/** * Copyright (C) 2018-present MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the Server Side Public License, version 1, * as published by MongoDB, Inc. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Server Side Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Server Side Public License * along with this program. If not, see * . * * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You * must comply with the Server Side Public License in all respects for * all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify file(s) * with this exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the * file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, * delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete this * exception statement from all source files in the program, then also delete * it in the license file. */ #include "mongo/db/index_builds_coordinator.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/index_builds_manager.h" #include "mongo/util/future.h" #include #include #include #include "mongo/db/catalog/clustered_collection_util.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/collection_catalog.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/collection_yield_restore.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/commit_quorum_options.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/database_holder.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog/index_build_entry_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/catalog_raii.h" #include "mongo/db/concurrency/exception_util.h" #include "mongo/db/concurrency/replication_state_transition_lock_guard.h" #include "mongo/db/curop.h" #include "mongo/db/db_raii.h" #include "mongo/db/dbhelpers.h" #include "mongo/db/index/wildcard_key_generator.h" #include "mongo/db/index_build_entry_helpers.h" #include "mongo/db/op_observer/op_observer.h" #include "mongo/db/operation_context.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/cloner_utils.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/member_state.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/replication_coordinator.h" #include "mongo/db/repl/timestamp_block.h" #include "mongo/db/s/collection_sharding_state.h" #include "mongo/db/s/database_sharding_state.h" #include "mongo/db/server_options.h" #include "mongo/db/server_recovery.h" #include "mongo/db/service_context.h" #include "mongo/db/storage/disk_space_util.h" #include "mongo/db/storage/durable_catalog.h" #include "mongo/db/storage/encryption_hooks.h" #include "mongo/db/storage/storage_parameters_gen.h" #include "mongo/db/storage/storage_util.h" #include "mongo/db/storage/two_phase_index_build_knobs_gen.h" #include "mongo/logv2/log.h" #include "mongo/s/shard_key_pattern.h" #include "mongo/util/assert_util.h" #include "mongo/util/scoped_counter.h" #include "mongo/util/str.h" #include "mongo/util/testing_proctor.h" #define MONGO_LOGV2_DEFAULT_COMPONENT ::mongo::logv2::LogComponent::kStorage namespace mongo { MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(hangAfterIndexBuildFirstDrain); MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(hangAfterIndexBuildSecondDrain); MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(hangAfterIndexBuildDumpsInsertsFromBulk); MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(hangAfterIndexBuildDumpsInsertsFromBulkLock); MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(hangAfterInitializingIndexBuild); MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(hangBeforeCompletingAbort); MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(failIndexBuildOnCommit); MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(hangIndexBuildBeforeAbortCleanUp); MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(hangIndexBuildOnStepUp); MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(hangAfterSettingUpResumableIndexBuild); MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(hangIndexBuildBeforeCommit); MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(hangBeforeBuildingIndex); MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(hangBeforeBuildingIndexSecond); MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(hangIndexBuildBeforeWaitingUntilMajorityOpTime); MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(hangBeforeUnregisteringAfterCommit); MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(failSetUpResumeIndexBuild); MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(failIndexBuildWithError); MONGO_FAIL_POINT_DEFINE(hangInRemoveIndexBuildEntryAfterCommitOrAbort); IndexBuildsCoordinator::IndexBuildsSSS::IndexBuildsSSS() : ServerStatusSection("indexBuilds"), registered(0), scanCollection(0), drainSideWritesTable(0), drainSideWritesTablePreCommit(0), waitForCommitQuorum(0), drainSideWritesTableOnCommit(0), processConstraintsViolatonTableOnCommit(0), commit(0) {} namespace { constexpr StringData kCreateIndexesFieldName = "createIndexes"_sd; constexpr StringData kCommitIndexBuildFieldName = "commitIndexBuild"_sd; constexpr StringData kAbortIndexBuildFieldName = "abortIndexBuild"_sd; constexpr StringData kIndexesFieldName = "indexes"_sd; constexpr StringData kKeyFieldName = "key"_sd; constexpr StringData kUniqueFieldName = "unique"_sd; constexpr StringData kPrepareUniqueFieldName = "prepareUnique"_sd; /** * Checks if unique index specification is compatible with sharding configuration. */ void checkShardKeyRestrictions(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss, const BSONObj& newIdxKey) { CollectionCatalog::get(opCtx)->invariantHasExclusiveAccessToCollection(opCtx, nss); const auto collDesc = CollectionShardingState::assertCollectionLockedAndAcquire(opCtx, nss) ->getCollectionDescription(opCtx); if (!collDesc.isSharded()) return; const ShardKeyPattern shardKeyPattern(collDesc.getKeyPattern()); uassert(ErrorCodes::CannotCreateIndex, str::stream() << "cannot create index with 'unique' or 'prepareUnique' option over " << newIdxKey << " with shard key pattern " << shardKeyPattern.toBSON(), shardKeyPattern.isIndexUniquenessCompatible(newIdxKey)); } /** * Returns true if we should build the indexes an empty collection using the IndexCatalog and * bypass the index build registration. */ bool shouldBuildIndexesOnEmptyCollectionSinglePhased(OperationContext* opCtx, const CollectionPtr& collection, IndexBuildProtocol protocol) { const auto& nss = collection->ns(); invariant(opCtx->lockState()->isCollectionLockedForMode(nss, MODE_X), str::stream() << nss.toStringForErrorMsg()); auto replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(opCtx); // Check whether the replica set member's config has {buildIndexes:false} set, which means // we are not allowed to build non-_id indexes on this server. if (!replCoord->buildsIndexes()) { return false; } // Secondaries should not bypass index build registration (and _runIndexBuild()) for two phase // index builds because they need to report index build progress to the primary per commit // quorum. if (IndexBuildProtocol::kTwoPhase == protocol && !replCoord->canAcceptWritesFor(opCtx, nss)) { return false; } // We use the fast count information, through Collection::numRecords(), to determine if the // collection is empty. However, this information is either unavailable or inaccurate when the // node is in certain replication states, such as recovery or rollback. In these cases, we // have to build the index by scanning the collection. auto memberState = replCoord->getMemberState(); if (memberState.rollback()) { return false; } if (inReplicationRecovery(opCtx->getServiceContext())) { return false; } // Now, it's fine to trust Collection::isEmpty(). // Fast counts are prone to both false positives and false negatives on unclean shutdowns. False // negatives can cause to skip index building. And, false positives can cause mismatch in number // of index entries among the nodes in the replica set. So, verify the collection is really // empty by opening the WT cursor and reading the first document. return collection->isEmpty(opCtx); } /** * Removes the index build from the config.system.indexBuilds collection after the primary has * written the commitIndexBuild or abortIndexBuild oplog entry. */ void removeIndexBuildEntryAfterCommitOrAbort(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceStringOrUUID& dbAndUUID, const CollectionPtr& indexBuildEntryCollection, const ReplIndexBuildState& replState) { if (IndexBuildProtocol::kSinglePhase == replState.protocol) { return; } hangInRemoveIndexBuildEntryAfterCommitOrAbort.pauseWhileSet(); auto replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(opCtx); if (!replCoord->canAcceptWritesFor(opCtx, dbAndUUID)) { return; } if (replCoord->getSettings().shouldRecoverFromOplogAsStandalone()) { // Writes to the 'config.system.indexBuilds' collection are replicated and the index entry // will be removed when the delete oplog entry is replayed at a later time. return; } if (replState.isSettingUp()) { // The index build document is not written to config.system.indexBuilds collection yet. return; } auto status = indexbuildentryhelpers::removeIndexBuildEntry( opCtx, indexBuildEntryCollection, replState.buildUUID); if (!status.isOK()) { LOGV2_FATAL_NOTRACE(4763501, "Failed to remove index build from system collection", "buildUUID"_attr = replState.buildUUID, "collectionUUID"_attr = replState.collectionUUID, logAttrs(replState.dbName), "indexNames"_attr = replState.indexNames, "indexSpecs"_attr = replState.indexSpecs, "error"_attr = status); } } /** * Replicates a commitIndexBuild oplog entry for two-phase builds, which signals downstream * secondary nodes to commit the index build. */ void onCommitIndexBuild(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss, std::shared_ptr replState) { const auto& buildUUID = replState->buildUUID; replState->commit(opCtx); if (IndexBuildProtocol::kSinglePhase == replState->protocol) { return; } invariant(IndexBuildProtocol::kTwoPhase == replState->protocol, str::stream() << "onCommitIndexBuild: " << buildUUID); invariant(opCtx->lockState()->isWriteLocked(), str::stream() << "onCommitIndexBuild: " << buildUUID); auto opObserver = opCtx->getServiceContext()->getOpObserver(); const auto& collUUID = replState->collectionUUID; const auto& indexSpecs = replState->indexSpecs; auto fromMigrate = false; // Since two phase index builds are allowed to survive replication state transitions, we should // check if the node is currently a primary before attempting to write to the oplog. auto replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(opCtx); if (!replCoord->canAcceptWritesFor(opCtx, nss)) { invariant(!opCtx->recoveryUnit()->getCommitTimestamp().isNull(), str::stream() << "commitIndexBuild: " << buildUUID); return; } opObserver->onCommitIndexBuild(opCtx, nss, collUUID, buildUUID, indexSpecs, fromMigrate); } /** * Replicates an abortIndexBuild oplog entry for two-phase builds, which signals downstream * secondary nodes to abort the index build. */ void onAbortIndexBuild(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss, ReplIndexBuildState& replState, const Status& cause) { if (IndexBuildProtocol::kTwoPhase != replState.protocol) { return; } invariant(opCtx->lockState()->isWriteLocked(), replState.buildUUID.toString()); auto opObserver = opCtx->getServiceContext()->getOpObserver(); auto collUUID = replState.collectionUUID; auto fromMigrate = false; opObserver->onAbortIndexBuild( opCtx, nss, collUUID, replState.buildUUID, replState.indexSpecs, cause, fromMigrate); } /** * Logs the index build failure error in a standard format. */ void logFailure(Status status, const NamespaceString& nss, std::shared_ptr replState) { LOGV2(20649, "Index build: failed", "buildUUID"_attr = replState->buildUUID, "collectionUUID"_attr = replState->collectionUUID, logAttrs(nss), "error"_attr = status); } /** * Iterates over index builds with the provided function. */ void forEachIndexBuild( const std::vector>& indexBuilds, StringData context, std::function replState)> onIndexBuild) { if (indexBuilds.empty()) { return; } auto indexBuildLogger = [](const auto& indexBuild) { BSONObjBuilder builder; builder.append("buildUUID"_sd, indexBuild->buildUUID.toBSON()); builder.append("collectionUUID"_sd, indexBuild->collectionUUID.toBSON()); BSONArrayBuilder names; for (const auto& indexName : indexBuild->indexNames) { names.append(indexName); } builder.append("indexNames"_sd, names.arr()); builder.append("protocol"_sd, indexBuild->protocol == IndexBuildProtocol::kTwoPhase ? "two phase"_sd : "single phase"_sd); return builder.obj(); }; auto begin = boost::make_transform_iterator(indexBuilds.begin(), indexBuildLogger); auto end = boost::make_transform_iterator(indexBuilds.end(), indexBuildLogger); LOGV2(20650, "Active index builds", "context"_attr = context, "builds"_attr = logv2::seqLog(begin, end)); if (onIndexBuild) { for (const auto& indexBuild : indexBuilds) { onIndexBuild(indexBuild); } } } /** * Updates currentOp for commitIndexBuild or abortIndexBuild. */ void updateCurOpForCommitOrAbort(OperationContext* opCtx, StringData fieldName, UUID buildUUID) { BSONObjBuilder builder; buildUUID.appendToBuilder(&builder, fieldName); stdx::unique_lock lk(*opCtx->getClient()); auto curOp = CurOp::get(opCtx); builder.appendElementsUnique(curOp->opDescription()); auto opDescObj = builder.obj(); curOp->setLogicalOp_inlock(LogicalOp::opCommand); curOp->setOpDescription_inlock(opDescObj); curOp->ensureStarted(); } /** * Fetches the latest oplog entry's optime. Bypasses the oplog visibility rules. */ repl::OpTime getLatestOplogOpTime(OperationContext* opCtx) { // Reset the snapshot so that it is ensured to see the latest oplog entries. opCtx->recoveryUnit()->abandonSnapshot(); // Helpers::getLast will bypass the oplog visibility rules by doing a backwards collection // scan. BSONObj oplogEntryBSON; // This operation does not perform any writes, but the index building code is sensitive to // exceptions and we must protect it from unanticipated write conflicts from reads. writeConflictRetry( opCtx, "getLatestOplogOpTime", NamespaceString::kRsOplogNamespace.ns(), [&]() { invariant(Helpers::getLast(opCtx, NamespaceString::kRsOplogNamespace, oplogEntryBSON)); }); auto optime = repl::OpTime::parseFromOplogEntry(oplogEntryBSON); invariant(optime.isOK(), str::stream() << "Found an invalid oplog entry: " << oplogEntryBSON << ", error: " << optime.getStatus()); return optime.getValue(); } /** * Returns true if the index build is resumable. */ bool isIndexBuildResumable(OperationContext* opCtx, const ReplIndexBuildState& replState, const IndexBuildsCoordinator::IndexBuildOptions& indexBuildOptions) { if (replState.protocol != IndexBuildProtocol::kTwoPhase) { return false; } if (indexBuildOptions.applicationMode != IndexBuildsCoordinator::ApplicationMode::kNormal) { return false; } // This check may be unnecessary due to current criteria for resumable index build support in // storage engine. if (!serverGlobalParams.enableMajorityReadConcern) { return false; } // The last optime could be null if the node is in initial sync while building the index. // This check may be redundant with the 'applicationMode' check and the replication requirement // for two phase index builds. auto replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(opCtx); if (replCoord->getReplicationMode() == repl::ReplicationCoordinator::modeNone) { return false; } // When we are applying a startIndexBuild oplog entry during the oplog application phase of // startup recovery, the last optime here derived from the local oplog may not be a valid // optime to wait on for the majority commit point since the rest of the replica set may // be on a different branch of history. if (inReplicationRecovery(opCtx->getServiceContext())) { LOGV2(5039100, "Index build: in replication recovery. Not waiting for last optime before " "interceptors to be majority committed", "buildUUID"_attr = replState.buildUUID); return false; } if (!opCtx->getServiceContext()->getStorageEngine()->supportsResumableIndexBuilds()) { return false; } // Only index builds with the default "all-voters" commit quorum running on voting nodes should // be resumable. A node that cannot contribute to the commit quorum should not be waiting for // the majority commit point when trying to commit the index build. // IndexBuildsOptions::commitQuorum will be set if we are primary. Otherwise, we have to check // the config.system.indexBuilds collection. if (indexBuildOptions.commitQuorum) { if (CommitQuorumOptions::kVotingMembers != indexBuildOptions.commitQuorum->mode) { return false; } } else { // The commit quorum may be updated using the setIndexBuildCommitQuorum command, so we will // rely on the deadline to unblock ourselves from the majority wait if the commit quorum is // no longer "all-voters". auto swCommitQuorum = indexbuildentryhelpers::getCommitQuorum(opCtx, replState.buildUUID); if (!swCommitQuorum.isOK()) { LOGV2(5044600, "Index build: cannot read commit quorum from config db, will not be resumable", "buildUUID"_attr = replState.buildUUID, "error"_attr = swCommitQuorum.getStatus()); return false; } auto commitQuorum = swCommitQuorum.getValue(); if (CommitQuorumOptions::kVotingMembers != commitQuorum.mode) { return false; } } // Ensure that this node is a voting member in the replica set config. auto hap = replCoord->getMyHostAndPort(); if (auto memberConfig = replCoord->findConfigMemberByHostAndPort(hap)) { if (!memberConfig->isVoter()) { return false; } } else { // We cannot determine our member config, so skip the majority wait and leave this index // build as non-resumable. return false; } return true; } /** * Returns the ReadSource to be used for a drain occurring before the commit quorum has been * satisfied. */ RecoveryUnit::ReadSource getReadSourceForDrainBeforeCommitQuorum( const ReplIndexBuildState& replState) { return replState.isResumable() ? RecoveryUnit::ReadSource::kMajorityCommitted : RecoveryUnit::ReadSource::kNoTimestamp; } } // namespace const auto getIndexBuildsCoord = ServiceContext::declareDecoration>(); void IndexBuildsCoordinator::set(ServiceContext* serviceContext, std::unique_ptr ibc) { auto& indexBuildsCoordinator = getIndexBuildsCoord(serviceContext); invariant(!indexBuildsCoordinator); indexBuildsCoordinator = std::move(ibc); } IndexBuildsCoordinator* IndexBuildsCoordinator::get(ServiceContext* serviceContext) { auto& indexBuildsCoordinator = getIndexBuildsCoord(serviceContext); invariant(indexBuildsCoordinator); return indexBuildsCoordinator.get(); } IndexBuildsCoordinator* IndexBuildsCoordinator::get(OperationContext* OperationContext) { return get(OperationContext->getServiceContext()); } Status IndexBuildsCoordinator::checkDiskSpaceSufficientToStartIndexBuild(OperationContext* opCtx) { auto storageEngine = opCtx->getServiceContext()->getStorageEngine(); const bool filesNotAllInSameDirectory = storageEngine->isUsingDirectoryPerDb() || storageEngine->isUsingDirectoryForIndexes(); if (filesNotAllInSameDirectory) { LOGV2(7333300, "Index build: skipping available disk space check before starting index build as " "storage engine stores data files in different directories"); return Status::OK(); } const auto availableBytes = getAvailableDiskSpaceBytesInDbPath(); const int64_t requiredBytes = gIndexBuildMinAvailableDiskSpaceMB.load() * 1024 * 1024; if (availableBytes <= requiredBytes) { return Status( ErrorCodes::OutOfDiskSpace, fmt::format("available disk space of {} bytes is less than required minimum of {}", availableBytes, requiredBytes)); } return Status::OK(); } std::unique_ptr IndexBuildsCoordinator::makeKillIndexBuildOnLowDiskSpaceAction() { class KillIndexBuildsAction : public DiskSpaceMonitor::Action { public: KillIndexBuildsAction(IndexBuildsCoordinator* coordinator) : _coord(coordinator) {} int64_t getThresholdBytes() noexcept final { // This parameter's validator ensures that this multiplication will not overflow. return gIndexBuildMinAvailableDiskSpaceMB.load() * 1024 * 1024; } void act(OperationContext* opCtx, int64_t availableBytes) noexcept final { if (!feature_flags::gIndexBuildGracefulErrorHandling.isEnabled( serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility)) { LOGV2(6826200, "Index build: disk space monitor detected we're low on storage space but " "'featureFlagIndexBuildGracefulErrorHandling' is disabled. Ignoring it"); return; } if (_coord->noIndexBuildInProgress()) { // Avoid excessive logging when no index builds are in progress. Nothing prevents an // index build from starting after this check. Subsequent calls will see any // newly-registered builds. return; } LOGV2(7333502, "Attempting to kill index builds because remaining disk space is less than " "required minimum", "availableBytes"_attr = availableBytes, "requiredBytes"_attr = getThresholdBytes()); try { _coord->abortAllIndexBuildsDueToDiskSpace( opCtx, availableBytes, getThresholdBytes()); } catch (...) { LOGV2(7333503, "Failed to kill index builds", "reason"_attr = exceptionToStatus()); } } private: IndexBuildsCoordinator* _coord; }; return std::make_unique(this); }; std::vector IndexBuildsCoordinator::extractIndexNames( const std::vector& specs) { std::vector indexNames; for (const auto& spec : specs) { std::string name = spec.getStringField(IndexDescriptor::kIndexNameFieldName).toString(); invariant(!name.empty(), str::stream() << "Bad spec passed into ReplIndexBuildState constructor, missing '" << IndexDescriptor::kIndexNameFieldName << "' field: " << spec); indexNames.push_back(name); } return indexNames; } bool IndexBuildsCoordinator::isCreateIndexesErrorSafeToIgnore( const Status& status, IndexBuildsManager::IndexConstraints indexConstraints) { return (status == ErrorCodes::IndexAlreadyExists || ((status == ErrorCodes::IndexOptionsConflict || status == ErrorCodes::IndexKeySpecsConflict) && IndexBuildsManager::IndexConstraints::kRelax == indexConstraints)); } StatusWith> IndexBuildsCoordinator::rebuildIndexesForRecovery( OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss, const std::vector& specs, const UUID& buildUUID, RepairData repair) { const auto protocol = IndexBuildProtocol::kSinglePhase; auto status = _startIndexBuildForRecovery(opCtx, nss, specs, buildUUID, protocol); if (!status.isOK()) { return status; } CollectionWriter collection(opCtx, nss); // Complete the index build. return _runIndexRebuildForRecovery(opCtx, collection, buildUUID, repair); } Status IndexBuildsCoordinator::_startIndexBuildForRecovery(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss, const std::vector& specs, const UUID& buildUUID, IndexBuildProtocol protocol) { invariant(opCtx->lockState()->isCollectionLockedForMode(nss, MODE_X)); std::vector indexNames; for (auto& spec : specs) { std::string name = spec.getStringField(IndexDescriptor::kIndexNameFieldName).toString(); if (name.empty()) { return Status(ErrorCodes::CannotCreateIndex, str::stream() << "Cannot create an index for a spec '" << spec << "' without a non-empty string value for the 'name' field"); } indexNames.push_back(name); } CollectionWriter collection(opCtx, nss); { // These steps are combined into a single WUOW to ensure there are no commits without the // indexes for repair. WriteUnitOfWork wuow(opCtx); // We need to initialize the collection to rebuild the indexes. The collection may already // be initialized when rebuilding multiple unfinished indexes on the same collection. if (!collection->isInitialized()) { collection.getWritableCollection(opCtx)->init(opCtx); } if (storageGlobalParams.repair) { Status status = _dropIndexesForRepair(opCtx, collection, indexNames); if (!status.isOK()) { return status; } } else { // Unfinished index builds that are not resumable will drop and recreate the index table // using the same ident to avoid doing untimestamped writes to the catalog. for (const auto& indexName : indexNames) { auto indexCatalog = collection.getWritableCollection(opCtx)->getIndexCatalog(); auto desc = indexCatalog->findIndexByName(opCtx, indexName, IndexCatalog::InclusionPolicy::kUnfinished | IndexCatalog::InclusionPolicy::kFrozen); Status status = indexCatalog->resetUnfinishedIndexForRecovery( opCtx, collection.getWritableCollection(opCtx), desc); if (!status.isOK()) { return status; } const auto durableBuildUUID = collection->getIndexBuildUUID(indexName); // A build UUID is present if and only if we are rebuilding a two-phase build. invariant((protocol == IndexBuildProtocol::kTwoPhase) == durableBuildUUID.has_value()); // When a buildUUID is present, it must match the build UUID parameter to this // function. invariant(!durableBuildUUID || *durableBuildUUID == buildUUID, str::stream() << "durable build UUID: " << durableBuildUUID << "buildUUID: " << buildUUID); } } auto replIndexBuildState = std::make_shared( buildUUID, collection->uuid(), nss.dbName(), specs, protocol); Status status = activeIndexBuilds.registerIndexBuild(replIndexBuildState); if (!status.isOK()) { return status; } indexBuildsSSS.registered.addAndFetch(1); IndexBuildsManager::SetupOptions options; options.protocol = protocol; // All indexes are dropped during repair and should be rebuilt normally. options.forRecovery = !storageGlobalParams.repair; status = _indexBuildsManager.setUpIndexBuild( opCtx, collection, specs, buildUUID, MultiIndexBlock::kNoopOnInitFn, options); if (!status.isOK()) { // An index build failure during recovery is fatal. logFailure(status, nss, replIndexBuildState); fassertNoTrace(51086, status); } wuow.commit(); // Mark the index build setup as complete, from now on cleanup is required on failure/abort. replIndexBuildState->completeSetup(); } return Status::OK(); } Status IndexBuildsCoordinator::_dropIndexesForRepair(OperationContext* opCtx, CollectionWriter& collection, const std::vector& indexNames) { invariant(collection->isInitialized()); for (const auto& indexName : indexNames) { auto indexCatalog = collection.getWritableCollection(opCtx)->getIndexCatalog(); auto descriptor = indexCatalog->findIndexByName(opCtx, indexName, IndexCatalog::InclusionPolicy::kReady); if (descriptor) { Status s = indexCatalog->dropIndex(opCtx, collection.getWritableCollection(opCtx), descriptor); if (!s.isOK()) { return s; } continue; } // The index must be unfinished or frozen if it isn't ready. descriptor = indexCatalog->findIndexByName(opCtx, indexName, IndexCatalog::InclusionPolicy::kUnfinished | IndexCatalog::InclusionPolicy::kFrozen); invariant(descriptor); Status s = indexCatalog->dropUnfinishedIndex( opCtx, collection.getWritableCollection(opCtx), descriptor); if (!s.isOK()) { return s; } } return Status::OK(); } Status IndexBuildsCoordinator::_setUpResumeIndexBuild(OperationContext* opCtx, const DatabaseName& dbName, const UUID& collectionUUID, const std::vector& specs, const UUID& buildUUID, const ResumeIndexInfo& resumeInfo) { NamespaceStringOrUUID nssOrUuid{dbName, collectionUUID}; if (MONGO_unlikely(failSetUpResumeIndexBuild.shouldFail())) { return {ErrorCodes::FailPointEnabled, "failSetUpResumeIndexBuild fail point is enabled"}; } Lock::DBLock dbLock(opCtx, dbName, MODE_IX); CollectionNamespaceOrUUIDLock collLock(opCtx, nssOrUuid, MODE_X); CollectionWriter collection(opCtx, resumeInfo.getCollectionUUID()); invariant(collection); auto durableCatalog = DurableCatalog::get(opCtx); for (const auto& spec : specs) { std::string indexName = spec.getStringField(IndexDescriptor::kIndexNameFieldName).toString(); if (indexName.empty()) { return Status(ErrorCodes::CannotCreateIndex, str::stream() << "Cannot create an index for a spec '" << spec << "' without a non-empty string value for the 'name' field"); } // Check that the information in the durable catalog matches the resume info. uassert(4841702, "Index not found in durable catalog while attempting to resume index build", collection->isIndexPresent(indexName)); const auto durableBuildUUID = collection->getIndexBuildUUID(indexName); uassert(ErrorCodes::IndexNotFound, str::stream() << "Cannot resume index build with a buildUUID: " << buildUUID << " that did not match the buildUUID in the durable catalog: " << durableBuildUUID, durableBuildUUID == buildUUID); auto indexIdent = durableCatalog->getIndexIdent(opCtx, collection->getCatalogId(), indexName); uassert( 4841703, str::stream() << "No index ident found on disk that matches the index build to resume: " << indexName, indexIdent.size() > 0); uassertStatusOK(collection->checkMetaDataForIndex(indexName, spec)); } if (!collection->isInitialized()) { WriteUnitOfWork wuow(opCtx); collection.getWritableCollection(opCtx)->init(opCtx); wuow.commit(); } auto protocol = IndexBuildProtocol::kTwoPhase; auto replIndexBuildState = std::make_shared( buildUUID, collection->uuid(), dbName, specs, protocol); Status status = activeIndexBuilds.registerIndexBuild(replIndexBuildState); if (!status.isOK()) { return status; } indexBuildsSSS.registered.addAndFetch(1); IndexBuildsManager::SetupOptions options; options.protocol = protocol; status = _indexBuildsManager.setUpIndexBuild( opCtx, collection, specs, buildUUID, MultiIndexBlock::kNoopOnInitFn, options, resumeInfo); if (!status.isOK()) { activeIndexBuilds.unregisterIndexBuild(&_indexBuildsManager, replIndexBuildState); } // Mark the index build setup as complete, from now on cleanup is required on failure/abort. replIndexBuildState->completeSetup(); return status; } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::waitForAllIndexBuildsToStopForShutdown(OperationContext* opCtx) { activeIndexBuilds.waitForAllIndexBuildsToStopForShutdown(opCtx); } std::vector IndexBuildsCoordinator::abortCollectionIndexBuilds( OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString collectionNss, const UUID collectionUUID, const std::string& reason) { auto collIndexBuilds = [&]() -> std::vector> { auto indexBuildFilter = [=](const auto& replState) { return collectionUUID == replState.collectionUUID; }; return activeIndexBuilds.filterIndexBuilds(indexBuildFilter); }(); if (collIndexBuilds.empty()) { return {}; } LOGV2(23879, "About to abort all index builders", logAttrs(collectionNss), "uuid"_attr = collectionUUID, "reason"_attr = reason); std::vector buildUUIDs; for (const auto& replState : collIndexBuilds) { if (abortIndexBuildByBuildUUID( opCtx, replState->buildUUID, IndexBuildAction::kPrimaryAbort, reason)) { buildUUIDs.push_back(replState->buildUUID); } } return buildUUIDs; } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::abortDatabaseIndexBuilds(OperationContext* opCtx, const DatabaseName& dbName, const std::string& reason) { LOGV2(4612302, "About to abort all index builders running for collections in the given database", "database"_attr = dbName, "reason"_attr = reason); auto builds = [&]() -> std::vector> { auto indexBuildFilter = [=](const auto& replState) { return dbName == replState.dbName; }; return activeIndexBuilds.filterIndexBuilds(indexBuildFilter); }(); for (const auto& replState : builds) { if (!abortIndexBuildByBuildUUID( opCtx, replState->buildUUID, IndexBuildAction::kPrimaryAbort, reason)) { // The index build may already be in the midst of tearing down. LOGV2(5010502, "Index build: failed to abort index build for database drop", "buildUUID"_attr = replState->buildUUID, "database"_attr = dbName, "collectionUUID"_attr = replState->collectionUUID); } } } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::_abortTenantIndexBuilds( OperationContext* opCtx, const std::vector>& builds, MigrationProtocolEnum protocol, const std::string& reason) { std::vector> buildsWaitingToFinish; buildsWaitingToFinish.reserve(builds.size()); const auto indexBuildActionStr = indexBuildActionToString(IndexBuildAction::kTenantMigrationAbort); for (const auto& replState : builds) { if (!abortIndexBuildByBuildUUID( opCtx, replState->buildUUID, IndexBuildAction::kTenantMigrationAbort, reason)) { // The index build may already be in the midst of tearing down. LOGV2(4886204, "Index build: failed to abort index build for tenant migration", "buildUUID"_attr = replState->buildUUID, logAttrs(replState->dbName), "collectionUUID"_attr = replState->collectionUUID, "buildAction"_attr = indexBuildActionStr); buildsWaitingToFinish.push_back(replState); } } for (const auto& replState : buildsWaitingToFinish) { LOGV2(6221600, "Waiting on the index build to unregister before continuing the tenant migration.", "buildUUID"_attr = replState->buildUUID, logAttrs(replState->dbName), "collectionUUID"_attr = replState->collectionUUID, "buildAction"_attr = indexBuildActionStr); awaitNoIndexBuildInProgressForCollection( opCtx, replState->collectionUUID, replState->protocol); } } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::abortTenantIndexBuilds(OperationContext* opCtx, MigrationProtocolEnum protocol, const boost::optional& tenantId, const std::string& reason) { const auto tenantIdStr = tenantId ? tenantId->toString() : ""; LOGV2(4886205, "About to abort all index builders running for collections belonging to the given tenant", "tenantId"_attr = tenantIdStr, "reason"_attr = reason); auto builds = [&]() -> std::vector> { auto indexBuildFilter = [=](const auto& replState) { // Abort *all* index builds at the start of shard merge. return repl::ClonerUtils::isDatabaseForTenant(replState.dbName, tenantId, protocol); }; return activeIndexBuilds.filterIndexBuilds(indexBuildFilter); }(); _abortTenantIndexBuilds(opCtx, builds, protocol, reason); } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::abortAllIndexBuildsForInitialSync(OperationContext* opCtx, const std::string& reason) { LOGV2(4833200, "About to abort all index builders running", "reason"_attr = reason); auto builds = [&]() -> std::vector> { auto indexBuildFilter = [](const auto& replState) { return true; }; return activeIndexBuilds.filterIndexBuilds(indexBuildFilter); }(); for (const auto& replState : builds) { if (!abortIndexBuildByBuildUUID( opCtx, replState->buildUUID, IndexBuildAction::kInitialSyncAbort, reason)) { // The index build may already be in the midst of tearing down. LOGV2(5010503, "Index build: failed to abort index build for initial sync", "buildUUID"_attr = replState->buildUUID, "database"_attr = replState->dbName, "collectionUUID"_attr = replState->collectionUUID); } } } namespace { // Interrupts the index builder thread and waits for it to clean up. Returns true if the index was // aborted, and false if it was already committed or aborted. bool forceSelfAbortIndexBuild(OperationContext* opCtx, std::shared_ptr& replState, Status reason) { if (!replState->forceSelfAbort(opCtx, reason)) { return false; } auto fut = replState->sharedPromise.getFuture(); auto waitStatus = fut.waitNoThrow(); // Result from waiting on future. auto buildStatus = fut.getNoThrow().getStatus(); // Result from _runIndexBuildInner(). LOGV2(7419401, "Index build: joined after forceful abort", "buildUUID"_attr = replState->buildUUID, "waitResult"_attr = waitStatus, "status"_attr = buildStatus); return true; } } // namespace void IndexBuildsCoordinator::abortAllIndexBuildsDueToDiskSpace(OperationContext* opCtx, std::int64_t availableBytes, std::int64_t requiredBytes) { auto builds = [&]() -> std::vector> { auto indexBuildFilter = [](const auto& replState) { return true; }; return activeIndexBuilds.filterIndexBuilds(indexBuildFilter); }(); auto abortStatus = Status(ErrorCodes::OutOfDiskSpace, fmt::format("available disk space of {} bytes is less than required minimum of {}", availableBytes, requiredBytes)); for (auto&& replState : builds) { // Signals the index build to abort iself, which may involve signalling the current primary. if (forceSelfAbortIndexBuild(opCtx, replState, abortStatus)) { // Increase metrics only if the build was actually aborted by the above call. indexBuildsSSS.killedDueToInsufficientDiskSpace.addAndFetch(1); LOGV2(7333601, "Index build: aborted due to insufficient disk space", "buildUUID"_attr = replState->buildUUID); } } } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::abortUserIndexBuildsForUserWriteBlocking(OperationContext* opCtx) { LOGV2(6511600, "About to abort index builders running on user databases for user write blocking"); auto builds = [&]() -> std::vector> { auto indexBuildFilter = [](const auto& replState) { return !NamespaceString(replState.dbName).isOnInternalDb(); }; return activeIndexBuilds.filterIndexBuilds(indexBuildFilter); }(); std::vector> buildsWaitingToFinish; for (const auto& replState : builds) { if (!abortIndexBuildByBuildUUID(opCtx, replState->buildUUID, IndexBuildAction::kPrimaryAbort, "User write blocking")) { // If the index build is already finishing and thus can't be aborted, we must wait on // it. LOGV2(6511601, "Index build: failed to abort index build for write blocking, will wait for " "completion instead", "buildUUID"_attr = replState->buildUUID, logAttrs(replState->dbName), "collectionUUID"_attr = replState->collectionUUID); buildsWaitingToFinish.push_back(replState); } } // Before returning, we must wait on all index builds which could not be aborted to finish. // Otherwise, index builds started before enabling user write block mode could commit after // enabling it. for (const auto& replState : buildsWaitingToFinish) { LOGV2(6511602, "Waiting on index build to finish for user write blocking", "buildUUID"_attr = replState->buildUUID, logAttrs(replState->dbName), "collectionUUID"_attr = replState->collectionUUID); awaitNoIndexBuildInProgressForCollection( opCtx, replState->collectionUUID, replState->protocol); } } namespace { NamespaceString getNsFromUUID(OperationContext* opCtx, const UUID& uuid) { auto catalog = CollectionCatalog::get(opCtx); auto nss = catalog->lookupNSSByUUID(opCtx, uuid); uassert(ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound, "No namespace with UUID " + uuid.toString(), nss); return *nss; } } // namespace void IndexBuildsCoordinator::applyStartIndexBuild(OperationContext* opCtx, ApplicationMode applicationMode, const IndexBuildOplogEntry& oplogEntry) { const auto collUUID = oplogEntry.collUUID; const auto nss = getNsFromUUID(opCtx, collUUID); IndexBuildsCoordinator::IndexBuildOptions indexBuildOptions; indexBuildOptions.applicationMode = applicationMode; // If this is an initial syncing node, drop any conflicting ready index specs prior to // proceeding with building them. if (indexBuildOptions.applicationMode == ApplicationMode::kInitialSync) { auto dbAndUUID = NamespaceStringOrUUID(nss.db().toString(), collUUID); writeConflictRetry(opCtx, "IndexBuildsCoordinator::applyStartIndexBuild", nss.ns(), [&] { WriteUnitOfWork wuow(opCtx); AutoGetCollection coll(opCtx, dbAndUUID, MODE_X); invariant(coll, str::stream() << "Collection with UUID " << collUUID << " was dropped."); IndexCatalog* indexCatalog = coll.getWritableCollection(opCtx)->getIndexCatalog(); for (const auto& spec : oplogEntry.indexSpecs) { std::string name = spec.getStringField(IndexDescriptor::kIndexNameFieldName).toString(); uassert(ErrorCodes::BadValue, str::stream() << "Index spec is missing the 'name' field " << spec, !name.empty()); if (auto desc = indexCatalog->findIndexByName( opCtx, name, IndexCatalog::InclusionPolicy::kReady)) { uassertStatusOK( indexCatalog->dropIndex(opCtx, coll.getWritableCollection(opCtx), desc)); } const IndexDescriptor* desc = indexCatalog->findIndexByKeyPatternAndOptions( opCtx, spec.getObjectField(IndexDescriptor::kKeyPatternFieldName), spec, IndexCatalog::InclusionPolicy::kReady); if (desc) { uassertStatusOK( indexCatalog->dropIndex(opCtx, coll.getWritableCollection(opCtx), desc)); } } wuow.commit(); }); } auto indexBuildsCoord = IndexBuildsCoordinator::get(opCtx); uassertStatusOK( indexBuildsCoord ->startIndexBuild(opCtx, nss.dbName(), collUUID, oplogEntry.indexSpecs, oplogEntry.buildUUID, /* This oplog entry is only replicated for two-phase index builds */ IndexBuildProtocol::kTwoPhase, indexBuildOptions) .getStatus()); } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::applyCommitIndexBuild(OperationContext* opCtx, const IndexBuildOplogEntry& oplogEntry) { const auto collUUID = oplogEntry.collUUID; const auto nss = getNsFromUUID(opCtx, collUUID); const auto& buildUUID = oplogEntry.buildUUID; updateCurOpForCommitOrAbort(opCtx, kCommitIndexBuildFieldName, buildUUID); // If this node's replica set config uses buildIndexes:false, then do not attempt to commit an // index that would have never been started. if (!repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(opCtx)->buildsIndexes()) { return; } uassert(31417, str::stream() << "No commit timestamp set while applying commitIndexBuild operation. Build UUID: " << buildUUID, !opCtx->recoveryUnit()->getCommitTimestamp().isNull()); // There is a possibility that we cannot find an active index build with the given build UUID. // This can be the case when: // - The index already exists during initial sync. // - The index was dropped on the sync source before the collection was cloned during initial // sync. // - A node is restarted with unfinished index builds and --recoverFromOplogAsStandalone. // The oplog code will ignore the NoSuchKey error code. // // Case 1: Index already exists: // +-----------------------------------------+--------------------------------+ // | Sync Target | Sync Source | // +-----------------------------------------+--------------------------------+ // | | startIndexBuild 'x' at TS: 1. | // | Start oplog fetcher at TS: 2. | | // | | commitIndexBuild 'x' at TS: 2. | // | Begin cloning the collection. | | // | Index 'x' is listed as ready, build it. | | // | Finish cloning the collection. | | // | Start the oplog replay phase. | | // | Apply commitIndexBuild 'x'. | | // | --- Index build not found --- | | // +-----------------------------------------+--------------------------------+ // // Case 2: Sync source dropped the index: // +--------------------------------+--------------------------------+ // | Sync Target | Sync Source | // +--------------------------------+--------------------------------+ // | | startIndexBuild 'x' at TS: 1. | // | Start oplog fetcher at TS: 2. | | // | | commitIndexBuild 'x' at TS: 2. | // | | dropIndex 'x' at TS: 3. | // | Begin cloning the collection. | | // | No user indexes to build. | | // | Finish cloning the collection. | | // | Start the oplog replay phase. | | // | Apply commitIndexBuild 'x'. | | // | --- Index build not found --- | | // +--------------------------------+--------------------------------+ // // Case 3: Node has unfinished index builds that are not restarted: // +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ // | Before Shutdown | After restart in standalone with | // | | --recoverFromOplogAsStandalone | // +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ // | startIndexBuild 'x' at TS: 1. | Recovery at TS: 1. | // | | - Unfinished index build is not restarted. | // | ***** Checkpoint taken ***** | | // | | Oplog replay operations starting with TS: 2. | // | commitIndexBuild 'x' at TS: 2. | Apply commitIndexBuild 'x' oplog entry at TS: 2.| // | | | // | | ------------ Index build not found ------------ | // +--------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ auto swReplState = _getIndexBuild(buildUUID); auto replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(opCtx); // Index builds are not restarted in standalone mode. If the node is started with // recoverFromOplogAsStandalone and when replaying the commitIndexBuild oplog entry for a paused // index, there is no active index build thread to commit. if (!swReplState.isOK() && replCoord->getSettings().shouldRecoverFromOplogAsStandalone()) { // Restart the 'paused' index build in the background. IndexBuilds buildsToRestart; IndexBuildDetails details{collUUID}; for (const auto& spec : oplogEntry.indexSpecs) { details.indexSpecs.emplace_back(spec.getOwned()); } buildsToRestart.insert({buildUUID, details}); restartIndexBuildsForRecovery(opCtx, buildsToRestart, /*buildsToResume=*/{}); // Get the builder. swReplState = _getIndexBuild(buildUUID); } auto replState = uassertStatusOK(swReplState); // Retry until we are able to put the index build in the kApplyCommitOplogEntry state. None of // the conditions for retrying are common or expected to be long-lived, so we believe this to be // safe to poll at this frequency. while (!_tryCommit(opCtx, replState)) { opCtx->sleepFor(Milliseconds(100)); } auto fut = replState->sharedPromise.getFuture(); auto waitStatus = fut.waitNoThrow(); // Result from waiting on future. auto buildStatus = fut.getNoThrow().getStatus(); // Result from _runIndexBuildInner(). LOGV2(20654, "Index build: joined after commit", "buildUUID"_attr = buildUUID, "waitResult"_attr = waitStatus, "status"_attr = buildStatus); // Throws if there was an error building the index. fut.get(); } bool IndexBuildsCoordinator::_tryCommit(OperationContext* opCtx, std::shared_ptr replState) { return replState->tryCommit(opCtx); } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::applyAbortIndexBuild(OperationContext* opCtx, const IndexBuildOplogEntry& oplogEntry) { const auto collUUID = oplogEntry.collUUID; const auto nss = getNsFromUUID(opCtx, collUUID); const auto& buildUUID = oplogEntry.buildUUID; updateCurOpForCommitOrAbort(opCtx, kCommitIndexBuildFieldName, buildUUID); invariant(oplogEntry.cause); uassert(31420, str::stream() << "No commit timestamp set while applying abortIndexBuild operation. Build UUID: " << buildUUID, !opCtx->recoveryUnit()->getCommitTimestamp().isNull()); std::string abortReason(str::stream() << "abortIndexBuild oplog entry encountered: " << *oplogEntry.cause); if (abortIndexBuildByBuildUUID(opCtx, buildUUID, IndexBuildAction::kOplogAbort, abortReason)) { return; } // The index build may already be in the midst of tearing down. LOGV2(5010504, "Index build: failed to abort index build while applying abortIndexBuild operation", "buildUUID"_attr = buildUUID, logAttrs(nss), "collectionUUID"_attr = collUUID, "cause"_attr = *oplogEntry.cause); auto replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(opCtx); if (replCoord->getSettings().shouldRecoverFromOplogAsStandalone()) { // Unfinished index builds are not restarted in standalone mode. That means there will be no // index builder threads to abort. Instead, we should drop the unfinished indexes that were // aborted. AutoGetCollection autoColl{opCtx, nss, MODE_X}; WriteUnitOfWork wuow(opCtx); auto indexCatalog = autoColl.getWritableCollection(opCtx)->getIndexCatalog(); for (const auto& indexSpec : oplogEntry.indexSpecs) { const IndexDescriptor* desc = indexCatalog->findIndexByName( opCtx, indexSpec.getStringField(IndexDescriptor::kIndexNameFieldName), IndexCatalog::InclusionPolicy::kReady | IndexCatalog::InclusionPolicy::kUnfinished | IndexCatalog::InclusionPolicy::kFrozen); LOGV2(6455400, "Dropping unfinished index during oplog recovery as standalone", "spec"_attr = indexSpec); invariant(desc && desc->getEntry()->isFrozen()); invariant(indexCatalog->dropUnfinishedIndex( opCtx, autoColl.getWritableCollection(opCtx), desc)); } wuow.commit(); return; } } boost::optional IndexBuildsCoordinator::abortIndexBuildByIndexNames( OperationContext* opCtx, const UUID& collectionUUID, const std::vector& indexNames, std::string reason) { boost::optional buildUUID; auto indexBuilds = _getIndexBuilds(); auto onIndexBuild = [&](const std::shared_ptr& replState) { if (replState->collectionUUID != collectionUUID) { return; } bool matchedBuilder = std::is_permutation(indexNames.begin(), indexNames.end(), replState->indexNames.begin(), replState->indexNames.end()); if (!matchedBuilder) { return; } LOGV2(23880, "About to abort index builder", "buildUUID"_attr = replState->buildUUID, "collectionUUID"_attr = collectionUUID, "firstIndex"_attr = replState->indexNames.front()); if (abortIndexBuildByBuildUUID( opCtx, replState->buildUUID, IndexBuildAction::kPrimaryAbort, reason)) { buildUUID = replState->buildUUID; } }; forEachIndexBuild( indexBuilds, "IndexBuildsCoordinator::abortIndexBuildByIndexNames"_sd, onIndexBuild); return buildUUID; } bool IndexBuildsCoordinator::hasIndexBuilder(OperationContext* opCtx, const UUID& collectionUUID, const std::vector& indexNames) const { bool foundIndexBuilder = false; boost::optional buildUUID; auto indexBuilds = _getIndexBuilds(); auto onIndexBuild = [&](const std::shared_ptr& replState) { if (replState->collectionUUID != collectionUUID) { return; } bool matchedBuilder = std::is_permutation(indexNames.begin(), indexNames.end(), replState->indexNames.begin(), replState->indexNames.end()); if (!matchedBuilder) { return; } foundIndexBuilder = true; }; forEachIndexBuild(indexBuilds, "IndexBuildsCoordinator::hasIndexBuilder"_sd, onIndexBuild); return foundIndexBuilder; } bool IndexBuildsCoordinator::abortIndexBuildByBuildUUID(OperationContext* opCtx, const UUID& buildUUID, IndexBuildAction signalAction, std::string reason) { std::shared_ptr replState; bool retry = false; while (true) { // Retry until we are able to put the index build into the kAborted state. None of the // conditions for retrying are common or expected to be long-lived, so we believe this to be // safe to poll at this frequency. if (retry) { opCtx->sleepFor(Milliseconds(1000)); retry = false; } // It is possible to receive an abort for a non-existent index build. Abort should always // succeed, so suppress the error. auto replStateResult = _getIndexBuild(buildUUID); if (!replStateResult.isOK()) { LOGV2(20656, "Ignoring error while aborting index build", "buildUUID"_attr = buildUUID, "error"_attr = replStateResult.getStatus()); return false; } replState = replStateResult.getValue(); LOGV2(4656010, "Attempting to abort index build", "buildUUID"_attr = replState->buildUUID); const NamespaceStringOrUUID dbAndUUID(replState->dbName, replState->collectionUUID); // Only on single phase builds, skip RSTL to avoid deadlocks with prepare conflicts and // state transitions caused by taking a strong collection lock. See SERVER-42621. Lock::DBLockSkipOptions lockOptions{/*.skipFlowControlTicket=*/false, /*.skipRSTLLock=*/IndexBuildProtocol::kSinglePhase == replState->protocol}; Lock::DBLock dbLock(opCtx, replState->dbName, MODE_IX, Date_t::max(), lockOptions); CollectionNamespaceOrUUIDLock collLock(opCtx, dbAndUUID, MODE_X); AutoGetCollection indexBuildEntryColl( opCtx, NamespaceString::kIndexBuildEntryNamespace, MODE_IX); // If we are using two-phase index builds and are no longer primary after receiving an // abort, we cannot replicate an abortIndexBuild oplog entry. Continue holding the RSTL to // check the replication state and to prevent any state transitions from happening while // aborting the index build. Once an index build is put into kAborted, the index builder // thread will be torn down, and an oplog entry must be replicated. Single-phase builds do // not have this restriction and may be aborted after a stepDown. Initial syncing nodes need // to be able to abort two phase index builds during the oplog replay phase. if (IndexBuildProtocol::kTwoPhase == replState->protocol) { // The DBLock helper takes the RSTL implicitly. invariant(opCtx->lockState()->isRSTLLocked()); // Override the 'signalAction' as this is an initial syncing node. // Don't override it if it's a rollback abort which would be explictly requested // by the initial sync code. auto replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(opCtx); if (replCoord->getMemberState().startup2() && IndexBuildAction::kRollbackAbort != signalAction) { LOGV2_DEBUG(4665902, 1, "Overriding abort 'signalAction' for initial sync", "from"_attr = signalAction, "to"_attr = IndexBuildAction::kInitialSyncAbort); signalAction = IndexBuildAction::kInitialSyncAbort; } if ((IndexBuildAction::kPrimaryAbort == signalAction || IndexBuildAction::kTenantMigrationAbort == signalAction) && !replCoord->canAcceptWritesFor(opCtx, dbAndUUID)) { uassertStatusOK({ErrorCodes::NotWritablePrimary, str::stream() << "Unable to abort index build because we are not primary: " << buildUUID}); } } auto tryAbortResult = replState->tryAbort(opCtx, signalAction, reason); switch (tryAbortResult) { case ReplIndexBuildState::TryAbortResult::kNotAborted: return false; case ReplIndexBuildState::TryAbortResult::kAlreadyAborted: return true; case ReplIndexBuildState::TryAbortResult::kRetry: case ReplIndexBuildState::TryAbortResult::kContinueAbort: break; } if (ReplIndexBuildState::TryAbortResult::kRetry == tryAbortResult) { retry = true; continue; } invariant(ReplIndexBuildState::TryAbortResult::kContinueAbort == tryAbortResult); if (MONGO_unlikely(hangBeforeCompletingAbort.shouldFail())) { LOGV2(4806200, "Hanging before completing index build abort"); hangBeforeCompletingAbort.pauseWhileSet(); } // At this point we must continue aborting the index build. try { _completeAbort(opCtx, replState, *indexBuildEntryColl, signalAction, {ErrorCodes::IndexBuildAborted, reason}); } catch (const DBException& e) { LOGV2_FATAL( 4656011, "Failed to abort index build after partially tearing-down index build state", "buildUUID"_attr = replState->buildUUID, "error"_attr = e); } // Wait for the builder thread to receive the signal before unregistering. Don't release the // Collection lock until this happens, guaranteeing the thread has stopped making progress // and has exited. auto fut = replState->sharedPromise.getFuture(); auto waitStatus = fut.waitNoThrow(); // Result from waiting on future. auto buildStatus = fut.getNoThrow().getStatus(); // Result from _runIndexBuildInner(). LOGV2(20655, "Index build: joined after abort", "buildUUID"_attr = buildUUID, "waitResult"_attr = waitStatus, "status"_attr = buildStatus); if (IndexBuildAction::kRollbackAbort == signalAction) { // Index builds interrupted for rollback may be resumed during recovery. We wait for the // builder thread to complete before persisting the in-memory state that will be used // to resume the index build. // No locks are required when aborting due to rollback. This performs no storage engine // writes, only cleans up the remaining in-memory state. CollectionWriter coll(opCtx, replState->collectionUUID); _indexBuildsManager.abortIndexBuildWithoutCleanup( opCtx, coll.get(), replState->buildUUID, replState->isResumable()); } activeIndexBuilds.unregisterIndexBuild(&_indexBuildsManager, replState); break; } return true; } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::_completeAbort(OperationContext* opCtx, std::shared_ptr replState, const CollectionPtr& indexBuildEntryCollection, IndexBuildAction signalAction, Status reason) { if (!replState->isAbortCleanUpRequired()) { LOGV2(7329402, "Index build: abort cleanup not required", "action"_attr = indexBuildActionToString(signalAction), "buildUUID"_attr = replState->buildUUID, "collectionUUID"_attr = replState->collectionUUID); return; } CollectionWriter coll(opCtx, replState->collectionUUID); const NamespaceStringOrUUID dbAndUUID(replState->dbName, replState->collectionUUID); auto nss = coll->ns(); auto replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(opCtx); switch (signalAction) { // Replicates an abortIndexBuild oplog entry and deletes the index from the durable catalog. case IndexBuildAction::kTenantMigrationAbort: case IndexBuildAction::kPrimaryAbort: { // Single-phase builds are aborted on step-down, so it's possible to no longer be // primary after we process an abort. We must continue with the abort, but since // single-phase builds do not replicate abort oplog entries, this write will use a ghost // timestamp. bool isPrimaryOrSinglePhase = replState->protocol == IndexBuildProtocol::kSinglePhase || replCoord->canAcceptWritesFor(opCtx, nss); invariant(isPrimaryOrSinglePhase, str::stream() << "singlePhase: " << (IndexBuildProtocol::kSinglePhase == replState->protocol)); auto onCleanUpFn = [&] { onAbortIndexBuild(opCtx, coll->ns(), *replState, reason); }; _indexBuildsManager.abortIndexBuild(opCtx, coll, replState->buildUUID, onCleanUpFn); removeIndexBuildEntryAfterCommitOrAbort( opCtx, dbAndUUID, indexBuildEntryCollection, *replState); break; } // Deletes the index from the durable catalog. case IndexBuildAction::kInitialSyncAbort: { invariant(replState->protocol == IndexBuildProtocol::kTwoPhase); invariant(replCoord->getMemberState().startup2()); bool isPrimary = replCoord->canAcceptWritesFor(opCtx, nss); invariant(!isPrimary, str::stream() << "Index build: " << replState->buildUUID); auto abortReason = replState->getAbortReason(); LOGV2(4665903, "Aborting index build during initial sync", "buildUUID"_attr = replState->buildUUID, "abortReason"_attr = abortReason, "collectionUUID"_attr = replState->collectionUUID); _indexBuildsManager.abortIndexBuild( opCtx, coll, replState->buildUUID, MultiIndexBlock::kNoopOnCleanUpFn); break; } // Deletes the index from the durable catalog. case IndexBuildAction::kOplogAbort: { invariant(IndexBuildProtocol::kTwoPhase == replState->protocol); replState->onOplogAbort(opCtx, nss); _indexBuildsManager.abortIndexBuild( opCtx, coll, replState->buildUUID, MultiIndexBlock::kNoopOnCleanUpFn); break; } case IndexBuildAction::kRollbackAbort: { invariant(replState->protocol == IndexBuildProtocol::kTwoPhase); // File copy based initial sync does a rollback-like operation, so we allow STARTUP2 // to abort as well as rollback. invariant(replCoord->getMemberState().rollback() || replCoord->getMemberState().startup2()); // Defer cleanup until builder thread is joined. break; } case IndexBuildAction::kNoAction: case IndexBuildAction::kCommitQuorumSatisfied: case IndexBuildAction::kOplogCommit: case IndexBuildAction::kSinglePhaseCommit: MONGO_UNREACHABLE; } LOGV2(465611, "Cleaned up index build after abort. ", "buildUUID"_attr = replState->buildUUID); } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::_completeSelfAbort(OperationContext* opCtx, std::shared_ptr replState, const CollectionPtr& indexBuildEntryCollection, Status reason) { _completeAbort( opCtx, replState, indexBuildEntryCollection, IndexBuildAction::kPrimaryAbort, reason); replState->abortSelf(opCtx); activeIndexBuilds.unregisterIndexBuild(&_indexBuildsManager, replState); } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::_completeAbortForShutdown( OperationContext* opCtx, std::shared_ptr replState, const CollectionPtr& collection) { // Leave it as-if kill -9 happened. Startup recovery will restart the index build. _indexBuildsManager.abortIndexBuildWithoutCleanup( opCtx, collection, replState->buildUUID, replState->isResumable()); replState->abortForShutdown(opCtx); activeIndexBuilds.unregisterIndexBuild(&_indexBuildsManager, replState); } std::size_t IndexBuildsCoordinator::getActiveIndexBuildCount(OperationContext* opCtx) { auto indexBuilds = _getIndexBuilds(); // We use forEachIndexBuild() to log basic details on the current index builds and don't intend // to modify any of the index builds, hence the no-op. forEachIndexBuild(indexBuilds, "IndexBuildsCoordinator::getActiveIndexBuildCount"_sd, nullptr); return indexBuilds.size(); } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::onStepUp(OperationContext* opCtx) { if (MONGO_unlikely(hangIndexBuildOnStepUp.shouldFail())) { LOGV2(4753600, "Hanging due to hangIndexBuildOnStepUp fail point"); hangIndexBuildOnStepUp.pauseWhileSet(); } LOGV2(20657, "IndexBuildsCoordinator::onStepUp - this node is stepping up to primary"); // This would create an empty table even for FCV 4.2 to handle case where a primary node started // with FCV 4.2, and then upgraded FCV 4.4. indexbuildentryhelpers::ensureIndexBuildEntriesNamespaceExists(opCtx); if (_stepUpThread.joinable()) { // Under normal circumstances this should not result in a wait. The thread's opCtx should // be interrupted on replication state change, or finish while being primary. If this // results in a wait, it means the thread which started in the previous stepUp did not yet // exit. It should eventually exit. _stepUpThread.join(); } PromiseAndFuture promiseAndFuture; _stepUpThread = stdx::thread([this, &promiseAndFuture] { Client::initThread("IndexBuildsCoordinator-StepUp"); auto threadCtx = Client::getCurrent()->makeOperationContext(); threadCtx->setAlwaysInterruptAtStepDownOrUp_UNSAFE(); promiseAndFuture.promise.emplaceValue(); _onStepUpAsyncTaskFn(threadCtx.get()); return; }); // Wait until the async thread has started and marked its opCtx to always be interrupted at // step-down. We ensure the RSTL is taken and no interrupts are lost. promiseAndFuture.future.wait(opCtx); } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::_onStepUpAsyncTaskFn(OperationContext* opCtx) { auto indexBuilds = _getIndexBuilds(); const auto signalCommitQuorumAndRetrySkippedRecords = [this, opCtx](const std::shared_ptr& replState) { if (replState->protocol != IndexBuildProtocol::kTwoPhase) { return; } // We don't need to check if we are primary because the opCtx is interrupted at // stepdown, so it is guaranteed that if taking the locks succeeds, we are primary. // Take an intent lock, the actual index build should keep running in parallel. // This also prevents the concurrent index build from aborting or committing // while we check if the commit quorum has to be signaled or check the skipped records. const NamespaceStringOrUUID dbAndUUID(replState->dbName, replState->collectionUUID); AutoGetCollection autoColl(opCtx, dbAndUUID, MODE_IX); // The index build might have committed or aborted while looping and not holding the // collection lock. Re-checking if it is still active after taking locks would not solve // the issue, as build can still be registered as active, even if it is in an aborted or // committed state. if (replState->isAborting() || replState->isAborted() || replState->isCommitted()) { return; } if (!_signalIfCommitQuorumNotEnabled(opCtx, replState)) { // This reads from system.indexBuilds collection to see if commit quorum got // satisfied. try { if (_signalIfCommitQuorumIsSatisfied(opCtx, replState)) { // The index build has been signalled to commit. As retrying skipped records // during step-up is done to prevent waiting until commit time, if the build // has already been signalled to commit, we may skip the retry during // step-up. return; } } catch (DBException& ex) { fassert(31440, ex.toStatus()); } } try { // Only checks if key generation is valid, does not actually insert. uassertStatusOK(_indexBuildsManager.retrySkippedRecords( opCtx, replState->buildUUID, autoColl.getCollection(), IndexBuildsManager::RetrySkippedRecordMode::kKeyGeneration)); } catch (const DBException& ex) { // Shutdown or replication state change might happen while iterating the index // builds. In both cases, the opCtx is interrupted, in which case we want to stop // the verification process and exit. This might also be the case for a killOp. opCtx->checkForInterrupt(); // All other errors must be due to key generation. We can abort the build early as // it would eventually fail anyways during the commit phase retry. auto status = ex.toStatus().withContext("Skipped records retry failed on step-up"); abortIndexBuildByBuildUUID( opCtx, replState->buildUUID, IndexBuildAction::kPrimaryAbort, status.reason()); } }; try { forEachIndexBuild(indexBuilds, "IndexBuildsCoordinator::_onStepUpAsyncTaskFn"_sd, signalCommitQuorumAndRetrySkippedRecords); } catch (const DBException& ex) { LOGV2_DEBUG(7333100, 1, "Step-up retry of skipped records for all index builds interrupted", "exception"_attr = ex); } LOGV2(7508300, "Finished performing asynchronous step-up checks on index builds"); } IndexBuilds IndexBuildsCoordinator::stopIndexBuildsForRollback(OperationContext* opCtx) { LOGV2(20658, "Stopping index builds before rollback"); IndexBuilds buildsStopped; auto indexBuilds = _getIndexBuilds(); auto onIndexBuild = [&](const std::shared_ptr& replState) { if (IndexBuildProtocol::kSinglePhase == replState->protocol) { LOGV2(20659, "Not stopping single phase index build", "buildUUID"_attr = replState->buildUUID); return; } // This will unblock the index build and allow it to complete without cleaning up. // Subsequently, the rollback algorithm can decide how to undo the index build depending on // the state of the oplog. Signals the kRollbackAbort and then waits for the thread to join. const std::string reason = "rollback"; if (!abortIndexBuildByBuildUUID( opCtx, replState->buildUUID, IndexBuildAction::kRollbackAbort, reason)) { // The index build may already be in the midst of tearing down. // Leave this index build out of 'buildsStopped'. LOGV2(5010505, "Index build: failed to abort index build before rollback", "buildUUID"_attr = replState->buildUUID, "database"_attr = replState->dbName, "collectionUUID"_attr = replState->collectionUUID); return; } IndexBuildDetails aborted{replState->collectionUUID}; // Record the index builds aborted due to rollback. This allows any rollback algorithm // to efficiently restart all unfinished index builds without having to scan all indexes // in all collections. for (const auto& spec : replState->indexSpecs) { aborted.indexSpecs.emplace_back(spec.getOwned()); } buildsStopped.insert({replState->buildUUID, aborted}); }; forEachIndexBuild( indexBuilds, "IndexBuildsCoordinator::stopIndexBuildsForRollback"_sd, onIndexBuild); return buildsStopped; } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::restartIndexBuildsForRecovery( OperationContext* opCtx, const IndexBuilds& buildsToRestart, const std::vector& buildsToResume) { auto catalog = CollectionCatalog::get(opCtx); stdx::unordered_set successfullyResumed; for (const auto& resumeInfo : buildsToResume) { auto buildUUID = resumeInfo.getBuildUUID(); auto collUUID = resumeInfo.getCollectionUUID(); boost::optional nss = catalog->lookupNSSByUUID(opCtx, resumeInfo.getCollectionUUID()); invariant(nss); std::vector indexSpecs; indexSpecs.reserve(resumeInfo.getIndexes().size()); for (const auto& index : resumeInfo.getIndexes()) { indexSpecs.push_back(index.getSpec()); } LOGV2(4841700, "Index build: resuming", "buildUUID"_attr = buildUUID, "collectionUUID"_attr = collUUID, logAttrs(nss.value()), "details"_attr = resumeInfo.toBSON()); try { // This spawns a new thread and returns immediately. These index builds will resume and // wait for a commit or abort to be replicated. [[maybe_unused]] auto fut = uassertStatusOK(resumeIndexBuild( opCtx, nss->dbName(), collUUID, indexSpecs, buildUUID, resumeInfo)); successfullyResumed.insert(buildUUID); } catch (const DBException& e) { LOGV2(4841701, "Index build: failed to resume, restarting instead", "buildUUID"_attr = buildUUID, "collectionUUID"_attr = collUUID, logAttrs(*nss), "error"_attr = e); // Clean up the persisted Sorter data since resuming failed. for (const auto& index : resumeInfo.getIndexes()) { if (!index.getFileName()) { continue; } LOGV2(5043100, "Index build: removing resumable temp file", "buildUUID"_attr = buildUUID, "collectionUUID"_attr = collUUID, logAttrs(*nss), "file"_attr = index.getFileName()); boost::system::error_code ec; boost::filesystem::remove( storageGlobalParams.dbpath + "/_tmp/" + index.getFileName()->toString(), ec); if (ec) { LOGV2(5043101, "Index build: failed to remove resumable temp file", "buildUUID"_attr = buildUUID, "collectionUUID"_attr = collUUID, logAttrs(*nss), "file"_attr = index.getFileName(), "error"_attr = ec.message()); } } } } for (auto& [buildUUID, build] : buildsToRestart) { // Don't restart an index build that was already resumed. if (successfullyResumed.contains(buildUUID)) { continue; } boost::optional nss = catalog->lookupNSSByUUID(opCtx, build.collUUID); invariant(nss); LOGV2(20660, "Index build: restarting", "buildUUID"_attr = buildUUID, "collectionUUID"_attr = build.collUUID, logAttrs(nss.value())); IndexBuildsCoordinator::IndexBuildOptions indexBuildOptions; // Indicate that the initialization should not generate oplog entries or timestamps for the // first catalog write, and that the original durable catalog entries should be dropped and // replaced. indexBuildOptions.applicationMode = ApplicationMode::kStartupRepair; // This spawns a new thread and returns immediately. These index builds will start and wait // for a commit or abort to be replicated. [[maybe_unused]] auto fut = uassertStatusOK(startIndexBuild(opCtx, nss->dbName(), build.collUUID, build.indexSpecs, buildUUID, IndexBuildProtocol::kTwoPhase, indexBuildOptions)); } } bool IndexBuildsCoordinator::noIndexBuildInProgress() const { return activeIndexBuilds.getActiveIndexBuilds() == 0; } int IndexBuildsCoordinator::numInProgForDb(const DatabaseName& dbName) const { auto indexBuildFilter = [dbName](const auto& replState) { return dbName == replState.dbName; }; auto dbIndexBuilds = activeIndexBuilds.filterIndexBuilds(indexBuildFilter); return int(dbIndexBuilds.size()); } bool IndexBuildsCoordinator::inProgForCollection(const UUID& collectionUUID, IndexBuildProtocol protocol) const { auto indexBuildFilter = [=](const auto& replState) { return collectionUUID == replState.collectionUUID && protocol == replState.protocol; }; auto indexBuilds = activeIndexBuilds.filterIndexBuilds(indexBuildFilter); return !indexBuilds.empty(); } bool IndexBuildsCoordinator::inProgForCollection(const UUID& collectionUUID) const { auto indexBuilds = activeIndexBuilds.filterIndexBuilds( [=](const auto& replState) { return collectionUUID == replState.collectionUUID; }); return !indexBuilds.empty(); } bool IndexBuildsCoordinator::inProgForDb(const DatabaseName& dbName) const { return numInProgForDb(dbName) > 0; } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::assertNoIndexBuildInProgress() const { activeIndexBuilds.assertNoIndexBuildInProgress(); } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::assertNoIndexBuildInProgForCollection( const UUID& collectionUUID) const { boost::optional firstIndexBuildUUID; auto indexBuilds = activeIndexBuilds.filterIndexBuilds([&](const auto& replState) { auto isIndexBuildForCollection = (collectionUUID == replState.collectionUUID); if (isIndexBuildForCollection && !firstIndexBuildUUID) { firstIndexBuildUUID = replState.buildUUID; }; return isIndexBuildForCollection; }); uassert(ErrorCodes::BackgroundOperationInProgressForNamespace, fmt::format("cannot perform operation: an index build is currently running for " "collection with UUID: {}. Found index build: {}", collectionUUID.toString(), firstIndexBuildUUID->toString()), indexBuilds.empty()); } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::assertNoBgOpInProgForDb(const DatabaseName& dbName) const { boost::optional firstIndexBuildUUID; auto indexBuilds = activeIndexBuilds.filterIndexBuilds([&](const auto& replState) { auto isIndexBuildForCollection = (dbName == replState.dbName); if (isIndexBuildForCollection && !firstIndexBuildUUID) { firstIndexBuildUUID = replState.buildUUID; }; return isIndexBuildForCollection; }); uassert(ErrorCodes::BackgroundOperationInProgressForDatabase, fmt::format("cannot perform operation: an index build is currently running for " "database {}. Found index build: {}", dbName.toStringForErrorMsg(), firstIndexBuildUUID->toString()), indexBuilds.empty()); } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::awaitNoIndexBuildInProgressForCollection(OperationContext* opCtx, const UUID& collectionUUID, IndexBuildProtocol protocol) { activeIndexBuilds.awaitNoIndexBuildInProgressForCollection(opCtx, collectionUUID, protocol); } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::awaitNoIndexBuildInProgressForCollection(OperationContext* opCtx, const UUID& collectionUUID) { activeIndexBuilds.awaitNoIndexBuildInProgressForCollection(opCtx, collectionUUID); } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::awaitNoBgOpInProgForDb(OperationContext* opCtx, const DatabaseName& dbName) { activeIndexBuilds.awaitNoBgOpInProgForDb(opCtx, dbName); } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::waitUntilAnIndexBuildFinishes(OperationContext* opCtx) { activeIndexBuilds.waitUntilAnIndexBuildFinishes(opCtx); } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::appendBuildInfo(const UUID& buildUUID, BSONObjBuilder* builder) const { _indexBuildsManager.appendBuildInfo(buildUUID, builder); activeIndexBuilds.appendBuildInfo(buildUUID, builder); } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::createIndex(OperationContext* opCtx, UUID collectionUUID, const BSONObj& spec, IndexBuildsManager::IndexConstraints indexConstraints, bool fromMigrate) { CollectionWriter collection(opCtx, collectionUUID); invariant(collection, str::stream() << "IndexBuildsCoordinator::createIndexes: " << collectionUUID); auto nss = collection->ns(); invariant(opCtx->lockState()->isCollectionLockedForMode(nss, MODE_X), str::stream() << "IndexBuildsCoordinator::createIndexes: " << collectionUUID); auto buildUUID = UUID::gen(); // Rest of this function can throw, so ensure the build cleanup occurs. ON_BLOCK_EXIT([&] { _indexBuildsManager.tearDownAndUnregisterIndexBuild(buildUUID); }); try { auto onInitFn = MultiIndexBlock::makeTimestampedIndexOnInitFn(opCtx, collection.get()); IndexBuildsManager::SetupOptions options; options.indexConstraints = indexConstraints; // As the caller has a MODE_X lock on the collection, we can safely assume they want to // build the index in the foreground instead of yielding during element insertion. options.method = IndexBuildMethod::kForeground; uassertStatusOK(_indexBuildsManager.setUpIndexBuild( opCtx, collection, {spec}, buildUUID, onInitFn, options)); } catch (DBException& ex) { const auto& status = ex.toStatus(); if (IndexBuildsCoordinator::isCreateIndexesErrorSafeToIgnore(status, indexConstraints)) { LOGV2_DEBUG(4718200, 1, "Ignoring indexing error", "error"_attr = redact(status), logAttrs(nss), "collectionUUID"_attr = collectionUUID, "spec"_attr = spec); return; } throw; } ScopeGuard abortOnExit([&] { // A timestamped transaction is needed to perform a catalog write that removes the index // entry when aborting the single-phase index build for tenant migrations only. auto onCleanUpFn = MultiIndexBlock::makeTimestampedOnCleanUpFn(opCtx, collection.get()); _indexBuildsManager.abortIndexBuild(opCtx, collection, buildUUID, onCleanUpFn); }); uassertStatusOK(_indexBuildsManager.startBuildingIndex(opCtx, collection.get(), buildUUID)); auto opObserver = opCtx->getServiceContext()->getOpObserver(); auto onCreateEachFn = [&](const BSONObj& spec) { opObserver->onCreateIndex(opCtx, collection->ns(), collectionUUID, spec, fromMigrate); }; auto onCommitFn = MultiIndexBlock::kNoopOnCommitFn; uassertStatusOK(_indexBuildsManager.commitIndexBuild( opCtx, collection, nss, buildUUID, onCreateEachFn, onCommitFn)); abortOnExit.dismiss(); } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::createIndexesOnEmptyCollection(OperationContext* opCtx, CollectionWriter& collection, const std::vector& specs, bool fromMigrate) { auto collectionUUID = collection->uuid(); invariant(collection, str::stream() << collectionUUID); invariant(collection->isEmpty(opCtx), str::stream() << collectionUUID); invariant(!specs.empty(), str::stream() << collectionUUID); auto nss = collection->ns(); CollectionCatalog::get(opCtx)->invariantHasExclusiveAccessToCollection(opCtx, collection->ns()); auto opObserver = opCtx->getServiceContext()->getOpObserver(); auto indexCatalog = collection.getWritableCollection(opCtx)->getIndexCatalog(); // Always run single phase index build for empty collection. And, will be coordinated using // createIndexes oplog entry. for (const auto& spec : specs) { if (spec.hasField(IndexDescriptor::kClusteredFieldName) && spec.getBoolField(IndexDescriptor::kClusteredFieldName)) { // The index is already built implicitly. continue; } // Each index will be added to the mdb catalog using the preceding createIndexes // timestamp. opObserver->onCreateIndex(opCtx, nss, collectionUUID, spec, fromMigrate); uassertStatusOK(indexCatalog->createIndexOnEmptyCollection( opCtx, collection.getWritableCollection(opCtx), spec)); } } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::sleepIndexBuilds_forTestOnly(bool sleep) { activeIndexBuilds.sleepIndexBuilds_forTestOnly(sleep); } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::verifyNoIndexBuilds_forTestOnly() const { activeIndexBuilds.verifyNoIndexBuilds_forTestOnly(); } // static void IndexBuildsCoordinator::updateCurOpOpDescription(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss, const std::vector& indexSpecs, boost::optional curOpDesc) { BSONObjBuilder builder; // If the collection namespace is provided, add a 'createIndexes' field with the collection name // to allow tests to identify this op as an index build. if (!nss.isEmpty()) { builder.append(kCreateIndexesFieldName, nss.coll()); } // If index specs are provided, add them under the 'indexes' field. if (!indexSpecs.empty()) { BSONArrayBuilder indexesBuilder; for (const auto& spec : indexSpecs) { indexesBuilder.append(spec); } builder.append(kIndexesFieldName, indexesBuilder.arr()); } stdx::unique_lock lk(*opCtx->getClient()); auto curOp = CurOp::get(opCtx); builder.appendElementsUnique(curOpDesc ? curOpDesc.value() : curOp->opDescription()); auto opDescObj = builder.obj(); curOp->setLogicalOp_inlock(LogicalOp::opCommand); curOp->setOpDescription_inlock(opDescObj); curOp->setNS_inlock(nss); curOp->ensureStarted(); } Status IndexBuildsCoordinator::_setUpIndexBuildForTwoPhaseRecovery( OperationContext* opCtx, const DatabaseName& dbName, const UUID& collectionUUID, const std::vector& specs, const UUID& buildUUID) { NamespaceStringOrUUID nssOrUuid{dbName, collectionUUID}; if (opCtx->recoveryUnit()->isActive()) { // This function is shared by multiple callers. Some of which have opened a transaction to // perform reads. This function may make mixed-mode writes. Mixed-mode assertions can only // be suppressed when beginning a fresh transaction. opCtx->recoveryUnit()->abandonSnapshot(); } // Don't use the AutoGet helpers because they require an open database, which may not be the // case when an index builds is restarted during recovery. Lock::DBLock dbLock(opCtx, dbName, MODE_IX); CollectionNamespaceOrUUIDLock collLock(opCtx, nssOrUuid, MODE_X); auto collection = CollectionCatalog::get(opCtx)->lookupCollectionByUUID(opCtx, collectionUUID); invariant(collection); const auto& nss = collection->ns(); const auto protocol = IndexBuildProtocol::kTwoPhase; return _startIndexBuildForRecovery(opCtx, nss, specs, buildUUID, protocol); } StatusWith> IndexBuildsCoordinator::_acquireExclusiveLockWithRSTLRetry(OperationContext* opCtx, ReplIndexBuildState* replState, bool retry) { while (true) { // Skip the check for sharding's critical section check as it can only be acquired during a // `movePrimary` or drop database operations. The only operation that would affect the index // build is when the collection's data needs to get modified, but the only modification // possible is to delete the entire collection, which will cause the index to be dropped. Lock::DBLockSkipOptions lockOptions{/*.skipFlowControlTicket=*/false, /*.skipRSTLLock=*/true}; Lock::DBLock dbLock{opCtx, replState->dbName, MODE_IX, Date_t::max(), lockOptions}; CollectionNamespaceOrUUIDLock collLock{ opCtx, {replState->dbName, replState->collectionUUID}, MODE_X}; // If we can't acquire the RSTL within a given time period, there is an active state // transition and we should release our locks and try again. We would otherwise introduce a // deadlock with step-up by holding the Collection lock in exclusive mode. After it has // enqueued its RSTL X lock, step-up tries to reacquire the Collection locks for prepared // transactions, which will conflict with the X lock we currently hold. repl::ReplicationStateTransitionLockGuard rstl{ opCtx, MODE_IX, repl::ReplicationStateTransitionLockGuard::EnqueueOnly{}}; try { // Since this thread is not killable by state transitions, this deadline is // effectively the longest period of time we can block a state transition. State // transitions are infrequent, but need to happen quickly. It should be okay to set // this to a low value because the RSTL is rarely contended and, if this does time // out, we will retry. rstl.waitForLockUntil(Date_t::now() + Milliseconds{10}); } catch (const ExceptionFor& ex) { if (!retry) { return ex.toStatus(); } // We weren't able to re-acquire the RSTL within the timeout, which means there is // an active state transition. Release our locks and try again from the beginning. LOGV2(7119100, "Unable to acquire RSTL for index build within deadline, releasing " "locks and trying again", "buildUUID"_attr = replState->buildUUID); continue; } return std::make_tuple(std::move(dbLock), std::move(collLock), std::move(rstl)); } } StatusWith>> IndexBuildsCoordinator::_filterSpecsAndRegisterBuild(OperationContext* opCtx, const DatabaseName& dbName, const UUID& collectionUUID, const std::vector& specs, const UUID& buildUUID, IndexBuildProtocol protocol) { // AutoGetCollection throws an exception if it is unable to look up the collection by UUID. NamespaceStringOrUUID nssOrUuid{dbName, collectionUUID}; AutoGetCollection autoColl(opCtx, nssOrUuid, MODE_X); CollectionWriter collection(opCtx, autoColl); const auto& nss = collection.get()->ns(); { // Disallow index builds on drop-pending namespaces (system.drop.*) if we are primary. auto replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(opCtx); if (replCoord->getSettings().usingReplSets() && replCoord->canAcceptWritesFor(opCtx, nssOrUuid)) { uassert(ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound, str::stream() << "drop-pending collection: " << nss.toStringForErrorMsg(), !nss.isDropPendingNamespace()); } // This check is for optimization purposes only as since this lock is released after this, // and is acquired again when we build the index in _setUpIndexBuild. auto scopedCss = CollectionShardingState::assertCollectionLockedAndAcquire(opCtx, nss); scopedCss->checkShardVersionOrThrow(opCtx); scopedCss->getCollectionDescription(opCtx).throwIfReshardingInProgress(nss); } std::vector filteredSpecs; try { filteredSpecs = prepareSpecListForCreate(opCtx, collection.get(), nss, specs); } catch (const DBException& ex) { return ex.toStatus(); } if (filteredSpecs.size() == 0) { // The requested index (specs) are already built or are being built. Return success // early (this is v4.0 behavior compatible). ReplIndexBuildState::IndexCatalogStats indexCatalogStats; int numIndexes = getNumIndexesTotal(opCtx, collection.get()); indexCatalogStats.numIndexesBefore = numIndexes; indexCatalogStats.numIndexesAfter = numIndexes; return SharedSemiFuture(indexCatalogStats); } // Bypass the thread pool if we are building indexes on an empty collection. if (shouldBuildIndexesOnEmptyCollectionSinglePhased(opCtx, collection.get(), protocol)) { ReplIndexBuildState::IndexCatalogStats indexCatalogStats; indexCatalogStats.numIndexesBefore = getNumIndexesTotal(opCtx, collection.get()); try { // Replicate this index build using the old-style createIndexes oplog entry to avoid // timestamping issues that would result from this empty collection optimization on a // secondary. If we tried to generate two phase index build startIndexBuild and // commitIndexBuild oplog entries, this optimization will fail to accurately timestamp // the catalog update when it uses the timestamp from the startIndexBuild, rather than // the commitIndexBuild, oplog entry. writeConflictRetry( opCtx, "IndexBuildsCoordinator::_filterSpecsAndRegisterBuild", nss.ns(), [&] { WriteUnitOfWork wuow(opCtx); createIndexesOnEmptyCollection(opCtx, collection, filteredSpecs, false); wuow.commit(); }); } catch (DBException& ex) { ex.addContext(str::stream() << "index build on empty collection failed: " << buildUUID); return ex.toStatus(); } indexCatalogStats.numIndexesAfter = getNumIndexesTotal(opCtx, collection.get()); return SharedSemiFuture(indexCatalogStats); } auto replIndexBuildState = std::make_shared( buildUUID, collectionUUID, dbName, filteredSpecs, protocol); replIndexBuildState->stats.numIndexesBefore = getNumIndexesTotal(opCtx, collection.get()); auto status = activeIndexBuilds.registerIndexBuild(replIndexBuildState); if (!status.isOK()) { return status; } indexBuildsSSS.registered.addAndFetch(1); // The index has been registered on the Coordinator in an unstarted state. Return an // uninitialized Future so that the caller can set up the index build by calling // _setUpIndexBuild(). The completion of the index build will be communicated via a Future // obtained from 'replIndexBuildState->sharedPromise'. return boost::none; } IndexBuildsCoordinator::PostSetupAction IndexBuildsCoordinator::_setUpIndexBuildInner( OperationContext* opCtx, std::shared_ptr replState, Timestamp startTimestamp, const IndexBuildOptions& indexBuildOptions) { auto [dbLock, collLock, rstl] = std::move(_acquireExclusiveLockWithRSTLRetry(opCtx, replState.get()).getValue()); CollectionWriter collection(opCtx, replState->collectionUUID); const auto& nss = collection.get()->ns(); CollectionShardingState::assertCollectionLockedAndAcquire(opCtx, nss) ->checkShardVersionOrThrow(opCtx); // We will not have a start timestamp if we are newly a secondary (i.e. we started as // primary but there was a stepdown). We will be unable to timestamp the initial catalog write, // so we must fail the index build. During initial sync, there is no commit timestamp set. auto replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(opCtx); if (!replCoord->canAcceptWritesFor(opCtx, nss) && indexBuildOptions.applicationMode != ApplicationMode::kInitialSync) { uassert(ErrorCodes::NotWritablePrimary, str::stream() << "Replication state changed while setting up the index build: " << replState->buildUUID, !startTimestamp.isNull()); } MultiIndexBlock::OnInitFn onInitFn; if (IndexBuildProtocol::kTwoPhase == replState->protocol) { // Change the startIndexBuild Oplog entry. // Two-phase index builds write a different oplog entry than the default behavior which // writes a no-op just to generate an optime. onInitFn = [&](std::vector& specs) { if (!(replCoord->getSettings().usingReplSets() && replCoord->canAcceptWritesFor(opCtx, nss))) { // Not primary. return Status::OK(); } // Two phase index builds should have commit quorum set. invariant(indexBuildOptions.commitQuorum, str::stream() << "Commit quorum required for two phase index build, buildUUID: " << replState->buildUUID << " collectionUUID: " << replState->collectionUUID); // Persist the commit quorum value in the config.system.indexBuilds collection. IndexBuildEntry indexBuildEntry(replState->buildUUID, replState->collectionUUID, indexBuildOptions.commitQuorum.value(), replState->indexNames); try { uassertStatusOK(indexbuildentryhelpers::addIndexBuildEntry(opCtx, indexBuildEntry)); } catch (const ExceptionFor& e) { // If config.system.indexBuilds is not found, convert the NamespaceNotFound // exception to an anonymous error code. This is to distinguish from // a NamespaceNotFound exception on the user collection, which callers sometimes // interpret as not being an error condition. uasserted(6325700, e.reason()); } opCtx->getServiceContext()->getOpObserver()->onStartIndexBuild( opCtx, nss, replState->collectionUUID, replState->buildUUID, replState->indexSpecs, false /* fromMigrate */); return Status::OK(); }; } else { onInitFn = MultiIndexBlock::makeTimestampedIndexOnInitFn(opCtx, collection.get()); } IndexBuildsManager::SetupOptions options; options.indexConstraints = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(opCtx)->shouldRelaxIndexConstraints(opCtx, nss) ? IndexBuildsManager::IndexConstraints::kRelax : IndexBuildsManager::IndexConstraints::kEnforce; options.protocol = replState->protocol; try { if (replCoord->canAcceptWritesFor(opCtx, collection->ns()) && !replCoord->getSettings().shouldRecoverFromOplogAsStandalone()) { // On standalones and primaries, call setUpIndexBuild(), which makes the initial catalog // write. On primaries, this replicates the startIndexBuild oplog entry. The start // timestamp is only set during oplog application. invariant(startTimestamp.isNull(), startTimestamp.toString()); uassertStatusOK(_indexBuildsManager.setUpIndexBuild( opCtx, collection, replState->indexSpecs, replState->buildUUID, onInitFn, options)); } else { // If we are starting the index build as a secondary, we must suppress calls to write // our initial oplog entry in setUpIndexBuild(). repl::UnreplicatedWritesBlock uwb(opCtx); boost::optional tsBlock; if (!startTimestamp.isNull()) { // Use the provided timestamp to write the initial catalog entry. This is also the // case when recovering from the oplog as a standalone. In general, if a timestamp // is provided, it should be used to avoid untimestamped writes. tsBlock.emplace(opCtx, startTimestamp); } uassertStatusOK(_indexBuildsManager.setUpIndexBuild( opCtx, collection, replState->indexSpecs, replState->buildUUID, onInitFn, options)); } // Mark the index build setup as complete, from now on cleanup is required on failure/abort. replState->completeSetup(); } catch (DBException& ex) { _indexBuildsManager.abortIndexBuild( opCtx, collection, replState->buildUUID, MultiIndexBlock::kNoopOnCleanUpFn); const auto& status = ex.toStatus(); if (IndexBuildsCoordinator::isCreateIndexesErrorSafeToIgnore(status, options.indexConstraints)) { LOGV2_DEBUG(20662, 1, "Ignoring indexing error: {error}", "Ignoring indexing error", "error"_attr = redact(status)); return PostSetupAction::kCompleteIndexBuildEarly; } throw; } if (isIndexBuildResumable(opCtx, *replState, indexBuildOptions)) { // We should only set this value if this is a hybrid index build. invariant(_indexBuildsManager.isBackgroundBuilding(replState->buildUUID)); // After the interceptors are set, get the latest optime in the oplog that could have // contained a write to this collection. We need to be holding the collection lock in X mode // so that we ensure that there are not any uncommitted transactions on this collection. replState->setLastOpTimeBeforeInterceptors(getLatestOplogOpTime(opCtx)); } return PostSetupAction::kContinueIndexBuild; } Status IndexBuildsCoordinator::_setUpIndexBuild(OperationContext* opCtx, const UUID& buildUUID, Timestamp startTimestamp, const IndexBuildOptions& indexBuildOptions) { auto replState = invariant(_getIndexBuild(buildUUID)); auto postSetupAction = PostSetupAction::kContinueIndexBuild; try { postSetupAction = _setUpIndexBuildInner(opCtx, replState, startTimestamp, indexBuildOptions); } catch (const DBException& ex) { auto status = ex.toStatus(); // Hold reference to the catalog for collection lookup without locks to be safe. auto catalog = CollectionCatalog::get(opCtx); CollectionPtr collection(catalog->lookupCollectionByUUID(opCtx, replState->collectionUUID)); invariant(collection, str::stream() << "Collection with UUID " << replState->collectionUUID << " should exist because an index build is in progress: " << replState->buildUUID); _cleanUpAfterFailure(opCtx, collection, replState, indexBuildOptions, status); // Setup is done within the index builder thread, signal to any waiters that an error // occurred. replState->sharedPromise.setError(status); return status; } // The indexes are in the durable catalog in an unfinished state. Return an OK status so // that the caller can continue building the indexes by calling _runIndexBuild(). if (PostSetupAction::kContinueIndexBuild == postSetupAction) { return Status::OK(); } // Unregister the index build before setting the promise, so callers do not see the build again. activeIndexBuilds.unregisterIndexBuild(&_indexBuildsManager, replState); // The requested index (specs) are already built or are being built. Return success // early (this is v4.0 behavior compatible). invariant(PostSetupAction::kCompleteIndexBuildEarly == postSetupAction, str::stream() << "failed to set up index build " << buildUUID << " with start timestamp " << startTimestamp.toString()); ReplIndexBuildState::IndexCatalogStats indexCatalogStats; int numIndexes = replState->stats.numIndexesBefore; indexCatalogStats.numIndexesBefore = numIndexes; indexCatalogStats.numIndexesAfter = numIndexes; replState->sharedPromise.emplaceValue(indexCatalogStats); return Status::OK(); } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::_runIndexBuild( OperationContext* opCtx, const UUID& buildUUID, const IndexBuildOptions& indexBuildOptions, const boost::optional& resumeInfo) noexcept { activeIndexBuilds.sleepIfNecessary_forTestOnly(); // If the index build does not exist, do not continue building the index. This may happen if an // ignorable indexing error occurred during setup. The promise will have been fulfilled, but the // build has already been unregistered. auto swReplState = _getIndexBuild(buildUUID); if (swReplState.getStatus() == ErrorCodes::NoSuchKey) { return; } auto replState = invariant(swReplState); // Try to set index build state to in-progress, if it has been aborted or interrupted then // signal any waiters and return early. auto tryStartStatus = replState->tryStart(opCtx); if (!tryStartStatus.isOK()) { replState->sharedPromise.setError(tryStartStatus); return; } // Add build UUID to lock manager diagnostic output. auto locker = opCtx->lockState(); auto oldLockerDebugInfo = locker->getDebugInfo(); { str::stream ss; ss << "index build: " << replState->buildUUID; if (!oldLockerDebugInfo.empty()) { ss << "; " << oldLockerDebugInfo; } locker->setDebugInfo(ss); } auto status = [&]() { try { _runIndexBuildInner(opCtx, replState, indexBuildOptions, resumeInfo); } catch (const DBException& ex) { return ex.toStatus(); } return Status::OK(); }(); locker->setDebugInfo(oldLockerDebugInfo); // Ensure the index build is unregistered from the Coordinator and the Promise is set with // the build's result so that callers are notified of the outcome. if (status.isOK()) { hangBeforeUnregisteringAfterCommit.pauseWhileSet(); // Unregister first so that when we fulfill the future, the build is not observed as active. activeIndexBuilds.unregisterIndexBuild(&_indexBuildsManager, replState); replState->sharedPromise.emplaceValue(replState->stats); return; } // During a failure, unregistering is handled by either the caller or the current thread, // depending on where the error originated. Signal to any waiters that an error occurred. replState->sharedPromise.setError(status); } namespace { template void runOnAlternateContext(OperationContext* opCtx, std::string name, Func func) { auto newClient = opCtx->getServiceContext()->makeClient(name); // TODO(SERVER-74657): Please revisit if this thread could be made killable. { stdx::lock_guard lk(*newClient.get()); newClient.get()->setSystemOperationUnkillableByStepdown(lk); } AlternativeClientRegion acr(newClient); const auto newCtx = cc().makeOperationContext(); func(newCtx.get()); } } // namespace void IndexBuildsCoordinator::_cleanUpAfterFailure(OperationContext* opCtx, const CollectionPtr& collection, std::shared_ptr replState, const IndexBuildOptions& indexBuildOptions, const Status& status) { if (!status.isA()) { try { // It is still possible to get a shutdown request while trying to clean-up. All shutdown // errors must be handled, or risk blocking shutdown due to the index build coordinator // waiting on index builds to finish because the index build state has not been updated // properly. if (status.code() == ErrorCodes::DataCorruptionDetected) { indexBuildsSSS.failedDueToDataCorruption.addAndFetch(1); LOGV2(7333600, "Index build: data corruption detected", "status"_attr = status); } if (IndexBuildProtocol::kSinglePhase == replState->protocol) { _cleanUpSinglePhaseAfterNonShutdownFailure( opCtx, collection, replState, indexBuildOptions, status); } else { _cleanUpTwoPhaseAfterNonShutdownFailure( opCtx, collection, replState, indexBuildOptions, status); } return; } catch (const DBException& ex) { if (!ex.isA()) { // The only expected errors are shutdown errors. fassert(7329405, ex.toStatus()); } } } _completeAbortForShutdown(opCtx, replState, collection); return; } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::_cleanUpSinglePhaseAfterNonShutdownFailure( OperationContext* opCtx, const CollectionPtr& collection, std::shared_ptr replState, const IndexBuildOptions& indexBuildOptions, const Status& status) { // The index builder thread can abort on its own if it is interrupted by a user killop. This // would prevent us from taking locks. Use a new OperationContext to abort the index build. runOnAlternateContext( opCtx, "self-abort", [this, replState, status](OperationContext* abortCtx) { ShouldNotConflictWithSecondaryBatchApplicationBlock noConflict(abortCtx->lockState()); // Skip RSTL to avoid deadlocks with prepare conflicts and state transitions caused by // taking a strong collection lock. See SERVER-42621. Lock::DBLockSkipOptions lockOptions{/*.skipFlowControlTicket=*/false, /*.skipRSTLLock=*/true}; Lock::DBLock dbLock(abortCtx, replState->dbName, MODE_IX, Date_t::max(), lockOptions); const NamespaceStringOrUUID dbAndUUID(replState->dbName, replState->collectionUUID); CollectionNamespaceOrUUIDLock collLock(abortCtx, dbAndUUID, MODE_X); AutoGetCollection indexBuildEntryColl( abortCtx, NamespaceString::kIndexBuildEntryNamespace, MODE_IX); _completeSelfAbort(abortCtx, replState, *indexBuildEntryColl, status); }); } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::_cleanUpTwoPhaseAfterNonShutdownFailure( OperationContext* opCtx, const CollectionPtr& collection, std::shared_ptr replState, const IndexBuildOptions& indexBuildOptions, const Status& status) { // We can only get here when there is no external abort, after a failure. If the operation has // been killed, it must have been from a killop. In which case we cannot continue and try to // vote, because we want the voting itself to be killable. Continue and try to abort as primary // or crash. if (!opCtx->isKillPending() && feature_flags::gIndexBuildGracefulErrorHandling.isEnabled( serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility)) { if (ErrorCodes::NotWritablePrimary == status && !replState->isAbortCleanUpRequired()) { // Clean up if the error happens due to stepdown before 'startIndexBuild' oplog entry is // replicated. Other nodes will not be aware of this index build, so trying to signal // for abort to the new primary cannot succeed. activeIndexBuilds.unregisterIndexBuild(&_indexBuildsManager, replState); return; } } // Use a new OperationContext to abort the index build since our current opCtx may be // interrupted. This is still susceptible to shutdown interrupts, but in that case, on server // restart the index build will also be restarted. This is also susceptible to user killops, but // in that case, we will let the error escape and the server will crash. runOnAlternateContext( opCtx, "self-abort", [this, replState, status](OperationContext* abortCtx) { // The index builder thread will need to reach out to the current primary to abort on // its own. This can happen if an error is thrown, it is interrupted by a user killop, // or is killed internally by something like the DiskSpaceMonitor. Voting for abort is // only allowed if the node did not previously attempt to vote for commit. // (Ignore FCV check): This feature flag doesn't have any upgrade/downgrade concerns. if (feature_flags::gIndexBuildGracefulErrorHandling.isEnabled( serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility) && replState->canVoteForAbort()) { // If we were interrupted by a caller internally who set a status, use that // status instead of the generic interruption error status. auto abortStatus = !replState->getAbortStatus().isOK() ? replState->getAbortStatus() : status; // Always request an abort to the primary node, even if we are primary. If // primary, the signal will loop back and cause an asynchronous external // index build abort. _signalPrimaryForAbortAndWaitForExternalAbort( abortCtx, replState.get(), abortStatus); // The abort, and state clean-up, is done externally by the async // 'voteAbortIndexBuild' command if the node is primary itself, or by the // 'indexBuildAbort' oplog entry application thread on secondaries. We'll re-throw // our error without doing anything else, as the index build is already cleaned // up, and the server will terminate otherwise. } else { ShouldNotConflictWithSecondaryBatchApplicationBlock noConflict( abortCtx->lockState()); // Take RSTL to observe and prevent replication state from changing. This is done // with the release/reacquire strategy to avoid deadlock with prepared txns. auto [dbLock, collLock, rstl] = std::move( _acquireExclusiveLockWithRSTLRetry(abortCtx, replState.get()).getValue()); const NamespaceStringOrUUID dbAndUUID(replState->dbName, replState->collectionUUID); auto replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(abortCtx); if (!replCoord->canAcceptWritesFor(abortCtx, dbAndUUID)) { if (replState->isSettingUp()) { // Clean up if the error happens before StartIndexBuild oplog entry // is replicated during startup or stepdown. activeIndexBuilds.unregisterIndexBuild(&_indexBuildsManager, replState); return; } else { // Index builds may not fail on secondaries. If a primary replicated // an abortIndexBuild oplog entry, then this index build would have // received an IndexBuildAborted error code. fassert(51101, status.withContext(str::stream() << "Index build: " << replState->buildUUID << "; Database: " << replState->dbName.toStringForErrorMsg())); } } AutoGetCollection indexBuildEntryColl( abortCtx, NamespaceString::kIndexBuildEntryNamespace, MODE_IX); _completeSelfAbort(abortCtx, replState, *indexBuildEntryColl, status); } }); } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::_runIndexBuildInner( OperationContext* opCtx, std::shared_ptr replState, const IndexBuildOptions& indexBuildOptions, const boost::optional& resumeInfo) { // This Status stays unchanged unless we catch an exception in the following try-catch block. auto status = Status::OK(); try { hangAfterInitializingIndexBuild.pauseWhileSet(opCtx); failIndexBuildWithError.executeIf( [](const BSONObj& data) { uasserted(data["error"].safeNumberInt(), "failIndexBuildWithError failpoint triggered"); }, [&](const BSONObj& data) { return UUID::parse(data["buildUUID"]) == replState->buildUUID; }); // Index builds can safely ignore prepare conflicts and perform writes. On secondaries, // prepare operations wait for index builds to complete. opCtx->recoveryUnit()->setPrepareConflictBehavior( PrepareConflictBehavior::kIgnoreConflictsAllowWrites); if (resumeInfo) { _resumeIndexBuildFromPhase(opCtx, replState, indexBuildOptions, resumeInfo.value()); } else { _buildIndex(opCtx, replState, indexBuildOptions); } } catch (const DBException& ex) { status = ex.toStatus(); } if (status.isOK()) { return; } if (status.code() == ErrorCodes::IndexBuildAborted) { auto replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(opCtx); auto& collector = ResourceConsumption::MetricsCollector::get(opCtx); // Only report metrics for index builds on primaries. We are being aborted by an external // thread, thus we can assume it is holding the RSTL while waiting for us to exit. bool wasCollecting = collector.endScopedCollecting(); bool isPrimary = replCoord->canAcceptWritesFor_UNSAFE( opCtx, {replState->dbName, replState->collectionUUID}); if (isPrimary && wasCollecting && ResourceConsumption::isMetricsAggregationEnabled()) { ResourceConsumption::get(opCtx).merge( opCtx, collector.getDbName(), collector.getMetrics()); } } // If the index build has already been cleaned-up because it encountered an error, there is no // work to do. If feature flag IndexBuildGracefulErrorHandling is not enabled, the most routine // case is for this to be due to a self-abort caused by constraint checking during the commit // phase. When the flag is enabled, constraint violations cause the index build to abort // immediately on primaries, and an async external abort is requested. if (replState->isAborted()) { if (ErrorCodes::isTenantMigrationError(replState->getAbortStatus())) uassertStatusOK(replState->getAbortStatus()); uassertStatusOK(status); } // We do not hold a collection lock here, but we are protected against the collection being // dropped while the index build is still registered for the collection -- until abortIndexBuild // is called. The collection can be renamed, but it is OK for the name to be stale just for // logging purposes. auto catalog = CollectionCatalog::get(opCtx); CollectionPtr collection(catalog->lookupCollectionByUUID(opCtx, replState->collectionUUID)); invariant(collection, str::stream() << "Collection with UUID " << replState->collectionUUID << " should exist because an index build is in progress: " << replState->buildUUID); NamespaceString nss = collection->ns(); logFailure(status, nss, replState); // If we received an external abort, the caller should have already set our state to kAborted. invariant(status.code() != ErrorCodes::IndexBuildAborted); if (MONGO_unlikely(hangIndexBuildBeforeAbortCleanUp.shouldFail())) { LOGV2(4753601, "Hanging due to hangIndexBuildBeforeAbortCleanUp fail point"); hangIndexBuildBeforeAbortCleanUp.pauseWhileSet(); } // If IndexBuildGracefulErrorHandling is not enabled, crash on unexpected build errors. When the // feature flag is enabled, two-phase builds can handle unexpected errors by requesting an abort // to the primary node. Single-phase builds can also abort immediately, as the primary or // standalone is the only node aware of the build. if (!feature_flags::gIndexBuildGracefulErrorHandling.isEnabled( serverGlobalParams.featureCompatibility)) { // Index builds only check index constraints when committing. If an error occurs at that // point, then the build is cleaned up while still holding the appropriate locks. The only // errors that we cannot anticipate are user interrupts and shutdown errors. if (status == ErrorCodes::OutOfDiskSpace) { LOGV2_ERROR(5642401, "Index build unable to proceed due to insufficient disk space", "error"_attr = status); fassertFailedNoTrace(5642402); } // WARNING: Do not add new exemptions to this assertion! If this assertion is failing, an // exception escaped during this index build. The solution should not be to add an exemption // for that exception. We should instead address the problem by preventing that exception // from being thrown in the first place. // // Simultaneous index builds are not resilient to arbitrary exceptions being thrown. // Secondaries will only abort when the primary replicates an abortIndexBuild oplog entry, // and primaries should only abort when they can guarantee the node will not step down. // // At this point, an exception was thrown, we released our locks, and our index build state // is not resumable. If we were primary when the exception was thrown, we are no longer // guaranteed to be primary at this point. If we were never primary or are no longer // primary, we will fatally assert. If we are still primary, we can hope to quickly // re-acquire our locks and abort the index build without issue. We will always fatally // assert in debug builds. // // Solutions to fixing this failing assertion may include: // * Suppress the errors during the index build and re-check the assertions that lead to the // error at commit time once we have acquired all of the appropriate locks in // _insertKeysFromSideTablesAndCommit(). // * Explicitly abort the index build with abortIndexBuildByBuildUUID() before performing an // operation that causes the index build to throw an error. if (opCtx->checkForInterruptNoAssert().isOK()) { if (TestingProctor::instance().isEnabled()) { LOGV2_FATAL(6967700, "Unexpected error code during index build cleanup", "error"_attr = status); } else { // Note: Even if we don't fatally assert, if the node has stepped-down from being // primary, then we will still crash shortly after this. As a secondary, index // builds must succeed, and if we are in this path, the index build failed without // being explicitly aborted by the primary. Only if we're lucky enough to still be // primary will we abort the index build without any nodes crashing. LOGV2_WARNING(6967701, "Unexpected error code during index build cleanup", "error"_attr = status); } } } _cleanUpAfterFailure(opCtx, collection, replState, indexBuildOptions, status); // Any error that escapes at this point is not fatal and can be handled by the caller. uassertStatusOK(status); } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::_resumeIndexBuildFromPhase( OperationContext* opCtx, std::shared_ptr replState, const IndexBuildOptions& indexBuildOptions, const ResumeIndexInfo& resumeInfo) { if (MONGO_unlikely(hangAfterSettingUpResumableIndexBuild.shouldFail())) { LOGV2(4841704, "Hanging index build due to failpoint 'hangAfterSettingUpResumableIndexBuild'"); hangAfterSettingUpResumableIndexBuild.pauseWhileSet(); } if (resumeInfo.getPhase() == IndexBuildPhaseEnum::kInitialized || resumeInfo.getPhase() == IndexBuildPhaseEnum::kCollectionScan) { boost::optional resumeAfterRecordId; if (resumeInfo.getCollectionScanPosition()) { resumeAfterRecordId = *resumeInfo.getCollectionScanPosition(); } _scanCollectionAndInsertSortedKeysIntoIndex(opCtx, replState, resumeAfterRecordId); } else if (resumeInfo.getPhase() == IndexBuildPhaseEnum::kBulkLoad) { _insertSortedKeysIntoIndexForResume(opCtx, replState); } _insertKeysFromSideTablesWithoutBlockingWrites(opCtx, replState); _signalPrimaryForCommitReadiness(opCtx, replState); _insertKeysFromSideTablesBlockingWrites(opCtx, replState, indexBuildOptions); _waitForNextIndexBuildActionAndCommit(opCtx, replState, indexBuildOptions); } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::_awaitLastOpTimeBeforeInterceptorsMajorityCommitted( OperationContext* opCtx, std::shared_ptr replState) { auto replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(opCtx); // The index build is not resumable if the node is in initial sync while building the index. if (!replState->isResumable()) { return; } auto timeoutMillis = gResumableIndexBuildMajorityOpTimeTimeoutMillis; if (timeoutMillis == 0) { // Disable resumable index build. replState->clearLastOpTimeBeforeInterceptors(); return; } Milliseconds timeout; Date_t deadline; if (timeoutMillis > 0) { timeout = Milliseconds(timeoutMillis); deadline = opCtx->getServiceContext()->getFastClockSource()->now() + timeout; } else { // Wait indefinitely for majority commit point. // Setting 'deadline' to Date_t::max() achieves the same effect as boost::none in // ReplicationCoordinatorImpl::waitUntilMajorityOpTime(). Additionally, providing a // 'deadline' of Date_t::max() is given special treatment in // OperationContext::waitForConditionOrInterruptNoAssertUntil(). timeout = Milliseconds::max(); deadline = Date_t::max(); } auto lastOpTimeBeforeInterceptors = replState->getLastOpTimeBeforeInterceptors(); LOGV2(4847600, "Index build: waiting for last optime before interceptors to be majority committed", "buildUUID"_attr = replState->buildUUID, "collectionUUID"_attr = replState->collectionUUID, "deadline"_attr = deadline, "timeout"_attr = timeout, "lastOpTime"_attr = lastOpTimeBeforeInterceptors); hangIndexBuildBeforeWaitingUntilMajorityOpTime.executeIf( [opCtx, buildUUID = replState->buildUUID](const BSONObj& data) { LOGV2( 4940901, "Hanging index build before waiting for the last optime before interceptors to be " "majority committed due to hangIndexBuildBeforeWaitingUntilMajorityOpTime " "failpoint", "buildUUID"_attr = buildUUID); hangIndexBuildBeforeWaitingUntilMajorityOpTime.pauseWhileSet(opCtx); }, [buildUUID = replState->buildUUID](const BSONObj& data) { auto buildUUIDs = data.getObjectField("buildUUIDs"); return std::any_of(buildUUIDs.begin(), buildUUIDs.end(), [buildUUID](const auto& elem) { return UUID::parse(elem.String()) == buildUUID; }); }); auto status = replCoord->waitUntilMajorityOpTime(opCtx, lastOpTimeBeforeInterceptors, deadline); if (!status.isOK()) { replState->clearLastOpTimeBeforeInterceptors(); LOGV2(5053900, "Index build: timed out waiting for the last optime before interceptors to be " "majority committed, continuing as a non-resumable index build", "buildUUID"_attr = replState->buildUUID, "collectionUUID"_attr = replState->collectionUUID, "deadline"_attr = deadline, "timeout"_attr = timeout, "lastOpTime"_attr = lastOpTimeBeforeInterceptors, "waitStatus"_attr = status); return; } // Since we waited for all the writes before the interceptors were established to be majority // committed, if we read at the majority commit point for the collection scan, then none of the // documents put into the sorter can be rolled back. opCtx->recoveryUnit()->setTimestampReadSource(RecoveryUnit::ReadSource::kMajorityCommitted); } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::_buildIndex(OperationContext* opCtx, std::shared_ptr replState, const IndexBuildOptions& indexBuildOptions) { auto failPointHang = [buildUUID = replState->buildUUID](FailPoint* fp) { if (MONGO_unlikely(fp->shouldFail())) { LOGV2(4940900, "Hanging before building index", "buildUUID"_attr = buildUUID); fp->pauseWhileSet(); } }; failPointHang(&hangBeforeBuildingIndex); failPointHang(&hangBeforeBuildingIndexSecond); // Read without a timestamp. When we commit, we block writes which guarantees all writes are // visible. invariant(RecoveryUnit::ReadSource::kNoTimestamp == opCtx->recoveryUnit()->getTimestampReadSource()); // The collection scan might read with a kMajorityCommitted read source, but will restore // kNoTimestamp afterwards. _scanCollectionAndInsertSortedKeysIntoIndex(opCtx, replState); _insertKeysFromSideTablesWithoutBlockingWrites(opCtx, replState); _signalPrimaryForCommitReadiness(opCtx, replState); _insertKeysFromSideTablesBlockingWrites(opCtx, replState, indexBuildOptions); _waitForNextIndexBuildActionAndCommit(opCtx, replState, indexBuildOptions); } /* * First phase is doing a collection scan and inserting keys into sorter. * Second phase is extracting the sorted keys and writing them into the new index table. */ void IndexBuildsCoordinator::_scanCollectionAndInsertSortedKeysIntoIndex( OperationContext* opCtx, std::shared_ptr replState, const boost::optional& resumeAfterRecordId) { // Collection scan and insert into index. // The collection scan phase of an index build is marked as low priority in order to reduce // impact on user operations. Other steps of the index builds such as the draining phase have // normal priority because index builds are required to eventually catch-up with concurrent // writers. Otherwise we risk never finishing the index build. ScopedAdmissionPriorityForLock priority(opCtx->lockState(), AdmissionContext::Priority::kLow); { indexBuildsSSS.scanCollection.addAndFetch(1); ScopeGuard scopeGuard([&] { opCtx->recoveryUnit()->setTimestampReadSource(RecoveryUnit::ReadSource::kNoTimestamp); }); // Wait for the last optime before the interceptors are established to be majority committed // while we aren't holding any locks. This will set the read source to be kMajorityCommitted // if it waited. _awaitLastOpTimeBeforeInterceptorsMajorityCommitted(opCtx, replState); Lock::DBLock autoDb(opCtx, replState->dbName, MODE_IX); const NamespaceStringOrUUID dbAndUUID(replState->dbName, replState->collectionUUID); CollectionNamespaceOrUUIDLock collLock(opCtx, dbAndUUID, MODE_IX); auto collection = _setUpForScanCollectionAndInsertSortedKeysIntoIndex(opCtx, replState); uassertStatusOK(_indexBuildsManager.startBuildingIndex( opCtx, collection, replState->buildUUID, resumeAfterRecordId)); if (MONGO_unlikely(hangAfterIndexBuildDumpsInsertsFromBulkLock.shouldFail())) { LOGV2(7490902, "Hanging while locking on failpoint hangAfterIndexBuildDumpsInsertsFromBulkLock"); hangAfterIndexBuildDumpsInsertsFromBulkLock.pauseWhileSet(); } } if (MONGO_unlikely(hangAfterIndexBuildDumpsInsertsFromBulk.shouldFail())) { LOGV2(20665, "Hanging after dumping inserts from bulk builder"); hangAfterIndexBuildDumpsInsertsFromBulk.pauseWhileSet(); } } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::_insertSortedKeysIntoIndexForResume( OperationContext* opCtx, std::shared_ptr replState) { // The collection scan phase of an index build is marked as low priority in order to reduce // impact on user operations. Other steps of the index builds such as the draining phase have // normal priority because index builds are required to eventually catch-up with concurrent // writers. Otherwise we risk never finishing the index build. ScopedAdmissionPriorityForLock priority(opCtx->lockState(), AdmissionContext::Priority::kLow); { Lock::DBLock autoDb(opCtx, replState->dbName, MODE_IX); const NamespaceStringOrUUID dbAndUUID(replState->dbName, replState->collectionUUID); CollectionNamespaceOrUUIDLock collLock(opCtx, dbAndUUID, MODE_IX); auto collection = _setUpForScanCollectionAndInsertSortedKeysIntoIndex(opCtx, replState); uassertStatusOK(_indexBuildsManager.resumeBuildingIndexFromBulkLoadPhase( opCtx, collection, replState->buildUUID)); } if (MONGO_unlikely(hangAfterIndexBuildDumpsInsertsFromBulk.shouldFail())) { LOGV2(4940800, "Hanging after dumping inserts from bulk builder"); hangAfterIndexBuildDumpsInsertsFromBulk.pauseWhileSet(); } } CollectionPtr IndexBuildsCoordinator::_setUpForScanCollectionAndInsertSortedKeysIntoIndex( OperationContext* opCtx, std::shared_ptr replState) { // Rebuilding system indexes during startup using the IndexBuildsCoordinator is done by all // storage engines if they're missing. invariant(_indexBuildsManager.isBackgroundBuilding(replState->buildUUID)); CollectionPtr collection( CollectionCatalog::get(opCtx)->lookupCollectionByUUID(opCtx, replState->collectionUUID)); invariant(collection); collection.makeYieldable(opCtx, LockedCollectionYieldRestore(opCtx, collection)); return collection; } /* * Third phase is catching up on all the writes that occurred during the first two phases. */ void IndexBuildsCoordinator::_insertKeysFromSideTablesWithoutBlockingWrites( OperationContext* opCtx, std::shared_ptr replState) { indexBuildsSSS.drainSideWritesTable.addAndFetch(1); // Perform the first drain while holding an intent lock. const NamespaceStringOrUUID dbAndUUID(replState->dbName, replState->collectionUUID); { Lock::DBLock autoDb(opCtx, replState->dbName, MODE_IX); CollectionNamespaceOrUUIDLock collLock(opCtx, dbAndUUID, MODE_IX); uassertStatusOK(_indexBuildsManager.drainBackgroundWrites( opCtx, replState->buildUUID, getReadSourceForDrainBeforeCommitQuorum(*replState), IndexBuildInterceptor::DrainYieldPolicy::kYield)); } if (MONGO_unlikely(hangAfterIndexBuildFirstDrain.shouldFail())) { LOGV2(20666, "Hanging after index build first drain", "buildUUID"_attr = replState->buildUUID); hangAfterIndexBuildFirstDrain.pauseWhileSet(opCtx); } } void IndexBuildsCoordinator::_insertKeysFromSideTablesBlockingWrites( OperationContext* opCtx, std::shared_ptr replState, const IndexBuildOptions& indexBuildOptions) { indexBuildsSSS.drainSideWritesTablePreCommit.addAndFetch(1); const NamespaceStringOrUUID dbAndUUID(replState->dbName, replState->collectionUUID); // Perform the second drain while stopping writes on the collection. { // Skip RSTL to avoid deadlocks with prepare conflicts and state transitions. See // SERVER-42621. Lock::DBLockSkipOptions lockOptions{/*.skipFlowControlTicket=*/false, /*.skipRSTLLock=*/true}; Lock::DBLock autoDb{opCtx, replState->dbName, MODE_IX, Date_t::max(), lockOptions}; CollectionNamespaceOrUUIDLock collLock(opCtx, dbAndUUID, MODE_S); uassertStatusOK(_indexBuildsManager.drainBackgroundWrites( opCtx, replState->buildUUID, getReadSourceForDrainBeforeCommitQuorum(*replState), IndexBuildInterceptor::DrainYieldPolicy::kNoYield)); } if (MONGO_unlikely(hangAfterIndexBuildSecondDrain.shouldFail())) { LOGV2(20667, "Hanging after index build second drain"); hangAfterIndexBuildSecondDrain.pauseWhileSet(); } } /** * Continue the third phase of catching up on all remaining writes that occurred and then commit. * Accepts a commit timestamp for the index (null if not available). */ IndexBuildsCoordinator::CommitResult IndexBuildsCoordinator::_insertKeysFromSideTablesAndCommit( OperationContext* opCtx, std::shared_ptr replState, IndexBuildAction action, const IndexBuildOptions& indexBuildOptions, const Timestamp& commitIndexBuildTimestamp) { if (MONGO_unlikely(hangIndexBuildBeforeCommit.shouldFail())) { LOGV2(4841706, "Hanging before committing index build"); hangIndexBuildBeforeCommit.pauseWhileSet(); } // Need to return the collection lock back to exclusive mode to complete the index build. auto locksOrStatus = _acquireExclusiveLockWithRSTLRetry(opCtx, replState.get(), /*retry=*/false); if (!locksOrStatus.isOK()) { return CommitResult::kLockTimeout; } auto [dbLock, collLock, rstl] = std::move(locksOrStatus.getValue()); const NamespaceStringOrUUID dbAndUUID(replState->dbName, replState->collectionUUID); auto replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(opCtx); AutoGetCollection indexBuildEntryColl( opCtx, NamespaceString::kIndexBuildEntryNamespace, MODE_IX); // If we are no longer primary after receiving a commit quorum, we must restart and wait for a // new signal from a new primary because we cannot commit. Note that two-phase index builds can // retry because a new signal should be received. Single-phase builds will be unable to commit // and will self-abort. bool isPrimary = replCoord->canAcceptWritesFor(opCtx, dbAndUUID) && !replCoord->getSettings().shouldRecoverFromOplogAsStandalone(); if (!isPrimary && IndexBuildAction::kCommitQuorumSatisfied == action) { return CommitResult::kNoLongerPrimary; } if (IndexBuildAction::kOplogCommit == action) { replState->onOplogCommit(isPrimary); } // While we are still holding the RSTL and before returning, ensure the metrics collected for // this index build are attributed to the primary that commits or aborts the index build. ScopeGuard metricsGuard([&]() { auto& collector = ResourceConsumption::MetricsCollector::get(opCtx); bool wasCollecting = collector.endScopedCollecting(); if (!isPrimary || !wasCollecting || !ResourceConsumption::isMetricsAggregationEnabled()) { return; } ResourceConsumption::get(opCtx).merge(opCtx, collector.getDbName(), collector.getMetrics()); }); // The collection object should always exist while an index build is registered. CollectionWriter collection(opCtx, replState->collectionUUID); invariant(collection, str::stream() << "Collection not found after relocking. Index build: " << replState->buildUUID << ", collection UUID: " << replState->collectionUUID); { indexBuildsSSS.drainSideWritesTableOnCommit.addAndFetch(1); // Perform the third and final drain after releasing a shared lock and reacquiring an // exclusive lock on the collection. uassertStatusOK(_indexBuildsManager.drainBackgroundWrites( opCtx, replState->buildUUID, RecoveryUnit::ReadSource::kNoTimestamp, IndexBuildInterceptor::DrainYieldPolicy::kNoYield)); } try { failIndexBuildOnCommit.execute( [](const BSONObj&) { uasserted(4698903, "index build aborted due to failpoint"); }); // If we are no longer primary and a single phase index build started as primary attempts to // commit, trigger a self-abort. if (!isPrimary && IndexBuildAction::kSinglePhaseCommit == action) { uassertStatusOK( {ErrorCodes::NotWritablePrimary, str::stream() << "Unable to commit index build because we are no longer primary: " << replState->buildUUID}); } // Retry indexing records that failed key generation, but only if we are primary. // Secondaries rely on the primary's decision to commit as assurance that it has checked all // key generation errors on its behalf. if (isPrimary) { uassertStatusOK(_indexBuildsManager.retrySkippedRecords( opCtx, replState->buildUUID, collection.get())); } // Duplicate key constraint checking phase. Duplicate key errors are tracked for // single-phase builds on primaries and two-phase builds in all replication states. // Single-phase builds on secondaries don't track duplicates so this call is a no-op. This // can be called for two-phase builds in all replication states except during initial sync // when this node is not guaranteed to be consistent. { indexBuildsSSS.processConstraintsViolatonTableOnCommit.addAndFetch(1); bool twoPhaseAndNotInitialSyncing = IndexBuildProtocol::kTwoPhase == replState->protocol && !replCoord->getMemberState().startup2(); if (IndexBuildProtocol::kSinglePhase == replState->protocol || twoPhaseAndNotInitialSyncing) { uassertStatusOK(_indexBuildsManager.checkIndexConstraintViolations( opCtx, collection.get(), replState->buildUUID)); } } indexBuildsSSS.commit.addAndFetch(1); // If two phase index builds is enabled, index build will be coordinated using // startIndexBuild and commitIndexBuild oplog entries. auto onCommitFn = [&] { onCommitIndexBuild(opCtx, collection->ns(), replState); }; auto onCreateEachFn = [&](const BSONObj& spec) { if (IndexBuildProtocol::kTwoPhase == replState->protocol) { return; } auto opObserver = opCtx->getServiceContext()->getOpObserver(); auto fromMigrate = false; opObserver->onCreateIndex( opCtx, collection->ns(), replState->collectionUUID, spec, fromMigrate); }; // Commit index build. TimestampBlock tsBlock(opCtx, commitIndexBuildTimestamp); uassertStatusOK(_indexBuildsManager.commitIndexBuild( opCtx, collection, collection->ns(), replState->buildUUID, onCreateEachFn, onCommitFn)); } catch (const ExceptionForCat& e) { logFailure(e.toStatus(), collection->ns(), replState); _completeAbortForShutdown(opCtx, replState, collection.get()); throw; } catch (const DBException& e) { auto status = e.toStatus(); logFailure(status, collection->ns(), replState); // It is illegal to abort the index build at this point. Note that Interruption exceptions // are allowed because we cannot control them as they bypass the routine abort machinery. invariant(e.code() != ErrorCodes::IndexBuildAborted); // Index build commit may not fail on secondaries because it implies diverenge with data on // the primary. The only exception is single-phase builds started on primaries, which may // fail after a state transition. In this case, we have not replicated anything to // roll-back. With two-phase index builds, if a primary replicated an abortIndexBuild oplog // entry, then this index build should have been interrupted before committing with an // IndexBuildAborted error code. const bool twoPhaseAndNotPrimary = IndexBuildProtocol::kTwoPhase == replState->protocol && !isPrimary; if (twoPhaseAndNotPrimary) { LOGV2_FATAL(4698902, "Index build failed while not primary", "buildUUID"_attr = replState->buildUUID, "collectionUUID"_attr = replState->collectionUUID, logAttrs(replState->dbName), "error"_attr = status); } // This index build failed due to an indexing error in normal circumstances. Abort while // still holding the RSTL and collection locks. _completeSelfAbort(opCtx, replState, *indexBuildEntryColl, status); throw; } removeIndexBuildEntryAfterCommitOrAbort(opCtx, dbAndUUID, *indexBuildEntryColl, *replState); replState->stats.numIndexesAfter = getNumIndexesTotal(opCtx, collection.get()); LOGV2(20663, "Index build: completed successfully", "buildUUID"_attr = replState->buildUUID, "collectionUUID"_attr = replState->collectionUUID, logAttrs(collection->ns()), "indexesBuilt"_attr = replState->indexNames, "numIndexesBefore"_attr = replState->stats.numIndexesBefore, "numIndexesAfter"_attr = replState->stats.numIndexesAfter); return CommitResult::kSuccess; } StatusWith> IndexBuildsCoordinator::_runIndexRebuildForRecovery( OperationContext* opCtx, CollectionWriter& collection, const UUID& buildUUID, RepairData repair) noexcept { invariant(opCtx->lockState()->isCollectionLockedForMode(collection->ns(), MODE_X)); auto replState = invariant(_getIndexBuild(buildUUID)); // We rely on 'collection' for any collection information because no databases are open during // recovery. NamespaceString nss = collection->ns(); invariant(!nss.isEmpty()); auto status = Status::OK(); long long numRecords = 0; long long dataSize = 0; ReplIndexBuildState::IndexCatalogStats indexCatalogStats; indexCatalogStats.numIndexesBefore = getNumIndexesTotal(opCtx, collection.get()); try { LOGV2(20673, "Index builds manager starting", "buildUUID"_attr = buildUUID, logAttrs(nss)); std::tie(numRecords, dataSize) = uassertStatusOK(_indexBuildsManager.startBuildingIndexForRecovery( opCtx, collection.get(), buildUUID, repair)); // Since we are holding an exclusive collection lock to stop new writes, do not yield locks // while draining. uassertStatusOK(_indexBuildsManager.drainBackgroundWrites( opCtx, replState->buildUUID, RecoveryUnit::ReadSource::kNoTimestamp, IndexBuildInterceptor::DrainYieldPolicy::kNoYield)); uassertStatusOK(_indexBuildsManager.checkIndexConstraintViolations( opCtx, collection.get(), replState->buildUUID)); // Commit the index build. uassertStatusOK(_indexBuildsManager.commitIndexBuild(opCtx, collection, nss, buildUUID, MultiIndexBlock::kNoopOnCreateEachFn, MultiIndexBlock::kNoopOnCommitFn)); indexCatalogStats.numIndexesAfter = getNumIndexesTotal(opCtx, collection.get()); LOGV2(20674, "Index builds manager completed successfully", "buildUUID"_attr = buildUUID, logAttrs(nss), "indexSpecsRequested"_attr = replState->indexSpecs.size(), "numIndexesBefore"_attr = indexCatalogStats.numIndexesBefore, "numIndexesAfter"_attr = indexCatalogStats.numIndexesAfter); } catch (const DBException& ex) { status = ex.toStatus(); invariant(status != ErrorCodes::IndexAlreadyExists); LOGV2(20675, "Index builds manager failed", "buildUUID"_attr = buildUUID, logAttrs(nss), "error"_attr = status); } // Index build is registered in manager regardless of IndexBuildsManager::setUpIndexBuild() // result. if (!status.isOK()) { // An index build failure during recovery is fatal. logFailure(status, nss, replState); fassertNoTrace(51076, status); } // 'numIndexesBefore' was before we cleared any unfinished indexes, so it must be the same // as 'numIndexesAfter', since we're going to be building any unfinished indexes too. invariant(indexCatalogStats.numIndexesBefore == indexCatalogStats.numIndexesAfter); activeIndexBuilds.unregisterIndexBuild(&_indexBuildsManager, replState); if (status.isOK()) { return std::make_pair(numRecords, dataSize); } return status; } StatusWith> IndexBuildsCoordinator::_getIndexBuild( const UUID& buildUUID) const { return activeIndexBuilds.getIndexBuild(buildUUID); } std::vector> IndexBuildsCoordinator::_getIndexBuilds() const { auto filter = [](const auto& replState) { return true; }; return activeIndexBuilds.filterIndexBuilds(filter); } int IndexBuildsCoordinator::getNumIndexesTotal(OperationContext* opCtx, const CollectionPtr& collection) { invariant(collection); const auto& nss = collection->ns(); invariant(opCtx->lockState()->isLocked(), str::stream() << "Unable to get index count because collection was not locked" << nss.toStringForErrorMsg()); auto indexCatalog = collection->getIndexCatalog(); invariant(indexCatalog, str::stream() << "Collection is missing index catalog: " << nss.toStringForErrorMsg()); return indexCatalog->numIndexesTotal(); } std::vector IndexBuildsCoordinator::prepareSpecListForCreate( OperationContext* opCtx, const CollectionPtr& collection, const NamespaceString& nss, const std::vector& indexSpecs) { CollectionCatalog::get(opCtx)->invariantHasExclusiveAccessToCollection(opCtx, collection->ns()); invariant(collection); // During secondary oplog application, the index specs have already been normalized in the // oplog entries read from the primary. We should not be modifying the specs any further. auto indexCatalog = collection->getIndexCatalog(); auto replCoord = repl::ReplicationCoordinator::get(opCtx); if (!replCoord->canAcceptWritesFor(opCtx, nss)) { // A secondary node with a subset of the indexes already built will not vote for the commit // quorum, which can stall the index build indefinitely on a replica set. auto specsToBuild = indexCatalog->removeExistingIndexes( opCtx, collection, indexSpecs, /*removeIndexBuildsToo=*/true); if (indexSpecs.size() != specsToBuild.size()) { LOGV2_WARNING(7176900, "Secondary node already has a subset of indexes built and will not " "participate in voting towards the commit quorum. Use the " "'setIndexCommitQuorum' command to adjust the commit quorum accordingly", logAttrs(nss), logAttrs(collection->uuid()), "requestedSpecs"_attr = indexSpecs, "specsToBuild"_attr = specsToBuild); } return indexSpecs; } // Normalize the specs' collations, wildcard projections, and any other fields as applicable. auto normalSpecs = normalizeIndexSpecs(opCtx, collection, indexSpecs); // Remove any index specifications which already exist in the catalog. auto resultSpecs = indexCatalog->removeExistingIndexes( opCtx, collection, normalSpecs, false /*removeIndexBuildsToo*/); // Verify that each spec is compatible with the collection's sharding state. for (const BSONObj& spec : resultSpecs) { if (spec[kUniqueFieldName].trueValue() || spec[kPrepareUniqueFieldName].trueValue()) { checkShardKeyRestrictions(opCtx, nss, spec[kKeyFieldName].Obj()); } } return resultSpecs; } // Returns normalized versions of 'indexSpecs' for the catalog. std::vector IndexBuildsCoordinator::normalizeIndexSpecs( OperationContext* opCtx, const CollectionPtr& collection, const std::vector& indexSpecs) { // This helper function may be called before the collection is created, when we are attempting // to check whether the candidate index collides with any existing indexes. If 'collection' is // nullptr, skip normalization. Since the collection does not exist there cannot be a conflict, // and we will normalize once the candidate spec is submitted to the IndexBuildsCoordinator. if (!collection) { return indexSpecs; } // Add collection-default collation where needed and normalize the collation in each index spec. auto normalSpecs = uassertStatusOK(collection->addCollationDefaultsToIndexSpecsForCreate(opCtx, indexSpecs)); // We choose not to normalize the spec's partialFilterExpression at this point, if it exists. // Doing so often reduces the legibility of the filter to the end-user, and makes it difficult // for clients to validate (via the listIndexes output) whether a given partialFilterExpression // is equivalent to the filter that they originally submitted. Omitting this normalization does // not impact our internal index comparison semantics, since we compare based on the parsed // MatchExpression trees rather than the serialized BSON specs. // // For similar reasons we do not normalize index projection objects here, if any, so their // original forms get persisted in the catalog. Projection normalization to detect whether a // candidate new index would duplicate an existing index is done only in the memory-only // 'IndexDescriptor._normalizedProjection' field. return normalSpecs; } } // namespace mongo