#!/bin/bash # Build Navit for Android. # # This script is to be run from the root of the Navit source tree. It is used by CircleCI as well as for local builds, # in order to keep build environments as uniform as possible and CI test results meaningful. # # It will build Navit for all processor architectures specified in navit/android/build.gradle. # # When running this script locally, ensure all build dependencies are in place: # - Packages required: cmake gettext libsaxonb-java librsvg2-bin pkg-config libprotobuf-c-dev protobuf-c-compiler # - Android SDK installed # - Environment variable $ANDROID_HOME points to Android SDK install location # - Android NDK and CMake components installed via # sdkmanager ndk-bundle "cmake;3.6.4111459" # (later CMake versions from the SDK repository may also work) # # If any of the build steps fails, this script aborts with an error immediately. echo Set up environment set - e export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin export JVM_OPTS="-Xmx3200m" export GRADLE_OPTS='-Dorg.gradle.jvmargs="-Xmx2048m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError"' # processing xml is messed up a bit after the original introduction of gradle # so require a useless install of ant here even if using gradle/ninja which ant > /dev/null || { echo "FATAL: ant is not installed; install manually and retry." >&2; exit 1; } echo Run CMake test -z "$PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR" && export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="" # Force cmake below to run ignore build host libraries when using pkgconfig. # Note: If you want to compile against specific target libraries that are searched using pkgconfig, please run this script with variable PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR set to the appropriate path cmake ./ -Dvehicle/gpsd_dbus:BOOL=FALSE -Dsvg2png_scaling:STRING=-1,24,32,48,64,96,128,192,256 -Dsvg2png_scaling_nav:STRING=-1,24,32,48,64,96,128,192,256 -Dsvg2png_scaling_flag:STRING=-1,24,32,64,96 -DXSL_PROCESSING=y -DXSLTS=android -DANDROID=y || exit 1 echo Process icons pushd navit/icons make || exit 32 rm -rf ../android/res/drawable-nodpi mkdir ../android/res/drawable-nodpi cp ./*.png ../android/res/drawable-nodpi pushd ../android/res/drawable-nodpi rename -f 'y/A-Z/a-z/' ./*.png popd popd echo Process translations pushd po make || exit 64 rm -rf ../navit/android/res/raw mkdir ../navit/android/res/raw cp ./*.mo ../navit/android/res/raw pushd ../navit/android/res/raw rename -f 'y/A-Z/a-z/' ./*.mo popd popd echo Process xml config files make navit_config_xml || exit 96 pushd navit rm -rf ./android/assets mkdir -p ./android/assets cp -R config ./android/assets/ popd echo Chmod permissions chmod a+x ./gradlew echo Download dependencies ./gradlew -v echo Build ./gradlew assembleDebug || exit 128 echo Build finished. echo APK should be in "navit/android/build/outputs/apk" and can be installed with echo ./gradlew installDebug