/** * @fileOverview Any non-ASCII characters in lib/ will increase the size * of the compiled node binary. This linter rule ensures that * any such character is reported. * @author Sarat Addepalli */ 'use strict'; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Rule Definition //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const nonAsciiRegexPattern = /[^\r\n\x20-\x7e]/; const suggestions = { '’': '\'', '‛': '\'', '‘': '\'', '“': '"', '‟': '"', '”': '"', '«': '"', '»': '"', '—': '-' }; module.exports = (context) => { const reportIfError = (node, sourceCode) => { const matches = sourceCode.text.match(nonAsciiRegexPattern); if (!matches) return; const offendingCharacter = matches[0]; const offendingCharacterPosition = matches.index; const suggestion = suggestions[offendingCharacter]; let message = `Non-ASCII character '${offendingCharacter}' detected.`; message = suggestion ? `${message} Consider replacing with: ${suggestion}` : message; context.report({ node, message, loc: sourceCode.getLocFromIndex(offendingCharacterPosition), }); }; return { Program: (node) => reportIfError(node, context.getSourceCode()) }; };