# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Storage backend for Cinder""" import contextlib import errno import hashlib import logging import math import os import shlex import socket import time from keystoneauth1.access import service_catalog as keystone_sc from keystoneauth1 import exceptions as keystone_exc from oslo_concurrency import processutils from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_utils import units from glance_store import capabilities from glance_store.common import utils import glance_store.driver from glance_store import exceptions from glance_store.i18n import _, _LE, _LI import glance_store.location try: from cinderclient import exceptions as cinder_exception from cinderclient.v2 import client as cinderclient from os_brick.initiator import connector from oslo_privsep import priv_context except ImportError: cinder_exception = None cinderclient = None connector = None priv_context = None CONF = cfg.CONF LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) _CINDER_OPTS = [ cfg.StrOpt('cinder_catalog_info', default='volumev2::publicURL', help=""" Information to match when looking for cinder in the service catalog. When the ``cinder_endpoint_template`` is not set and any of ``cinder_store_auth_address``, ``cinder_store_user_name``, ``cinder_store_project_name``, ``cinder_store_password`` is not set, cinder store uses this information to lookup cinder endpoint from the service catalog in the current context. ``cinder_os_region_name``, if set, is taken into consideration to fetch the appropriate endpoint. The service catalog can be listed by the ``openstack catalog list`` command. Possible values: * A string of of the following form: ``::`` At least ``service_type`` and ``interface`` should be specified. ``service_name`` can be omitted. Related options: * cinder_os_region_name * cinder_endpoint_template * cinder_store_auth_address * cinder_store_user_name * cinder_store_project_name * cinder_store_password """), cfg.StrOpt('cinder_endpoint_template', default=None, help=""" Override service catalog lookup with template for cinder endpoint. When this option is set, this value is used to generate cinder endpoint, instead of looking up from the service catalog. This value is ignored if ``cinder_store_auth_address``, ``cinder_store_user_name``, ``cinder_store_project_name``, and ``cinder_store_password`` are specified. If this configuration option is set, ``cinder_catalog_info`` will be ignored. Possible values: * URL template string for cinder endpoint, where ``%%(tenant)s`` is replaced with the current tenant (project) name. For example: ``http://cinder.openstack.example.org/v2/%%(tenant)s`` Related options: * cinder_store_auth_address * cinder_store_user_name * cinder_store_project_name * cinder_store_password * cinder_catalog_info """), cfg.StrOpt('cinder_os_region_name', deprecated_name='os_region_name', default=None, help=""" Region name to lookup cinder service from the service catalog. This is used only when ``cinder_catalog_info`` is used for determining the endpoint. If set, the lookup for cinder endpoint by this node is filtered to the specified region. It is useful when multiple regions are listed in the catalog. If this is not set, the endpoint is looked up from every region. Possible values: * A string that is a valid region name. Related options: * cinder_catalog_info """), cfg.StrOpt('cinder_ca_certificates_file', help=""" Location of a CA certificates file used for cinder client requests. The specified CA certificates file, if set, is used to verify cinder connections via HTTPS endpoint. If the endpoint is HTTP, this value is ignored. ``cinder_api_insecure`` must be set to ``True`` to enable the verification. Possible values: * Path to a ca certificates file Related options: * cinder_api_insecure """), cfg.IntOpt('cinder_http_retries', min=0, default=3, help=""" Number of cinderclient retries on failed http calls. When a call failed by any errors, cinderclient will retry the call up to the specified times after sleeping a few seconds. Possible values: * A positive integer Related options: * None """), cfg.IntOpt('cinder_state_transition_timeout', min=0, default=300, help=""" Time period, in seconds, to wait for a cinder volume transition to complete. When the cinder volume is created, deleted, or attached to the glance node to read/write the volume data, the volume's state is changed. For example, the newly created volume status changes from ``creating`` to ``available`` after the creation process is completed. This specifies the maximum time to wait for the status change. If a timeout occurs while waiting, or the status is changed to an unexpected value (e.g. `error``), the image creation fails. Possible values: * A positive integer Related options: * None """), cfg.BoolOpt('cinder_api_insecure', default=False, help=""" Allow to perform insecure SSL requests to cinder. If this option is set to True, HTTPS endpoint connection is verified using the CA certificates file specified by ``cinder_ca_certificates_file`` option. Possible values: * True * False Related options: * cinder_ca_certificates_file """), cfg.StrOpt('cinder_store_auth_address', default=None, help=""" The address where the cinder authentication service is listening. When all of ``cinder_store_auth_address``, ``cinder_store_user_name``, ``cinder_store_project_name``, and ``cinder_store_password`` options are specified, the specified values are always used for the authentication. This is useful to hide the image volumes from users by storing them in a project/tenant specific to the image service. It also enables users to share the image volume among other projects under the control of glance's ACL. If either of these options are not set, the cinder endpoint is looked up from the service catalog, and current context's user and project are used. Possible values: * A valid authentication service address, for example: ``http://openstack.example.org/identity/v2.0`` Related options: * cinder_store_user_name * cinder_store_password * cinder_store_project_name """), cfg.StrOpt('cinder_store_user_name', default=None, help=""" User name to authenticate against cinder. This must be used with all the following related options. If any of these are not specified, the user of the current context is used. Possible values: * A valid user name Related options: * cinder_store_auth_address * cinder_store_password * cinder_store_project_name """), cfg.StrOpt('cinder_store_password', secret=True, help=""" Password for the user authenticating against cinder. This must be used with all the following related options. If any of these are not specified, the user of the current context is used. Possible values: * A valid password for the user specified by ``cinder_store_user_name`` Related options: * cinder_store_auth_address * cinder_store_user_name * cinder_store_project_name """), cfg.StrOpt('cinder_store_project_name', default=None, help=""" Project name where the image volume is stored in cinder. If this configuration option is not set, the project in current context is used. This must be used with all the following related options. If any of these are not specified, the project of the current context is used. Possible values: * A valid project name Related options: * ``cinder_store_auth_address`` * ``cinder_store_user_name`` * ``cinder_store_password`` """), cfg.StrOpt('rootwrap_config', default='/etc/glance/rootwrap.conf', help=""" Path to the rootwrap configuration file to use for running commands as root. The cinder store requires root privileges to operate the image volumes (for connecting to iSCSI/FC volumes and reading/writing the volume data, etc.). The configuration file should allow the required commands by cinder store and os-brick library. Possible values: * Path to the rootwrap config file Related options: * None """), cfg.StrOpt('cinder_volume_type', default=None, help=""" Volume type that will be used for volume creation in cinder. Some cinder backends can have several volume types to optimize storage usage. Adding this option allows an operator to choose a specific volume type in cinder that can be optimized for images. If this is not set, then the default volume type specified in the cinder configuration will be used for volume creation. Possible values: * A valid volume type from cinder Related options: * None """), ] def get_root_helper(backend=None): if backend: rootwrap = getattr(CONF, backend).rootwrap_config else: rootwrap = CONF.glance_store.rootwrap_config return 'sudo glance-rootwrap %s' % rootwrap def is_user_overriden(conf, backend=None): if backend: store_conf = getattr(conf, backend) else: store_conf = conf.glance_store return all([store_conf.get('cinder_store_' + key) for key in ['user_name', 'password', 'project_name', 'auth_address']]) def get_cinderclient(conf, context=None, backend=None): if backend: glance_store = getattr(conf, backend) else: glance_store = conf.glance_store user_overriden = is_user_overriden(conf, backend=backend) if user_overriden: username = glance_store.cinder_store_user_name password = glance_store.cinder_store_password project = glance_store.cinder_store_project_name url = glance_store.cinder_store_auth_address else: username = context.user password = context.auth_token project = context.tenant if glance_store.cinder_endpoint_template: url = glance_store.cinder_endpoint_template % context.to_dict() else: info = glance_store.cinder_catalog_info service_type, service_name, interface = info.split(':') try: catalog = keystone_sc.ServiceCatalogV2(context.service_catalog) url = catalog.url_for( region_name=glance_store.cinder_os_region_name, service_type=service_type, service_name=service_name, interface=interface) except keystone_exc.EndpointNotFound: reason = _("Failed to find Cinder from a service catalog.") raise exceptions.BadStoreConfiguration(store_name="cinder", reason=reason) c = cinderclient.Client(username, password, project, auth_url=url, region_name=glance_store.cinder_os_region_name, insecure=glance_store.cinder_api_insecure, retries=glance_store.cinder_http_retries, cacert=glance_store.cinder_ca_certificates_file) LOG.debug('Cinderclient connection created for user %(user)s using URL: ' '%(url)s.', {'user': username, 'url': url}) # noauth extracts user_id:project_id from auth_token if not user_overriden: c.client.auth_token = context.auth_token or '%s:%s' % (username, project) c.client.management_url = url return c class StoreLocation(glance_store.location.StoreLocation): """Class describing a Cinder URI.""" def process_specs(self): self.scheme = self.specs.get('scheme', 'cinder') self.volume_id = self.specs.get('volume_id') def get_uri(self): return "cinder://%s" % self.volume_id def parse_uri(self, uri): self.validate_schemas(uri, valid_schemas=('cinder://',)) self.scheme = 'cinder' self.volume_id = uri[9:] if not utils.is_uuid_like(self.volume_id): reason = _("URI contains invalid volume ID") LOG.info(reason) raise exceptions.BadStoreUri(message=reason) @contextlib.contextmanager def temporary_chown(path, backend=None): owner_uid = os.getuid() orig_uid = os.stat(path).st_uid if orig_uid != owner_uid: processutils.execute('chown', owner_uid, path, run_as_root=True, root_helper=get_root_helper(backend=backend)) try: yield finally: if orig_uid != owner_uid: processutils.execute('chown', orig_uid, path, run_as_root=True, root_helper=get_root_helper(backend=backend)) class Store(glance_store.driver.Store): """Cinder backend store adapter.""" _CAPABILITIES = (capabilities.BitMasks.READ_RANDOM | capabilities.BitMasks.WRITE_ACCESS | capabilities.BitMasks.DRIVER_REUSABLE) OPTIONS = _CINDER_OPTS EXAMPLE_URL = "cinder://" def __init__(self, *args, **kargs): super(Store, self).__init__(*args, **kargs) def get_schemes(self): return ('cinder',) def _check_context(self, context, require_tenant=False): user_overriden = is_user_overriden(self.conf, backend=self.backend_group) if user_overriden and not require_tenant: return if context is None: reason = _("Cinder storage requires a context.") raise exceptions.BadStoreConfiguration(store_name="cinder", reason=reason) if not user_overriden and context.service_catalog is None: reason = _("Cinder storage requires a service catalog.") raise exceptions.BadStoreConfiguration(store_name="cinder", reason=reason) def _wait_volume_status(self, volume, status_transition, status_expected): max_recheck_wait = 15 if self.backend_group: timeout = getattr( self.conf, self.backend_group).cinder_state_transition_timeout else: timeout = self.conf.glance_store.cinder_state_transition_timeout volume = volume.manager.get(volume.id) tries = 0 elapsed = 0 while volume.status == status_transition: if elapsed >= timeout: msg = (_('Timeout while waiting while volume %(volume_id)s ' 'status is %(status)s.') % {'volume_id': volume.id, 'status': status_transition}) LOG.error(msg) raise exceptions.BackendException(msg) wait = min(0.5 * 2 ** tries, max_recheck_wait) time.sleep(wait) tries += 1 elapsed += wait volume = volume.manager.get(volume.id) if volume.status != status_expected: msg = (_('The status of volume %(volume_id)s is unexpected: ' 'status = %(status)s, expected = %(expected)s.') % {'volume_id': volume.id, 'status': volume.status, 'expected': status_expected}) LOG.error(msg) raise exceptions.BackendException(msg) return volume @contextlib.contextmanager def _open_cinder_volume(self, client, volume, mode): attach_mode = 'rw' if mode == 'wb' else 'ro' device = None root_helper = get_root_helper(backend=self.backend_group) priv_context.init(root_helper=shlex.split(root_helper)) host = socket.gethostname() properties = connector.get_connector_properties(root_helper, host, False, False) try: volume.reserve(volume) except cinder_exception.ClientException as e: msg = (_('Failed to reserve volume %(volume_id)s: %(error)s') % {'volume_id': volume.id, 'error': e}) LOG.error(msg) raise exceptions.BackendException(msg) try: connection_info = volume.initialize_connection(volume, properties) conn = connector.InitiatorConnector.factory( connection_info['driver_volume_type'], root_helper, conn=connection_info) device = conn.connect_volume(connection_info['data']) volume.attach(None, 'glance_store', attach_mode, host_name=host) volume = self._wait_volume_status(volume, 'attaching', 'in-use') if (connection_info['driver_volume_type'] == 'rbd' and not conn.do_local_attach): yield device['path'] else: with temporary_chown(device['path'], backend=self.backend_group), \ open(device['path'], mode) as f: yield f except Exception: LOG.exception(_LE('Exception while accessing to cinder volume ' '%(volume_id)s.'), {'volume_id': volume.id}) raise finally: if volume.status == 'in-use': volume.begin_detaching(volume) elif volume.status == 'attaching': volume.unreserve(volume) if device: try: conn.disconnect_volume(connection_info['data'], device) except Exception: LOG.exception(_LE('Failed to disconnect volume ' '%(volume_id)s.'), {'volume_id': volume.id}) try: volume.terminate_connection(volume, properties) except Exception: LOG.exception(_LE('Failed to terminate connection of volume ' '%(volume_id)s.'), {'volume_id': volume.id}) try: client.volumes.detach(volume) except Exception: LOG.exception(_LE('Failed to detach volume %(volume_id)s.'), {'volume_id': volume.id}) def _cinder_volume_data_iterator(self, client, volume, max_size, offset=0, chunk_size=None, partial_length=None): chunk_size = chunk_size if chunk_size else self.READ_CHUNKSIZE partial = partial_length is not None with self._open_cinder_volume(client, volume, 'rb') as fp: if offset: fp.seek(offset) max_size -= offset while True: if partial: size = min(chunk_size, partial_length, max_size) else: size = min(chunk_size, max_size) chunk = fp.read(size) if chunk: yield chunk max_size -= len(chunk) if max_size <= 0: break if partial: partial_length -= len(chunk) if partial_length <= 0: break else: break @capabilities.check def get(self, location, offset=0, chunk_size=None, context=None): """ Takes a `glance_store.location.Location` object that indicates where to find the image file, and returns a tuple of generator (for reading the image file) and image_size :param location: `glance_store.location.Location` object, supplied from glance_store.location.get_location_from_uri() :param offset: offset to start reading :param chunk_size: size to read, or None to get all the image :param context: Request context :raises: `glance_store.exceptions.NotFound` if image does not exist """ loc = location.store_location self._check_context(context) try: client = get_cinderclient(self.conf, context, backend=self.backend_group) volume = client.volumes.get(loc.volume_id) size = int(volume.metadata.get('image_size', volume.size * units.Gi)) iterator = self._cinder_volume_data_iterator( client, volume, size, offset=offset, chunk_size=self.READ_CHUNKSIZE, partial_length=chunk_size) return (iterator, chunk_size or size) except cinder_exception.NotFound: reason = _("Failed to get image size due to " "volume can not be found: %s") % loc.volume_id LOG.error(reason) raise exceptions.NotFound(reason) except cinder_exception.ClientException as e: msg = (_('Failed to get image volume %(volume_id)s: %(error)s') % {'volume_id': loc.volume_id, 'error': e}) LOG.error(msg) raise exceptions.BackendException(msg) def get_size(self, location, context=None): """ Takes a `glance_store.location.Location` object that indicates where to find the image file and returns the image size :param location: `glance_store.location.Location` object, supplied from glance_store.location.get_location_from_uri() :raises: `glance_store.exceptions.NotFound` if image does not exist :rtype: int """ loc = location.store_location try: self._check_context(context) volume = get_cinderclient( self.conf, context, backend=self.backend_group).volumes.get(loc.volume_id) return int(volume.metadata.get('image_size', volume.size * units.Gi)) except cinder_exception.NotFound: raise exceptions.NotFound(image=loc.volume_id) except Exception: LOG.exception(_LE("Failed to get image size due to " "internal error.")) return 0 @glance_store.driver.back_compat_add @capabilities.check def add(self, image_id, image_file, image_size, hashing_algo, context=None, verifier=None): """ Stores an image file with supplied identifier to the backend storage system and returns a tuple containing information about the stored image. :param image_id: The opaque image identifier :param image_file: The image data to write, as a file-like object :param image_size: The size of the image data to write, in bytes :param hashing_algo: A hashlib algorithm identifier (string) :param context: The request context :param verifier: An object used to verify signatures for images :returns: tuple of: (1) URL in backing store, (2) bytes written, (3) checksum, (4) multihash value, and (5) a dictionary with storage system specific information :raises: `glance_store.exceptions.Duplicate` if the image already exists """ self._check_context(context, require_tenant=True) client = get_cinderclient(self.conf, context, backend=self.backend_group) os_hash_value = hashlib.new(str(hashing_algo)) checksum = hashlib.md5() bytes_written = 0 size_gb = int(math.ceil(float(image_size) / units.Gi)) if size_gb == 0: size_gb = 1 name = "image-%s" % image_id owner = context.tenant metadata = {'glance_image_id': image_id, 'image_size': str(image_size), 'image_owner': owner} if self.backend_group: volume_type = getattr(self.conf, self.backend_group).cinder_volume_type else: volume_type = self.conf.glance_store.cinder_volume_type LOG.debug('Creating a new volume: image_size=%d size_gb=%d type=%s', image_size, size_gb, volume_type or 'None') if image_size == 0: LOG.info(_LI("Since image size is zero, we will be doing " "resize-before-write for each GB which " "will be considerably slower than normal.")) volume = client.volumes.create(size_gb, name=name, metadata=metadata, volume_type=volume_type) volume = self._wait_volume_status(volume, 'creating', 'available') size_gb = volume.size failed = True need_extend = True buf = None try: while need_extend: with self._open_cinder_volume(client, volume, 'wb') as f: f.seek(bytes_written) if buf: f.write(buf) bytes_written += len(buf) while True: buf = image_file.read(self.WRITE_CHUNKSIZE) if not buf: need_extend = False break os_hash_value.update(buf) checksum.update(buf) if verifier: verifier.update(buf) if (bytes_written + len(buf) > size_gb * units.Gi and image_size == 0): break f.write(buf) bytes_written += len(buf) if need_extend: size_gb += 1 LOG.debug("Extending volume %(volume_id)s to %(size)s GB.", {'volume_id': volume.id, 'size': size_gb}) volume.extend(volume, size_gb) try: volume = self._wait_volume_status(volume, 'extending', 'available') size_gb = volume.size except exceptions.BackendException: raise exceptions.StorageFull() failed = False except IOError as e: # Convert IOError reasons to Glance Store exceptions errors = {errno.EFBIG: exceptions.StorageFull(), errno.ENOSPC: exceptions.StorageFull(), errno.EACCES: exceptions.StorageWriteDenied()} raise errors.get(e.errno, e) finally: if failed: LOG.error(_LE("Failed to write to volume %(volume_id)s."), {'volume_id': volume.id}) try: volume.delete() except Exception: LOG.exception(_LE('Failed to delete of volume ' '%(volume_id)s.'), {'volume_id': volume.id}) if image_size == 0: metadata.update({'image_size': str(bytes_written)}) volume.update_all_metadata(metadata) volume.update_readonly_flag(volume, True) hash_hex = os_hash_value.hexdigest() checksum_hex = checksum.hexdigest() LOG.debug("Wrote %(bytes_written)d bytes to volume %(volume_id)s " "with checksum %(checksum_hex)s.", {'bytes_written': bytes_written, 'volume_id': volume.id, 'checksum_hex': checksum_hex}) image_metadata = {} if self.backend_group: image_metadata['backend'] = u"%s" % self.backend_group return ('cinder://%s' % volume.id, bytes_written, checksum_hex, hash_hex, image_metadata) @capabilities.check def delete(self, location, context=None): """ Takes a `glance_store.location.Location` object that indicates where to find the image file to delete :param location: `glance_store.location.Location` object, supplied from glance_store.location.get_location_from_uri() :raises: NotFound if image does not exist :raises: Forbidden if cannot delete because of permissions """ loc = location.store_location self._check_context(context) try: volume = get_cinderclient( self.conf, context, backend=self.backend_group).volumes.get(loc.volume_id) volume.delete() except cinder_exception.NotFound: raise exceptions.NotFound(image=loc.volume_id) except cinder_exception.ClientException as e: msg = (_('Failed to delete volume %(volume_id)s: %(error)s') % {'volume_id': loc.volume_id, 'error': e}) raise exceptions.BackendException(msg)