=============== Show Commands =============== One of the most common patterns with command line programs is the need to print properties of objects. cliff provides a base class for commands of this type so that they only need to prepare the data, and the user can choose from one of several output formatter plugins to see the data in their preferred format. ShowOne ======= The :class:`cliff.show.ShowOne` base class API extends :class:`Command` to allow :func:`take_action` to return data to be formatted using a user-selectable formatter. Subclasses should provide a :func:`take_action` implementation that returns a two member tuple containing a tuple with the names of the columns in the dataset and an iterable that contains the data values associated with those names. See the description of :ref:`the file command in the demoapp ` for details. Show Output Formatters ====================== cliff is delivered with output formatters for show commands. :class:`ShowOne` adds a command line switch to let the user specify the formatter they want, so you don't have to do any extra work in your application. shell ----- The ``shell`` formatter produces output that can be parsed directly by a typical UNIX shell as variable assignments. This avoids extra parsing overhead in shell scripts. :: (.venv)$ cliffdemo file -f shell setup.py name="setup.py" size="5916" uid="527" gid="501" modified_time="1335655655.0" (.venv)$ eval "$(cliffdemo file -f shell --prefix example_ setup.py)" (.venv)$ echo $example_size 5916 table ----- The ``table`` formatter uses PrettyTable_ to produce output formatted for human consumption. .. _PrettyTable: http://code.google.com/p/prettytable/ :: (.venv)$ cliffdemo file setup.py +---------------+--------------+ | Field | Value | +---------------+--------------+ | Name | setup.py | | Size | 5825 | | UID | 502 | | GID | 20 | | Modified Time | 1335569964.0 | +---------------+--------------+ Other Formatters ---------------- Formatters using tablib_ to produce JSON, YAML, and HTML are available as part of `cliff-tablib`_. .. _cliff-tablib: https://github.com/dreamhost/cliff-tablib Creating Your Own Formatter --------------------------- If the standard formatters do not meet your needs, you can bundle another formatter with your program by subclassing from :class:`cliff.formatters.base.ShowFormatter` and registering the plugin in the ``cliff.formatter.show`` namespace. .. _tablib: https://github.com/kennethreitz/tablib