# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Modules required to work with ironic_inspector: https://pypi.org/project/ironic-inspector """ import ipaddress import shlex from urllib import parse as urlparse import eventlet from keystoneauth1 import exceptions as ks_exception import openstack from oslo_log import log as logging from ironic.common import exception from ironic.common.i18n import _ from ironic.common import keystone from ironic.common import states from ironic.common import utils from ironic.conductor import periodics from ironic.conductor import task_manager from ironic.conductor import utils as cond_utils from ironic.conf import CONF from ironic.drivers import base from ironic.drivers.modules import deploy_utils from ironic.drivers.modules import inspect_utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) _INSPECTOR_SESSION = None # Internal field to mark whether ironic or inspector manages boot for the node _IRONIC_MANAGES_BOOT = 'inspector_manage_boot' def _get_inspector_session(**kwargs): global _INSPECTOR_SESSION if not _INSPECTOR_SESSION: if CONF.auth_strategy != 'keystone': # NOTE(dtantsur): using set_default instead of set_override because # the native keystoneauth option must have priority. CONF.set_default('auth_type', 'none', group='inspector') service_auth = keystone.get_auth('inspector') _INSPECTOR_SESSION = keystone.get_session('inspector', auth=service_auth, **kwargs) return _INSPECTOR_SESSION def _get_client(context): """Helper to get inspector client instance.""" session = _get_inspector_session() # NOTE(dtantsur): openstacksdk expects config option groups to match # service name, but we use just "inspector". conf = dict(CONF) conf['ironic-inspector'] = conf.pop('inspector') # TODO(pas-ha) investigate possibility of passing user context here, # similar to what neutron/glance-related code does try: return openstack.connection.Connection( session=session, oslo_conf=conf).baremetal_introspection except ks_exception.DiscoveryFailure as exc: raise exception.ConfigInvalid( _("Could not contact ironic-inspector for version discovery: %s") % exc) def _get_callback_endpoint(client): root = CONF.inspector.callback_endpoint_override or client.get_endpoint() if root == 'mdns': return root parts = urlparse.urlsplit(root) is_loopback = False try: # ip_address requires a unicode string on Python 2 is_loopback = ipaddress.ip_address(parts.hostname).is_loopback except ValueError: # host name is_loopback = (parts.hostname == 'localhost') if is_loopback: raise exception.InvalidParameterValue( _('Loopback address %s cannot be used as an introspection ' 'callback URL') % parts.hostname) # NOTE(dtantsur): the IPA side is quite picky about the exact format. if parts.path.endswith('/v1'): add = '/continue' else: add = '/v1/continue' return urlparse.urlunsplit((parts.scheme, parts.netloc, parts.path.rstrip('/') + add, parts.query, parts.fragment)) def _tear_down_managed_boot(task): errors = [] ironic_manages_boot = utils.pop_node_nested_field( task.node, 'driver_internal_info', _IRONIC_MANAGES_BOOT) if not ironic_manages_boot: return errors try: task.driver.boot.clean_up_ramdisk(task) except Exception as exc: errors.append(_('unable to clean up ramdisk boot: %s') % exc) LOG.exception('Unable to clean up ramdisk boot for node %s', task.node.uuid) try: with cond_utils.power_state_for_network_configuration(task): task.driver.network.remove_inspection_network(task) except Exception as exc: errors.append(_('unable to remove inspection ports: %s') % exc) LOG.exception('Unable to remove inspection network for node %s', task.node.uuid) if CONF.inspector.power_off and not utils.fast_track_enabled(task.node): try: cond_utils.node_power_action(task, states.POWER_OFF) except Exception as exc: errors.append(_('unable to power off the node: %s') % exc) LOG.exception('Unable to power off node %s', task.node.uuid) return errors def _inspection_error_handler(task, error, raise_exc=False, clean_up=True): if clean_up: _tear_down_managed_boot(task) task.node.last_error = error if raise_exc: task.node.save() raise exception.HardwareInspectionFailure(error=error) else: task.process_event('fail') def _ironic_manages_boot(task, raise_exc=False): """Whether ironic should manage boot for this node.""" try: task.driver.boot.validate_inspection(task) except exception.UnsupportedDriverExtension as e: LOG.debug('The boot interface %(iface)s of the node %(node)s does ' 'not support managed boot for in-band inspection or ' 'the required options are not populated: %(exc)s', {'node': task.node.uuid, 'iface': task.node.get_interface('boot'), 'exc': e}) if raise_exc: raise return False try: task.driver.network.validate_inspection(task) except exception.UnsupportedDriverExtension as e: LOG.debug('The network interface %(iface)s of the node %(node)s does ' 'not support managed boot for in-band inspection or ' 'the required options are not populated: %(exc)s', {'node': task.node.uuid, 'iface': task.node.get_interface('network'), 'exc': e}) if raise_exc: raise return False return True def _parse_kernel_params(): """Parse kernel params from the configuration.""" result = {} for s in shlex.split(CONF.inspector.extra_kernel_params): try: key, value = s.split('=', 1) except ValueError: result[s] = None else: result[key] = value return result def _start_managed_inspection(task): """Start inspection managed by ironic.""" try: client = _get_client(task.context) endpoint = _get_callback_endpoint(client) params = dict(_parse_kernel_params(), **{'ipa-inspection-callback-url': endpoint}) if utils.fast_track_enabled(task.node): params['ipa-api-url'] = deploy_utils.get_ironic_api_url() cond_utils.node_power_action(task, states.POWER_OFF) with cond_utils.power_state_for_network_configuration(task): task.driver.network.add_inspection_network(task) task.driver.boot.prepare_ramdisk(task, ramdisk_params=params) client.start_introspection(task.node.uuid, manage_boot=False) cond_utils.node_power_action(task, states.POWER_ON) except Exception as exc: LOG.exception('Unable to start managed inspection for node %(uuid)s: ' '%(err)s', {'uuid': task.node.uuid, 'err': exc}) error = _('unable to start inspection: %s') % exc _inspection_error_handler(task, error, raise_exc=True) class Inspector(base.InspectInterface): """In-band inspection via ironic-inspector project.""" def get_properties(self): """Return the properties of the interface. :returns: dictionary of : entries. """ return {} # no properties def validate(self, task): """Validate the driver-specific inspection information. If invalid, raises an exception; otherwise returns None. :param task: a task from TaskManager. :raises: UnsupportedDriverExtension """ _parse_kernel_params() if CONF.inspector.require_managed_boot: _ironic_manages_boot(task, raise_exc=True) def inspect_hardware(self, task): """Inspect hardware to obtain the hardware properties. This particular implementation only starts inspection using ironic-inspector. Results will be checked in a periodic task. :param task: a task from TaskManager. :returns: states.INSPECTWAIT :raises: HardwareInspectionFailure on failure """ try: enabled_macs = task.driver.management.get_mac_addresses(task) if enabled_macs: inspect_utils.create_ports_if_not_exist(task, enabled_macs) else: LOG.warning("Not attempting to create any port as no NICs " "were discovered in 'enabled' state for node " "%(node)s: %(mac_data)s", {'mac_data': enabled_macs, 'node': task.node.uuid}) except exception.UnsupportedDriverExtension: LOG.debug('Pre-creating ports prior to inspection not supported' ' on node %s.', task.node.uuid) ironic_manages_boot = _ironic_manages_boot( task, raise_exc=CONF.inspector.require_managed_boot) utils.set_node_nested_field(task.node, 'driver_internal_info', _IRONIC_MANAGES_BOOT, ironic_manages_boot) task.node.save() LOG.debug('Starting inspection for node %(uuid)s using ' 'ironic-inspector, booting is managed by %(project)s', {'uuid': task.node.uuid, 'project': 'ironic' if ironic_manages_boot else 'ironic-inspector'}) if ironic_manages_boot: _start_managed_inspection(task) else: # NOTE(dtantsur): spawning a short-living green thread so that # we can release a lock as soon as possible and allow # ironic-inspector to operate on the node. eventlet.spawn_n(_start_inspection, task.node.uuid, task.context) return states.INSPECTWAIT def abort(self, task): """Abort hardware inspection. :param task: a task from TaskManager. """ node_uuid = task.node.uuid LOG.debug('Aborting inspection for node %(uuid)s using ' 'ironic-inspector', {'uuid': node_uuid}) _get_client(task.context).abort_introspection(node_uuid) @periodics.node_periodic( purpose='checking hardware inspection status', spacing=CONF.inspector.status_check_period, filters={'provision_state': states.INSPECTWAIT}, ) def _periodic_check_result(self, task, manager, context): """Periodic task checking results of inspection.""" _check_status(task) def _start_inspection(node_uuid, context): """Call to inspector to start inspection.""" try: _get_client(context).start_introspection(node_uuid) except Exception as exc: LOG.error('Error contacting ironic-inspector for inspection of node ' '%(node)s: %(cls)s: %(err)s', {'node': node_uuid, 'cls': type(exc).__name__, 'err': exc}) # NOTE(dtantsur): if acquire fails our last option is to rely on # timeout lock_purpose = 'recording hardware inspection error' with task_manager.acquire(context, node_uuid, purpose=lock_purpose) as task: error = _('Failed to start inspection: %s') % exc _inspection_error_handler(task, error) else: LOG.info('Node %s was sent to inspection to ironic-inspector', node_uuid) def _check_status(task): """Check inspection status for node given by a task.""" node = task.node if node.provision_state != states.INSPECTWAIT: return if not isinstance(task.driver.inspect, Inspector): return LOG.debug('Calling to inspector to check status of node %s', task.node.uuid) try: status = _get_client(task.context).get_introspection(node.uuid) except Exception: # NOTE(dtantsur): get_status should not normally raise # let's assume it's a transient failure and retry later LOG.exception('Unexpected exception while getting ' 'inspection status for node %s, will retry later', node.uuid) return if not status.error and not status.is_finished: return # If the inspection has finished or failed, we need to update the node, so # upgrade our lock to an exclusive one. task.upgrade_lock() node = task.node if status.error: LOG.error('Inspection failed for node %(uuid)s with error: %(err)s', {'uuid': node.uuid, 'err': status.error}) error = _('ironic-inspector inspection failed: %s') % status.error _inspection_error_handler(task, error) elif status.is_finished: _clean_up(task) def _clean_up(task): errors = _tear_down_managed_boot(task) if errors: errors = ', '.join(errors) LOG.error('Inspection clean up failed for node %(uuid)s: %(err)s', {'uuid': task.node.uuid, 'err': errors}) msg = _('Inspection clean up failed: %s') % errors _inspection_error_handler(task, msg, raise_exc=False, clean_up=False) else: LOG.info('Inspection finished successfully for node %s', task.node.uuid) task.process_event('done')