/* mpfr_sqr -- Floating square Copyright 2004-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by the AriC and Caramel projects, INRIA. This file is part of the GNU MPFR Library. The GNU MPFR Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The GNU MPFR Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU MPFR Library; see the file COPYING.LESSER. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "mpfr-impl.h" int mpfr_sqr (mpfr_ptr a, mpfr_srcptr b, mpfr_rnd_t rnd_mode) { int cc, inexact; mpfr_exp_t ax; mp_limb_t *tmp; mp_limb_t b1; mpfr_prec_t bq; mp_size_t bn, tn; MPFR_TMP_DECL(marker); MPFR_LOG_FUNC (("x[%Pu]=%.*Rg rnd=%d", mpfr_get_prec (b), mpfr_log_prec, b, rnd_mode), ("y[%Pu]=%.*Rg inexact=%d", mpfr_get_prec (a), mpfr_log_prec, a, inexact)); /* deal with special cases */ if (MPFR_UNLIKELY(MPFR_IS_SINGULAR(b))) { if (MPFR_IS_NAN(b)) { MPFR_SET_NAN(a); MPFR_RET_NAN; } MPFR_SET_POS (a); if (MPFR_IS_INF(b)) MPFR_SET_INF(a); else ( MPFR_ASSERTD(MPFR_IS_ZERO(b)), MPFR_SET_ZERO(a) ); MPFR_RET(0); } ax = 2 * MPFR_GET_EXP (b); bq = MPFR_PREC(b); MPFR_ASSERTN (2 * (mpfr_uprec_t) bq <= MPFR_PREC_MAX); bn = MPFR_LIMB_SIZE (b); /* number of limbs of b */ tn = MPFR_PREC2LIMBS (2 * bq); /* number of limbs of square, 2*bn or 2*bn-1 */ if (MPFR_UNLIKELY(bn > MPFR_SQR_THRESHOLD)) return mpfr_mul (a, b, b, rnd_mode); MPFR_TMP_MARK(marker); tmp = MPFR_TMP_LIMBS_ALLOC (2 * bn); /* Multiplies the mantissa in temporary allocated space */ mpn_sqr_n (tmp, MPFR_MANT(b), bn); b1 = tmp[2 * bn - 1]; /* now tmp[0]..tmp[2*bn-1] contains the product of both mantissa, with tmp[2*bn-1]>=2^(GMP_NUMB_BITS-2) */ b1 >>= GMP_NUMB_BITS - 1; /* msb from the product */ /* if the mantissas of b and c are uniformly distributed in ]1/2, 1], then their product is in ]1/4, 1/2] with probability 2*ln(2)-1 ~ 0.386 and in [1/2, 1] with probability 2-2*ln(2) ~ 0.614 */ tmp += 2 * bn - tn; /* +0 or +1 */ if (MPFR_UNLIKELY(b1 == 0)) mpn_lshift (tmp, tmp, tn, 1); /* tn <= k, so no stack corruption */ cc = mpfr_round_raw (MPFR_MANT (a), tmp, 2 * bq, 0, MPFR_PREC (a), rnd_mode, &inexact); /* cc = 1 ==> result is a power of two */ if (MPFR_UNLIKELY(cc)) MPFR_MANT(a)[MPFR_LIMB_SIZE(a)-1] = MPFR_LIMB_HIGHBIT; MPFR_TMP_FREE(marker); { mpfr_exp_t ax2 = ax + (mpfr_exp_t) (b1 - 1 + cc); if (MPFR_UNLIKELY( ax2 > __gmpfr_emax)) return mpfr_overflow (a, rnd_mode, MPFR_SIGN_POS); if (MPFR_UNLIKELY( ax2 < __gmpfr_emin)) { /* In the rounding to the nearest mode, if the exponent of the exact result (i.e. before rounding, i.e. without taking cc into account) is < __gmpfr_emin - 1 or the exact result is a power of 2 (i.e. if both arguments are powers of 2), then round to zero. */ if (rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDN && (ax + (mpfr_exp_t) b1 < __gmpfr_emin || mpfr_powerof2_raw (b))) rnd_mode = MPFR_RNDZ; return mpfr_underflow (a, rnd_mode, MPFR_SIGN_POS); } MPFR_SET_EXP (a, ax2); MPFR_SET_POS (a); } MPFR_RET (inexact); }