/** * Navit, a modular navigation system. * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Navit Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "coord.h" #include "debug.h" #include "item.h" #include "map.h" #include "transform.h" #include "projection.h" #include "point.h" #define POST_SHIFT 8 /** * @brief The parameters needed to transform a map for display. */ struct transformation { int yaw; /* Rotation angle */ int pitch; int ddd; int m00,m01,m02; /* 3d transformation matrix */ int m10,m11,m12; int m20,m21,m22; int xscale,yscale,wscale; int xscale3d,yscale3d,wscale3d; #ifdef ENABLE_ROLL int roll; int hog; #endif navit_float im00,im01,im02; /* inverse 3d transformation matrix */ navit_float im10,im11,im12; navit_float im20,im21,im22; struct map_selection *map_sel; struct map_selection *screen_sel; struct point screen_center; int screen_dist; int offx,offy,offz; int znear,zfar; struct coord map_center; /* Center of source rectangle */ enum projection pro; navit_float scale; /* Scale factor */ int scale_shift; int order; int order_base; }; #ifdef ENABLE_ROLL #define HOG(t) ((t).hog) #else #define HOG(t) 0 #endif static void transform_set_screen_dist(struct transformation *t, int dist) { t->screen_dist=dist; t->xscale3d=dist; t->yscale3d=dist; t->wscale3d=dist << POST_SHIFT; } static void transform_setup_matrix(struct transformation *t) { navit_float det; navit_float fac; navit_float yawc=navit_cos(-M_PI*t->yaw/180); navit_float yaws=navit_sin(-M_PI*t->yaw/180); navit_float pitchc=navit_cos(-M_PI*t->pitch/180); navit_float pitchs=navit_sin(-M_PI*t->pitch/180); #ifdef ENABLE_ROLL navit_float rollc=navit_cos(M_PI*t->roll/180); navit_float rolls=navit_sin(M_PI*t->roll/180); #else navit_float rollc=1; navit_float rolls=0; #endif int scale=t->scale; int order_dir=-1; dbg(1,"yaw=%d pitch=%d center=0x%x,0x%x\n", t->yaw, t->pitch, t->map_center.x, t->map_center.y); t->znear=1 << POST_SHIFT; t->zfar=300*t->znear; t->scale_shift=0; t->order=t->order_base; if (t->scale >= 1) { scale=t->scale; } else { scale=1.0/t->scale; order_dir=1; } while (scale > 1) { if (order_dir < 0) t->scale_shift++; t->order+=order_dir; scale >>= 1; } fac=(1 << POST_SHIFT) * (1 << t->scale_shift) / t->scale; dbg(1,"scale_shift=%d order=%d scale=%f fac=%f\n", t->scale_shift, t->order,t->scale,fac); t->m00=rollc*yawc*fac; t->m01=rollc*yaws*fac; t->m02=-rolls*fac; t->m10=(pitchs*rolls*yawc-pitchc*yaws)*(-fac); t->m11=(pitchs*rolls*yaws+pitchc*yawc)*(-fac); t->m12=pitchs*rollc*(-fac); t->m20=(pitchc*rolls*yawc+pitchs*yaws)*fac; t->m21=(pitchc*rolls*yaws-pitchs*yawc)*fac; t->m22=pitchc*rollc*fac; t->offx=t->screen_center.x; t->offy=t->screen_center.y; if (t->pitch) { t->ddd=1; t->offz=t->screen_dist; dbg(1,"near %d far %d\n",t->znear,t->zfar); t->xscale=t->xscale3d; t->yscale=t->yscale3d; t->wscale=t->wscale3d; } else { t->ddd=0; t->offz=0; t->xscale=1; t->yscale=1; t->wscale=1; } det=(navit_float)t->m00*(navit_float)t->m11*(navit_float)t->m22+ (navit_float)t->m01*(navit_float)t->m12*(navit_float)t->m20+ (navit_float)t->m02*(navit_float)t->m10*(navit_float)t->m21- (navit_float)t->m02*(navit_float)t->m11*(navit_float)t->m20- (navit_float)t->m01*(navit_float)t->m10*(navit_float)t->m22- (navit_float)t->m00*(navit_float)t->m12*(navit_float)t->m21; t->im00=(t->m11*t->m22-t->m12*t->m21)/det; t->im01=(t->m02*t->m21-t->m01*t->m22)/det; t->im02=(t->m01*t->m12-t->m02*t->m11)/det; t->im10=(t->m12*t->m20-t->m10*t->m22)/det; t->im11=(t->m00*t->m22-t->m02*t->m20)/det; t->im12=(t->m02*t->m10-t->m00*t->m12)/det; t->im20=(t->m10*t->m21-t->m11*t->m20)/det; t->im21=(t->m01*t->m20-t->m00*t->m21)/det; t->im22=(t->m00*t->m11-t->m01*t->m10)/det; } struct transformation * transform_new(void) { struct transformation *this_; this_=g_new0(struct transformation, 1); transform_set_screen_dist(this_, 100); this_->order_base=14; #if 0 this_->pitch=20; #endif #if 0 this_->roll=30; this_->hog=1000; #endif transform_setup_matrix(this_); return this_; } int transform_get_hog(struct transformation *this_) { return HOG(*this_); } void transform_set_hog(struct transformation *this_, int hog) { #ifdef ENABLE_ROLL this_->hog=hog; #else dbg(0,"not supported\n"); #endif } int transform_get_attr(struct transformation *this_, enum attr_type type, struct attr *attr, struct attr_iter *iter) { switch (type) { #ifdef ENABLE_ROLL case attr_hog: attr->u.num=this_->hog; break; #endif default: return 0; } attr->type=type; return 1; } int transform_set_attr(struct transformation *this_, struct attr *attr) { switch (attr->type) { #ifdef ENABLE_ROLL case attr_hog: this_->hog=attr->u.num; return 1; #endif default: return 0; } } int transformation_get_order_base(struct transformation *this_) { return this_->order_base; } void transform_set_order_base(struct transformation *this_, int order_base) { this_->order_base=order_base; } struct transformation * transform_dup(struct transformation *t) { struct transformation *ret=g_new0(struct transformation, 1); *ret=*t; ret->map_sel=map_selection_dup(t->map_sel); ret->screen_sel=map_selection_dup(t->screen_sel); return ret; } static const navit_float gar2geo_units = 360.0/(1<<24); static const navit_float geo2gar_units = 1/(360.0/(1<<24)); void transform_to_geo(enum projection pro, struct coord *c, struct coord_geo *g) { int x,y,northern,zone; switch (pro) { case projection_mg: g->lng=c->x/6371000.0/M_PI*180; g->lat=navit_atan(exp(c->y/6371000.0))/M_PI*360-90; break; case projection_garmin: g->lng=c->x*gar2geo_units; g->lat=c->y*gar2geo_units; break; case projection_utm: x=c->x; y=c->y; northern=y >= 0; if (!northern) { y+=10000000; } zone=(x/1000000); x=x%1000000; transform_utm_to_geo(x, y, zone, northern, g); break; default: break; } } void transform_from_geo(enum projection pro, struct coord_geo *g, struct coord *c) { switch (pro) { case projection_mg: c->x=g->lng*6371000.0*M_PI/180; c->y=log(navit_tan(M_PI_4+g->lat*M_PI/360))*6371000.0; break; case projection_garmin: c->x=g->lng*geo2gar_units; c->y=g->lat*geo2gar_units; break; default: break; } } void transform_from_to_count(struct coord *cfrom, enum projection from, struct coord *cto, enum projection to, int count) { struct coord_geo g; int i; for (i = 0 ; i < count ; i++) { transform_to_geo(from, cfrom, &g); transform_from_geo(to, &g, cto); cfrom++; cto++; } } void transform_from_to(struct coord *cfrom, enum projection from, struct coord *cto, enum projection to) { struct coord_geo g; transform_to_geo(from, cfrom, &g); transform_from_geo(to, &g, cto); } void transform_geo_to_cart(struct coord_geo *geo, navit_float a, navit_float b, struct coord_geo_cart *cart) { navit_float n,ee=1-b*b/(a*a); n = a/sqrtf(1-ee*navit_sin(geo->lat)*navit_sin(geo->lat)); cart->x=n*navit_cos(geo->lat)*navit_cos(geo->lng); cart->y=n*navit_cos(geo->lat)*navit_sin(geo->lng); cart->z=n*(1-ee)*navit_sin(geo->lat); } void transform_cart_to_geo(struct coord_geo_cart *cart, navit_float a, navit_float b, struct coord_geo *geo) { navit_float lat,lati,n,ee=1-b*b/(a*a), lng = navit_tan(cart->y/cart->x); lat = navit_tan(cart->z / navit_sqrt((cart->x * cart->x) + (cart->y * cart->y))); do { lati = lat; n = a / navit_sqrt(1-ee*navit_sin(lat)*navit_sin(lat)); lat = navit_atan((cart->z + ee * n * navit_sin(lat)) / navit_sqrt(cart->x * cart->x + cart->y * cart->y)); } while (fabs(lat - lati) >= 0.000000000000001); geo->lng=lng/M_PI*180; geo->lat=lat/M_PI*180; } void transform_utm_to_geo(const double UTMEasting, const double UTMNorthing, int ZoneNumber, int NorthernHemisphere, struct coord_geo *geo) { //converts UTM coords to lat/long. Equations from USGS Bulletin 1532 //East Longitudes are positive, West longitudes are negative. //North latitudes are positive, South latitudes are negative //Lat and Long are in decimal degrees. //Written by Chuck Gantz- chuck.gantz@globalstar.com double Lat, Long; double k0 = 0.99960000000000004; double a = 6378137; double eccSquared = 0.0066943799999999998; double eccPrimeSquared; double e1 = (1-sqrt(1-eccSquared))/(1+sqrt(1-eccSquared)); double N1, T1, C1, R1, D, M; double LongOrigin; double mu, phi1, phi1Rad; double x, y; double rad2deg = 180/M_PI; x = UTMEasting - 500000.0; //remove 500,000 meter offset for longitude y = UTMNorthing; if (!NorthernHemisphere) { y -= 10000000.0;//remove 10,000,000 meter offset used for southern hemisphere } LongOrigin = (ZoneNumber - 1)*6 - 180 + 3; //+3 puts origin in middle of zone eccPrimeSquared = (eccSquared)/(1-eccSquared); M = y / k0; mu = M/(a*(1-eccSquared/4-3*eccSquared*eccSquared/64-5*eccSquared*eccSquared*eccSquared/256)); phi1Rad = mu + (3*e1/2-27*e1*e1*e1/32)*sin(2*mu) + (21*e1*e1/16-55*e1*e1*e1*e1/32)*sin(4*mu) +(151*e1*e1*e1/96)*sin(6*mu); phi1 = phi1Rad*rad2deg; N1 = a/sqrt(1-eccSquared*sin(phi1Rad)*sin(phi1Rad)); T1 = tan(phi1Rad)*tan(phi1Rad); C1 = eccPrimeSquared*cos(phi1Rad)*cos(phi1Rad); R1 = a*(1-eccSquared)/pow(1-eccSquared*sin(phi1Rad)*sin(phi1Rad), 1.5); D = x/(N1*k0); Lat = phi1Rad - (N1*tan(phi1Rad)/R1)*(D*D/2-(5+3*T1+10*C1-4*C1*C1-9*eccPrimeSquared)*D*D*D*D/24 +(61+90*T1+298*C1+45*T1*T1-252*eccPrimeSquared-3*C1*C1)*D*D*D*D*D*D/720); Lat = Lat * rad2deg; Long = (D-(1+2*T1+C1)*D*D*D/6+(5-2*C1+28*T1-3*C1*C1+8*eccPrimeSquared+24*T1*T1) *D*D*D*D*D/120)/cos(phi1Rad); Long = LongOrigin + Long * rad2deg; geo->lat=Lat; geo->lng=Long; } void transform_datum(struct coord_geo *from, enum map_datum from_datum, struct coord_geo *to, enum map_datum to_datum) { } int transform(struct transformation *t, enum projection pro, struct coord *c, struct point *p, int count, int mindist, int width, int *width_return) { struct coord c1; int xcn, ycn; struct coord_geo g; int xc, yc, zc=0, xco=0, yco=0, zco=0; int zlimit=t->znear; int visible, visibleo=-1; int i,j = 0,k=0; dbg(3,"count=%d\n", count); for (i=0; i < count; i++) { dbg(3, "input coord %d: (%d, %d)\n", i, c[i].x, c[i].y); if (pro == t->pro) { xc=c[i].x; yc=c[i].y; } else { transform_to_geo(pro, &c[i], &g); transform_from_geo(t->pro, &g, &c1); xc=c1.x; yc=c1.y; } xc-=t->map_center.x; yc-=t->map_center.y; xc >>= t->scale_shift; yc >>= t->scale_shift; xcn=xc*t->m00+yc*t->m01+HOG(*t)*t->m02; ycn=xc*t->m10+yc*t->m11+HOG(*t)*t->m12; if (t->ddd) { zc=(xc*t->m20+yc*t->m21+HOG(*t)*t->m22); zc+=t->offz << POST_SHIFT; dbg(3,"zc(%d)=xc(%d)*m20(%d)+yc(%d)*m21(%d)\n", zc, xc, t->m20, yc, t->m21); /* visibility */ visible=(zc < zlimit ? 0:1); if (visible != visibleo && visibleo != -1) { if (zco != zc) { xcn=xcn+(long long)(xco-xcn)*(zlimit-zc)/(zco-zc); ycn=ycn+(long long)(yco-ycn)*(zlimit-zc)/(zco-zc); } zc=zlimit; dbg(3,"clip result: (%d,%d,%d)\n", xcn,ycn,zc); xco=xcn; yco=ycn; zco=zc; if (visible) i--; visibleo=visible; } else { xco=xcn; yco=ycn; zco=zc; visibleo=visible; if (! visible) continue; } xc=(long long)xcn*t->xscale/zc; yc=(long long)ycn*t->yscale/zc; } else { xc=xcn; yc=ycn; xc>>=POST_SHIFT; yc>>=POST_SHIFT; } xc+=t->offx; yc+=t->offy; dbg(3,"result: (%d, %d)\n", xc, yc); if (i != 0 && i != count-1 && mindist) { /* We expect values of mindist to be within 0..5 pixels for nice looking screens. That gives difference of about 1 pixel in worst case between abs(dx)+abs(dy) and sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy). We expect significantly bigger values when drawing map while scrolling it. But it anyway will be ugly. Should anybody care about that inaccuracy? */ if ( (abs(xc - p[k].x) + abs(yc - p[k].y)) < mindist && (c[i+1].x != c[0].x || c[i+1].y != c[0].y)) continue; k=j; } p[j].x=xc; p[j].y=yc; if (width_return) { if (t->ddd) width_return[j]=width*t->wscale/zc; else width_return[j]=width; } j++; } return j; } static void transform_apply_inverse_matrix(struct transformation *t, struct coord_geo_cart *in, struct coord_geo_cart *out) { out->x=in->x*t->im00+in->y*t->im01+in->z*t->im02; out->y=in->x*t->im10+in->y*t->im11+in->z*t->im12; out->z=in->x*t->im20+in->y*t->im21+in->z*t->im22; } static int transform_zplane_intersection(struct coord_geo_cart *p1, struct coord_geo_cart *p2, navit_float z, struct coord_geo_cart *result) { navit_float dividend=z-p1->z; navit_float divisor=p2->z-p1->z; navit_float q; if (!divisor) { if (dividend) return 0; /* no intersection */ else return 3; /* identical planes */ } q=dividend/divisor; result->x=p1->x+q*(p2->x-p1->x); result->y=p1->y+q*(p2->y-p1->y); result->z=z; if (q >= 0 && q <= 1) return 1; /* intersection within [p1,p2] */ return 2; /* intersection without [p1,p2] */ } static void transform_screen_to_3d(struct transformation *t, struct point *p, navit_float z, struct coord_geo_cart *cg) { double xc,yc; double offz=t->offz << POST_SHIFT; xc=p->x - t->offx; yc=p->y - t->offy; cg->x=xc*z/t->xscale; cg->y=yc*z/t->yscale; cg->z=z-offz; } static int transform_reverse_near_far(struct transformation *t, struct point *p, struct coord *c, int near, int far) { double xc,yc; dbg(1,"%d,%d\n",p->x,p->y); if (t->ddd) { struct coord_geo_cart nearc,farc,nears,fars,intersection; transform_screen_to_3d(t, p, near, &nearc); transform_screen_to_3d(t, p, far, &farc); transform_apply_inverse_matrix(t, &nearc, &nears); transform_apply_inverse_matrix(t, &farc, &fars); if (transform_zplane_intersection(&nears, &fars, HOG(*t), &intersection) != 1) return 0; xc=intersection.x; yc=intersection.y; } else { double xcn,ycn; xcn=p->x - t->offx; ycn=p->y - t->offy; xc=(xcn*t->im00+ycn*t->im01)*(1 << POST_SHIFT); yc=(xcn*t->im10+ycn*t->im11)*(1 << POST_SHIFT); } c->x=xc*(1 << t->scale_shift)+t->map_center.x; c->y=yc*(1 << t->scale_shift)+t->map_center.y; return 1; } int transform_reverse(struct transformation *t, struct point *p, struct coord *c) { return transform_reverse_near_far(t, p, c, t->znear, t->zfar); } double transform_pixels_to_map_distance(struct transformation *transformation, int pixels) { struct point line_in_map_center[2]; struct coord c[2]; struct point screen_center=transformation->screen_center; // Generally, the scale will not be the same across the map // (for example with Mercator projection), so calculate the // conversion in the screen center for a reasonable average value. line_in_map_center[0].x=screen_center.x-pixels/2; line_in_map_center[1].x=screen_center.x+pixels/2; line_in_map_center[0].y=screen_center.y; line_in_map_center[1].y=screen_center.y; transform_reverse(transformation, &line_in_map_center[0], &c[0]); transform_reverse(transformation, &line_in_map_center[1], &c[1]); return transform_distance(transform_get_projection(transformation), &c[0], &c[1]); } enum projection transform_get_projection(struct transformation *this_) { return this_->pro; } void transform_set_projection(struct transformation *this_, enum projection pro) { this_->pro=pro; } static int min4(int v1,int v2, int v3, int v4) { int res=v1; if (v2 < res) res=v2; if (v3 < res) res=v3; if (v4 < res) res=v4; return res; } static int max4(int v1,int v2, int v3, int v4) { int res=v1; if (v2 > res) res=v2; if (v3 > res) res=v3; if (v4 > res) res=v4; return res; } struct map_selection * transform_get_selection(struct transformation *this_, enum projection pro, int order) { struct map_selection *ret,*curri,*curro; struct coord_geo g; ret=map_selection_dup(this_->map_sel); curri=this_->map_sel; curro=ret; while (curri) { if (this_->pro != pro) { transform_to_geo(this_->pro, &curri->u.c_rect.lu, &g); transform_from_geo(pro, &g, &curro->u.c_rect.lu); dbg(1,"%f,%f", g.lat, g.lng); transform_to_geo(this_->pro, &curri->u.c_rect.rl, &g); transform_from_geo(pro, &g, &curro->u.c_rect.rl); dbg(1,": - %f,%f\n", g.lat, g.lng); } dbg(1,"transform rect for %d is %d,%d - %d,%d\n", pro, curro->u.c_rect.lu.x, curro->u.c_rect.lu.y, curro->u.c_rect.rl.x, curro->u.c_rect.rl.y); curro->order+=order; #if 0 curro->u.c_rect.lu.x-=500; curro->u.c_rect.lu.y+=500; curro->u.c_rect.rl.x+=500; curro->u.c_rect.rl.y-=500; #endif curro->range=item_range_all; curri=curri->next; curro=curro->next; } return ret; } struct coord * transform_center(struct transformation *this_) { return &this_->map_center; } struct coord * transform_get_center(struct transformation *this_) { return &this_->map_center; } void transform_set_center(struct transformation *this_, struct coord *c) { this_->map_center=*c; } void transform_set_yaw(struct transformation *t,int yaw) { t->yaw=yaw; transform_setup_matrix(t); } int transform_get_yaw(struct transformation *this_) { return this_->yaw; } void transform_set_pitch(struct transformation *this_,int pitch) { this_->pitch=pitch; transform_setup_matrix(this_); } int transform_get_pitch(struct transformation *this_) { return this_->pitch; } void transform_set_roll(struct transformation *this_,int roll) { #ifdef ENABLE_ROLL this_->roll=roll; transform_setup_matrix(this_); #else dbg(0,"not supported\n"); #endif } int transform_get_roll(struct transformation *this_) { #ifdef ENABLE_ROLL return this_->roll; #else return 0; #endif } void transform_set_distance(struct transformation *this_,int distance) { transform_set_screen_dist(this_, distance); transform_setup_matrix(this_); } int transform_get_distance(struct transformation *this_) { return this_->screen_dist; } void transform_set_scales(struct transformation *this_, int xscale, int yscale, int wscale) { this_->xscale3d=xscale; this_->yscale3d=yscale; this_->wscale3d=wscale; } void transform_set_screen_selection(struct transformation *t, struct map_selection *sel) { map_selection_destroy(t->screen_sel); t->screen_sel=map_selection_dup(sel); if (sel) { t->screen_center.x=(sel->u.p_rect.rl.x-sel->u.p_rect.lu.x)/2; t->screen_center.y=(sel->u.p_rect.rl.y-sel->u.p_rect.lu.y)/2; transform_setup_matrix(t); } } void transform_set_screen_center(struct transformation *t, struct point *p) { t->screen_center=*p; } #if 0 void transform_set_size(struct transformation *t, int width, int height) { t->width=width; t->height=height; } #endif void transform_get_size(struct transformation *t, int *width, int *height) { struct point_rect *r; if (t->screen_sel) { r=&t->screen_sel->u.p_rect; *width=r->rl.x-r->lu.x; *height=r->rl.y-r->lu.y; } } void transform_setup(struct transformation *t, struct pcoord *c, int scale, int yaw) { t->pro=c->pro; t->map_center.x=c->x; t->map_center.y=c->y; t->scale=scale/16.0; transform_set_yaw(t, yaw); } void transform_setup_source_rect(struct transformation *t) { int i; struct coord screen[4]; struct point screen_pnt[4]; struct point_rect *pr; struct map_selection *ms,*msm,*next,**msm_last; ms=t->map_sel; while (ms) { next=ms->next; g_free(ms); ms=next; } t->map_sel=NULL; msm_last=&t->map_sel; ms=t->screen_sel; while (ms) { msm=g_new0(struct map_selection, 1); *msm=*ms; pr=&ms->u.p_rect; screen_pnt[0].x=pr->lu.x; /* left upper */ screen_pnt[0].y=pr->lu.y; screen_pnt[1].x=pr->rl.x; /* right upper */ screen_pnt[1].y=pr->lu.y; screen_pnt[2].x=pr->rl.x; /* right lower */ screen_pnt[2].y=pr->rl.y; screen_pnt[3].x=pr->lu.x; /* left lower */ screen_pnt[3].y=pr->rl.y; if (t->ddd) { struct coord_geo_cart tmp,cg[8]; struct coord c; int valid=0; unsigned char edgenodes[]={ 0,1, 1,2, 2,3, 3,0, 4,5, 5,6, 6,7, 7,4, 0,4, 1,5, 2,6, 3,7}; for (i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++) { transform_screen_to_3d(t, &screen_pnt[i%4], (i >= 4 ? t->zfar:t->znear), &tmp); transform_apply_inverse_matrix(t, &tmp, &cg[i]); } msm->u.c_rect.lu.x=0; msm->u.c_rect.lu.y=0; msm->u.c_rect.rl.x=0; msm->u.c_rect.rl.y=0; for (i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++) { if (transform_zplane_intersection(&cg[edgenodes[i*2]], &cg[edgenodes[i*2+1]], HOG(*t), &tmp) == 1) { c.x=tmp.x*(1 << t->scale_shift)+t->map_center.x; c.y=tmp.y*(1 << t->scale_shift)+t->map_center.y; dbg(1,"intersection with edge %d at 0x%x,0x%x\n",i,c.x,c.y); if (valid) coord_rect_extend(&msm->u.c_rect, &c); else { msm->u.c_rect.lu=c; msm->u.c_rect.rl=c; valid=1; } dbg(1,"rect 0x%x,0x%x - 0x%x,0x%x\n",msm->u.c_rect.lu.x,msm->u.c_rect.lu.y,msm->u.c_rect.rl.x,msm->u.c_rect.rl.y); } } } else { for (i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) { transform_reverse(t, &screen_pnt[i], &screen[i]); dbg(1,"map(%d) %d,%d=0x%x,0x%x\n", i,screen_pnt[i].x, screen_pnt[i].y, screen[i].x, screen[i].y); } msm->u.c_rect.lu.x=min4(screen[0].x,screen[1].x,screen[2].x,screen[3].x); msm->u.c_rect.rl.x=max4(screen[0].x,screen[1].x,screen[2].x,screen[3].x); msm->u.c_rect.rl.y=min4(screen[0].y,screen[1].y,screen[2].y,screen[3].y); msm->u.c_rect.lu.y=max4(screen[0].y,screen[1].y,screen[2].y,screen[3].y); } dbg(1,"%dx%d\n", msm->u.c_rect.rl.x-msm->u.c_rect.lu.x, msm->u.c_rect.lu.y-msm->u.c_rect.rl.y); *msm_last=msm; msm_last=&msm->next; ms=ms->next; } } long transform_get_scale(struct transformation *t) { return (int)(t->scale*16); } void transform_set_scale(struct transformation *t, long scale) { t->scale=scale/16.0; transform_setup_matrix(t); } int transform_get_order(struct transformation *t) { dbg(1,"order %d\n", t->order); return t->order; } #define TWOPI (M_PI*2) #define GC2RAD(c) ((c) * TWOPI/(1<<24)) #define minf(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) static double transform_distance_garmin(struct coord *c1, struct coord *c2) { #ifdef USE_HALVESINE static const int earth_radius = 6371*1000; //m change accordingly // static const int earth_radius = 3960; //miles //Point 1 cords navit_float lat1 = GC2RAD(c1->y); navit_float long1 = GC2RAD(c1->x); //Point 2 cords navit_float lat2 = GC2RAD(c2->y); navit_float long2 = GC2RAD(c2->x); //Haversine Formula navit_float dlong = long2-long1; navit_float dlat = lat2-lat1; navit_float sinlat = navit_sin(dlat/2); navit_float sinlong = navit_sin(dlong/2); navit_float a=(sinlat*sinlat)+navit_cos(lat1)*navit_cos(lat2)*(sinlong*sinlong); navit_float c=2*navit_asin(minf(1,navit_sqrt(a))); #ifdef AVOID_FLOAT return round(earth_radius*c); #else return earth_radius*c; #endif #else #define GMETER 2.3887499999999999 navit_float dx,dy; dx=c1->x-c2->x; dy=c1->y-c2->y; return navit_sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy)*GMETER; #undef GMETER #endif } double transform_scale(int y) { struct coord c; struct coord_geo g; c.x=0; c.y=y; transform_to_geo(projection_mg, &c, &g); return 1/navit_cos(g.lat/180*M_PI); } #ifdef AVOID_FLOAT static int tab_sqrt[]={14142,13379,12806,12364,12018,11741,11517,11333,11180,11051,10943,10850,10770,10701,10640,10587,10540,10499,10462,10429,10400,10373,10349,10327,10307,10289,10273,10257,10243,10231,10219,10208}; static int tab_int_step = 0x20000; static int tab_int_scale[]={10000,10002,10008,10019,10033,10052,10076,10103,10135,10171,10212,10257,10306,10359,10417,10479,10546,10617,10693,10773,10858,10947,11041,11140,11243,11352,11465,11582,11705,11833,11965,12103,12246,12394,12547,12706,12870,13039,13214,13395,13581,13773,13971,14174,14384,14600,14822,15050,15285,15526,15774,16028,16289,16557,16832,17114,17404,17700,18005,18316,18636,18964,19299,19643,19995,20355,20724,21102,21489,21885,22290,22705,23129,23563,24007,24461,24926,25401,25886,26383,26891}; int transform_int_scale(int y) { int i,size = sizeof(tab_int_scale)/sizeof(int); if (y < 0) y=-y; i=y/tab_int_step; if (i < size-1) return tab_int_scale[i]+((tab_int_scale[i+1]-tab_int_scale[i])*(y-i*tab_int_step))/tab_int_step; return tab_int_scale[size-1]; } #endif double transform_distance(enum projection pro, struct coord *c1, struct coord *c2) { if (pro == projection_mg) { #ifndef AVOID_FLOAT double dx,dy,scale=transform_scale((c1->y+c2->y)/2); dx=c1->x-c2->x; dy=c1->y-c2->y; return sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy)/scale; #else int dx,dy,f,scale=transform_int_scale((c1->y+c2->y)/2); dx=c1->x-c2->x; dy=c1->y-c2->y; if (dx < 0) dx=-dx; if (dy < 0) dy=-dy; while (dx > 20000 || dy > 20000) { dx/=10; dy/=10; scale/=10; } if (! dy) return dx*10000/scale; if (! dx) return dy*10000/scale; if (dx > dy) { f=dx*8/dy-8; if (f >= 32) return dx*10000/scale; return dx*tab_sqrt[f]/scale; } else { f=dy*8/dx-8; if (f >= 32) return dy*10000/scale; return dy*tab_sqrt[f]/scale; } #endif } else if (pro == projection_garmin) { return transform_distance_garmin(c1, c2); } else { dbg(0,"Unknown projection: %d\n", pro); return 0; } } void transform_project(enum projection pro, struct coord *c, int distance, int angle, struct coord *res) { double scale; switch (pro) { case projection_mg: scale=transform_scale(c->y); res->x=c->x+distance*sin(angle*M_PI/180)*scale; res->y=c->y+distance*cos(angle*M_PI/180)*scale; break; default: dbg(0,"Unsupported projection: %d\n", pro); return; } } double transform_polyline_length(enum projection pro, struct coord *c, int count) { double ret=0; int i; for (i = 0 ; i < count-1 ; i++) ret+=transform_distance(pro, &c[i], &c[i+1]); return ret; } int transform_distance_sq(struct coord *c1, struct coord *c2) { int dx=c1->x-c2->x; int dy=c1->y-c2->y; if (dx > 32767 || dy > 32767 || dx < -32767 || dy < -32767) return INT_MAX; else return dx*dx+dy*dy; } navit_float transform_distance_sq_float(struct coord *c1, struct coord *c2) { int dx=c1->x-c2->x; int dy=c1->y-c2->y; return (navit_float)dx*dx+dy*dy; } int transform_distance_sq_pc(struct pcoord *c1, struct pcoord *c2) { struct coord p1,p2; p1.x = c1->x; p1.y = c1->y; p2.x = c2->x; p2.y = c2->y; return transform_distance_sq(&p1, &p2); } int transform_distance_line_sq(struct coord *l0, struct coord *l1, struct coord *ref, struct coord *lpnt) { int vx,vy,wx,wy; int c1,c2; int climit=1000000; struct coord l; vx=l1->x-l0->x; vy=l1->y-l0->y; wx=ref->x-l0->x; wy=ref->y-l0->y; c1=vx*wx+vy*wy; if ( c1 <= 0 ) { if (lpnt) *lpnt=*l0; return transform_distance_sq(l0, ref); } c2=vx*vx+vy*vy; if ( c2 <= c1 ) { if (lpnt) *lpnt=*l1; return transform_distance_sq(l1, ref); } while (c1 > climit || c2 > climit) { c1/=256; c2/=256; } l.x=l0->x+vx*c1/c2; l.y=l0->y+vy*c1/c2; if (lpnt) *lpnt=l; return transform_distance_sq(&l, ref); } navit_float transform_distance_line_sq_float(struct coord *l0, struct coord *l1, struct coord *ref, struct coord *lpnt) { navit_float vx,vy,wx,wy; navit_float c1,c2; struct coord l; vx=l1->x-l0->x; vy=l1->y-l0->y; wx=ref->x-l0->x; wy=ref->y-l0->y; c1=vx*wx+vy*wy; if ( c1 <= 0 ) { if (lpnt) *lpnt=*l0; return transform_distance_sq_float(l0, ref); } c2=vx*vx+vy*vy; if ( c2 <= c1 ) { if (lpnt) *lpnt=*l1; return transform_distance_sq_float(l1, ref); } l.x=l0->x+vx*c1/c2; l.y=l0->y+vy*c1/c2; if (lpnt) *lpnt=l; return transform_distance_sq_float(&l, ref); } int transform_distance_polyline_sq(struct coord *c, int count, struct coord *ref, struct coord *lpnt, int *pos) { int i,dist,distn; struct coord lp; if (count < 2) return INT_MAX; if (pos) *pos=0; dist=transform_distance_line_sq(&c[0], &c[1], ref, lpnt); for (i=2 ; i < count ; i++) { distn=transform_distance_line_sq(&c[i-1], &c[i], ref, &lp); if (distn < dist) { dist=distn; if (lpnt) *lpnt=lp; if (pos) *pos=i-1; } } return dist; } int transform_douglas_peucker(struct coord *in, int count, int dist_sq, struct coord *out) { int ret=0; int i,d,dmax=0, idx=0; for (i = 1; i < count-2 ; i++) { d=transform_distance_line_sq(&in[0], &in[count-1], &in[i], NULL); if (d > dmax) { idx=i; dmax=d; } } if (dmax > dist_sq) { ret=transform_douglas_peucker(in, idx, dist_sq, out)-1; ret+=transform_douglas_peucker(in+idx, count-idx, dist_sq, out+ret); } else { if (count > 0) out[ret++]=in[0]; if (count > 1) out[ret++]=in[count-1]; } return ret; } int transform_douglas_peucker_float(struct coord *in, int count, navit_float dist_sq, struct coord *out) { int ret=0; int i,idx=0; navit_float d,dmax=0; for (i = 1; i < count-2 ; i++) { d=transform_distance_line_sq_float(&in[0], &in[count-1], &in[i], NULL); if (d > dmax) { idx=i; dmax=d; } } if (dmax > dist_sq) { ret=transform_douglas_peucker_float(in, idx, dist_sq, out)-1; ret+=transform_douglas_peucker_float(in+idx, count-idx, dist_sq, out+ret); } else { if (count > 0) out[ret++]=in[0]; if (count > 1) out[ret++]=in[count-1]; } return ret; } void transform_print_deg(double deg) { printf("%2.0f:%2.0f:%2.4f", floor(deg), fmod(deg*60,60), fmod(deg*3600,60)); } #ifdef AVOID_FLOAT static int tab_atan[]={0,262,524,787,1051,1317,1584,1853,2126,2401,2679,2962,3249,3541,3839,4142,4452,4770,5095,5430,5774,6128,6494,6873,7265,7673,8098,8541,9004,9490,10000,10538}; static int atan2_int_lookup(int val) { int len=sizeof(tab_atan)/sizeof(int); int i=len/2; int p=i-1; for (;;) { i>>=1; if (val < tab_atan[p]) p-=i; else if (val < tab_atan[p+1]) return p+(p>>1); else p+=i; } } static int atan2_int(int dx, int dy) { int mul=1,add=0,ret; if (! dx) { return dy < 0 ? 180 : 0; } if (! dy) { return dx < 0 ? -90 : 90; } if (dx < 0) { dx=-dx; mul=-1; } if (dy < 0) { dy=-dy; add=180*mul; mul*=-1; } while (dx > 20000 || dy > 20000) { dx/=10; dy/=10; } if (dx > dy) { ret=90-atan2_int_lookup(dy*10000/dx); } else { ret=atan2_int_lookup(dx*10000/dy); } return ret*mul+add; } #endif int transform_get_angle_delta(struct coord *c1, struct coord *c2, int dir) { int dx=c2->x-c1->x; int dy=c2->y-c1->y; #ifndef AVOID_FLOAT double angle; angle=atan2(dx,dy); angle*=180/M_PI; #else int angle; angle=atan2_int(dx,dy); #endif if (dir == -1) angle=angle-180; if (angle < 0) angle+=360; return angle; } int transform_within_border(struct transformation *this_, struct point *p, int border) { struct map_selection *ms=this_->screen_sel; while (ms) { struct point_rect *r=&ms->u.p_rect; if (p->x >= r->lu.x+border && p->x <= r->rl.x-border && p->y >= r->lu.y+border && p->y <= r->rl.y-border) return 1; ms=ms->next; } return 0; } int transform_within_dist_point(struct coord *ref, struct coord *c, int dist) { if (c->x-dist > ref->x) return 0; if (c->x+dist < ref->x) return 0; if (c->y-dist > ref->y) return 0; if (c->y+dist < ref->y) return 0; if ((c->x-ref->x)*(c->x-ref->x) + (c->y-ref->y)*(c->y-ref->y) <= dist*dist) return 1; return 0; } int transform_within_dist_line(struct coord *ref, struct coord *c0, struct coord *c1, int dist) { int vx,vy,wx,wy; int n1,n2; struct coord lc; if (c0->x < c1->x) { if (c0->x-dist > ref->x) return 0; if (c1->x+dist < ref->x) return 0; } else { if (c1->x-dist > ref->x) return 0; if (c0->x+dist < ref->x) return 0; } if (c0->y < c1->y) { if (c0->y-dist > ref->y) return 0; if (c1->y+dist < ref->y) return 0; } else { if (c1->y-dist > ref->y) return 0; if (c0->y+dist < ref->y) return 0; } vx=c1->x-c0->x; vy=c1->y-c0->y; wx=ref->x-c0->x; wy=ref->y-c0->y; n1=vx*wx+vy*wy; if ( n1 <= 0 ) return transform_within_dist_point(ref, c0, dist); n2=vx*vx+vy*vy; if ( n2 <= n1 ) return transform_within_dist_point(ref, c1, dist); lc.x=c0->x+vx*n1/n2; lc.y=c0->y+vy*n1/n2; return transform_within_dist_point(ref, &lc, dist); } int transform_within_dist_polyline(struct coord *ref, struct coord *c, int count, int close, int dist) { int i; for (i = 0 ; i < count-1 ; i++) { if (transform_within_dist_line(ref,c+i,c+i+1,dist)) { return 1; } } if (close) return (transform_within_dist_line(ref,c,c+count-1,dist)); return 0; } int transform_within_dist_polygon(struct coord *ref, struct coord *c, int count, int dist) { int i, j, ci = 0; for (i = 0, j = count-1; i < count; j = i++) { if ((((c[i].y <= ref->y) && ( ref->y < c[j].y )) || ((c[j].y <= ref->y) && ( ref->y < c[i].y))) && (ref->x < (c[j].x - c[i].x) * (ref->y - c[i].y) / (c[j].y - c[i].y) + c[i].x)) ci = !ci; } if (! ci) { if (dist) return transform_within_dist_polyline(ref, c, count, dist, 1); else return 0; } return 1; } int transform_within_dist_item(struct coord *ref, enum item_type type, struct coord *c, int count, int dist) { if (type < type_line) return transform_within_dist_point(ref, c, dist); if (type < type_area) return transform_within_dist_polyline(ref, c, count, 0, dist); return transform_within_dist_polygon(ref, c, count, dist); } void transform_copy(struct transformation *src, struct transformation *dst) { memcpy(dst, src, sizeof(*src)); } void transform_destroy(struct transformation *t) { map_selection_destroy(t->map_sel); map_selection_destroy(t->screen_sel); g_free(t); } /* Note: there are many mathematically equivalent ways to express these formulas. As usual, not all of them are computationally equivalent. L = latitude in radians (positive north) Lo = longitude in radians (positive east) E = easting (meters) N = northing (meters) For the sphere E = r Lo N = r ln [ tan (pi/4 + L/2) ] where r = radius of the sphere (meters) ln() is the natural logarithm For the ellipsoid E = a Lo N = a * ln ( tan (pi/4 + L/2) * ( (1 - e * sin (L)) / (1 + e * sin (L))) ** (e/2) ) e - pi L 1 - e sin(L) 2 = a ln( tan( ---- + ---) (--------------) ) 4 2 1 + e sin(L) where a = the length of the semi-major axis of the ellipsoid (meters) e = the first eccentricity of the ellipsoid */