/* mpfr_round_raw2, mpfr_round_raw, mpfr_round, mpfr_can_round, mpfr_can_round_raw -- various rounding functions Copyright (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation. This file is part of the MPFR Library. The MPFR Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The MPFR Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with the MPFR Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include "gmp.h" #include "gmp-impl.h" #include "mpfr.h" #include "mpfr-impl.h" #if (BITS_PER_MP_LIMB & (BITS_PER_MP_LIMB - 1)) #error "BITS_PER_MP_LIMB must be a power of 2" #endif /* returns 0 if round(sign*xp[0..xn-1], prec, rnd) = round(sign*xp[0..xn-1], prec, GMP_RNDZ), 1 otherwise, where sign=1 if neg=0, sign=-1 otherwise. Does *not* modify anything. */ int #if __STDC__ mpfr_round_raw2 (mp_limb_t *xp, mp_prec_t xn, int neg, mp_rnd_t rnd, mp_prec_t prec) #else mpfr_round_raw2 (xp, xn, neg, rnd, prec) mp_limb_t *xp; mp_prec_t xn; int neg; mp_rnd_t rnd; mp_prec_t prec; #endif { mp_prec_t nw; long wd; char rw; short l; mp_limb_t mask; nw = prec / BITS_PER_MP_LIMB; rw = prec & (BITS_PER_MP_LIMB - 1); if (rw) nw++; if (rnd==GMP_RNDZ || xn 0 && !xp[wd]); if (!wd) { return 1; } else return xp[xn - nw] & 1; } return xp[wd]>>(BITS_PER_MP_LIMB - 1); } else if (rw + 1 < BITS_PER_MP_LIMB) { if ((xp[wd] & (~mask)) == (((mp_limb_t)1) << (BITS_PER_MP_LIMB - rw - 1))) do { wd--; } while (wd >= 0 && !xp[wd]); else return ((xp[wd]>>(BITS_PER_MP_LIMB - rw - 1)) & 1); /* first limb was in the middle, and others down to wd+1 were 0 */ if (wd>=0) return 1; else return ((xp[xn - nw] & mask) >> (BITS_PER_MP_LIMB - rw)) & 1; } else /* Modified PZ, 27 May 1999: rw, i.e. the number of bits stored in xp[xn-nw], is BITS_PER_MP_LIMB-1, i.e. there is exactly one non significant bit. We are just halfway iff xp[wd] has its low significant bit set and all limbs xp[0]...xp[wd-1] are zero */ { if (xp[wd] & 1) do wd--; while (wd >= 0 && !xp[wd]); return ((wd<0) ? xp[xn-nw]>>1 : xp[xn-nw]) & 1; } default: return 0; } } /* puts in y the value of xp (with precision xprec and sign 1 if negative=0, -1 otherwise) rounded to precision yprec and direction rnd_mode Supposes x is not zero nor NaN nor +/- Infinity (i.e. *xp != 0). */ int #if __STDC__ mpfr_round_raw (mp_limb_t *yp, mp_limb_t *xp, mp_prec_t xprec, int neg, mp_prec_t yprec, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode, int *inexp) #else mpfr_round_raw (yp, xp, xprec, neg, yprec, rnd_mode, inexp) mp_limb_t *yp; mp_limb_t *xp; mp_prec_t xprec; int neg; mp_prec_t yprec; mp_rnd_t rnd_mode; int *inexp; #endif { mp_size_t xsize, nw; mp_limb_t himask, lomask; int rw, carry = 0; xsize = (xprec-1)/BITS_PER_MP_LIMB + 1; nw = yprec / BITS_PER_MP_LIMB; rw = yprec & (BITS_PER_MP_LIMB - 1); if (rw) { nw++; lomask = ((((mp_limb_t)1)<<(BITS_PER_MP_LIMB - rw)) - (mp_limb_t)1); himask = ~lomask; } else { lomask = -1; himask = -1; } MPFR_ASSERTN(nw >= 1); if (xprec <= yprec) { /* No rounding is necessary. */ /* if yp=xp, maybe an overlap: MPN_COPY_DECR is ok when src <= dst */ MPFR_ASSERTN(nw >= xsize); MPN_COPY_DECR(yp + (nw - xsize), xp, xsize); MPN_ZERO(yp, nw - xsize); /* PZ 27 May 99 */ if (inexp) *inexp = 0; } else { mp_limb_t rb = 0, sb; if ((rnd_mode == GMP_RNDU && neg) || (rnd_mode == GMP_RNDD && !neg)) rnd_mode = GMP_RNDZ; if (inexp || rnd_mode != GMP_RNDZ) { mp_size_t k; mp_limb_t rbmask; k = xsize - nw; if (!rw) k--; MPFR_ASSERTN(k >= 0); sb = xp[k] & lomask; /* First non-significant bits */ if (rnd_mode == GMP_RNDN) { rbmask = ((mp_limb_t)1) << (BITS_PER_MP_LIMB - rw - 1); rb = sb & rbmask; sb &= ~rbmask; } while (sb == 0 && k > 0) sb = xp[--k]; if (rnd_mode == GMP_RNDN && (rb != 0 || sb != 0)) { sb = sb == 0 ? xp[xsize - nw] & (himask ^ (himask << 1)) : rb; if (inexp) *inexp = ((neg != 0) ^ (sb != 0)) ? 1 : -1; } else if (inexp) *inexp = sb == 0 ? 0 : (((neg != 0) ^ (rnd_mode != GMP_RNDZ)) ? 1 : -1); } else sb = 0; if (sb != 0 && rnd_mode != GMP_RNDZ) carry = mpn_add_1(yp, xp + xsize - nw, nw, rw ? ((mp_limb_t)1) << (BITS_PER_MP_LIMB - rw) : 1); else MPN_COPY_INCR(yp, xp + xsize - nw, nw); yp[0] &= himask; } return carry; } int #if __STDC__ mpfr_round (mpfr_ptr x, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode, mp_prec_t prec) #else mpfr_round (x, rnd_mode, prec) mpfr_ptr x; mp_rnd_t rnd_mode; mp_prec_t prec; #endif { mp_limb_t *tmp; int carry, neg, inexact; mp_prec_t nw; TMP_DECL(marker); if (MPFR_IS_NAN(x)) return 1; /* a NaN is always inexact */ if (MPFR_IS_INF(x)) return 0; /* infinity is exact */ nw = 1 + (prec - 1) / BITS_PER_MP_LIMB; /* needed allocated limbs */ neg = MPFR_SIGN(x) < 0; /* check if x has enough allocated space for the mantissa */ if (nw > MPFR_ABSSIZE(x)) { MPFR_MANT(x) = (mp_ptr) (*__gmp_reallocate_func) (MPFR_MANT(x), MPFR_ABSSIZE(x)*BYTES_PER_MP_LIMB, nw * BYTES_PER_MP_LIMB); MPFR_SIZE(x) = nw; /* new number of allocated limbs */ if (neg) MPFR_CHANGE_SIGN(x); } TMP_MARK(marker); tmp = TMP_ALLOC (nw * BYTES_PER_MP_LIMB); carry = mpfr_round_raw(tmp, MPFR_MANT(x), MPFR_PREC(x), neg, prec, rnd_mode, &inexact); if (carry) { mpn_rshift (tmp, tmp, nw, 1); tmp [nw-1] |= (((mp_limb_t)1) << (BITS_PER_MP_LIMB - 1)); MPFR_EXP(x)++; } MPFR_PREC(x) = prec; MPN_COPY(MPFR_MANT(x), tmp, nw); TMP_FREE(marker); return inexact; } /* hypotheses : BITS_PER_MP_LIMB est une puissance de 2 dans un test, la premiere partie du && est evaluee d'abord */ /* assuming b is an approximation of x in direction rnd1 with error at most 2^(MPFR_EXP(b)-err), returns 1 if one is able to round exactly x to precision prec with direction rnd2, and 0 otherwise. Side effects: none. */ int #if __STDC__ mpfr_can_round (mpfr_ptr b, mp_prec_t err, mp_rnd_t rnd1, mp_rnd_t rnd2, mp_prec_t prec) #else mpfr_can_round (b, err, rnd1, rnd2, prec) mpfr_ptr b; mp_prec_t err; mp_rnd_t rnd1; mp_rnd_t rnd2; mp_prec_t prec; #endif { return mpfr_can_round_raw (MPFR_MANT(b), (MPFR_PREC(b) - 1)/BITS_PER_MP_LIMB + 1, MPFR_SIGN(b), err, rnd1, rnd2, prec); } int #if __STDC__ mpfr_can_round_raw (mp_limb_t *bp, mp_prec_t bn, int neg, mp_prec_t err, mp_rnd_t rnd1, mp_rnd_t rnd2, mp_prec_t prec) #else mpfr_can_round_raw (bp, bn, neg, err, rnd1, rnd2, prec) mp_limb_t *bp; mp_prec_t bn; int neg; mp_prec_t err; mp_rnd_t rnd1; mp_rnd_t rnd2; mp_prec_t prec; #endif { int k, k1, l, l1, tn; mp_limb_t cc, cc2, *tmp; TMP_DECL(marker); if (err <= prec) return 0; neg = (neg > 0 ? 0 : 1); /* if the error is smaller than ulp(b), then anyway it will propagate up to ulp(b) */ if (err > bn * BITS_PER_MP_LIMB) err = bn * BITS_PER_MP_LIMB; /* warning: if k = m*BITS_PER_MP_LIMB, consider limb m-1 and not m */ k = (err - 1) / BITS_PER_MP_LIMB; l = err % BITS_PER_MP_LIMB; if (l) l = BITS_PER_MP_LIMB - l; /* the error corresponds to bit l in limb k, the most significant limb being limb 0 */ k1 = (prec - 1) / BITS_PER_MP_LIMB; l1 = prec % BITS_PER_MP_LIMB; if (l1) l1 = BITS_PER_MP_LIMB - l1; /* the last significant bit is bit l1 in limb k1 */ /* don't need to consider the k1 most significant limbs */ k -= k1; bn -= k1; prec -= k1 * BITS_PER_MP_LIMB; k1=0; /* if when adding or subtracting (1 << l) in bp[bn-1-k], it does not change bp[bn-1] >> l1, then we can round */ if (rnd1 == GMP_RNDU) if (neg) rnd1=GMP_RNDZ; if (rnd1==GMP_RNDD) rnd1 = (neg) ? GMP_RNDU : GMP_RNDZ; /* in the sequel, RNDU = towards infinity, RNDZ = towards zero */ TMP_MARK(marker); tn = bn; k++; /* since we work with k+1 everywhere */ switch (rnd1) { case GMP_RNDZ: /* b <= x <= b+2^(MPFR_EXP(b)-err) */ tmp = TMP_ALLOC(tn * BYTES_PER_MP_LIMB); cc = (bp[bn-1]>>l1) & 1; cc ^= mpfr_round_raw2(bp, bn, neg, rnd2, prec); /* now round b+2^(MPFR_EXP(b)-err) */ if (bn > k) MPN_COPY (tmp, bp, bn - k); cc2 = mpn_add_1 (tmp+bn-k, bp+bn-k, k, (mp_limb_t)1<>l1) & 1; /* gives 0 when carry */ cc2 ^= mpfr_round_raw2(tmp, bn, neg, rnd2, prec); TMP_FREE(marker); return (cc == cc2); case GMP_RNDU: /* b-2^(MPFR_EXP(b)-err) <= x <= b */ tmp = TMP_ALLOC(tn * BYTES_PER_MP_LIMB); /* first round b */ cc = (bp[bn-1]>>l1) & 1; cc ^= mpfr_round_raw2(bp, bn, neg, rnd2, prec); /* now round b-2^(MPFR_EXP(b)-err) */ if (bn > k) MPN_COPY (tmp, bp, bn - k); cc2 = mpn_sub_1(tmp+bn-k, bp+bn-k, k, (mp_limb_t)1<>l1) & 1; /* gives 1 when carry */ cc2 ^= mpfr_round_raw2(tmp, bn, neg, rnd2, prec); TMP_FREE(marker); return (cc == cc2); case GMP_RNDN: /* b-2^(MPFR_EXP(b)-err) <= x <= b+2^(MPFR_EXP(b)-err) */ tmp = TMP_ALLOC(tn * BYTES_PER_MP_LIMB); if (bn > k) MPN_COPY (tmp, bp, bn - k); /* first round b+2^(MPFR_EXP(b)-err) */ cc = mpn_add_1 (tmp + bn - k, bp + bn - k, k, (mp_limb_t) 1 << l); cc = (tmp[bn - 1] >> l1) & 1; /* gives 0 when cc=1 */ cc ^= mpfr_round_raw2 (tmp, bn, neg, rnd2, prec); /* now round b-2^(MPFR_EXP(b)-err) */ cc2 = mpn_sub_1 (tmp + bn - k, bp + bn - k, k, (mp_limb_t) 1 << l); /* if cc2=1, then all bits up to err were to 0, and we can round only if cc==0 and mpfr_round_raw2 returns 1 below */ if (cc2 && cc) { TMP_FREE(marker); return 0; } cc2 = (tmp[bn - 1] >> l1) & 1; /* gives 1 when cc2=1 */ cc2 ^= mpfr_round_raw2 (tmp, bn, neg, rnd2, prec); TMP_FREE(marker); return (cc == cc2); } return 0; }