"""Bash completion for the CLI. """ import logging from cliff import command class CompleteDictionary: """dictionary for bash completion """ def __init__(self): self._dictionary = {} def add_command(self, command, actions): optstr = ' '.join(opt for action in actions for opt in action.option_strings) dicto = self._dictionary for subcmd in command[:-1]: dicto = dicto.setdefault(subcmd, {}) dicto[command[-1]] = optstr def get_commands(self): return ' '.join(k for k in sorted(self._dictionary.keys())) def _get_data_recurse(self, dictionary, path): ray = [] keys = sorted(dictionary.keys()) for cmd in keys: if path == "": name = cmd else: name = path + "_" + cmd value = dictionary[cmd] if isinstance(value, str): ray.append((name, value)) else: cmdlist = ' '.join(sorted(value.keys())) ray.append((name, cmdlist)) ray += self._get_data_recurse(value, name) return ray def get_data(self): return sorted(self._get_data_recurse(self._dictionary, "")) class CompleteShellBase(object): """base class for bash completion generation """ def __init__(self, name, output): self.name = str(name) self.output = output def write(self, cmdo, data): self.output.write(self.get_header()) self.output.write(" cmds='{0}'\n".format(cmdo)) for datum in data: self.output.write(' cmds_{0}=\'{1}\'\n'.format(*datum)) self.output.write(self.get_trailer()) class CompleteNoCode(CompleteShellBase): """completion with no code """ def __init__(self, name, output): super(CompleteNoCode, self).__init__(name, output) def get_header(self): return '' def get_trailer(self): return '' class CompleteBash(CompleteShellBase): """completion for bash """ def __init__(self, name, output): super(CompleteBash, self).__init__(name, output) def get_header(self): return ('_' + self.name + """() { local cur prev words COMPREPLY=() _get_comp_words_by_ref -n : cur prev words # Command data: """) def get_trailer(self): return (""" cmd="" words[0]="" completed="${cmds}" for var in "${words[@]:1}" do if [[ ${var} == -* ]] ; then break fi if [ -z "${cmd}" ] ; then proposed="${var}" else proposed="${cmd}_${var}" fi local i="cmds_${proposed}" local comp="${!i}" if [ -z "${comp}" ] ; then break fi if [[ ${comp} == -* ]] ; then if [[ ${cur} != -* ]] ; then completed="" break fi fi cmd="${proposed}" completed="${comp}" done if [ -z "${completed}" ] ; then COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -f -- "$cur" ) $( compgen -d -- "$cur" ) ) else COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${completed}" -- ${cur}) ) fi return 0 } complete -F _""" + self.name + ' ' + self.name + '\n') class CompleteCommand(command.Command): """print bash completion command """ log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.CompleteCommand') def get_parser(self, prog_name): parser = super(CompleteCommand, self).get_parser(prog_name) parser.add_argument( "--name", default=None, metavar='', help="Command name to support with command completion" ) parser.add_argument( "--shell", default='bash', metavar='', choices=['bash', 'none'], help="Shell being used. Use none for data only (default: bash)" ) return parser def get_actions(self, command): the_cmd = self.app.command_manager.find_command(command) cmd_factory, cmd_name, search_args = the_cmd cmd = cmd_factory(self.app, search_args) if self.app.interactive_mode: full_name = (cmd_name) else: full_name = (' '.join([self.app.NAME, cmd_name])) cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser(full_name) return cmd_parser._get_optional_actions() def take_action(self, parsed_args): self.log.debug('take_action(%s)' % parsed_args) if parsed_args.name: name = parsed_args.name else: name = self.app.NAME if parsed_args.shell == "none": shell = CompleteNoCode(name, self.app.stdout) else: shell = CompleteBash(name, self.app.stdout) dicto = CompleteDictionary() for cmd in self.app.command_manager: command = cmd[0].split() dicto.add_command(command, self.get_actions(command)) shell.write(dicto.get_commands(), dicto.get_data()) return 0