#!/usr/bin/perl # This is a test with stores big records in a blob # Note that for the default test the mysql server should have been # started with at least 'mysqld -O max_allowed_packet=200k' $host= shift || ""; $test_db="test"; $opt_user=$opt_password=""; use DBI; $|= 1; # Autoflush $table="test_big_record"; $rows=20; # Test of blobs up to ($rows-1)*10000+1 bytes print "Connection to database $test_db\n"; $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$test_db:$host",$opt_user,$opt_password) || die "Can't connect: $DBI::errstr\n"; $dbh->do("drop table if exists $table"); print "Creating table $table\n"; ($dbh->do("\ CREATE TABLE $table ( auto int(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' auto_increment, test mediumblob, PRIMARY KEY (auto))")) or die $DBI::errstr; print "Inserting $rows records\n"; for ($i=0 ; $i < $rows ; $i++) { $tmp= chr(65+$i) x ($i*10000+1); $tmp= $dbh->quote($tmp); $dbh->do("insert into $table (test) values ($tmp)") or die $DBI::errstr; } print "Testing records\n"; $sth=$dbh->prepare("select * from $table") or die $dbh->errstr; $sth->execute() or die $sth->errstr; $i=0; while (($row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref)) { print $row->[0]," ",length($row->[1]),"\n"; die "Record $i had wrong data in blob" if ($row->[1] ne (chr(65+$i)) x ($i*10000+1)); $i++; } die "Didn't get all rows from server" if ($i != $rows); $dbh->do("drop table $table") or die $DBI::errstr; print "Test ok\n"; exit 0;