# Copyright 2016 Intel Corporation # Copyright 2014 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_config import cfg from ironic.common.i18n import _ from ironic.conf import auth opts = [ cfg.IntOpt('port_setup_delay', default=0, min=0, mutable=True, help=_('Delay value to wait for Neutron agents to setup ' 'sufficient DHCP configuration for port.')), cfg.IntOpt('retries', default=3, mutable=True, deprecated_for_removal=True, deprecated_reason=_('Replaced by status_code_retries and ' 'status_code_retry_delay.'), help=_('DEPRECATED: Client retries in the case of a failed ' 'request.')), cfg.StrOpt('cleaning_network', mutable=True, help=_('Neutron network UUID or name for the ramdisk to be ' 'booted into for cleaning nodes. Required for "neutron" ' 'network interface. It is also required if cleaning ' 'nodes when using "flat" network interface or "neutron" ' 'DHCP provider. If a name is provided, it must be ' 'unique among all networks or cleaning will fail.'), deprecated_name='cleaning_network_uuid'), cfg.StrOpt('provisioning_network', mutable=True, help=_('Neutron network UUID or name for the ramdisk to be ' 'booted into for provisioning nodes. Required for ' '"neutron" network interface. If a name is provided, ' 'it must be unique among all networks or deploy will ' 'fail.'), deprecated_name='provisioning_network_uuid'), cfg.ListOpt('provisioning_network_security_groups', default=[], mutable=True, help=_('List of Neutron Security Group UUIDs to be ' 'applied during provisioning of the nodes. ' 'Optional for the "neutron" network interface and not ' 'used for the "flat" or "noop" network interfaces. ' 'If not specified, default security group ' 'is used.')), cfg.ListOpt('cleaning_network_security_groups', default=[], mutable=True, help=_('List of Neutron Security Group UUIDs to be ' 'applied during cleaning of the nodes. ' 'Optional for the "neutron" network interface and not ' 'used for the "flat" or "noop" network interfaces. ' 'If not specified, default security group ' 'is used.')), cfg.StrOpt('rescuing_network', mutable=True, help=_('Neutron network UUID or name for booting the ramdisk ' 'for rescue mode. This is not the network that the ' 'rescue ramdisk will use post-boot -- the tenant ' 'network is used for that. Required for "neutron" ' 'network interface, if rescue mode will be used. It ' 'is not used for the "flat" or "noop" network ' 'interfaces. If a name is provided, it must be unique ' 'among all networks or rescue will fail.')), cfg.ListOpt('rescuing_network_security_groups', default=[], mutable=True, help=_('List of Neutron Security Group UUIDs to be applied ' 'during the node rescue process. Optional for the ' '"neutron" network interface and not used for the ' '"flat" or "noop" network interfaces. If not ' 'specified, the default security group is used.')), cfg.IntOpt('request_timeout', default=45, mutable=True, help=_('Timeout for request processing when interacting ' 'with Neutron. This value should be increased if ' 'neutron port action timeouts are observed as neutron ' 'performs pre-commit validation prior returning to ' 'the API client which can take longer than normal ' 'client/server interactions.')), cfg.BoolOpt('add_all_ports', default=False, mutable=True, help=_('Option to enable transmission of all ports ' 'to neutron when creating ports for provisioning, ' 'cleaning, or rescue. This is done without IP ' 'addresses assigned to the port, and may be useful ' 'in some bonded network configurations.')), cfg.StrOpt('inspection_network', mutable=True, help=_('Neutron network UUID or name for the ramdisk to be ' 'booted into for in-band inspection of nodes. ' 'If a name is provided, it must be unique among all ' 'networks or inspection will fail.')), cfg.ListOpt('inspection_network_security_groups', default=[], mutable=True, help=_('List of Neutron Security Group UUIDs to be applied ' 'during the node inspection process. Optional for the ' '"neutron" network interface and not used for the ' '"flat" or "noop" network interfaces. If not ' 'specified, the default security group is used.')), cfg.IntOpt('dhcpv6_stateful_address_count', default=4, mutable=True, help=_('Number of IPv6 addresses to allocate for ports created ' 'for provisioning, cleaning, rescue or inspection on ' 'DHCPv6-stateful networks. Different stages of the ' 'chain-loading process will request addresses with ' 'different CLID/IAID. Due to non-identical identifiers ' 'multiple addresses must be reserved for the host to ' 'ensure each step of the boot process can successfully ' 'lease addresses.')) ] def register_opts(conf): conf.register_opts(opts, group='neutron') auth.register_auth_opts(conf, 'neutron', service_type='network') def list_opts(): return auth.add_auth_opts(opts, service_type='network')