(* TEST_BELOW (* Blank lines added here to preserve locations. *) *) (* A test for stack backtraces *) let get_backtrace () = let raw_backtrace = Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in let raw_slots = Array.init (Printexc.raw_backtrace_length raw_backtrace) (Printexc.get_raw_backtrace_slot raw_backtrace) in let convert = Printexc.convert_raw_backtrace_slot in let backtrace = Array.map convert raw_slots in (* we'll play with raw slots a bit to check that hashing and comparison work: - create a hashtable that maps slots to their index in the raw backtrace - create a balanced set of all slots *) let table = Hashtbl.create 100 in Array.iteri (fun i slot -> Hashtbl.add table slot i) raw_slots; let module S = Set.Make(struct type t = Printexc.raw_backtrace_slot let compare = Stdlib.compare end) in let slots = Array.fold_right S.add raw_slots S.empty in Array.iteri (fun i slot -> assert (S.mem slot slots); assert (Hashtbl.mem table slot); let j = (* position in the table of the last slot equal to [slot] *) Hashtbl.find table slot in assert (slot = raw_slots.(j)); assert (backtrace.(i) = backtrace.(j)); ) raw_slots; backtrace exception Error of string let rec f msg n = if n = 0 then raise(Error msg) else 1 + f msg (n-1) let g msg = try f msg 5 with Error "a" -> print_string "a"; print_newline(); 0 | Error "b" as exn -> print_string "b"; print_newline(); raise exn | Error "c" -> raise (Error "c") let run args = try ignore (g args.(0)); print_string "No exception\n" with exn -> Printf.printf "Uncaught exception %s\n" (Printexc.to_string exn); get_backtrace () |> Array.iteri (fun i slot -> match Printexc.Slot.format i slot with | None -> () | Some line -> print_endline line) let _ = run [| "a" |]; run [| "b" |]; run [| "c" |]; run [| "d" |]; run [| |] (* TEST flags = "-g"; ocamlrunparam += ",b=1"; *)