/** * Navit, a modular navigation system. * Copyright (C) 2005-2008, 2010 Navit Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "config.h" #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "popup.h" #include "debug.h" #include "navit.h" #include "coord.h" #include "gui.h" #include "menu.h" #include "point.h" #include "transform.h" #include "projection.h" #include "item.h" #include "map.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "callback.h" #include "route.h" #include "navit_nls.h" #include "bookmarks.h" #if 0 static void popup_set_no_passing(struct popup_item *item, void *param) { #if 0 struct display_list *l=param; struct segment *seg=(struct segment *)(l->data); struct street_str *str=(struct street_str *)(seg->data[0]); char log[256]; int segid=str->segid; if (segid < 0) segid=-segid; sprintf(log,"Attributes Street 0x%x updated: limit=0x%x(0x%x)", segid, 0x33, str->limit); str->limit=0x33; log_write(log, seg->blk_inf.file, str, sizeof(*str)); #endif } #endif static void popup_traffic_distortion(struct item *item, char *attr) { /* add the configuration directory to the name of the file to use */ char *dist_filename = g_strjoin(NULL, navit_get_user_data_directory(TRUE), "/distortion.txt", NULL); if (dist_filename) { /* if we built the filename */ FILE *map=fopen(dist_filename,"a"); if (map) { /* if the file was opened */ struct coord c; struct map_rect *mr; fprintf(map,"type=traffic_distortion %s\n",attr); mr=map_rect_new(item->map,NULL); item=map_rect_get_item_byid(mr, item->id_hi, item->id_lo); while (item_coord_get(item, &c, 1)) { fprintf(map,"0x%x 0x%x\n",c.x,c.y); } fclose(map); } else { dbg(lvl_error,"could not open file for distortions !!"); } /* else - if (map) */ g_free(dist_filename); /* free the file name */ } /* if (dist_filename) */ } /* end: popup_traffic_distortion(..) */ static void popup_traffic_distortion_blocked(struct item *item) { dbg(lvl_debug,"item=%p",item); popup_traffic_distortion(item, "maxspeed=0"); } static void popup_traffic_distortion_speed(struct item *item, int maxspeed) { char buffer[256]; sprintf(buffer,"maxspeed=%d",maxspeed); popup_traffic_distortion(item,buffer); } static void popup_traffic_distortion_delay(struct item *item, int delay) { char buffer[256]; sprintf(buffer,"delay=%d",delay*600); popup_traffic_distortion(item,buffer); } static void popup_set_destination(struct navit *nav, struct pcoord *pc) { struct coord c; struct coord_geo g; char buffer[1024]; char buffer_geo[1024]; c.x = pc->x; c.y = pc->y; transform_to_geo(transform_get_projection(navit_get_trans(nav)), &c, &g); coord_format(g.lat,g.lng,DEGREES_MINUTES_SECONDS,buffer_geo,sizeof(buffer_geo)); sprintf(buffer,"Map Point %s", buffer_geo); navit_set_destination(nav, pc, buffer, 1); } void popup_set_visitbefore(struct navit *nav, struct pcoord *pc,int visitbefore) { struct pcoord *dst; char buffer[1024]; int i, dstcount_new; sprintf(buffer, _("Waypoint %d"), visitbefore+1); dstcount_new=navit_get_destination_count(nav)+1; dst=g_alloca(dstcount_new*sizeof(struct pcoord)); navit_get_destinations(nav,dst,dstcount_new); for (i=dstcount_new-1; i>visitbefore; i--) { dst[i]=dst[i-1]; } dst[visitbefore]=*pc; navit_add_destination_description(nav,pc,buffer); navit_set_destinations(nav, dst, dstcount_new, buffer, 1); } static void popup_set_bookmark(struct navit *nav, struct pcoord *pc) { struct attr attr; struct coord c; struct coord_geo g; char buffer[1024]; char buffer_geo[1024]; c.x = pc->x; c.y = pc->y; transform_to_geo(pc->pro, &c, &g); coord_format(g.lat,g.lng,DEGREES_MINUTES_SECONDS,buffer_geo,sizeof(buffer_geo)); sprintf(buffer,"Map Point %s", buffer_geo); if (!gui_add_bookmark(navit_get_gui(nav), pc, buffer)) { navit_get_attr(nav, attr_bookmarks, &attr, NULL); bookmarks_add_bookmark(attr.u.bookmarks, pc, buffer); } } extern void *vehicle; static void popup_set_position(struct navit *nav, struct pcoord *pc) { dbg(lvl_debug,"%p %p", nav, pc); navit_set_position(nav, pc); } #if 0 static void popup_break_crossing(struct display_list *l) { struct segment *seg=(struct segment *)(l->data); struct street_str *str=(struct street_str *)(seg->data[0]); char log[256]; int segid=str->segid; if (segid < 0) segid=-segid; sprintf(log,"Coordinates Street 0x%x updated: limit=0x%x(0x%x)", segid, 0x33, str->limit); str->limit=0x33; log_write(log, seg->blk_inf.file, str, sizeof(*str)); } #endif #define popup_printf(menu, type, ...) popup_printf_cb(menu, type, NULL, __VA_ARGS__) static void * popup_printf_cb(void *menu, enum menu_type type, struct callback *cb, const char *fmt, ...) { gchar *str,*us; int usc=0; va_list ap; void *ret; va_start(ap, fmt); str=g_strdup_vprintf(fmt, ap); dbg(lvl_debug,"%s", str); us=str; while (*us) { if (*us == '_') usc++; us++; } if (usc) { gchar *str2=g_malloc(strlen(str)+usc+1); gchar *us2=str2; us=str; while (*us) { if (*us == '_') *us2++=*us; *us2++=*us++; } *us2='\0'; g_free(str); str=str2; } ret=menu_add(menu, str, type, cb); va_end(ap); g_free(str); return ret; } static void popup_show_visitbefore(struct navit *nav,struct pcoord *pc, void *menu) { void *menuvisitbefore; char buffer[100]; int i, dstcount; dstcount=navit_get_destination_count(nav); if (dstcount>=1) { menuvisitbefore=popup_printf(menu, menu_type_submenu, _("Visit before...")); for (i=0; itype); char *str; str=attr_to_text(attr, map, 1); popup_printf(menu, menu_type_menu, "%s: %s", attr_name, str); g_free(str); } #if 0 static void popup_show_attr(void *menu, struct item *item, enum attr_type attr_type) { struct attr attr; memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(attr)); attr.type=attr_type; if (item_attr_get(item, attr_type, &attr)) popup_show_attr_val(menu, &attr); } #endif static void popup_show_attrs(struct map *map, void *menu, struct item *item) { #if 0 popup_show_attr(menu, item, attr_debug); popup_show_attr(menu, item, attr_address); popup_show_attr(menu, item, attr_phone); popup_show_attr(menu, item, attr_phone); popup_show_attr(menu, item, attr_entry_fee); popup_show_attr(menu, item, attr_open_hours); #else struct attr attr; for (;;) { memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(attr)); if (item_attr_get(item, attr_any, &attr)) popup_show_attr_val(map, menu, &attr); else break; } #endif } static void popup_item_dump(struct item *item) { struct map_rect *mr; mr=map_rect_new(item->map,NULL); item=map_rect_get_item_byid(mr, item->id_hi, item->id_lo); dbg(lvl_debug,"item=%p",item); item_dump_filedesc(item,item->map,stdout); map_rect_destroy(mr); } static void popup_show_item(struct navit *nav, void *popup, struct displayitem *di) { struct map_rect *mr; void *menu, *menu_item, *menu_dist; char *label; struct item *item,*diitem; int count; label=graphics_displayitem_get_label(di); diitem=graphics_displayitem_get_item(di); count=graphics_displayitem_get_coord_count(di); dbg_assert(diitem); if (label) menu=popup_printf(popup, menu_type_submenu, "%s '%s' (%d coords)", item_to_name(diitem->type), label, count); else menu=popup_printf(popup, menu_type_submenu, "%s (%d coords)", item_to_name(diitem->type), count); menu_item=popup_printf(menu, menu_type_submenu, "Item"); popup_printf(menu_item, menu_type_menu, "type: 0x%x", diitem->type); popup_printf(menu_item, menu_type_menu, "id: 0x%x 0x%x", diitem->id_hi, diitem->id_lo); if (diitem->map) { struct attr type,data; if (!map_get_attr(diitem->map, attr_type, &type, NULL)) type.u.str=""; if (!map_get_attr(diitem->map, attr_data, &data, NULL)) data.u.str=""; popup_printf(menu_item, menu_type_menu, "map: %s:%s", type.u.str, data.u.str); } if (diitem->map) { mr=map_rect_new(diitem->map,NULL); item=map_rect_get_item_byid(mr, diitem->id_hi, diitem->id_lo); dbg(lvl_debug,"item=%p", item); if (item) { popup_show_attrs(item->map, menu_item, item); popup_printf_cb(menu_item, menu_type_menu, callback_new_1(callback_cast(popup_item_dump), diitem), "Dump"); if (item->type < type_line) { struct coord co; struct pcoord *c; if (item_coord_get(item, &co, 1)) { c=g_new(struct pcoord, 1); c->pro = transform_get_projection(navit_get_trans(nav)); c->x = co.x; c->y = co.y; popup_printf_cb(menu_item, menu_type_menu, callback_new_2(callback_cast(popup_set_position), nav, c), _("Set as position")); popup_printf_cb(menu_item, menu_type_menu, callback_new_2(callback_cast(popup_set_destination), nav, c), _("Set as destination")); popup_printf_cb(menu_item, menu_type_menu, callback_new_2(callback_cast(popup_set_bookmark), nav, c), _("Add as bookmark")); } } } map_rect_destroy(mr); } else { popup_printf(menu, menu_type_menu, "(No map)"); } if (item_get_default_flags(diitem->type)) { int speeds[]= {5,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100}; int delays[]= {1,2,3,5,10,15,20,30,45,60,75,90,120,150,180,240,300}; int i; menu_dist=popup_printf(menu, menu_type_submenu, "Traffic distortion"); popup_printf_cb(menu_dist, menu_type_menu, callback_new_1(callback_cast(popup_traffic_distortion_blocked), diitem), "Blocked"); menu_item=popup_printf(menu_dist, menu_type_submenu,"Max speed"); for (i = 0 ; i < sizeof(speeds)/sizeof(int); i++) { popup_printf_cb(menu_item, menu_type_menu, callback_new_2(callback_cast(popup_traffic_distortion_speed), diitem, speeds[i]), "%d km/h",speeds[i]); } menu_item=popup_printf(menu_dist, menu_type_submenu,"Delay"); for (i = 0 ; i < sizeof(delays)/sizeof(int); i++) { popup_printf_cb(menu_item, menu_type_menu, callback_new_2(callback_cast(popup_traffic_distortion_delay), diitem, delays[i]*600), "%d min",delays[i]); } } } static void popup_display(struct navit *nav, void *popup, struct point *p) { struct displaylist_handle *dlh; struct displaylist *display; struct displayitem *di; display=navit_get_displaylist(nav); dlh=graphics_displaylist_open(display); while ((di=graphics_displaylist_next(dlh))) { if (graphics_displayitem_within_dist(display, di, p, 5)) { popup_show_item(nav, popup, di); } } graphics_displaylist_close(dlh); } static struct pcoord c; void popup(struct navit *nav, int button, struct point *p) { void *popup,*men; char buffer[1024]; struct coord_geo g; struct coord co; popup=gui_popup_new(navit_get_gui(nav)); if (! popup) return; transform_reverse(navit_get_trans(nav), p, &co); men=popup_printf(popup, menu_type_submenu, _("Point 0x%x 0x%x"), co.x, co.y); popup_printf(men, menu_type_menu, _("Screen coord : %d %d"), p->x, p->y); transform_to_geo(transform_get_projection(navit_get_trans(nav)), &co, &g); coord_format(g.lat,g.lng,DEGREES_MINUTES_SECONDS,buffer,sizeof(buffer)); popup_printf(men, menu_type_menu, "%s", buffer); popup_printf(men, menu_type_menu, "%f %f", g.lat, g.lng); dbg(lvl_debug,"%p %p", nav, &c); c.pro = transform_get_projection(navit_get_trans(nav)); c.x = co.x; c.y = co.y; popup_printf_cb(men, menu_type_menu, callback_new_2(callback_cast(popup_set_position), nav, &c), _("Set as position")); popup_printf_cb(men, menu_type_menu, callback_new_2(callback_cast(popup_set_destination), nav, &c), _("Set as destination")); popup_show_visitbefore(nav,&c,men); popup_printf_cb(men, menu_type_menu, callback_new_2(callback_cast(popup_set_bookmark), nav, &c), _("Add as bookmark")); popup_display(nav, popup, p); menu_popup(popup); }