#!/usr/bin/perl use Test::Harness qw(&runtests $verbose); use File::Find; use strict; sub run_cmd (@); my %dispatch = ( "run" => \&run_cmd, ); =head1 NAME unit - Run unit tests in directory =head1 SYNOPSIS unit run =cut my $cmd = shift; if (defined $cmd && exists $dispatch{$cmd}) { $dispatch{$cmd}->(@ARGV); } else { print "Unknown command", (defined $cmd ? " $cmd" : ""), ".\n"; print "Available commands are: ", join(", ", keys %dispatch), "\n"; } =head2 run Run all unit tests in the current directory and all subdirectories. =cut sub _find_test_files (@) { my @dirs = @_; my @files; find sub { $File::Find::prune = 1 if /^SCCS$/; push(@files, $File::Find::name) if -x _ && /-t\z/; }, @dirs; return @files; } sub run_cmd (@) { my @files; # If no directories were supplied, we add all directories in the # current directory except 'mytap' since it is not part of the # test suite. if (@_ == 0) { # Ignore these directories my @ignore = qw(mytap SCCS); # Build an expression from the directories above that tests if a # directory should be included in the list or not. my $ignore = join(' && ', map { '$_ ne ' . "'$_'"} @ignore); # Open and read the directory. Filter out all files, hidden # directories, and directories named above. opendir(DIR, ".") or die "Cannot open '.': $!\n"; @_ = grep { -d $_ && $_ !~ /^\..*/ && eval $ignore } readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); } print "Running tests: @_\n"; foreach my $name (@_) { push(@files, _find_test_files $name) if -d $name; push(@files, $name) if -f $name; } if (@files > 0) { # Removing the first './' from the file names foreach (@files) { s!^\./!! } $ENV{'HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES'} .= q" -e 'exec @ARGV'"; runtests @files; } }