# # Copyright 2015 Rackspace, Inc # All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import datetime import functools from http import client as http_client import inspect import json import sys import traceback from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log import pecan import wsme import wsme.rest.args from ironic.api import types as atypes LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) class JSonRenderer(object): @staticmethod def __init__(path, extra_vars): pass @staticmethod def render(template_path, namespace): if 'faultcode' in namespace: return encode_error(None, namespace) result = encode_result( namespace['result'], namespace['datatype'] ) return result pecan.templating._builtin_renderers['wsmejson'] = JSonRenderer pecan_json_decorate = pecan.expose( template='wsmejson:', content_type='application/json', generic=False) def expose(*args, **kwargs): sig = wsme.signature(*args, **kwargs) def decorate(f): sig(f) funcdef = wsme.api.FunctionDefinition.get(f) funcdef.resolve_types(atypes.registry) @functools.wraps(f) def callfunction(self, *args, **kwargs): return_type = funcdef.return_type try: args, kwargs = wsme.rest.args.get_args( funcdef, args, kwargs, pecan.request.params, None, pecan.request.body, pecan.request.content_type ) result = f(self, *args, **kwargs) # NOTE: Support setting of status_code with default 201 pecan.response.status = funcdef.status_code if isinstance(result, atypes.Response): pecan.response.status = result.status_code # NOTE(lucasagomes): If the return code is 204 # (No Response) we have to make sure that we are not # returning anything in the body response and the # content-length is 0 if result.status_code == 204: return_type = None elif not isinstance(result.return_type, atypes.UnsetType): return_type = result.return_type result = result.obj except Exception: try: exception_info = sys.exc_info() orig_exception = exception_info[1] orig_code = getattr(orig_exception, 'code', None) data = format_exception( exception_info, cfg.CONF.debug_tracebacks_in_api ) finally: del exception_info if orig_code and orig_code in http_client.responses: pecan.response.status = orig_code else: pecan.response.status = 500 return data if return_type is None: pecan.request.pecan['content_type'] = None pecan.response.content_type = None return '' return dict( datatype=return_type, result=result ) pecan_json_decorate(callfunction) pecan.util._cfg(callfunction)['argspec'] = inspect.getargspec(f) callfunction._wsme_definition = funcdef return callfunction return decorate def tojson(datatype, value): """A generic converter from python to jsonify-able datatypes. """ if value is None: return None if isinstance(datatype, atypes.ArrayType): return [tojson(datatype.item_type, item) for item in value] if isinstance(datatype, atypes.DictType): return dict(( (tojson(datatype.key_type, item[0]), tojson(datatype.value_type, item[1])) for item in value.items() )) if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): return value.isoformat() if atypes.iscomplex(datatype): d = dict() for attr in atypes.list_attributes(datatype): attr_value = getattr(value, attr.key) if attr_value is not atypes.Unset: d[attr.name] = tojson(attr.datatype, attr_value) return d if isinstance(datatype, atypes.UserType): return tojson(datatype.basetype, datatype.tobasetype(value)) return value def encode_result(value, datatype, **options): jsondata = tojson(datatype, value) return json.dumps(jsondata) def encode_error(context, errordetail): return json.dumps(errordetail) def format_exception(excinfo, debug=False): """Extract informations that can be sent to the client.""" error = excinfo[1] code = getattr(error, 'code', None) if code and code in http_client.responses and (400 <= code < 500): faultstring = (error.faultstring if hasattr(error, 'faultstring') else str(error)) faultcode = getattr(error, 'faultcode', 'Client') r = dict(faultcode=faultcode, faultstring=faultstring) LOG.debug("Client-side error: %s", r['faultstring']) r['debuginfo'] = None return r else: faultstring = str(error) debuginfo = "\n".join(traceback.format_exception(*excinfo)) LOG.error('Server-side error: "%s". Detail: \n%s', faultstring, debuginfo) faultcode = getattr(error, 'faultcode', 'Server') r = dict(faultcode=faultcode, faultstring=faultstring) if debug: r['debuginfo'] = debuginfo else: r['debuginfo'] = None return r