# Copyright 2016 Intel Corporation # Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import os from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_config import types as cfg_types from ironic.common.i18n import _ opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('kernel_append_params', deprecated_name='pxe_append_params', default='nofb nomodeset vga=normal', mutable=True, help=_('Additional append parameters for baremetal PXE boot.')), cfg.StrOpt('default_ephemeral_format', default='ext4', mutable=True, help=_('Default file system format for ephemeral partition, ' 'if one is created.')), cfg.StrOpt('images_path', default='/var/lib/ironic/images/', help=_('On the ironic-conductor node, directory where images ' 'are stored on disk.')), cfg.StrOpt('instance_master_path', default='/var/lib/ironic/master_images', help=_('On the ironic-conductor node, directory where master ' 'instance images are stored on disk. ' 'Setting to the empty string disables image caching.')), cfg.IntOpt('image_cache_size', default=20480, help=_('Maximum size (in MiB) of cache for master images, ' 'including those in use.')), # 10080 here is 1 week - 60*24*7. It is entirely arbitrary in the absence # of a facility to disable the ttl entirely. cfg.IntOpt('image_cache_ttl', default=10080, help=_('Maximum TTL (in minutes) for old master images in ' 'cache.')), cfg.StrOpt('pxe_config_template', default=os.path.join( '$pybasedir', 'drivers/modules/pxe_config.template'), mutable=True, help=_('On ironic-conductor node, template file for PXE ' 'loader configuration.')), cfg.StrOpt('ipxe_config_template', default=os.path.join( '$pybasedir', 'drivers/modules/ipxe_config.template'), mutable=True, help=_('On ironic-conductor node, template file for iPXE ' 'operations.')), cfg.StrOpt('uefi_pxe_config_template', default=os.path.join( '$pybasedir', 'drivers/modules/pxe_grub_config.template'), mutable=True, help=_('On ironic-conductor node, template file for PXE ' 'configuration for UEFI boot loader. Generally this ' 'is used for GRUB specific templates.')), cfg.DictOpt('pxe_config_template_by_arch', default={}, mutable=True, help=_('On ironic-conductor node, template file for PXE ' 'configuration per node architecture. ' 'For example: ' 'aarch64:/opt/share/grubaa64_pxe_config.template')), cfg.StrOpt('tftp_server', default='$my_ip', help=_("IP address of ironic-conductor node's TFTP server.")), cfg.StrOpt('tftp_root', default='/tftpboot', help=_("ironic-conductor node's TFTP root path. The " "ironic-conductor must have read/write access to this " "path.")), cfg.StrOpt('tftp_master_path', default='/tftpboot/master_images', help=_('On ironic-conductor node, directory where master TFTP ' 'images are stored on disk. ' 'Setting to the empty string disables image caching.')), cfg.IntOpt('dir_permission', help=_("The permission that will be applied to the TFTP " "folders upon creation. This should be set to the " "permission such that the tftpserver has access to " "read the contents of the configured TFTP folder. This " "setting is only required when the operating system's " "umask is restrictive such that ironic-conductor is " "creating files that cannot be read by the TFTP server. " "Setting to will result in the operating " "system's umask to be utilized for the creation of new " "tftp folders. The system default umask is masked out " "on the specified value. It is required that an octal " "representation is specified. For example: 0o755")), cfg.IntOpt('file_permission', default=0o644, help=_('The permission which is used on files created as part ' 'of configuration and setup of file assets for PXE ' 'based operations. Defaults to a value of ' '0o644. This value must be specified as an octal ' 'representation. For example: 0o644')), cfg.StrOpt('pxe_bootfile_name', default='pxelinux.0', help=_('Bootfile DHCP parameter.')), cfg.StrOpt('pxe_config_subdir', default='pxelinux.cfg', help=_('Directory in which to create symbolic links which ' 'represent the MAC or IP address of the ports on ' 'a node and allow boot loaders to load the PXE ' 'file for the node. This directory name is relative ' 'to the PXE or iPXE folders.')), cfg.StrOpt('uefi_pxe_bootfile_name', default='bootx64.efi', help=_('Bootfile DHCP parameter for UEFI boot mode.')), cfg.StrOpt('ipxe_bootfile_name', default='undionly.kpxe', help=_('Bootfile DHCP parameter.')), cfg.StrOpt('uefi_ipxe_bootfile_name', default='snponly.efi', help=_('Bootfile DHCP parameter for UEFI boot mode. If you ' 'experience problems with booting using it, try ' 'ipxe.efi.')), cfg.DictOpt('pxe_bootfile_name_by_arch', default={}, help=_('Bootfile DHCP parameter per node architecture. ' 'For example: aarch64:grubaa64.efi')), cfg.DictOpt('ipxe_bootfile_name_by_arch', default={}, help=_('Bootfile DHCP parameter per node architecture. ' 'For example: aarch64:ipxe_aa64.efi')), cfg.StrOpt('ipxe_boot_script', default=os.path.join( '$pybasedir', 'drivers/modules/boot.ipxe'), help=_('On ironic-conductor node, the path to the main iPXE ' 'script file.')), cfg.StrOpt('ipxe_fallback_script', help=_('File name (e.g. inspector.ipxe) of an iPXE script to ' 'fall back to when booting to a MAC-specific script ' 'fails. When not set, booting will fail in this case.')), cfg.IntOpt('ipxe_timeout', default=0, help=_('Timeout value (in seconds) for downloading an image ' 'via iPXE. Defaults to 0 (no timeout)')), cfg.IntOpt('boot_retry_timeout', min=60, help=_('Timeout (in seconds) after which PXE boot should be ' 'retried. Must be less than [conductor]' 'deploy_callback_timeout. Disabled by default.')), cfg.IntOpt('boot_retry_check_interval', default=90, min=1, help=_('Interval (in seconds) between periodic checks on PXE ' 'boot retry. Has no effect if boot_retry_timeout ' 'is not set.')), cfg.StrOpt('ip_version', default='4', choices=[('4', _('IPv4')), ('6', _('IPv6'))], mutable=True, deprecated_for_removal=True, help=_('The IP version that will be used for PXE booting. ' 'Defaults to 4. This option has been a no-op for in-tree' 'drivers since the Ussuri development cycle.')), cfg.BoolOpt('ipxe_use_swift', default=False, mutable=True, help=_("Download deploy and rescue images directly from swift " "using temporary URLs. " "If set to false (default), images are downloaded " "to the ironic-conductor node and served over its " "local HTTP server. " "Applicable only when 'ipxe' compatible boot interface " "is used.")), cfg.BoolOpt('enable_netboot_fallback', default=False, mutable=True, help=_('If True, generate a PXE environment even for nodes ' 'that use local boot. This is useful when the driver ' 'cannot switch nodes to local boot, e.g. with SNMP ' 'or with Redfish on machines that cannot do persistent ' 'boot. Mostly useful for standalone ironic since ' 'Neutron will prevent incorrect PXE boot.')), cfg.Opt('loader_file_paths', type=cfg_types.Dict(cfg_types.String(quotes=True)), default={}, help=_('Dictionary describing the bootloaders to load into ' 'conductor PXE/iPXE boot folders values from the host ' 'operating system. Formatted as key of destination ' 'file name, and value of a full path to a file to be ' 'copied. File assets will have [pxe]file_permission ' 'applied, if set. If used, the file names should ' 'match established bootloader configuration settings ' 'for bootloaders. Use example: ' 'ipxe.efi:/usr/share/ipxe/ipxe-snponly-x86_64.efi,' 'undionly.kpxe:/usr/share/ipxe/undionly.kpxe')), ] def register_opts(conf): conf.register_opts(opts, group='pxe')