test_kind: js_test selector: roots: - jstests/core/write/**/*.js exclude_files: # The following tests fail because a certain command or functionality is not supported by mongos. # This command or functionality is placed in a comment next to the failing test. - jstests/core/**/collection_truncate.js # emptycapped. # These tests create secondary unique: true indexes without the shard key prefix. - jstests/core/**/batch_write_command_update.js - jstests/core/**/batch_write_command_w0.js - jstests/core/**/bulk_api_unordered.js - jstests/core/**/bulk_api_ordered.js # Test assertions expect a certain document is deleted whereas updateOnes, deleteOnes, and # findAndModify without shard key can pick and modify any matching document. - jstests/core/**/crud_api.js # TODO SERVER-76907: Include hint stage if the original query provides one. - jstests/core/**/update_hint.js - jstests/core/**/delete_hint.js - jstests/core/**/find_and_modify_hint.js # Aggregation does not support $where. - jstests/core/**/find_and_modify_concurrent_update.js - jstests/core/**/find_and_modify_where.js # {multi: true} upsert requires specifying the full shard key. - jstests/core/**/update_multi_halts.js - jstests/core/**/updatei.js # {multi: true} update testing behavior not applicable to sharded clusters - jstests/core/**/updatej.js - jstests/core/**/write_result.js exclude_with_any_tags: - assumes_against_mongod_not_mongos # Tests tagged with the following will fail because they assume collections are not sharded. - assumes_no_implicit_collection_creation_after_drop - cannot_create_unique_index_when_using_hashed_shard_key executor: archive: hooks: - CheckReplDBHash - CheckMetadataConsistencyInBackground - ValidateCollections config: shell_options: eval: load("jstests/libs/override_methods/implicitly_shard_accessed_collections.js") hooks: - class: CheckReplDBHash - class: CheckMetadataConsistencyInBackground - class: ValidateCollections - class: CleanEveryN n: 20 fixture: class: ShardedClusterFixture num_shards: 2 enable_balancer: false mongos_options: set_parameters: enableTestCommands: 1 mongod_options: set_parameters: enableTestCommands: 1