// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Flags: --harmony-top-level-await --allow-natives-syntax // Flags: --harmony-dynamic-import var ran = false; async function test1() { try { let x = await import('modules-skip-8.mjs'); %AbortJS('failure: should be unreachable'); } catch(e) { assertEquals('x is not defined', e.message); ran = true; } } test1(); %PerformMicrotaskCheckpoint(); assertTrue(ran); ran = false; async function test2() { try { let x = await import('modules-skip-9.mjs'); %AbortJS('failure: should be unreachable'); } catch(e) { assertInstanceof(e, SyntaxError); assertEquals( "The requested module 'modules-skip-empty.mjs' does not provide an " + "export named 'default'", e.message); ran = true; } } test2(); %PerformMicrotaskCheckpoint(); assertTrue(ran); ran = false; async function test3() { try { let x = await import('nonexistent-file.mjs'); %AbortJS('failure: should be unreachable'); } catch(e) { assertTrue(e.startsWith('d8: Error reading')); ran = true; } } test3(); %PerformMicrotaskCheckpoint(); assertTrue(ran);