Categories: - Navigation License: GPL-2.0-only WebSite: SourceCode: IssueTracker: Translation: Changelog: AutoName: Navit Description: |- Its modular design is capable of using vector maps of various formats for routing and rendering of the displayed map. It’s even possible to use multiple maps at a time. While Navit supports all major platforms, there is a fork specializing on an easy-to-use, Android-only solution: The routing engine not only calculates an optimal route to your destination, but also generates directions and even speaks to you. Navit currently speaks 27 languages. You can help translating via the web-based translation page. RepoType: git Repo: Builds: - versionName: generated_at_build_time versionCode: 42 # since we generate version codes on the fly, we never know them at commit time # therefore we use dummy values and skip the version check novcheck: yes commit: HEAD sudo: - apt-get update - apt-get install -y build-essential cmake gettext libpng-dev librsvg2-bin libsaxonb-java rename zlib1g-dev gradle: - yes output: build/outputs/apk/release/navit-release.apk rm: - navit/support/espeak/espeak-data/* prebuild: - sed -i -e '/gradlew/d' scripts/ build: scripts/ ndk: r20b MaintainerNotes: |- Found JAR file at navit/android/libs/TTS_library_stub.jar, removed as of v0.5.3-442-g96d9c41. NDK r12b is the minimum required as of v0.5.3, later versions may work but are untested. AutoUpdateMode: Version %v UpdateCheckMode: HTTP UpdateCheckData:|"version_code":.*"(.*)"|.|"version_name":.*\"(.*)\",