/** * Navit, a modular navigation system. * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Navit Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include "debug.h" #include "projection.h" #include "item.h" #include "xmlconfig.h" #include "map.h" #include "mapset.h" #include "coord.h" #include "transform.h" #include "search.h" #include "country.h" #include "linguistics.h" #include "geom.h" #include "util.h" #include "search_houseno_interpol.h" #ifdef HAVE_API_ANDROID #include "android.h" #endif #include "layout.h" static struct search_list_result *search_list_result_dup(struct search_list_result *slr); static void search_list_country_destroy(struct search_list_country *this_); static void search_list_town_destroy(struct search_list_town *this_); static void search_list_street_destroy(struct search_list_street *this_); static void search_list_house_number_destroy(struct search_list_house_number *this_); struct search_list_level { struct mapset *ms; struct search_list_common *parent; struct attr *attr; int partial; int selected; struct mapset_search *search; GHashTable *hash; GList *list,*curr,*last; }; struct search_list { struct mapset *ms; struct item *item; int level; struct search_list_level levels[4]; struct search_list_result result; struct search_list_result last_result; int last_result_valid; char *postal; struct house_number_interpolation inter; int use_address_results; GList *address_results,*address_results_pos; }; static guint search_item_hash_hash(gconstpointer key) { const struct item *itm=key; gconstpointer hashkey=(gconstpointer)GINT_TO_POINTER(itm->id_hi^itm->id_lo); return g_direct_hash(hashkey); } static gboolean search_item_hash_equal(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { const struct item *itm_a=a; const struct item *itm_b=b; if (item_is_equal_id(*itm_a, *itm_b)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /** * @brief Create new instance of search_list to run a search. * * @param ms mapset that is to be searched * @returns new search_list */ struct search_list * search_list_new(struct mapset *ms) { struct search_list *ret; ret=g_new0(struct search_list, 1); ret->ms=ms; return ret; } static void search_list_search_free(struct search_list *sl, int level); /** * @brief Determine search list level for given attr_type. * @param attr_type attribute value * @return corresponding search list level (country=0, town=1, ...) */ int search_list_level(enum attr_type attr_type) { switch(attr_type) { case attr_country_all: case attr_country_id: case attr_country_iso2: case attr_country_iso3: case attr_country_car: case attr_country_name: return 0; case attr_town_postal: return 1; case attr_town_name: case attr_district_name: case attr_town_or_district_name: return 1; case attr_street_name: return 2; case attr_house_number: return 3; case attr_postal: return -1; default: dbg(lvl_error,"unknown search '%s'",attr_to_name(attr_type)); return -1; } } static char * search_fix_spaces(char *str) { int i; int len=strlen(str); char c,*s,*d,*ret=g_strdup(str); for (i = 0 ; i < len ; i++) { if (ret[i] == ',' || ret[i] == ',' || ret[i] == '/') ret[i]=' '; } s=ret; d=ret; len=0; do { c=*s++; if (c != ' ' || len != 0) { *d++=c; len++; } while (c == ' ' && *s == ' ') s++; if (c == ' ' && *s == '\0') { d--; len--; } } while (c); return ret; } struct phrase { char *start; char *end; int wordcount; }; static GList * search_split_phrases(char *str) { char *s,*d; int wordcount=0; GList *ret=NULL; s=str; do { d=s; wordcount=0; do { d++; if (*d == ' ' || *d == '\0') { struct phrase *phrase=g_new(struct phrase, 1); phrase->start=s; phrase->end=d; phrase->wordcount=++wordcount; ret=g_list_append(ret, phrase); } } while (*d != '\0'); do { s++; if (*s == ' ') { s++; break; } } while (*s != '\0'); } while (*s != '\0'); return ret; } static char * search_phrase_str(struct phrase *p) { int len=p->end-p->start; char *ret=g_malloc(len+1); strncpy(ret, p->start, len); ret[len]='\0'; return ret; } static int search_phrase_used(struct phrase *p, GList *used_phrases) { while (used_phrases) { struct phrase *pu=used_phrases->data; dbg(lvl_debug,"'%s'-'%s' vs '%s'-'%s'",p->start,p->end,pu->start,pu->end); if (p->start < pu->end && p->end > pu->start) return 1; dbg(lvl_debug,"unused"); used_phrases=g_list_next(used_phrases); } return 0; } static gint search_by_address_compare(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { const struct search_list_result *slra=a; const struct search_list_result *slrb=b; return slrb->id-slra->id; } static GList * search_by_address_attr(GList *results, struct search_list *sl, GList *phrases, GList *exclude, enum attr_type attr_type, int wordcount) { GList *tmp=phrases; struct attr attr; attr.type=attr_type; while (tmp) { if (!search_phrase_used(tmp->data, exclude)) { struct phrase *p=tmp->data; int count=0,wordcount_all=wordcount+p->wordcount; struct search_list_result *slr; attr.u.str=search_phrase_str(p); dbg(lvl_debug,"%s phrase '%s'",attr_to_name(attr_type),attr.u.str); search_list_search(sl, &attr, 0); while ((slr=search_list_get_result(sl))) { if (attr_type != attr_country_all) { struct search_list_result *slrd=search_list_result_dup(slr); slrd->id=wordcount_all; results=g_list_insert_sorted(results, slrd, search_by_address_compare); } count++; } dbg(lvl_debug,"%d results wordcount %d",count,wordcount_all); if (count) { GList *used=g_list_prepend(g_list_copy(exclude), tmp->data); enum attr_type new_attr_type=attr_none; switch (attr_type) { case attr_country_all: new_attr_type=attr_town_or_district_name; break; case attr_town_or_district_name: new_attr_type=attr_street_name; break; case attr_street_name: new_attr_type=attr_house_number; break; default: break; } if (new_attr_type != attr_none) results=search_by_address_attr(results, sl, phrases, used, new_attr_type, wordcount_all); g_list_free(used); } g_free(attr.u.str); } tmp=g_list_next(tmp); } return results; } static void search_by_address(struct search_list *this_, char *addr) { char *str=search_fix_spaces(addr); GList *tmp,*phrases=search_split_phrases(str); struct search_list *sl=search_list_new(this_->ms); this_->address_results=search_by_address_attr(NULL, sl, phrases, NULL, attr_country_all, 0); this_->address_results_pos=this_->address_results; search_list_destroy(sl); tmp=phrases; while (tmp) { g_free(tmp->data); tmp=g_list_next(tmp); } g_list_free(phrases); // TODO: Looks like we should g_free(str) here. But this is // currently dead code, so no way to test it. } static void search_address_results_free(struct search_list *this_) { GList *tmp; tmp=this_->address_results; while (tmp) { struct search_list_result *slr=tmp->data; if (slr->country) search_list_country_destroy(slr->country); if (slr->town) search_list_town_destroy(slr->town); if (slr->street) search_list_street_destroy(slr->street); if (slr->house_number) search_list_house_number_destroy(slr->house_number); if (slr->c) g_free(slr->c); g_free(slr); tmp=g_list_next(tmp); } g_list_free(this_->address_results); this_->address_results=this_->address_results_pos=NULL; } /** * @brief Start a search. * * @param this search_list to use for the search * @param search_attr attributes to use for the search * @param partial do partial search? (1=yes,0=no) */ void search_list_search(struct search_list *this_, struct attr *search_attr, int partial) { struct search_list_level *le; int level; dbg(lvl_info,"Starting search for '=%s' of type %s", search_attr->u.str, attr_to_name(search_attr->type)); search_address_results_free(this_); if (search_attr->type == attr_address) { search_by_address(this_, search_attr->u.str); this_->use_address_results=1; return; } this_->use_address_results=0; level=search_list_level(search_attr->type); this_->item=NULL; house_number_interpolation_clear_all(&this_->inter); if (level != -1) { this_->result.id=0; this_->level=level; le=&this_->levels[level]; search_list_search_free(this_, level); le->attr=attr_dup(search_attr); le->partial=partial; if (level > 0) { le=&this_->levels[level-1]; le->curr=le->list; } } else if (search_attr->type == attr_postal) { g_free(this_->postal); this_->postal=g_strdup(search_attr->u.str); } } struct search_list_common * search_list_select(struct search_list *this_, enum attr_type attr_type, int id, int mode) { int level; int num; struct search_list_level *le; struct search_list_common *slc; GList *curr; level = search_list_level(attr_type); if (level < 0) return NULL; le=&this_->levels[level]; curr=le->list; if (mode > 0 || !id) le->selected=mode; //dbg(lvl_debug,"enter level=%d %d %d %p", level, id, mode, curr); num = 0; while (curr) { num++; if (! id || num == id) { slc=curr->data; slc->selected=mode; if (id) { le->last=curr; //dbg(lvl_debug,"found"); return slc; } } curr=g_list_next(curr); } //dbg(lvl_debug,"not found"); return NULL; } static void search_list_common_addattr(struct attr* attr,struct search_list_common *common) { common->attrs=attr_generic_prepend_attr(common->attrs,attr); switch(attr->type) { case attr_town_name: common->town_name=common->attrs[0]->u.str; break; case attr_county_name: common->county_name=common->attrs[0]->u.str; break; case attr_district_name: common->district_name=common->attrs[0]->u.str; break; case attr_postal: common->postal=common->attrs[0]->u.str; break; case attr_town_postal: if(!common->postal) common->postal=common->attrs[0]->u.str; break; case attr_postal_mask: common->postal_mask=common->attrs[0]->u.str; break; default: break; } } static void search_list_common_new(struct item *item, struct search_list_common *common) { struct attr attr; int i; enum attr_type common_attrs[]= { attr_state_name, attr_county_name, attr_municipality_name, attr_town_name, attr_district_name, attr_postal, attr_town_postal, attr_postal_mask, attr_none }; common->town_name=NULL; common->district_name=NULL; common->county_name=NULL; common->postal=NULL; common->postal_mask=NULL; common->attrs=NULL; for(i=0; common_attrs[i]; i++) { if (item_attr_get(item, common_attrs[i], &attr)) { struct attr at; at.type=attr.type; at.u.str=map_convert_string(item->map, attr.u.str); search_list_common_addattr(&at,common); map_convert_free(at.u.str); } } } static void search_list_common_dup(struct search_list_common *src, struct search_list_common *dst) { int i; if(dst->attrs) { for(i=0; dst->attrs[i]; i++) search_list_common_addattr(src->attrs[i],dst); } if (src->c) { dst->c=g_new(struct pcoord, 1); *dst->c=*src->c; } else dst->c=NULL; } static void search_list_common_destroy(struct search_list_common *common) { g_free(common->c); attr_list_free(common->attrs); common->town_name=NULL; common->district_name=NULL; common->county_name=NULL; common->postal=NULL; common->postal_mask=NULL; common->c=NULL; common->attrs=NULL; } static struct search_list_country * search_list_country_new(struct item *item) { struct search_list_country *ret=g_new0(struct search_list_country, 1); struct attr attr; ret->common.item=ret->common.unique=*item; if (item_attr_get(item, attr_country_car, &attr)) ret->car=g_strdup(attr.u.str); if (item_attr_get(item, attr_country_iso2, &attr)) { #ifdef HAVE_API_ANDROID ret->iso2=g_malloc(strlen(attr.u.str)+1); strtolower(ret->iso2, attr.u.str); #else ret->iso2=g_strdup(attr.u.str); #endif ret->flag=g_strdup_printf("country_%s", ret->iso2); } if (item_attr_get(item, attr_country_iso3, &attr)) ret->iso3=g_strdup(attr.u.str); if (item_attr_get(item, attr_country_name, &attr)) ret->name=g_strdup(attr.u.str); return ret; } static struct search_list_country * search_list_country_dup(struct search_list_country *this_) { struct search_list_country *ret=g_new(struct search_list_country, 1); ret->car=g_strdup(this_->car); ret->iso2=g_strdup(this_->iso2); ret->iso3=g_strdup(this_->iso3); ret->flag=g_strdup(this_->flag); ret->name=g_strdup(this_->name); return ret; } static void search_list_country_destroy(struct search_list_country *this_) { g_free(this_->car); g_free(this_->iso2); g_free(this_->iso3); g_free(this_->flag); g_free(this_->name); g_free(this_); } static struct search_list_town * search_list_town_new(struct item *item) { struct search_list_town *ret=g_new0(struct search_list_town, 1); struct attr attr; struct coord c; ret->itemt=*item; ret->common.item=ret->common.unique=*item; if (item_attr_get(item, attr_town_streets_item, &attr)) { dbg(lvl_debug,"town_assoc 0x%x 0x%x", attr.u.item->id_hi, attr.u.item->id_lo); ret->common.unique=*attr.u.item; } search_list_common_new(item, &ret->common); if (item_attr_get(item, attr_county_name, &attr)) ret->county=map_convert_string(item->map,attr.u.str); else ret->county=NULL; if (item_coord_get(item, &c, 1)) { ret->common.c=g_new(struct pcoord, 1); ret->common.c->x=c.x; ret->common.c->y=c.y; ret->common.c->pro = map_projection(item->map); } return ret; } static struct search_list_town * search_list_town_dup(struct search_list_town *this_) { struct search_list_town *ret=g_new0(struct search_list_town, 1); ret->county=map_convert_dup(this_->county); search_list_common_dup(&this_->common, &ret->common); return ret; } static void search_list_town_destroy(struct search_list_town *this_) { map_convert_free(this_->county); search_list_common_destroy(&this_->common); g_free(this_); } static struct search_list_street * search_list_street_new(struct item *item) { struct search_list_street *ret=g_new0(struct search_list_street, 1); struct attr attr; struct coord p[1024]; struct coord c; int count; ret->common.item=ret->common.unique=*item; if (item_attr_get(item, attr_street_name, &attr)) ret->name=map_convert_string(item->map, attr.u.str); else ret->name=NULL; search_list_common_new(item, &ret->common); count=item_coord_get(item, p, sizeof(p)/sizeof(*p)); if (count) { geom_line_middle(p,count,&c); ret->common.c=g_new(struct pcoord, 1); ret->common.c->x=c.x; ret->common.c->y=c.y; ret->common.c->pro = map_projection(item->map); } return ret; } static struct search_list_street * search_list_street_dup(struct search_list_street *this_) { struct search_list_street *ret=g_new0(struct search_list_street, 1); ret->name=map_convert_dup(this_->name); search_list_common_dup(&this_->common, &ret->common); return ret; } static void search_list_street_destroy(struct search_list_street *this_) { map_convert_free(this_->name); search_list_common_destroy(&this_->common); g_free(this_); } static struct search_list_house_number * search_list_house_number_new(struct item *item, struct house_number_interpolation *inter, char *inter_match, int inter_partial) { struct search_list_house_number *ret=g_new0(struct search_list_house_number, 1); struct attr attr; char *house_number=NULL; ret->common.item=ret->common.unique=*item; if (item_attr_get(item, attr_house_number, &attr)) { house_number=attr.u.str; } else { ret->house_number_interpolation=1; memset(&ret->common.unique, 0, sizeof(ret->common.unique)); house_number=search_next_interpolated_house_number(item, inter, inter_match, inter_partial); } if (!house_number) { g_free(ret); return NULL; } ret->house_number=map_convert_string(item->map, house_number); search_list_common_new(item, &ret->common); ret->common.c=search_house_number_coordinate(item, ret->house_number_interpolation?inter:NULL); return ret; } static struct search_list_house_number * search_list_house_number_dup(struct search_list_house_number *this_) { struct search_list_house_number *ret=g_new0(struct search_list_house_number, 1); ret->house_number=map_convert_dup(this_->house_number); search_list_common_dup(&this_->common, &ret->common); return ret; } static void search_list_house_number_destroy(struct search_list_house_number *this_) { map_convert_free(this_->house_number); search_list_common_destroy(&this_->common); g_free(this_); } static void search_list_result_destroy(int level, void *p) { switch (level) { case 0: search_list_country_destroy(p); break; case 1: search_list_town_destroy(p); break; case 2: search_list_street_destroy(p); break; case 3: search_list_house_number_destroy(p); break; } } static struct search_list_result * search_list_result_dup(struct search_list_result *slr) { struct search_list_result *ret=g_new0(struct search_list_result, 1); ret->id=slr->id; if (slr->c) { ret->c=g_new(struct pcoord, 1); *ret->c=*slr->c; } if (slr->country) ret->country=search_list_country_dup(slr->country); if (slr->town) ret->town=search_list_town_dup(slr->town); if (slr->street) ret->street=search_list_street_dup(slr->street); if (slr->house_number) ret->house_number=search_list_house_number_dup(slr->house_number); return ret; } static void search_list_search_free(struct search_list *sl, int level) { struct search_list_level *le=&sl->levels[level]; GList *next,*curr; if (le->search) { mapset_search_destroy(le->search); le->search=NULL; } #if 0 /* FIXME */ if (le->hash) { g_hash_table_destroy(le->hash); le->hash=NULL; } #endif curr=le->list; while (curr) { search_list_result_destroy(level, curr->data); next=g_list_next(curr); curr=next; } attr_free(le->attr); g_list_free(le->list); le->list=NULL; le->curr=NULL; le->last=NULL; } char * search_postal_merge(char *mask, char *new) { int i; char *ret=NULL; dbg(lvl_debug,"enter %s %s", mask, new); if (!new) return NULL; if (!mask) return g_strdup(new); i=0; while (mask[i] && new[i]) { if (mask[i] != '.' && mask[i] != new[i]) break; i++; } if (mask[i]) { ret=g_strdup(mask); while (mask[i]) ret[i++]='.'; } dbg(lvl_debug,"merged %s with %s as %s", mask, new, ret); return ret; } char * search_postal_merge_replace(char *mask, char *new) { char *ret=search_postal_merge(mask, new); if (!ret) return mask; g_free(mask); return ret; } static int postal_match(char *postal, char *mask) { for (;;) { if ((*postal != *mask) && (*mask != '.')) return 0; if (!*postal) { if (!*mask) return 1; else return 0; } postal++; mask++; } } static int search_add_result(struct search_list_level *le, struct search_list_common *slc) { struct search_list_common *slo; char *merged; int unique=0; if (slc->unique.type || slc->unique.id_hi || slc->unique.id_lo) unique=1; if (unique) slo=g_hash_table_lookup(le->hash, &slc->unique); else slo=NULL; if (!slo) { if (unique) g_hash_table_insert(le->hash, &slc->unique, slc); if (slc->postal && !slc->postal_mask) { slc->postal_mask=g_strdup(slc->postal); } le->list=g_list_append(le->list, slc); return 1; } merged=search_postal_merge(slo->postal_mask, slc->postal); if (merged) { g_free(slo->postal_mask); slo->postal_mask=merged; } return 0; } /** * @brief Get (next) result from a search. * * @param this_ search_list representing the search * @return next result */ struct search_list_result * search_list_get_result(struct search_list *this_) { struct search_list_level *le,*leu; int level=this_->level; struct attr attr2; int has_street_name=0; if (this_->use_address_results) { struct search_list_result *ret=NULL; if (this_->address_results_pos) { ret=this_->address_results_pos->data; this_->address_results_pos=g_list_next(this_->address_results_pos); } return ret; } //dbg(lvl_debug,"enter"); le=&this_->levels[level]; //dbg(lvl_debug,"le=%p", le); for (;;) { //dbg(lvl_debug,"le->search=%p", le->search); if (! le->search) { //dbg(lvl_debug,"partial=%d level=%d", le->partial, level); if (! level) le->parent=NULL; else { leu=&this_->levels[level-1]; //dbg(lvl_debug,"leu->curr=%p", leu->curr); for (;;) { //dbg(lvl_debug,"*********########"); struct search_list_common *slc; if (! leu->curr) { return NULL; } le->parent=leu->curr->data; leu->last=leu->curr; leu->curr=g_list_next(leu->curr); slc=(struct search_list_common *)(le->parent); if (!slc) break; if (slc->selected == leu->selected) break; } } if (le->parent) { //dbg(lvl_debug,"mapset_search_new with item(%d,%d)", le->parent->item.id_hi, le->parent->item.id_lo); } //dbg(lvl_debug,"############## attr=%s", attr_to_name(le->attr->type)); le->search=mapset_search_new(this_->ms, &le->parent->item, le->attr, le->partial); le->hash=g_hash_table_new(search_item_hash_hash, search_item_hash_equal); } //dbg(lvl_debug,"le->search=%p", le->search); if (!this_->item) { //dbg(lvl_debug,"sssss 1"); this_->item=mapset_search_get_item(le->search); //dbg(lvl_debug,"sssss 1 %p",this_->item); } if (this_->item) { void *p=NULL; //dbg(lvl_debug,"id_hi=%d id_lo=%d", this_->item->id_hi, this_->item->id_lo); if (this_->postal) { struct attr postal; if (item_attr_get(this_->item, attr_postal_mask, &postal)) { if (!postal_match(this_->postal, postal.u.str)) continue; } else if (item_attr_get(this_->item, attr_postal, &postal)) { if (strcmp(this_->postal, postal.u.str)) continue; } } this_->result.country=NULL; this_->result.town=NULL; this_->result.street=NULL; this_->result.c=NULL; //dbg(lvl_debug,"case x LEVEL start %d",level); switch (level) { case 0: //dbg(lvl_debug,"case 0 COUNTRY"); p=search_list_country_new(this_->item); this_->result.country=p; this_->result.country->common.parent=NULL; this_->result.town=NULL; this_->result.street=NULL; this_->result.house_number=NULL; this_->item=NULL; break; case 1: //dbg(lvl_debug,"case 1 TOWN"); p=search_list_town_new(this_->item); this_->result.town=p; this_->result.town->common.parent=this_->levels[0].last->data; this_->result.country=this_->result.town->common.parent; this_->result.c=this_->result.town->common.c; this_->result.street=NULL; this_->result.house_number=NULL; this_->item=NULL; break; case 2: //dbg(lvl_debug,"case 2 STREET"); p=search_list_street_new(this_->item); this_->result.street=p; this_->result.street->common.parent=this_->levels[1].last->data; this_->result.town=this_->result.street->common.parent; this_->result.country=this_->result.town->common.parent; this_->result.c=this_->result.street->common.c; this_->result.house_number=NULL; this_->item=NULL; break; case 3: dbg(lvl_debug,"case 3 HOUSENUMBER"); has_street_name=0; // if this housenumber has a streetname tag, set the name now if (item_attr_get(this_->item, attr_street_name, &attr2)) { dbg(lvl_debug,"streetname: %s",attr2.u.str); has_street_name=1; } p=search_list_house_number_new(this_->item, &this_->inter, le->attr->u.str, le->partial); if (!p) { house_number_interpolation_clear_all(&this_->inter); this_->item=NULL; continue; } this_->result.house_number=p; if (!this_->result.house_number->house_number_interpolation) { this_->item=NULL; } else { dbg(lvl_debug,"interpolation!"); } if(le->parent && has_street_name) { struct search_list_street *street=this_->levels[level-1].last->data; if(navit_utf8_strcasecmp(street->name, attr2.u.str)) { search_list_house_number_destroy(p); //this_->item=NULL; continue; } } this_->result.house_number->common.parent=this_->levels[2].last->data; this_->result.street=this_->result.house_number->common.parent; this_->result.town=this_->result.street->common.parent; this_->result.country=this_->result.town->common.parent; this_->result.c=this_->result.house_number->common.c; #if 0 if(!has_street_name) { static struct search_list_street null_street; this_->result.street=&null_street; } #endif } if (p) { if (search_add_result(le, p)) { this_->result.id++; return &this_->result; } else { search_list_result_destroy(level, p); } } } else { mapset_search_destroy(le->search); le->search=NULL; g_hash_table_destroy(le->hash); if (! level) break; } } return NULL; } void search_list_destroy(struct search_list *this_) { g_free(this_->postal); g_free(this_); } void search_init(void) { }