driver: network_driver = FLAGS.network_driver self.driver = utils.import_object(network_driver) self.network_api = network_api.API() super(NetworkManager, self).__init__(service_name='network', *args, **kwargs) @utils.synchronized('get_dhcp') def _get_dhcp_ip(self, context, network_ref, host=None): """Get the proper dhcp address to listen on.""" # NOTE(vish): this is for compatibility if not network_ref['multi_host']: return network_ref['gateway'] if not host: host = self.host network_id = network_ref['id'] try: fip = self.db.fixed_ip_get_by_network_host(context, network_id, host) return fip['address'] except exception.FixedIpNotFoundForNetworkHost: elevated = context.elevated() return self.db.fixed_ip_associate_pool(elevated, network_id, host=host) def init_host(self): """Do any initialization that needs to be run if this is a standalone service. """ # NOTE(vish): Set up networks for which this host already has # an ip address. ctxt = context.get_admin_context() for network in self.db.network_get_all_by_host(ctxt, self.host): self._setup_network(ctxt, network) def periodic_tasks(self, context=None): """Tasks to be run at a periodic interval.""" super(NetworkManager, self).periodic_tasks(context) if self.timeout_fixed_ips: now = utils.utcnow() timeout = FLAGS.fixed_ip_disassociate_timeout time = now - datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeout) num = self.db.fixed_ip_disassociate_all_by_timeout(context, self.host, time) if num: LOG.debug(_('Dissassociated %s stale fixed ip(s)'), num) def set_network_host(self, context, network_ref): """Safely sets the host of the network.""" LOG.debug(_('setting network host'), context=context) host = self.db.network_set_host(context, network_ref['id'], self.host) return host def _get_networks_for_instance(self, context, instance_id, project_id): """Determine & return which networks an instance should connect to.""" # TODO(tr3buchet) maybe this needs to be updated in the future if # there is a better way to determine which networks # a non-vlan instance should connect to try: networks = self.db.network_get_all(context) except exception.NoNetworksFound: return [] # return only networks which are not vlan networks return [network for network in networks if not network['vlan']] def allocate_for_instance(self, context, **kwargs): """Handles allocating the various network resources for an instance. rpc.called by network_api """ instance_id = kwargs.pop('instance_id') host = kwargs.pop('host') project_id = kwargs.pop('project_id') type_id = kwargs.pop('instance_type_id') vpn = kwargs.pop('vpn') admin_context = context.elevated() LOG.debug(_("network allocations for instance %s"), instance_id, context=context) networks = self._get_networks_for_instance(admin_context, instance_id, project_id) LOG.warn(networks) self._allocate_mac_addresses(context, instance_id, networks) self._allocate_fixed_ips(admin_context, instance_id, host, networks, vpn=vpn) return self.get_instance_nw_info(context, instance_id, type_id, host) def deallocate_for_instance(self, context, **kwargs): """Handles deallocating various network resources for an instance. rpc.called by network_api kwargs can contain fixed_ips to circumvent another db lookup """ instance_id = kwargs.pop('instance_id') fixed_ips = kwargs.get('fixed_ips') or \ self.db.fixed_ip_get_by_instance(context, instance_id) LOG.debug(_("network deallocation for instance |%s|"), instance_id, context=context) # deallocate fixed ips for fixed_ip in fixed_ips: self.deallocate_fixed_ip(context, fixed_ip['address'], **kwargs) # deallocate vifs (mac addresses) self.db.virtual_interface_delete_by_instance(context, instance_id) def get_instance_nw_info(self, context, instance_id, instance_type_id, host): """Creates network info list for instance. called by allocate_for_instance and netowrk_api context needs to be elevated :returns: network info list [(network,info),(network,info)...] where network = dict containing pertinent data from a network db object and info = dict containing pertinent networking data """ # TODO(tr3buchet) should handle floating IPs as well? try: fixed_ips = self.db.fixed_ip_get_by_instance(context, instance_id) except exception.FixedIpNotFoundForInstance: LOG.warn(_('No fixed IPs for instance %s'), instance_id) fixed_ips = [] vifs = self.db.virtual_interface_get_by_instance(context, instance_id) flavor = self.db.instance_type_get(context, instance_type_id) network_info = [] # a vif has an address, instance_id, and network_id # it is also joined to the instance and network given by those IDs for vif in vifs: network = vif['network'] # determine which of the instance's IPs belong to this network network_IPs = [fixed_ip['address'] for fixed_ip in fixed_ips if fixed_ip['network_id'] == network['id']] # TODO(tr3buchet) eventually "enabled" should be determined def ip_dict(ip): return { "ip": ip, "netmask": network["netmask"], "enabled": "1"} def ip6_dict(): return { "ip": ipv6.to_global(network['cidr_v6'], vif['address'], network['project_id']), "netmask": network['netmask_v6'], "enabled": "1"} network_dict = { 'bridge': network['bridge'], 'id': network['id'], 'cidr': network['cidr'], 'cidr_v6': network['cidr_v6'], 'injected': network['injected'], 'vlan': network['vlan'], 'bridge_interface': network['bridge_interface'], 'multi_host': network['multi_host']} if network['multi_host']: dhcp_server = self._get_dhcp_ip(context, network, host) else: dhcp_server = self._get_dhcp_ip(context, network, network['host']) info = { 'label': network['label'], 'gateway': network['gateway'], 'dhcp_server': dhcp_server, 'broadcast': network['broadcast'], 'mac': vif['address'], 'rxtx_cap': flavor['rxtx_cap'], 'dns': [], 'ips': [ip_dict(ip) for ip in network_IPs], 'should_create_bridge': self.SHOULD_CREATE_BRIDGE, 'should_create_vlan': self.SHOULD_CREATE_VLAN} if network['cidr_v6']: info['ip6s'] = [ip6_dict()] # TODO(tr3buchet): handle ip6 routes here as well if network['gateway_v6']: info['gateway6'] = network['gateway_v6'] if network['dns1']: info['dns'].append(network['dns1']) if network['dns2']: info['dns'].append(network['dns2']) network_info.append((network_dict, info)) return network_info def _allocate_mac_addresses(self, context, instance_id, networks): """Generates mac addresses and creates vif rows in db for them.""" for network in networks: vif = {'address': self.generate_mac_address(), 'instance_id': instance_id, 'network_id': network['id']} # try FLAG times to create a vif record with a unique mac_address for i in range(FLAGS.create_unique_mac_address_attempts): try: self.db.virtual_interface_create(context, vif) break except exception.VirtualInterfaceCreateException: vif['address'] = self.generate_mac_address() else: self.db.virtual_interface_delete_by_instance(context, instance_id) raise exception.VirtualInterfaceMacAddressException() def generate_mac_address(self): """Generate a mac address for a vif on an instance.""" mac = [0x02, 0x16, 0x3e, random.randint(0x00, 0x7f), random.randint(0x00, 0xff), random.randint(0x00, 0xff)] return ':'.join(map(lambda x: "%02x" % x, mac)) def add_fixed_ip_to_instance(self, context, instance_id, host, network_id): """Adds a fixed ip to an instance from specified network.""" networks = [self.db.network_get(context, network_id)] self._allocate_fixed_ips(context, instance_id, host, networks) def remove_fixed_ip_from_instance(self, context, instance_id, address): """Removes a fixed ip from an instance from specified network.""" fixed_ips = self.db.fixed_ip_get_by_instance(context, instance_id) for fixed_ip in fixed_ips: if fixed_ip['address'] == address: self.deallocate_fixed_ip(context, address) return raise exception.FixedIpNotFoundForSpecificInstance( instance_id=instance_id, ip=address) def allocate_fixed_ip(self, context, instance_id, network, **kwargs): """Gets a fixed ip from the pool.""" # TODO(vish): when this is called by compute, we can associate compute # with a network, or a cluster of computes with a network # and use that network here with a method like # network_get_by_compute_host address = self.db.fixed_ip_associate_pool(context.elevated(), network['id'], instance_id) vif = self.db.virtual_interface_get_by_instance_and_network(context, instance_id, network['id']) values = {'allocated': True, 'virtual_interface_id': vif['id']} self.db.fixed_ip_update(context, address, values) self._setup_network(context, network) return address def deallocate_fixed_ip(self, context, address, **kwargs): """Returns a fixed ip to the pool.""" self.db.fixed_ip_update(context, address, {'allocated': False, 'virtual_interface_id': None}) def lease_fixed_ip(self, context, address): """Called by dhcp-bridge when ip is leased.""" LOG.debug(_('Leased IP |%(address)s|'), locals(), context=context) fixed_ip = self.db.fixed_ip_get_by_address(context, address) instance = fixed_ip['instance'] if not instance: raise exception.Error(_('IP %s leased that is not associated') % address) now = utils.utcnow() self.db.fixed_ip_update(context, fixed_ip['address'], {'leased': True, 'updated_at': now}) if not fixed_ip['allocated']: LOG.warn(_('IP |%s| leased that isn\'t allocated'), address, context=context) def release_fixed_ip(self, context, address): """Called by dhcp-bridge when ip is released.""" LOG.debug(_('Released IP |%(address)s|'), locals(), context=context) fixed_ip = self.db.fixed_ip_get_by_address(context, address) instance = fixed_ip['instance'] if not instance: raise exception.Error(_('IP %s released that is not associated') % address) if not fixed_ip['leased']: LOG.warn(_('IP %s released that was not leased'), address, context=context) self.db.fixed_ip_update(context, fixed_ip['address'], {'leased': False}) if not fixed_ip['allocated']: self.db.fixed_ip_disassociate(context, address) # NOTE(vish): dhcp server isn't updated until next setup, this # means there will stale entries in the conf file # the code below will update the file if necessary if FLAGS.update_dhcp_on_disassociate: network_ref = self.db.fixed_ip_get_network(context, address) self._setup_network(context, network_ref) def create_networks(self, context, label, cidr, multi_host, num_networks, network_size, cidr_v6, gateway_v6, bridge, bridge_interface, dns1=None, dns2=None, **kwargs): """Create networks based on parameters.""" fixed_net = netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr) fixed_net_v6 = netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr_v6) significant_bits_v6 = 64 network_size_v6 = 1 << 64 for index in range(num_networks): start = index * network_size start_v6 = index * network_size_v6 significant_bits = 32 - int(math.log(network_size, 2)) cidr = '%s/%s' % (fixed_net[start], significant_bits) project_net = netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr) net = {} net['bridge'] = bridge net['bridge_interface'] = bridge_interface net['dns1'] = dns1 net['dns2'] = dns2 net['cidr'] = cidr net['multi_host'] = multi_host net['netmask'] = str(project_net.netmask) net['gateway'] = str(project_net[1]) net['broadcast'] = str(project_net.broadcast) net['dhcp_start'] = str(project_net[2]) if num_networks > 1: net['label'] = '%s_%d' % (label, index) else: net['label'] = label if FLAGS.use_ipv6: cidr_v6 = '%s/%s' % (fixed_net_v6[start_v6], significant_bits_v6) net['cidr_v6'] = cidr_v6 project_net_v6 = netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr_v6) if gateway_v6: # use a pre-defined gateway if one is provided net['gateway_v6'] = str(gateway_v6) else: net['gateway_v6'] = str(project_net_v6[1]) net['netmask_v6'] = str(project_net_v6._prefixlen) if kwargs.get('vpn', False): # this bit here is for vlan-manager del net['dns1'] del net['dns2'] vlan = kwargs['vlan_start'] + index net['vpn_private_address'] = str(project_net[2]) net['dhcp_start'] = str(project_net[3]) net['vlan'] = vlan net['bridge'] = 'br%s' % vlan # NOTE(vish): This makes ports unique accross the cloud, a more # robust solution would be to make them uniq per ip net['vpn_public_port'] = kwargs['vpn_start'] + index # None if network with cidr or cidr_v6 already exists network = self.db.network_create_safe(context, net) if network: self._create_fixed_ips(context, network['id']) else: raise ValueError(_('Network with cidr %s already exists') % cidr) @property def _bottom_reserved_ips(self): # pylint: disable=R0201 """Number of reserved ips at the bottom of the range.""" return 2 # network, gateway @property def _top_reserved_ips(self): # pylint: disable=R0201 """Number of reserved ips at the top of the range.""" return 1 # broadcast def _create_fixed_ips(self, context, network_id): """Create all fixed ips for network.""" network = self.db.network_get(context, network_id) # NOTE(vish): Should these be properties of the network as opposed # to properties of the manager class? bottom_reserved = self._bottom_reserved_ips top_reserved = self._top_reserved_ips project_net = netaddr.IPNetwork(network['cidr']) num_ips = len(project_net) for index in range(num_ips): address = str(project_net[index]) if index < bottom_reserved or num_ips - index < top_reserved: reserved = True else: reserved = False self.db.fixed_ip_create(context, {'network_id': network_id, 'address': address, 'reserved': reserved}) def _allocate_fixed_ips(self, context, instance_id, host, networks, **kwargs): """Calls allocate_fixed_ip once for each network.""" raise NotImplementedError() def _setup_network(self, context, network_ref): """Sets up network on this host.""" raise NotImplementedError() class FlatManager(NetworkManager): """Basic network where no vlans are used. FlatManager does not do any bridge or vlan creation. The user is responsible for setting up whatever bridge is specified in flat_network_bridge (br100 by default). This bridge needs to be created on all compute hosts. The idea is to create a single network for the host with a command like: nova-manage network create 1 256. Creating multiple networks for for one manager is currently not supported, but could be added by modifying allocate_fixed_ip and get_network to get the a network with new logic instead of network_get_by_bridge. Arbitrary lists of addresses in a single network can be accomplished with manual db editing. If flat_injected is True, the compute host will attempt to inject network config into the guest. It attempts to modify /etc/network/interfaces and currently only works on debian based systems. To support a wider range of OSes, some other method may need to be devised to let the guest know which ip it should be using so that it can configure itself. Perhaps an attached disk or serial device with configuration info. Metadata forwarding must be handled by the gateway, and since nova does not do any setup in this mode, it must be done manually. Requests to port 80 will need to be forwarded to the api server. """ timeout_fixed_ips = False def _allocate_fixed_ips(self, context, instance_id, host, networks, **kwargs): """Calls allocate_fixed_ip once for each network.""" for network in networks: self.allocate_fixed_ip(context, instance_id, network) def deallocate_fixed_ip(self, context, address, **kwargs): """Returns a fixed ip to the pool.""" super(FlatManager, self).deallocate_fixed_ip(context, address, **kwargs) self.db.fixed_ip_disassociate(context, address) def _setup_network(self, context, network_ref): """Setup Network on this host.""" net = {} net['injected'] = FLAGS.flat_injected self.db.network_update(context, network_ref['id'], net) class FlatDHCPManager(FloatingIP, RPCAllocateFixedIP, NetworkManager): """Flat networking with dhcp. FlatDHCPManager will start up one dhcp server to give out addresses. It never injects network settings into the guest. It also manages bridges. Otherwise it behaves like FlatManager. """ SHOULD_CREATE_BRIDGE = True def init_host(self): """Do any initialization that needs to be run if this is a standalone service. """ self.driver.init_host() self.driver.ensure_metadata_ip() super(FlatDHCPManager, self).init_host() self.init_host_floating_ips() self.driver.metadata_forward() def _setup_network(self, context, network_ref): """Sets up network on this host.""" network_ref['dhcp_server'] = self._get_dhcp_ip(context, network_ref) self.driver.ensure_bridge(network_ref['bridge'], network_ref['bridge_interface'], network_ref) if not FLAGS.fake_network: self.driver.update_dhcp(context, network_ref) if(FLAGS.use_ipv6): self.driver.update_ra(context, network_ref) gateway = utils.get_my_linklocal(network_ref['bridge']) self.db.network_update(context, network_ref['id'], {'gateway_v6': gateway}) class VlanManager(RPCAllocateFixedIP, FloatingIP, NetworkManager): """Vlan network with dhcp. VlanManager is the most complicated. It will create a host-managed vlan for each project. Each project gets its own subnet. The networks and associated subnets are created with nova-manage using a command like: nova-manage network create 3 16. This will create 3 networks of 16 addresses from the beginning of the range. A dhcp server is run for each subnet, so each project will have its own. For this mode to be useful, each project will need a vpn to access the instances in its subnet. """ SHOULD_CREATE_BRIDGE = True SHOULD_CREATE_VLAN = True def init_host(self): """Do any initialization that needs to be run if this is a standalone service. """ self.driver.init_host() self.driver.ensure_metadata_ip() NetworkManager.init_host(self) self.init_host_floating_ips() self.driver.metadata_forward() def allocate_fixed_ip(self, context, instance_id, network, **kwargs): """Gets a fixed ip from the pool.""" if kwargs.get('vpn', None): address = network['vpn_private_address'] self.db.fixed_ip_associate(context, address, instance_id) else: address = self.db.fixed_ip_associate_pool(context, network['id'], instance_id) vif = self.db.virtual_interface_get_by_instance_and_network(context, instance_id, network['id']) values = {'allocated': True, 'virtual_interface_id': vif['id']} self.db.fixed_ip_update(context, address, values) self._setup_network(context, network) return address def add_network_to_project(self, context, project_id): """Force adds another network to a project.""" self.db.network_associate(context, project_id, force=True) def _get_networks_for_instance(self, context, instance_id, project_id): """Determine which networks an instance should connect to.""" # get networks associated with project return self.db.project_get_networks(context, project_id) def create_networks(self, context, **kwargs): """Create networks based on parameters.""" # Check that num_networks + vlan_start is not > 4094, fixes lp708025 if kwargs['num_networks'] + kwargs['vlan_start'] > 4094: raise ValueError(_('The sum between the number of networks and' ' the vlan start cannot be greater' ' than 4094')) # check that num networks and network size fits in fixed_net fixed_net = netaddr.IPNetwork(kwargs['cidr']) if len(fixed_net) < kwargs['num_networks'] * kwargs['network_size']: raise ValueError(_('The network range is not big enough to fit ' '%(num_networks)s. Network size is %(network_size)s') % kwargs) NetworkManager.create_networks(self, context, vpn=True, **kwargs) def _setup_network(self, context, network_ref): """Sets up network on this host.""" if not network_ref['vpn_public_address']: net = {} address = FLAGS.vpn_ip net['vpn_public_address'] = address network_ref = db.network_update(context, network_ref['id'], net) else: address = network_ref['vpn_public_address'] network_ref['dhcp_server'] = self._get_dhcp_ip(context, network_ref) self.driver.ensure_vlan_bridge(network_ref['vlan'], network_ref['bridge'], network_ref['bridge_interface'], network_ref) # NOTE(vish): only ensure this forward if the address hasn't been set # manually. if address == FLAGS.vpn_ip and hasattr(self.driver, "ensure_vlan_forward"): self.driver.ensure_vlan_forward(FLAGS.vpn_ip, network_ref['vpn_public_port'], network_ref['vpn_private_address']) if not FLAGS.fake_network: self.driver.update_dhcp(context, network_ref) if(FLAGS.use_ipv6): self.driver.update_ra(context, network_ref) gateway = utils.get_my_linklocal(network_ref['bridge']) self.db.network_update(context, network_ref['id'], {'gateway_v6': gateway}) @property def _bottom_reserved_ips(self): """Number of reserved ips at the bottom of the range.""" return super(VlanManager, self)._bottom_reserved_ips + 1 # vpn server @property def _top_reserved_ips(self): """Number of reserved ips at the top of the range.""" parent_reserved = super(VlanManager, self)._top_reserved_ips return parent_reserved + FLAGS.cnt_vpn_clients