# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from unittest import mock from oslo_utils import timeutils from heat.common import timeutils as heat_timeutils from heat.engine import notification from heat.tests import common from heat.tests import utils class StackTest(common.HeatTestCase): def setUp(self): super(StackTest, self).setUp() self.ctx = utils.dummy_context(user_id='test_user_id') def test_send(self): created_time = timeutils.utcnow() st = mock.Mock() st.state = ('x', 'f') st.status = st.state[0] st.action = st.state[1] st.name = 'fred' st.status_reason = 'this is why' st.created_time = created_time st.context = self.ctx st.id = 'hay-are-en' updated_time = timeutils.utcnow() st.updated_time = updated_time st.tags = ['tag1', 'tag2'] st.t = mock.MagicMock() st.t.__getitem__.return_value = 'for test' st.t.DESCRIPTION = 'description' notify = self.patchobject(notification, 'notify') notification.stack.send(st) notify.assert_called_once_with( self.ctx, 'stack.f.error', 'ERROR', {'state_reason': 'this is why', 'user_id': 'test_username', 'username': 'test_username', 'user_identity': 'test_user_id', 'stack_identity': 'hay-are-en', 'stack_name': 'fred', 'tenant_id': 'test_tenant_id', 'create_at': heat_timeutils.isotime(created_time), 'state': 'x_f', 'description': 'for test', 'tags': ['tag1', 'tag2'], 'updated_at': heat_timeutils.isotime(updated_time)}) class AutoScaleTest(common.HeatTestCase): def setUp(self): super(AutoScaleTest, self).setUp() self.ctx = utils.dummy_context(user_id='test_user_id') def _mock_stack(self): created_time = timeutils.utcnow() st = mock.Mock() st.state = ('x', 'f') st.status = st.state[0] st.action = st.state[1] st.name = 'fred' st.status_reason = 'this is why' st.created_time = created_time st.context = self.ctx st.id = 'hay-are-en' updated_time = timeutils.utcnow() st.updated_time = updated_time st.tags = ['tag1', 'tag2'] st.t = mock.MagicMock() st.t.__getitem__.return_value = 'for test' st.t.DESCRIPTION = 'description' return st def test_send(self): stack = self._mock_stack() notify = self.patchobject(notification, 'notify') notification.autoscaling.send(stack, adjustment='x', adjustment_type='y', capacity='5', groupname='c', message='fred', suffix='the-end') notify.assert_called_once_with( self.ctx, 'autoscaling.the-end', 'INFO', {'state_reason': 'this is why', 'user_id': 'test_username', 'username': 'test_username', 'user_identity': 'test_user_id', 'stack_identity': 'hay-are-en', 'stack_name': 'fred', 'tenant_id': 'test_tenant_id', 'create_at': heat_timeutils.isotime(stack.created_time), 'description': 'for test', 'tags': ['tag1', 'tag2'], 'updated_at': heat_timeutils.isotime(stack.updated_time), 'state': 'x_f', 'adjustment_type': 'y', 'groupname': 'c', 'capacity': '5', 'message': 'fred', 'adjustment': 'x'}) def test_send_error(self): stack = self._mock_stack() notify = self.patchobject(notification, 'notify') notification.autoscaling.send(stack, adjustment='x', adjustment_type='y', capacity='5', groupname='c', suffix='error') notify.assert_called_once_with( self.ctx, 'autoscaling.error', 'ERROR', {'state_reason': 'this is why', 'user_id': 'test_username', 'username': 'test_username', 'user_identity': 'test_user_id', 'stack_identity': 'hay-are-en', 'stack_name': 'fred', 'tenant_id': 'test_tenant_id', 'create_at': heat_timeutils.isotime(stack.created_time), 'description': 'for test', 'tags': ['tag1', 'tag2'], 'updated_at': heat_timeutils.isotime(stack.updated_time), 'state': 'x_f', 'adjustment_type': 'y', 'groupname': 'c', 'capacity': '5', 'message': 'error', 'adjustment': 'x'})