#include "testutils.h" #include "base64.h" #include "knuth-lfib.h" static void test_fuzz_once(struct base64_encode_ctx *encode, struct base64_decode_ctx *decode, size_t size, const uint8_t *input) { size_t base64_len = BASE64_ENCODE_RAW_LENGTH (size); size_t out_len; uint8_t *base64 = xalloc (base64_len + 2); uint8_t *decoded = xalloc (size + 2); *base64++ = 0x12; base64[base64_len] = 0x34; *decoded++ = 0x56; decoded[size] = 0x78; out_len = base64_encode_update(encode, base64, size, input); ASSERT (out_len <= base64_len); out_len += base64_encode_final(encode, base64 + out_len); ASSERT (out_len == base64_len); ASSERT (base64[-1] == 0x12); ASSERT (base64[base64_len] == 0x34); ASSERT(base64_decode_update(decode, &out_len, decoded, base64_len, base64)); ASSERT(base64_decode_final(decode)); ASSERT (out_len == size); ASSERT (decoded[-1] == 0x56); ASSERT (decoded[size] == 0x78); ASSERT(MEMEQ(size, input, decoded)); free (base64 - 1); free (decoded - 1); } static void test_fuzz(void) { /* Fuzz a round-trip through both encoder and decoder */ struct base64_encode_ctx encode; struct base64_decode_ctx decode; unsigned i; size_t length; uint8_t input[1024]; struct knuth_lfib_ctx rand_ctx; knuth_lfib_init(&rand_ctx, 39854); for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { length = i % sizeof(input); /* length could be 0, which is fine we need to test that case too */ knuth_lfib_random(&rand_ctx, length, input); base64_encode_init(&encode); base64_decode_init(&decode); test_fuzz_once(&encode, &decode, length, input); base64url_encode_init(&encode); base64url_decode_init(&decode); test_fuzz_once(&encode, &decode, length, input); } } void test_main(void) { ASSERT(BASE64_ENCODE_LENGTH(0) == 0); /* At most 4 bits */ ASSERT(BASE64_ENCODE_LENGTH(1) == 2); /* At most 12 bits */ ASSERT(BASE64_ENCODE_LENGTH(2) == 3); /* At most 20 bits */ ASSERT(BASE64_ENCODE_LENGTH(3) == 4); /* At most 28 bits */ ASSERT(BASE64_ENCODE_LENGTH(4) == 6); /* At most 36 bits */ ASSERT(BASE64_ENCODE_LENGTH(5) == 7); /* At most 44 bits */ ASSERT(BASE64_ENCODE_LENGTH(12) == 16); /* At most 100 bits */ ASSERT(BASE64_ENCODE_LENGTH(13) == 18); /* At most 108 bits */ ASSERT(BASE64_DECODE_LENGTH(0) == 0); /* At most 6 bits */ ASSERT(BASE64_DECODE_LENGTH(1) == 1); /* At most 12 bits */ ASSERT(BASE64_DECODE_LENGTH(2) == 2); /* At most 18 bits */ ASSERT(BASE64_DECODE_LENGTH(3) == 3); /* At most 24 bits */ ASSERT(BASE64_DECODE_LENGTH(4) == 3); /* At most 30 bits */ test_armor(&nettle_base64, 0, "", ""); test_armor(&nettle_base64, 1, "H", "SA=="); test_armor(&nettle_base64, 2, "He", "SGU="); test_armor(&nettle_base64, 3, "Hel", "SGVs"); test_armor(&nettle_base64, 4, "Hell", "SGVsbA=="); test_armor(&nettle_base64, 5, "Hello", "SGVsbG8="); test_armor(&nettle_base64, 6, "Hello", "SGVsbG8A"); test_armor(&nettle_base64, 9, "Hello?>>>", "SGVsbG8/Pj4+"); test_armor(&nettle_base64, 4, "\xff\xff\xff\xff", "/////w=="); test_armor(&nettle_base64url, 0, "", ""); test_armor(&nettle_base64url, 1, "H", "SA=="); test_armor(&nettle_base64url, 2, "He", "SGU="); test_armor(&nettle_base64url, 3, "Hel", "SGVs"); test_armor(&nettle_base64url, 4, "Hell", "SGVsbA=="); test_armor(&nettle_base64url, 5, "Hello", "SGVsbG8="); test_armor(&nettle_base64url, 6, "Hello", "SGVsbG8A"); test_armor(&nettle_base64url, 9, "Hello?>>>", "SGVsbG8_Pj4-"); test_armor(&nettle_base64url, 4, "\xff\xff\xff\xff", "_____w=="); { /* Test overlapping areas */ uint8_t buffer[] = "Helloxxxx"; struct base64_decode_ctx ctx; size_t dst_length; ASSERT(BASE64_ENCODE_RAW_LENGTH(5) == 8); base64_encode_raw(buffer, 5, buffer); ASSERT(MEMEQ(9, buffer, "SGVsbG8=x")); base64_decode_init(&ctx); dst_length = 0; /* Output parameter only. */ ASSERT(base64_decode_update(&ctx, &dst_length, buffer, 8, buffer)); ASSERT(dst_length == 5); ASSERT(MEMEQ(9, buffer, "HelloG8=x")); } test_fuzz (); }